「はり札」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索

「はり札」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > はり札の意味・解説 > はり札に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 124



To provide a simple household altar which can be honored in a Western-style room without a head jamb by affixing a mounting to the back face of a photograph, arranging a polygonal hole on one corner in the upper part thereof, and fitting a charm into the polygonal hole. - 特許庁


An entrepreneur, who browses the Web page, presents a business price to a Web server in accordance with a decision based on an index such as the number of requests and its own physical business strength and makes a successful bid for a content distribution right in an auction form. - 特許庁


To provide an automatic ticket examining device for allowing a user to stably and easily insert a medium such as a ticket into an input port. - 特許庁


A specification check slip formed based on a specification has a plurality of cutoff tags for displaying each production process of various production processes which are partitioned and formed to be tearable, and the slip is stuck to a vehicle carried in the production processes. - 特許庁



Enterprises who have browsed this Web page present business prices according to the determination based on the index such as the number of requests and their own business power to be awarded with a contract, in an auction manner, of the right of content distribution. - 特許庁



The reception device 1 receives an application request of commutation ticket from a user terminal 6, and reports registration of an identification number to an automatic ticket gate 2 of a station within a commutation ticket section according to a start date of ticket validity. - 特許庁


When apparatuses on the enterprise side (station job apparatuses), including ticket examination unit, ticket sales unit, fare adjustment unit and charge/payment unit, process an electronic ticket of a user, a process date and time and an installed location of the apparatus are transmitted to a lost article management center. - 特許庁

北海道において、本州系大手コンビニは主に幌周辺に展開している一方で、(株) セイコーマートは、離島などの過疎地を含めて道内全域に展開している。例文帳に追加

In Hokkaido, while major Honshu-based convenience store chains primarily operate stores in the Sapporo area, Seicomart Co., Ltd. has locations throughout the prefecture including on small islands and other depopulated areas.  - 経済産業省


However, while no record exists that Hatamoto-satsu was issued in this region, many records exist concerning money being issued in the following areas; western areas from Shinano Province and Mikawa Province to the Kyushu region, in particular, the Kinki region (Omi Province, Yamato Province, Settsu Province, Tanba Province, Tajima Province, and Harima Province) and Bitchu Province in the Chugoku region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



At a press conference at the team office in Sapporo, Hokkaido, on Dec. 1, Darvish said, “My record this year was not bad, but the team didn’t win the league championship and I didn’t win any individual titles, either. It wasn’t a satisfactory season for me.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



This automatic ticket gate device 1 counts and stores the number of times of acquisition of a ticket 10 for every identification code of the acquired ticket 10 since the first timing when it is detected that a user has entered a passage until a second timing when the user has reached the predetermined specific location of the passage. - 特許庁


This output adjustment is carried out in such a way that the outputs of both antennas A_1, A_2 are determined to assume certain values within a range in which the total of the outputs of both antennas A_1, A_2 will not interfere with an adjacent ticket machine body or affect electronic devices carried by users. - 特許庁


The ticket gate 5 reads out the user ID from an IC card 6, which the user holds, and checks whether the seat delivered from the station control device 4 coincides with any one in the list of the user ID possible to utilize the seat or not, and if YES, the ticket gate 5 issues a reserved seat ticket for the seat to the user. - 特許庁


In the case where the IC commutation ticket is used in an automatic ticket examination gate 30 or in a window processor 40, on the other hand, it is confirmed that the face image is written on the IC commutation ticket (S10) and if written, the face image of the user is captured to perform face collation (S12). - 特許庁


The automatic checking and collecting machine 1 obtains the terminal ID of the portable terminal 2 possessed by the user when the user approaches into a passage, and determines if pass through the passage is permitted by the center 4 or not for the terminal ID. - 特許庁


A display panel 16 in the electronic shelf label 1 is divided into two upper and lower display areas; liquid crystal which selectively reflects green light is injected into the upper display area 161, and liquid crystal which selectively reflects red light is injected into the lower display area 162. - 特許庁


To enable an auction substitute trader to protect both of an exhibitor and a successful bidder, by generally managing auction substitute traders, in addition to a system for mediating dealing between individuals through an auction site, and to further contribute to protection of recycling environment. - 特許庁


The provinces where Hatamoto-satsu was confirmed to have been issued were the followings: the Omi Province (present Shiga Prefecture), the Yamato Province (present Nara Prefecture), the Settsu Province (present northern part of Osaka Prefecture and present southeastern part of the Hyogo Prefecture), the Kawachi Province (present southeastern part of Osaka Prefecture), the Izumi Province (present southwestern part of Osaka Prefecture), the Tanba Province (present central part of Kyoto Prefecture, and Sasayama City and Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture), the Tajima Province (present northern part of Hyogo Prefecture), and the Harima Province (present southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The commodity disposing part is preferably a garbage truck for disposed commodities, a waste incineration plant, a shredder for cutting digital media such as paper, cards, CDs or the like, a reader/writer for rewritable cards, an automatic ticket checking machine at a station, a commutation ticket issuing machine or the like, which all read the ID information of noncontact IC chips with a noncontact state. - 特許庁


