「たびとまちくろだ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「たびとまちくろだ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 37


インタビューは終わり 出発しないと 絡んだ・・ 第9地区まで12キロ例文帳に追加

I think we're gonna have to cut this interview, cause we're gonna go... 12 kilometers from district 9 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

注: 構築出力フォルダは、プロジェクトの生成物を削除するたびに削除されます。例文帳に追加

NOTE: The build output folder is deleted every time you clean the project. - NetBeans

プロジェクトが構築されるたびに IDE が再生成するほかのアーティファクトと同様、Java オブジェクトは build フォルダに生成されます。例文帳に追加

As with other artifacts that the IDE regenerateswhenever a project is built,the Java objects are generated in the build folder.  - NetBeans


However, he was detained by the Shugodai (deputy military governor) in Chikuzen Province, Okitsura SUGI and brought back again to Suo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス






However, Jiho and the others did not follow this order (on the pretext they were ill), but they eventually (August) visited the Kuroda estate and reported back that the villains had evaded capture yet again.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A remultiplex section 5 multiplexes the video information encoded by the encoder 4 and the audio information stored in the budder 6. - 特許庁


Then, when the system again determines the level rises up to the previously determined high value, it discharges oil from the oil pan 29 to the heat accumulating tank 40 until the oil surface level reaches to the low value. - 特許庁


Then every time the controller 100 receives the edge signal from the encoder 400, the controller 100 sequentially turns on/off the 3-color LEDs, sequentially reads electric charges stored in the image sensor 202 while the respective LEDs are turned on, and thereafter discards the electric charges stored in the image sensor 202 until the controller 100 receives a succeeding edge signal. - 特許庁



In addition, the retrieval, the browse are attained, for example, of video data locally accumulated with a web page on a network. - 特許庁



Afterwards, the first microcomputer inputs a write command to the second microcomputer (S955), and each time a handshake signal is received from the second microcomputer, the first microcomputer transmits the write object data stored in the RAM to the second microcomputer for NM bytes by which the write object data can be received once by the second microcomputer (S965). - 特許庁


Then odd number rows of the photo cells successively store charges until a change in a succeeding vertical synchronizing signal V-SYNC and the even number rows of the photo cells having stored no charge store again charges. - 特許庁

第四条 経済産業大臣は、毎年度、総合資源エネルギー調査会の意見を聴いて、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、当該年度以降の五年間についての石油の備蓄の目標(以下「石油備蓄目標」という。)を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 4 (1) Every fiscal year, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall consult the Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and set a target for the stockpiling of oil (hereinafter referred to as the "Oil Stockpiling Target") for five years from the current year onward as provided in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


After photocharges generated at the photoelectric converting section 30 are transferred to the floating gate and a signal is detected, by having the charges transferred back to the photoelectric conversion section so that a plurality of data having a different accumulation time can be taken out, while sustaining accumulating conditions of the photocharge. - 特許庁


And the output signal of the second adaptive equalizer circuit 9 is supplied to a decoder 10 of, for example, a Viterbi decoding algorithm, and the signal from this decoder 10 is supplied to, for example, an error correction code decoding circuit 11, and reconstructed into digital data simultaneously with error correction. - 特許庁


I think that this move is part of the efforts being made at a time when it is a common task for various countries to rebuild a regulatory framework based on the recognition that it is necessary to restore the robustness of financial systems and markets so as to prevent the recurrence of the global financial turmoil that was caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage problem.  - 金融庁


When not receiving a data reception restart signal and a sender origin terminal identifier from an inter-arrival monitor section 306 within a route buildup purpose control data transmitting interval set from the outside, a route buildup purpose control data transmission interval / number of times count section 309 again informs a control data processing section 307 about a route buildup purpose control data transmitting request signal and the sender origin terminal identifier. - 特許庁


The user carries a charm card 10 being a collation password holding means, and when the user receives treatment in a registered hospital in an emergency, the registered hospital performs access to the medical information server 5 by using the personal ID and the collation password described in the charm card 10 in order to obtain the medical information of the user stored in the medical information DB, and to use it for treatment. - 特許庁


In the photosensor wherein a photodiode 10 is operated by placing an initial fat zero charge thereon before the integration of a light- induced signal, the actual dark level signal created by the fat zero charge is sampled with each readout from the photodiode, and then retransferred to the photodiode. - 特許庁


On 28, Hirano and Kitagaki went to Mitajiri, Choshu Province where they conversed with the seven court nobles and the heir of the Choshu Domain Sadahiro MORI and decided to appoint court noble Nobuyoshi SAWA as commander-in-chief.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At that time, if a fault occurs in a rotation system recording medium and frame data are disabled from being read therefrom, the frame data disabled from being read are interpolated with frame data, accumulated in a frame buffer 101 provided in the read switching circuit 42, read from a normal rotation system recording medium preceding to the frame data disabled from being read, and corrected into video playback processable continuous video signals. - 特許庁


