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該当件数 : 37



Shellfishes such as Tsubu and scallop.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


seafood served in a scallop shell  - 日本語WordNet


Group 5: Chapters Usugumo, Otome, Hotaru, and Tokonatsu  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To form an environment appropriate for inhabiting favorable for not only fireflies but also aquatic insects, microbes, alga, fishes, other vertebrates, etc. - 特許庁



Grilled skewered seafood (such as squid, scallop, and shishamo smelt [Spirinchus lanceolatus]) may also be served as 'yakitori.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is also available to correct the knowledge of an error candidate word group by preparing an error statistic integration part 6 for integrating statistic information concerned with errors or a similarity evaluation part 8 for evaluating the similarity of two words in the error word group. - 特許庁


To improve filter equipment for wastewater after a shell breeding bascket is washed, used for effectively collecting removed adherent matters contained in used wastewater (turbid water) generated when the shell breeding basket mainly adapted to scallops is washed on the seashore or the like. - 特許庁


This anti-freeze protein is obtained by isolating a new protein produced by basidiomycetes such as Typhula ishikariensis, etc., secreted to the outside of cells and having high anti-freezing activities, and purifying. - 特許庁


The method in which the burred powder of scallop shells is added to cereal powders or processed foods or the cereal powders or processed foods to which the method is applied. - 特許庁



The sentence input program 104 retrieves the candidate words which are estimated to be inputted continuously from the retrieved synonym and the like on the basis of the retrieved synonym or the word having the abstractiveness same as the determined word. - 特許庁



The new series comes in two types: nut-flavored Indian curry topped with squid and European-style curry topped with scallops.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The modified proteins are prepared by modifying a muscle protein of fish and shellfish such as salmon, carp or scallop with sugar and making water-soluble. - 特許庁


To provide a heterocyclic compound having a structure similar to the Photinus pyralis luciferin to be utilized as a photogenic substrate for the photogenic beetle luciferase photogenic system. - 特許庁


Based on the classifications presented by Mr.Kusaoke, we aim to divide the fireflies of the Kansai area into five groups.  - Weblio Email例文集


To provide a packing container for transporting live shellfishes, with which live shellfishes such as landed scallops, bivalves, oysters, Spisula sachalinensis, etc., are kept in cold storage while maintaining freshness in living states as they are and not affected by outside temperatures even in transportation for many hours. - 特許庁


To provide a method for recovering bastnaesite and other rare earth oxides from complex and weathered ores containing barite, fluorites, silicates, and iron oxides, and provide collecting agents for barite, fluorites, and bastnaesite for the method. - 特許庁


The water quality improving agent contains one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of oyster shell, scallop shell and surf clam shell as the shells. - 特許庁


To provide a method and apparatus for carrying out a cleaning work of surface of scallop shells during a hanging culture of scallops where the culturing shells are hung in a predetermined space on a rope at the ear parts. - 特許庁


The neutral fat accumulation inhibitor or the slimming agent having an excellent effect contains, as an active ingredient, an extract of one or more shellfishes selected from Tapes philippinarum, Fulvia mutica, Patinopecten yessoensis, and Atrina pectinata japonica with a water-soluble solvent. - 特許庁


To solve a problem that a portable paper money identifier is made large, expensive and unsuitable for carrying since truth-false is identified by detecting the magnetic ink printing part, fluorescent ink part and fine printing part of an identification element. - 特許庁


To provide an algal reef in which unpulverized materials of seashells can be used and adhesion ratio of algae can be increased when effectively utilizing waste materials of seashells of oyster, pearl, turban shell, scallop, etc. - 特許庁


Though scallop mantles have taste peculiar to a shellfish, the sea smell of the scallop mantles is weakened when blended with the shredded dried Japanese radishes whose shape and texture (sense of chewing, etc.) are similar, and the rich taste and crunchiness the scallop mantles originally have can be felt as an impressive and fresh texture by consumers. - 特許庁


