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該当件数 : 146



There is a wide range of other additional ingredients, like chikuwa fish paste, kamaboko (steamed fish paste), dried shredded fish seasoning (denbu), cooked deep-fried tofu, seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu), boiled octopus and shrimps, grilled conger eel and cooked squid.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Carving a Buddha statue on natural rock had been widely seen in Buddhist countries of Asia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Dishes containing root crops, potatoes, konjac, konbu kelp, abura-age (deep-fried bean curd) among other ingredients, and simmered to taste salty-sweet are often called nishime; the ingredients of nishime, however, differ by region and the season in which nishime is cooked, and meats or fish sausages (so-called "nerimono") such as chikuwa and kamaboko or in some regions, fish, also appear as ingredients.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While he entered the Buddhist priesthood on Mt. Hiei and studied Tendai teachings, he then aspired to study Zen and journeyed to China in 1171 together with a disciple called  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Tamesaburo YAGI who remembered Serizawa and Kondo well, didn't remember Niimi at all and said that Niimi disappeared without his noticing it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



"An upside roofing member" is placed on "the specific roofing member", preventing the intrusion of the rainwater into this mounting hole. - 特許庁


"The specific roofing member" is placed on "the downside roofing member" through which the screw is inserted, preventing the intrusion of the rainwater into the mounting hole. - 特許庁


To prevent damaged parts like creases or cracks, etc. from generating in a section opposite to reentrant angles of a surface layer even when a shock acts on the partitioning wall plate. - 特許庁


The disc member 40 and the ring member 42 are provided with projection parts 39 and 41 having shapes corresponding to an inner periphery side crest part of the cylindrical body 31 at outer peripheries. - 特許庁



The pathogenic prion production inhibitor comprises a compound having a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic group such as a quinoline ring, a quiniclidine ring or a pyridine ring or a nitrogen-containing side chain such as an aliphatic amino group, an aromatic amine or hydrazine on 2-position or 4-position of a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic ring such as a quinoline ring or naphthylidine ring. - 特許庁



To provide a method of manufacturing a bent member which is hard to generate wrinkles and projecting and recessing parts although performing complicated working control. - 特許庁


Even when the substrate 3 is a thin film, no wrinkles or dents are generated on the surface, or a very small conductor circuit pattern of the printed circuit board is not damaged because it is not brought into contact with any member of the apparatus. - 特許庁


A film-like roof member R is stretched over the restraining cable to form an outer roof 70 covering the top of the stand of the lower structure. - 特許庁


To provide a device for laminating a pattern printing film which can be thermally contact-bonded with high shape precision at a high yield and is free from the generation of creases or adhesion failure, when a pattern is to be imparted on the surface of a resin base material sheet. - 特許庁


To provide a pattern printing film, with which a thermal pressure bonding with a favorable yield can be realized at the giving of a pattern on a resin base material sheet under the condition that a shape has a favorable accuracy and neither wrinkle nor poor adhesion nor the like develops. - 特許庁


To provide a laminating method for a pattern-printed film capable of applying thermocompression bonding with good accuracy of form, generating no wrinkles or poor adhesion, and with a good yield when attaching the pattern on a resin base sheet. - 特許庁


To provide a method for making pickles by which pickles made without using salt, not losing nutrients, hard to cause mold or corruption, having refreshing sour taste while having moderate hardness, and also having high quality of palate feeling, having sufficiently low or no sugar concentration, and comprising fresh raw materials for pickles so as to have good repeatability. - 特許庁


To provide a 2-layer aromatic agent composition which fills a fresh fragrance in a space such as a toilet, a room or a compartment of an automobile or the like. - 特許庁


A selection part 170 may be adapted to select the language by conversation generated from the user or by international coordinates information received from a GPS. - 特許庁


To provide a method of bending a planar adhesion object, in which the planar adhesion object having a sheet-like member attached to a flexible thin plate body through a thermoplastic adhesive can be bent without generating wrinkles or sagging in the sheet-like member. - 特許庁


This yamakasa, which is classified as an iwa yamagasa, shares common features with yamakasa of the Hakata group, which include decorations such as a yakata, ornaments representing rocks and streams, and dolls, as well as the fact that it can be seen from the front and the rear sides.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a printer which is lessened in user's labor to shorten required time and detects obstacles such as wrinkles or dust in a recording medium. - 特許庁


This assembly truck frame is composed of beam members made by bending steel plates and is constituted by arranging two side beam members 11 and 12 in substantially parallel, laying lateral beam members 13 and 14 between the side beam members 11 and 12, and welding and connecting both ends of the lateral beam members 13 and 14. - 特許庁


The side beams 12 and middle beam 19 are mostly formed from channel steel, while their shock absorbing structural part 1 is formed from a hollow closed structural member having peripheral wall members. - 特許庁


In the side beam members 11 and 12 and/or the lateral beam members 13 and 14, closed spaces 19 being filled with gas inside in the longitudinal direction are provided, and air valves 31 leaking the gas between the closed spaces 19 and the outside are given. - 特許庁


To display various human figure images each corresponding to a user who becomes a communicating party when displaying a human figure of the user who becomes the relevant communicating party, in sending/receiving a telephone call or electronic mail. - 特許庁


To reduce a vertical size of a front end panel with preventing big reduction in flexural rigidity of an upper side beam member. - 特許庁


