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該当件数 : 279



The image forming apparatus is provided so that the fixing film can take a tension-released state and a tension state, and it has a switching means for performing switching from the tension-released state to the tension state when a printing operation is not performed. - 特許庁


The British Premier suggested a summit meeting for the alleviation of world tensions.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


To provide a tension state determination device for determining a state of tension of a person; and an emergency brake device issuing a brake signal to a braking object when a driver becomes the state of tension. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a device for successively tightening a strand of a multi-strand cable so as to provide the same tightening value with the whole strand of the cable wen the tightening process is completed. - 特許庁



To prevent decline of attentiveness while relieving stress of driver according to driving states. - 特許庁



Whether the divisions responsible for managing the liquidity risk of the group continuously grasp the timings when and in what amounts funds can be raised and also grasp that fund-raising methods are secured at the time of emergencies.  - 金融庁


The weaving apparatus comprises a weft inserting means inserting a weft F in a state of tension into a warp opening area by a heddle and a moving means for moving the weft F in parallel toward a cloth fell while keeping the weft in a state of tension. - 特許庁

戦争が徐々に終結に向かっている時ではあったが アメリカ軍は電話に出るのも熱心なくらいの 高い緊張状態を維持してい例文帳に追加

Yet even as the conflict winds down, the us military remains in a high state of readiness, eager to answer the call. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Around the mid seventh century in the Korean Peninsula, Silla of the three kingdoms of Korea adopted Luli tentatively during the period when the tensions against Koguryo and Baekje ran high.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To propose a tape cartridge for copying device providing a tape tension to stretch the tape in cartridge case, with a part of the tape kept as if it runs around the top of copying head. - 特許庁



Since the driving means 8 is controlled in accordance with the calculation result of the means 17, i.e., the degree of tension of the human body, machine operation suitably corresponding to human reaction and feeling can be performed. - 特許庁


A stretched rope 5 of a synthetic resin is welded to the lower surface 1d of a net main body 1 of a synthetic resin and fitting parts 8 are formed on both end sides of the rope and held by a fixture 9. - 特許庁

RBI によれば、上述の資金調達環境の悪化を反映して銀行の資金調達コストが高止まり、また、貸出態度も慎重化したことなどが原因とされている。例文帳に追加

According to the RBI, this is due to the bank’s financing cost that stayed high because of the deteriorating financing environment mentioned above and the bank’s tight stance for lending. - 経済産業省


It is said the system saw fullest administration in the first half of the tenth century when military tension caused by revolts such as Tengyonoran (the war of Tengyo) was heightened but diminished afterwards.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The abnormal muscle tone detection section 7 detects the abnormality of the muscle tone of the person to be measured by comparing actually measured myoelectric potential with estimated myoelectric potential at the same time as the actual measurement by posture and action information. - 特許庁


To reduce tension operation frequency of a PC steel member, construction period and construction costs, and improve reliability of the operation. - 特許庁

欧州では、7 月 21 日のユーロ圏首脳会議において、主に欧州金融安定化ファシリティー(EFSF)の柔軟化を通じて、ギリシャや資金調達の緊張に直面しているその他の国々の状況に対処するための包括的なパッケージが決定された。例文帳に追加

In Europe, the Euro area Summit decided on July 21 a comprehensive package to tackle the situation in Greece and other countries facing financial tensions, notably through the flexibilisation of the EFSF.  - 財務省


However, despite the fact it had consolidated its national strength, Japan still considered Silla as a 'barbarian country,' and tended to treat it as a dependent, thus relations between two countries became tense from time to time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a game machine capable of keeping tension even during a "high probability replay state" and improving interest in a game. - 特許庁


To provide a metal magnetic particle powder having high coercive force, while being fine particle, particularly, the average long axis diameter of microparticle being 5-60 nm. - 特許庁


To provide metal magnetic grain powder for magnetic recording having a high coercive force in spite of fine particles, more particularly, fine particles of 5 to 60 nm. - 特許庁


To eliminate an omission of toll collection from the user of an illegal vehicle by precisely deciding the illegal vehicle passing through an automatic toll collection system. - 特許庁


Preferably the state of tension of the yarn is retained by a tension apparatus 4 arranged at the downstream side of the draw rollers 3. - 特許庁


To provide a frame for a signboard on which a sheet can easily and neatly be stuck in a tensed state without requiring skill. - 特許庁


The effect of stress, tension, and excitement is measured from the amount of sweating using means detecting the state of the sweating simultaneously with the measurement of the circulatory dynamics, and means for correcting the effect of the stress, tension, and excitement degrees on the circulatory dynamics is added to the circulatory dynamics measuring device. - 特許庁


For start-ups that seek to raise risk money through direct financing, there are diverse types of financing methods to choose according to the stage of development and the level of risk in their business, such as raising funds from retail investors (angel investors), receiving investment from venture capitals, and listing stocks on a emerging equity exchange. What is crucial is to develop environments where they can find a financing method appropriate to them at any stage of development.  - 経済産業省


To provide a PC steel wire tensioner for largely reducing manufacturing cost, and shortening work time. - 特許庁