Major hits included 'Ame no Bojo' (Longing in the Rain), 'Omae to Futari' (Together with You), 'Osaka Shigure,' 'Michinoku Hitoritabi' (Solitary Journey to Michinoku), 'Okuhida Bojo' (Longing in Okuhida), 'Sazanka no Yado,' 'Kyodai Bune,' 'Hisame' (Chilly Rain), 'Musume Yo,' 'Kitasakaba,' 'Yagiri no Watashi (Takashi HOSOKAWA)' (Yagiri Ferry), 'Nagaragawa Enka' (Nagara-gawa River Song), 'Tsugunai' (Compensation), 'Toki no Nagare ni Mi wo Makase' (Yielding Myself to the Flow of Time), 'Suzume no Namida' (Tears of Sparrow), 'Yume Onna' (Dreaming Woman), 'Yuki Guni' (Snow Country), 'Sake Yo,' 'Yuki Tsubaki' (Snow Camellia), 'Inochi Kurenai' (Crimson Life of Passion), 'Koi Uta Tsuzuri' (Writing a Love Song), 'Murasaki Ujo'(Purple Rain), 'Kokoro Zake' (Sake of the Heart), 'Yozakura Oshichi' (Oshichi under the Cherry Blossoms in the Night), 'Higurashi' (An Evening Cicada), 'Chindo Monogatari' (A Story of Jindo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A user operates the operating panel 112 to switch the print mode from storage print mode to BOX print mode and when a series of processing of rendering and storage is ended for all PDL data, bit map data stored in the area 205 for storing storage print data is transferred to the area 206 for storing BOX print data where it is stored as BOX data. - 特許庁


Partially due to the global imbalance, SWC was born taking advantage of wealth/foreign currencies accumulated in resource countries, mainly oil producing countries, and emerging Asian countries. It has a function to reflux the wealth to the world, however, it also holds some latent problems. - 経済産業省


Since the Keihan Electric Railway and Nihon Jutaku Kodan (Japan Housing Urban Development Corporation) (present Urban Renaissance Agency) prepared housing sites, such as Kuzuha Rose Town and Otokoyama housing complex in Otokoyama area near Kuzuha Station of the Keihan Electric Railway (Hirakata City Osaka Prefecture) in and after the 1970's, the city became a commuter town for Osaka and thereby the population of the city almost doubled in a short term and surpassed that of Fukuchiyama City, Osaka Prefecture. (Now Fukuchiyama City is more populated than Yawata City.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because the channel controlling means is placed in the side of the ink cartridge, the channel controlling means is exchanged whenever the ink cartridge is exchanged, thus improving the reliability of recovery operation of printing function by cleaning movement executed by saving the negative pressure. - 特許庁


The field monitoring server 20 incorporates various setting programs for monitor and diagnosis and at least one remote monitoring terminal 30 accesses the field monitoring server 20, downloads the setting program thereof, performs desired setting and afterwards uploads the program to the field monitoring server 20 again so that the system can be constructed. - 特許庁


A queue means 102 accumulates the drawing processing commands sent from the priority-equipped drawing command generation means 101 in a queue, and updates order inside the queue of the drawing processing commands according to the priority of a new drawing processing command when the new drawing processing command is input during a prescribed queueing time. - 特許庁


In the first charge mode, if a chargeable state is set during daytime power hours and the remaining level of a storage battery 30 at the time is lower than an SOC set value, a charging operation on the storage battery 30 is immediately started and is stopped after the remaining level reaches the SOC set value, and the charging operation is restarted when nighttime power hours come. - 特許庁


Broadly speaking, the financial measures taken by Japan and other countries include measures intended to subdue the ongoing turmoil in the financial markets and stabilize the financial system and medium- and long-term measures intended to rebuild the regulatory framework as a precaution to prevent a recurrence of the global financial crisis.  - 金融庁


Since a spooling means 110 temporarily stores plotting information received from an application and a spool analysis means 130 analyzes the stored information, the positions and plotting attributes of plotting objects in the whole page can be considered, an optimum plotting area can be selected in a prepared plotting memory 160 and an optimum development means 150 can be allocated from the plotting attributes of the plotting objects included in respective plotting areas. - 特許庁


At the time of reading out a bit map image stored on a hard disc 112 while analyzing through a control program stored in an ROM 106 and transferring the bit map image to a printer engine 110, a CPU 105 controls start of transferring the developed and stored bit map data to the printer engine 110 based on a different print start request for the printer engine 110 specified by a user. - 特許庁


This is the separator for a sealed lead acid battery in which inorganic powder is mixed at 15 to 30 wt.% in dispersed state in a sheet of a minute glass fiber body obtained by wet papermaking, and the inorganic powder is made to exist mixedly so as to gradually has a higher filling density from one surface side in the thickness direction of the separator toward the other surface side. - 特許庁


A function as a WWW server is provided to a building control computer 6 connected with a building control controller 4, and a connection environment to an internet 23 is built through a router 21 and a provider 22, and an HTML file in the web server 6 can be read at a remote plate connected with the internet 23 utilizing the blowzer in a terminal 30 composed of a client personal computer. - 特許庁


I understand that the objectives of the proposed U.S. regulatory reform represent the concept of the rebuilding of the regulatory framework, which is regarded as a common global challenge based on the recognition that it is necessary to restore the robustness of the financial systems and markets so as to prevent a recurrence of the global financial market turmoil that was triggered by the subprime mortgage problem  - 金融庁


The L-amino acid is produced by culturing a microorganism, having an ability to produce the L-amino acid and modified to deteriorate a succinate dehydrogenase activity and an α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity, in a culture medium so as to produce and accumulate the L-amino acid in the culture medium or the microbial cells, and then collecting the L-amino acid from the culture medium or the microbial cells. - 特許庁



To provide a fusion DNA vaccine strongly inducing CD8+T cells specific to a pathogen by constructing a fused gene (a fusion DNA) of a gene originating in an intracellular protozoa parasite (for example, tubercle bacillus, malaria parasite or toxoplasma) with a ubiquitin gene and processing a ubiquitinated pathogen antigen (i.e., a gene product) with a proteasome by using the gene vaccine against each infection host. - 特許庁


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