Just at that time, Takasugi and his comrades (Genzui KUSAKA, Yahachiro YAMATO, Kurata NAGAMINE, Monta SHIJI, Gozo MATSUSHIMA, Chuzaburo TERAJIMA, Kumajiro ARIYOSHI, Mikinojo AKANE, Yozo YAMAO and Yajiro SHINAGAWA) conspired to kill the foreign ministers who often holidayed in Kanazawa in Musashi Province (Kanazawa Hakkei).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A box-like superstructure 5 is detachably through a latching member 6 to the base material 1 and a calcium silicate plate mixed with vermiculite is preferably attached to at least a part of the inside of the superstructure 5. - 特許庁


Further, the pressing pad changes gently to the shape having nearly the same curvature as the curvature of the contact surface of the cap member and the fixing belt toward both ends from the paper passage region and therefore the shape of the fixing belt changes gently from the end along the pressing pad to the paper passage region and hardly gives rise to wrinkling and bending. - 特許庁


To hold a pair of holding members without extending through a member to impart a holding force to the holding members between both sides of a hose row and between hoses and setting the width of the holding members holding the hose row equal to or slightly larger than that of the hose row. - 特許庁


The side beams (11) and/or the cross beams (13) are provided with at least partitioned small sections (19a) wherein a gas can be sealed in a part of them, and a pressure detection device is provided in the small section (19a) to detect its internal pressure. - 特許庁


Hideyoshi also allowed a warrior called Korenori KAMEI who shared the view of overseas operation with, to identify himself as unique posts such as Ryukyu no kami (governor of Ryukyu Province, current Okinawa Pref,) or Taishu no kami (governor of Taishu Province, current Taishu, Zejiang Province in China) which didn't exist in the Ritsuryo system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a wiping cloth which has a sufficient wiping performance even with respect to the interior material of an automobile, especially, leather or embossed leather interior material having fine ruggedness on the surface, fabric, or the like, for example, and does not damage the surface. - 特許庁


The assembly truck frame is assembled by welding beams that steel plates are bent and worked, arranging two side beams nearly parallel to each other to make two cross beams bridge them, and forming them like parallel cross. - 特許庁


To provide an image forming method through an inkjet recording method, by which a highly fine image excellent in character quality without development of color mixing can be recorded on every possible recording material, and neither wrinkle nor curling develops in a printed matter, a printed matter and a recording device. - 特許庁


To provide an image-forming method which has excellent letter qualities for all recording materials, does not cause color mixing, records high- precision images and causes neither a wrinkle nor a curl of a printed article by an ink-jet recording method, to provide an image-forming method, to obtain the printed article and to provide a recorder. - 特許庁


To provide a method of forming an image by inkjet recording, which gives a printed letter excellent in quality, is free from color mixing, and can record an image of high definition on any recording medium, and which gives a printed matter free from wrinkle and curling; a printed matter; and recording equipment. - 特許庁


To provide a method for image formation by an ink-jet recording method by which a high-precision image having excellent character quality is recorded on all recording materials without causing color mixing, which causes neither wrinkles nor curl of printed article, to provide a printed article and a recorder. - 特許庁


To provide a method for forming a highly fine picture image with an improved letter quality without color mixing, wrinkling and curling on a printed matter on any available recording materials by an ink jet recording, and also the printed matter therby and a recording device therefor. - 特許庁


To provide an imaging method through ink jet recording, a printed matter and a recorder in which a high resolution image having an excellent character quality can be recorded on any recording material while preventing color mixing, cockling or curling. - 特許庁


Various animal shaped imagawa-yaki cakes were created and sea bream shaped cakes became particularly popular because sea bream were considered lucky fish and was too expensive for ordinary people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mt.Nijo in this place has two tops (named Odake [literally, 'male top'] and Medake [literally, 'female top']) as its name shows and faces Mt.Miwa (Sakurai City) which is Shintaizan (a mountain where the spirit of deity is traditionally believed to dwell) in the east of the Nara Basin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a mandrel which can make a shaping process easy and hardly generates wrinkles and inconvenient kinks of fiber in shaping, and is excellent in stability of dimension and a deformation-simplicity property when performing the shaping of non-straight member made from a composite material. - 特許庁


There exists another example that a large ship, which was about 55m in length, about 13m in width, and equipped with 100 oars and watchtowers at the bow and the stern, was built in Sawayama, the lake side of Biwako Lake in 1573 on the order of Nagahide NIWA (from Shincho-koki).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This area contains Hashihaka tomb, the oldest keyhole-shaped mound and part of the Makimuku ruins at the foot of Mt. Miwa and, to the south of Tenri city, the Yamato tomb group, where the royal tombs of the early Yamato Kingdom are thought to be located.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Symbolic barriers are still present in ordinary homes; for example, the shimenawa (holy straw cords) displayed around the new year and the ornaments made of dried sardines hung up for Setsubun (the holiday marking the end of winter, according to tradition) are intended to separate out the gods one wishes would visit from those one does not.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To prevent clouding of a reflection plane and wrinkles and blisters of a reflection film in a folded and bent part in a reflection member, using a reflective material consisting of a reflection film, an adhesive layer and a support body. - 特許庁


Various plants including those normally found in cold climates such as buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) and rannoch-rush (Scheuchzeria palustris), those that are grown wild in various regions such as water shields, carnivorous plants such as Utricularia japonica and roundleaf sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), and constituents of high moors such as Moliniopsis japonica (Hack.) Hayata and イヌノハナゴケ are coexisting in Midoroga-ike Pond.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is sometimes confused with sashimi, but uchimi consisted of ingredients generally cut more thickly than sashimi and served not only with the fins but the skin and the backbone and meat around it as well; thus, there were numerous preparation methods and degrees of complexity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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