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4. Towards the improvement of labor productivity As discussed above, SMEs set their wage levels according to the labor productivity levels, and if the labor productivity level is high, SMEs that set a wage level higher than the average wage level of large enterprises actually exist in abundance, regardless of industry. - 経済産業省


The intra-regional gaps of income, salary levels, and other factors showing the degree of economic development are also far wider than those seen in the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) region. - 経済産業省


Even compared to national wage levels in an era when the status difference between social classes was very large, such a salary was extremely high.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to this, among SMEs, wage levels are high for the finance and insurance industry, as well as for the information and communication industry. - 経済産業省



In this method for producing high purity silver from low grade silver-containing raw material, the raw material is dissolved with nitric acid, and then hydrochloric acid is added thereto to obtain silver chloride crystals, and this silver chloride crystals are reduced. - 特許庁



Since there is a difference in labor productivity levels by industry, this brings about a difference in wage levels by industry as well. - 経済産業省


To enable the register of a reception order, order confirmation, call or the like in a bank and enable the change or the like of an order corresponding to movement or a matter or the like of a service claimant during the order waiting of the service claimant. - 特許庁


What factors do SMEs consider when setting their wage levels? - 経済産業省


If we move in this direction, what lies ahead will be a virtuous circle that brings quality jobs, higher wages and greater consumption. - 経済産業省



However, wages for Japanese workers did not increase even during the longest economic expansion period in postwar Japan in the 2000's. - 経済産業省



To provide a means for highly accurately measuring an amount of mercury in a sample made of air and a very small quantity of purified mercury. - 特許庁

(2010 年1 月4 日ロイター通信「中国、外貨準備を原油などに投資すべき=人民銀行高官」)例文帳に追加

(Reuters, January 4, 2010 "China should invest foreign reserves in oil and other resources ? ranking official of the People's Bank of China") - 経済産業省


Nanryo' was also called 'Nantei' meaning high-quality cupellated or pure silver, and in fact the purity of Nanryo Nishu Gin was quite high at that time by 98%.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス




Now the wage levels by age group between manufactures and non-manufacturers will be analyzed (Fig. 3-3-2 [1] and [2]). - 経済産業省


Among daiginjoshu, those for which only polished rice, malted rice, and water are used as raw materials are called junmai daiginjoshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are no legal provisions or regulated definitions for extra wages, so it is up to each company to decide on wage regulations and work regulations. - Weblio英語基本例文集

連邦準備銀行のシステムを守る 新しいソースコードを書いたチームのリーダーだ例文帳に追加

He led the team that wrote the new source code to protect the federal reserve banking system. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


According to the results of the MHLW's Basic Survey of Wage Structure, for example, there is a gap in wage level according to number of employees (Fig. 3-2-24). - 経済産業省


As a one-dollar silver coin, a foreign silver coin, is regarded as bare metal, its pure silver content, 23.2g, is valued at 60g of common silver currency (Tenpo Chogin), because 10 monme (37.5g) of pure silver is purchased at silver mint for 97.5g of Tenpo Chogin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reduction catalyst for measuring mercury in a gas G is a particulate catalyst 30 by which divalent mercury in a gas is reduced to zerovalent mercury, wherein the reduction catalyst is formed by producing tin chloride 30d on the surface of a base material 30c in which metal impurity 30b is mixed in pure tin 30a. - 特許庁

韓国銀行(中央銀行)は、2008 年10 月以降、政策金利を過去最低水準の2.0%まで引下げ、その後据え置いている。例文帳に追加

The Bank of Korea (central bank) set up its policy interest rates at the record lowest of 2.0% in October 2008 and has been maintaining the level since then. - 経済産業省


To manufacture transparent colloidal silver without causing chemical reaction to form silver oxide in the manufacture of the colloidal silver by using a pure silver plates for a positive electrode and a negative electrode in a pure water tank and causing direct current to flow between electrodes. - 特許庁

3 新銀行法第十六条の四第三項(新長期信用銀行法第十七条又は新外国為替銀行法第十一条において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する新銀行法第十六条の二第二項の規定は、前二項の場合において銀行等が取得し、又は所有する株式等について準用する。例文帳に追加

(3) The provision of Article 16-2(2) of the New Banking Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 16-4(3) of the New Banking Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 17 of the New Long-Term Credit Bank Act or Article 11 of the New Foreign Exchange Bank Act) shall apply to Shares, etc. acquired or held by a Bank, etc. in the case referred to in the preceding two paragraphs.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 第一項の表中「第二基準」とは、連結自己資本比率基準のうち海外営業拠点を有する銀行等を子会社としていない銀行持株会社及びその子会社等に係るものをいう。例文帳に追加

(4) The term "Standard 2" as used in the table of paragraph (1) means a Standard of Consolidated Capital Adequacy Ratio pertaining to a bank holding company and its subsidiary company, etc. that do not hold a bank, etc., which has an Overseas Business Bases, as a subsidiary company.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This production method comprises a mercury capsule forming process for forming an inactive mercury compound with mercury and the impurity gas in a container 9 causing them to react with each other in the container 9, after filling the mercury 8 in the container 9. - 特許庁