To provide a call center system capable of improving operation efficiency by standardizing the degree of operator's tension. - 特許庁


To provide an encrypted pay broadcast system that can collect charges of view information in details and effectively prevent illegal viewing. - 特許庁


Additionally, as SMEs expand abroad amid stagnant domestic demand, they face difficulties in raising funds for their overseas subsidiaries and other funding problems. So devising measures to facilitate smooth fundraising for the overseas business activities of Japanese SMEs has also become an urgent issue.  - 経済産業省

●資金調達へのアクセス不足: 資金調達へのアクセスは中小輸出業者にとって重要な意味を持っている。なぜなら購入者はしばしば支払い猶予期間を延長してくれる売り手を期待するからである。中小企業の資金調達能力は、より長期の返済期間の必要性をはじめとする、中小企業特有の資金借り入れに関する必要条件によっても妨げられうる。例文帳に追加

. Lack of access to financing: Access to financing is critical for SME exporters since purchasers often look for vendors that can extend credit. SMEsability to access financing can also be hindered by unique borrowing requirements, like the need for longer repayment periods.  - 経済産業省


For companies which may list on a market for growing companies in the future, but have still not reached the listing preparation stage, it is important to encourage listing while providing support for raising capital.  - 金融庁


To provide an anchoring structure of a ground anchor 3 to prevent the land slide which keeps the constant tightening force of a tendon irrespective of the inflation of a ground surface layer when the ground is frozen, prevents its breakage, and reduces the execution cost. - 特許庁


A PC steel member 3 used as a tension member for introducing prestress is stretched over between the damper fixing members 5 outside a cross section of the columnar block 2 to reinforce the pressing of the columnar block 2. - 特許庁


An elastic member 8 to keep the constant tightening force of a tendon 5 by being expanded/contracted according to the expansion/ contraction of a ground surface layer 53 in a frozen condition is arranged between a fixing part 7 of the tendon 5 and a pressure bearing plate 1. - 特許庁


For the anchorage device for making tension/anchorage of a tension member in the anchor head, the anchorage device is integrally molded by casting making use of a spherical graphite cast iron. - 特許庁


The girder 1 is erected, then the upper floor slab and the lower floor slab are constructed and integrated in the cast-in-place concrete 14 between the girders 1 at need, and the external cable 16 is installed to be tensioned and fixed on the girder 1 or the lateral girder 11 so as to introduce the tensioning force. - 特許庁


To provide a load measuring apparatus for measuring long life bearing comparison with the life of a measured object, in addition, performing measurement of high precision without using an auxiliary tool, and further easy in mounting an existing tendon. - 特許庁


To provide a method of assembling a compression type ground anchor tensioner which can remove such complexity in work execution that different tension loads need to be applied to tensioners different in length, and therefore can simplify the tensioning and anchoring work. - 特許庁


One end of an all screw lock bolt 3 is extruded outside and fixed to a hole H through a fixing filler G, and by fastening a nut screwing the bolt, stretching force is introduced. - 特許庁


We calculated weight share of goods, money, people and information based on the "Research on Investment and Financing Environment of East Asia and Overseas Operation of Japanese Companies" (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2006). - 経済産業省


European banks are subject to strong pressures in the financial market in terms of financing and stock prices of European banks once market concerns about peripheral countries emerge, because of banksexposure to these countries through lending to these countries and holding their government bonds.  - 財務省


To obtain a fiber-reinforced sheet with which especially a tension force can be introduced in a non-impregnated state in a tense bonding method of construction using a fiber-reinforced sheet and which has high reliability and can improve workability and to provide a method for concrete structure or steel structure reinforcement. - 特許庁


To obtain a fiber-reinforced sheet with which especially a tension force can be introduced in a non-impregnated state in a tense bonding method of construction using a fiber-reinforced sheet and which has reliability and can improve workability and to provide a method for concrete structure or steel structure reinforcement. - 特許庁


"Funds procurement in the country/region" (18%) was also a problem. Thus, when Japanese enterprises doing business in emerging economies raise funds, the so-called "parent-subsidiary loan," where funds are provided to an overseas subsidiary via a domestic parent company, were often used to avoid high interest rates of emerging economies from being applied. - 経済産業省


To simply produce a cable protecting pipe which is excellent in flexibility and can reduce frictional resistance and tensional resistance generated between it and the cable to be inserted. - 特許庁


In those days, in Tang 'An Shi Rebellion' broke out against Emperor Xuan Zong, in the Korean Peninsula Silla rejected the meeting with the national envoy from Japan, and the other events happened, so that the foreign strain was growing higher and the defense of Kyushu had become urgent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Central banks should be able to supply liquidity effectively during financial system stress, and authorities should review and where necessary strengthen their arrangements for dealing with weak and failing banks, domestically and cross-border.  - 財務省


Does the Funds Management Division at all times conduct funds management in light of the trading environment so as to keep the institution ready to liquidate assets smoothly in the event of a liquidity crisis through means such as the sale of securities?  - 金融庁



Does the Liquidity Risk Management Division appropriately monitor the status of compliance with the funds gap limits, limits on market-based fund-raising and position limits established by the institution and the status of the use thereof?  - 金融庁


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