A characteristic quantity comparing part 12 calculates the similarity or difference by comparing the characteristic quantities and creates candidates for corresponding characteristic point pairs having a high correspondence possibility. - 特許庁


To establish a carrying-in control method for storage-retrieval machine system capable of accepting incoming goods corresponding to the secured racks preset by sorts of products even if a concentration of products is generated to one storage-retrieval machine. - 特許庁


To provide a practical method for efficiently removing harmful metals such as Cd in waste mainly composed of soft body parts such as mid-intestine gland (generally called 'uro' and hereinafter called waste visora) which are discharged without being utilized in food processing of a scallop. - 特許庁


To provide a method and device for presenting the next retrieval candidate word for presenting the next retrieval candidate word by classifying words in a group, and generating a further fragmented group and a recording medium in which a next retrieval candidate word presenting program is recorded. - 特許庁


The specific tag family members are mutually differentiated by specific hybridization to the tag complement. - 特許庁


A nonvolatile memory 3 stores a plurality of historical data which show histories of origination and termination by a communication device, by classifying them into a display target group and a potential group. - 特許庁


This nucleic acid probe characterized by containing arbitrary ten continuous nucleotides contained in a probe selected from the group consisting of probes 1656, 1657, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1651, 1595, 1598, 1599, 1639, 1640, 1641 and 1746 and their complements. - 特許庁


To provide a glowfly-culturing apparatus which can increase the content of oxygen dissolved in water, has an excellent water-purifying property, can prepare a good habitat environment for the larvae of the glowflies and shellfishes to be eaten as feeds, and has excellent maintainability. - 特許庁


The neutral fat accumulation promoter or the breast-enlarging agent contains, as an active ingredient, an extract obtained by extracting one or more shellfishes selected from among Tapes philippinarum, Meretrix lusoria, Neptunea arthritica, Fulvia mutica, Tresus keenae, Spisula sachalinensis, Patinopecten yessoensis, and Atrina pectinata japonica using carbon dioxide as a supercritical extractant. - 特許庁


To provide a shell material and a manufacturing method for the same, capable of securing stability to waves and currents when the shells are used as materials for construction of an artificial-beach nourishment, a shallow bottom, and an artificial tidal flat for efficiently using the shells of shellfish such as freshwater clams, scallops, oysters, and the like. - 特許庁


Ingredients used for toppings are typically seafood used for sushi such as tune, negitoro (fatty tuna and leek onion), scallop, salmon, squid, shrimp, octopus, salmon roe and sea-urchin egg, as well as a soy-flavored omelet and vinegared ginger pickles, and often served with such colorful vegetables as green perillas, cucumber slices and boiled snow peas together with wasabi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A likelihood recalculating part 20 searches for learned words from the five recognition candidate words of a higher rank by retrieving a model storing part 19 and sends a character string consisting of the learned words and analogous words which are most highly ranked besides the learned words to a model forming part 17. - 特許庁


To provide a method for removing heavy metals in a marine product processing residue by which a marine product processing residue is washed with an acid treatment liquid, and thereafter, heavy metal ions in the residue washing liquid can be efficiently electrolytically removed in order to remove heavy metals contained in the marine product processing residue such as the internal organs of a scallop and a cuttlefish and to effectively utilize the marine product processing residue. - 特許庁


The protein has luciferase activity and at least 60% similarity to luciferase from Photinus pyralis, Luciola mingrelica, Luciola cruciata or Luciola lateralis, Hotaria paroula, Pyrophorus plagiophtalamus, Lampyris noctiluca, Pyrocoelia nayako or Photinus pennsylanvanica. - 特許庁



An area extracting section 22 extracts, from a front image captured by an imaging device 12, a high-brightness area where a brightness value is a threshold value or greater, and a pair candidate searching section 24 searches the extracted high-brightness areas for a pair of those that is similar and arranged in a transverse direction, as vehicle-light pair candidates. - 特許庁


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