We call on the IASB and the FASB to complete their convergence project and look forward to a progress report at the Finance Ministers and Central Bank governors meeting in April 2012.  - 財務省


The reflection sheet is obtained by sequentially laminating a base layer, silver layer, alloy layer essentially comprising silver, and transparent oxide layer on a polymer film. - 特許庁


Section 1 showed that 19.5% of permanent SME employees have a wage level higher than the average wage level of permanent large enterprise employees (previous Fig. 3-1-20), but to which industries do these employees belong? - 経済産業省


Ko-chogin (silver bars which had been produced before 1601) were made by beating haifuki-gin, but they were brittle and easily cracked because of containing impure substance, and could not be made thin like gold and so chogin were in the shape of yuzuriha (Daphniphyllum macropodum) or in the pig style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A data logging part 212 successively writes device data acquired from a PLC 3 in a logging memory 14 in time series. - 特許庁


In the white noble metal alloy, the austenitic stainless steel raw material is mixed, by 0.1 to 96% weight, with the noble metal raw material for ornament containing pure gold, pure silver or pure platinum as the main component. - 特許庁


The metal nanowire is made from silver and a metal except silver, in which the metal except silver has a nobler standard electrode potential than that of silver, and has a major axis of 1 μm or longer and a minor axis of 300 nm or shorter. - 特許庁

このような労働力不足は、労働者の権利意識の向上や生活費の上昇とともに賃金水準を上昇させており、特に最近の北京、上海、広州等の沿海部における賃金は高水準となっている(第1-4-2-5 図)。例文帳に追加

Such labor shortages cause rising wage levels as well as increased workers rights awareness and rising living costs, and recently the wage levels have become high, especially in coastal areas including Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou (see Figure 1-4-2-5). - 経済産業省


The method of forming a silver-tin alloy plated layer is characterized in that (1) a silver plated film and (2) tin, a tin-bismuth alloy or a tin- copper alloy plated film are deposited on a metal substrate in this order or in the order reverse to this order. - 特許庁


We welcome the interim progress report and look forward to the joint annual progress report to support the development of local currency bond markets to be prepared by the World Bank, Regional Development Banks, IMF, OECD and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).  - 財務省


In this case, the currency of the country is represented as a certain amount of silver, and silver value is set as default for commodity price.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Wage levels are thought to have a close relation with labor productivity, which is the amount of added value generated by each employee. - 経済産業省

一 銀行の保有する資産等に照らし当該銀行の自己資本の充実の状況が適当であるかどうかの基準例文帳に追加

(i) Criteria on whether or not the adequacy of equity capital of a Bank is appropriate in light of the circumstances such as the assets owned by that Bank; and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


How many SMEs are there that have set a higher wage level for their permanent employees compared to other industries or competitors within the same industry? - 経済産業省


The method for producing the silver ingot is characterized in that the silver powder adjusted into wet state with water is heated and melted in a crucible and the obtained molten silver is cast into a mold and further, carbon content is added to the silver powder. - 特許庁

備考: 所得水準は、世銀の基準では、独自の購買力平価で計算された一人当たり国民所得(GNI)で見るが、ここでは各国の長期データをとるために、世銀データベースの一人当たりGDP(2000 年価格ドルベース)を使った。例文帳に追加

Note: For income levels, which are considered according to per-capita gross national income (GNI) calculated based on purchasing power parity by the World Bank, per-capita GDP (price in 2000: dollar base) in the World Bank Database was used here to grasp long-term data of each country. - 経済産業省


When the ringing notice becomes the ringing notice threshold, the facsimile equipment individually executes facsimile reception. - 特許庁


Since silver ion water containing ions containing silver is added to the circulating water W, by the electrodeposition effect of the silver ions, electric chrges are compensated, and the sticking force of the borax 15 to the inside face of the piping can be increased. - 特許庁


In a water circulating device equipped with filter equipment and circulating water to use it, the water fed out of circulating water utilizing facilities is brought into contact with a carrier having at least a silver compound carried by it without being subjected to chlorine sterilization to be sterilized by silver ions eluted into water. - 特許庁


To provide a manufacturing method of a high purity silver tetrafluoroborate capable of manufacturing a silver tetrafluoroborate (AgBF_4) of higher purity than conventional one without using an organic solvent. - 特許庁


To realize a technique for calculating optimal personnel organization and an optimal service schedule for maintaining price competitiveness without lowering a wage level. - 特許庁


Alternatively, an accessories stock having a low content of pure gold is provided in which the accessories stock having a low content of pure gold obtained by adding pure gold to the stock containing silver or brass as a principal component and another metallic layer or a resin layer are laminated. - 特許庁


The bank loan ratios of large enterprises are greatly declining and the bank loan ratios of small and medium-sized enterprises have likewise declined. However, the level of the bank loan ratio has remained steady at a low level from around 2000. - 経済産業省



The invention provides a method for synthesizing a β-bonded polyaspartic acid, its salt or ester in high purity by using a polyaspartic acid hydrolase in an organic solvent and using aspartic acid, its salt or ester as a substrate. - 特許庁


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