This automatic ticket examination machine 4 acquires face data from a radio season ticket, having the face data of the user P recorded therein beforehand, acquires the face data of the user P via a camera 20, permits the user to pass on condition that the face data acquired from the radio season ticket matches the face data acquired from the user, and opens a gate 22. - 特許庁


To provide a seal for markdown that guarantees that information is visible and mechanically read by hiding neither a bar code nor other information displayed nearby an old price when the seal is stuck so as to hide the old price of a price tag, and can improve sticking operability by being sized such that the seal for markdown is loaded at a seal peeling/sticking device etc. - 特許庁


The entry automatic ticket gate reads purchase application information recorded on an application sheet obtained by a user before entry, also reads balance information as an SF card from an IC card carried by the user, sells a ticket by the purchase application information according to the purchase application information and the balance information, and processes the entry of the user. - 特許庁

八 資本取引に係る契約の締結(法第二十二条の三に規定する両替業務に係るものを除く。)に基づいて行われる行為のうち、現金、持参人払式小切手(小切手法(昭和八年法律第五十七号)第五条第一項第三号に掲げる持参人払式として振り出された小切手又は同条第二項若しくは第三項の規定により持参人払式小切手とみなされる小切手をいう。以下この号において同じ。)、自己宛小切手(同法第六条第三項の規定により自己宛に振り出された小切手をいう。以下この号において同じ。)、旅行小切手又は無記名の公社債(所得税法(昭和四十年法律第三十三号)第二条第一項第九号に掲げる公社債をいう。)の本券若しくは利の受払いをする行為であつて、その金額が二百万円に相当する額を超えるもの(持参人払式小切手及び自己宛小切手にあつては、小切手法第三十七条第一項に規定する線引がないものに限る。)例文帳に追加

viii) Among acts committed based on the conclusion of a contract pertaining to capital transactions (excluding those pertaining to money exchange business prescribed in Article 22-3 of the Act), acts of receiving or paying cash, bearer checks (meaning checks drawn as bearer checks listed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Checks Act (Act No. 57 of 1933) or checks deemed to be bearer checks pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) or (3) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), bank cashiers checks (meaning checks drawn to self pursuant to the provision of Article 6, paragraph (3) of the said act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), traveler's checks, or certificates or interest coupons of public and corporate bonds not bearing the owner's name (meaning public and corporate bonds listed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Income Tax Act), of which the amount exceeds that equivalent to two million yen (for bearer checks and bank cashiers checks, limited to those without crossing prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Checks Act  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


四 次に掲げる事項を明瞭かつ正確に表示し、かつ、商品市場における取引等を行うことによる利益の見込みその他第百条の六で定める事項について、著しく事実に相違するような表示をし、又は著しく人を誤認させるような表示をしていない、一般放送事業者、有線テレビジョン放送事業者(有線テレビジョン放送法(昭和四十七年法律第百十四号)第二条第四項の有線テレビジョン放送事業者をいう。)、有線ラジオ放送(有線ラジオ放送業務の運用の規正に関する法律(昭和二十六年法律第百三十五号)第二条の有線ラジオ放送をいう。)の業務を行う者及び電気通信役務利用放送(電気通信役務利用放送法(平成十三年法律第八十五号)第二条第一項の電気通信役務利用放送をいう。)の業務を行う者の放送設備により放送させる方法、商品取引員又は当該商品取引員が行う広告等に係る業務の委託を受けた者の使用に係る電子計算機に備えられたファイルに記録された情報の内容を電気通信回線を利用して顧客に閲覧させる方法並びに常時又は一定の期間継続して屋内又は屋外で公衆に表示させる方法であって、看板、立看板、はり紙及びはり札並びに広告塔、広告板、建物その他の工作物等に掲出させ、又は表示させるもの並びにこれらに類するもの例文帳に追加

(iv) the method of having information broadcast through the broadcasting equipment of a general broadcaster, a Cable Television Broadcaster (which means the Cable Television Broadcaster set forth in Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Cable Television Broadcasting Act [Act No. 114 of 1972]), a person engaged in the business of Cable Radio Broadcasting (which means Cable Radio Broadcasting as set forth in Article 2 of the Act on Regulation on the Operation of Cable Radio Broadcasting Business [Act No. 135 of 1951]) or a person engaged in the business of Broadcasting Using Telecommunications Services (which means Broadcasting Using Telecommunications Services as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Broadcasting Using Telecommunications Services [Act No. 85 of 2001]), the method of having customers inspect, via telecommunications lines, the contents of information that is recorded onto a file in a computer used by a Futures Commission Merchant or a person who has accepted consignment of business pertaining to advertising, etc. conducted by the Futures Commission Merchant, or the method of indicating information to the public either indoors or outdoors on a constant basis or continuously for a certain period where the information is posted or indicated on a signboard, a billboard, a poster, a placard or an advertising pillar, advertising board, building or any other structure, etc., or a method similar thereto, in which case the following matters are clearly and accurately indicated and there is no indication that is significantly contradictory to facts or seriously misleading with regard to the profits forecast from conducting a Transaction on a Commodity Market, etc. and other matters specified in Article 100-6:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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