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「たる用木材」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > たる用木材の意味・解説 > たる用木材に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 19



The hot-water treated product of wood piece is a decomposition product obtained by the electromagnetic induction hot-water treatment of a wood piece, especially a wood piece comprising a small piece or stick of wood of a liquor-storage barrel. - 特許庁


The method for joining the building lumber is intended to interfacially join one lumber 1 and the other lumber 2, and filling the insertion grooves 15 with a resin mortar 16 made by mixing a synthetic adhesive agent with natural or synthetic aggregate and hardening the mixture after inserting connecting reinforcing bars 5 into the insertion grooves 15 formed from the one lumber to the other lumber in the interfacially joined portion. - 特許庁


To provide a wooden building which is improved in earthquake resistance not by using metallic materials at essential joint portions but by applying a unique working technique to the building, and maintains the comfortableness and friendliness of wooden materials, to thereby enhance the strength of the building, that has been insufficient for the wooden building, and impart sufficient earthquake resistance to the same. - 特許庁


To provide compost which is very rich in utilities by making wood chip excreted from a race track as a main raw material as a part of recycling, and also adding fermentation material while making fermentation method peculiar. - 特許庁



Wood 1c with a thin type metal plate 2c stuck to the exposed surface is used as a roof purlin 7, rafter 8, strut, or the like. - 特許庁



This wooden stack fence is stacked up with the plurality of holed woods 1 having through holes 2 capable of using a thinning material of a small-diametric tree, is stackedly assembled using a flanged connecting socket 3 in the through hole 2 of the holed wood 1, and is connection-fixed by filling mortal 5, in the wooden stack fence stacked up with the plurality of holed woods. - 特許庁


To provide an exterior casing for an electronic device easily performing molding while forming a main part using compressed wood, and the electronic device externally covered with the exterior casing for the electronic device. - 特許庁


In the antiaging agent, the solvent extract has collagenase activity-inhibiting action and/or fibroblast proliferation action and the plant may be used as a form of a chip composed of oak wood or barrel for aging whiskey. - 特許庁


Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.  - 特許庁



The sending amount measuring device 7 utilizes a digital scale, and uses highly-accurate bending deflection shape data acquired therefrom, to thereby detect defects of the wood and the laminated veneer material. - 特許庁



To provide a compressed structure whose deformation (distortion) is small under load and whose plastic deformation over a long term is small when used as materials for construction and civil engineering. - 特許庁


It was determined that the half the lumber was used for thresholds and kamoi, quarter lumber for taruki (the simplest type of rafter extended from the ridge to the end of, or beyond the eave), sixth of the lumber for yose-shikii (a single grooved track (threshold) for sliding doors, opaque sliding screens or a translucent sliding screen) and kamoi, and duodecimal lumber for furring strips of waist panel and saobuchi (a wooden strip nailed horizontally to a board of ceiling).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The cabinet used for a digital camera is constituted by adjusting openings of a box-like front cover 1 and a rear cover 2, which are formed of wood and have openings at one end, and fixing them. - 特許庁


A kneaded material that a synthetic resin emulsion is added to mortar for instance is applied on the peripheral face and the end face of the wooden material 2 by making use of an appropriate means such as spraying to form a hard protection layer caused by hardening of cement. - 特許庁

再資源化の内容は、インゴットとして流通(インゴットの約8 割は最終的に輸出)されたり、再生ペレットを経て包装材やビデオカセット、合成木材等に再生されたり、粉砕を経てモルタル混和剤として利されています。例文帳に追加

The amount of EPS collected and recycled has been increasing year by year, reaching 82,200 tons (material recycling) with the material recycling rate at 53% in 2008.  - 経済産業省


To sharply reduce a use amount of an adhesive because an improved adhesive markedly enhanced in bonding force is used in the manufacturing of a woody board or the like accompanying a hot pressing process of a wood material coated with the adhesive, and accordingly, to reduce the total manufacturing cost of the woody board or the like. - 特許庁


This underground continuous wall cutting spacer 10 comprises fixing steel 12 provided with a fixing weld length L to a reinforcing cage 21 of an element 20, and a spacer 11 formed of material such as mortar, resin, wood, or the like made into small pieces when excavating, and mounted to the fixing steel 12. - 特許庁


The coated paper for offset printing obtained by coating a coating solution mainly comprising a pigment and an adhesive on both or one side of a base paper comprising wood pulp as main material, the pigment comprises calcium carbonate/kaolin/silica or calcium carbonate/kaolin/alumina, and the ratio of concentration of the silica or alumina in the total pigments is 0.5-5.0 mass %. - 特許庁



The method of construction work does not use large-diameter timbers for columns, beams, sleepers, sills or the like, making it easy to place reinforcement at the center of the single pipe as necessary and fill cement or resin mortar therein for increased strength or to add a continuous column in every part to construct a structure which enables application of trussed load distribution to heavily loaded columns. - 特許庁


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