「しりうまにのる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「しりうまにのる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > しりうまにのるの意味・解説 > しりうまにのるに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 18



to follow the lead of others  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Don't follow anybody blindly. - Tatoeba例文


Don't follow anybody blindly.  - Tanaka Corpus


I don't like to follow the lead of others.  - 斎藤和英大辞典



Just how tiresome was it to argue straight against the phrase "Don't blindly follow America's lead!" - Tatoeba例文



Just how tiresome was it to argue straight against the phrase "Don't blindly follow America's lead!"  - Tanaka Corpus


This feed for a ruminant comprises an oligosaccharide or a sugar alcohol nonfermentable and scarcely hydrolyzable in the rumen of the ruminant. - 特許庁


The sliding face of a solid body used as a sliding member is made of a material of which the shear modulus in the sliding direction is higher than the shear modulus of the surface silicon layer in the sliding direction; otherwise, the sliding face of the solid body is made of a material the same as the surface-layer silicon. - 特許庁


The length of the connecting yarn C is made2.5 times the shorter one out of the loop lengths of the cylinder knitting stitch constituting the face side fabric (cylinder knitted fabric) A and the dial knitting stitch constituting the back side fabric (dial knitted fabric) B. - 特許庁



On a side note, according to the historical materials Chiyo was the mother of Tadataka's four children who had been born between 1605-1609 in Kyoto, that were Toku (later, the wife of Saneharu SAIONJI, the Minister of the Left), Yoshi, Fuku (later, the wife of Michishiki KUZE, the first of the KUZE family), and Man (who died prematurely).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A ruthenium-silicon mixed film is formed by a method wherein a specified ruthenium compound (A) and an annular silane compound (B) are used as a raw material. - 特許庁


In addition, the invention encompasses compositions and additives for food, feedstuff or drinks comprising the microorganism belonging to the group of lactic acid bacteria or an analog or fragment thereof. - 特許庁


In order to enhance loop rigidity from a pole piece to a sample, two members of a compression flange 32 and a reinforcing ring 33 that join an outer yoke a25 to an inner yoke 27 are placed. - 特許庁


This is an act of malicious nuisance called Internet bulling (to be picked on), or an exposure of uncertainty over or criticism of the society, and also refers to a situation that an expansion and enlargement of opinions or discussions conducted in various Internet sites by routs who act in concert with it or follow it blindly, or people having own opinions, develop to the state called so-called 'matsuri' on the Internet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The method for producing hydrosilylated chain hydrocarbon includes: performing hydrosilylation reaction of a diene compound having vinyl groups at both terminals and hydrogen halosilane by use of a platinum complex having 1,3-divinyl tetramethyldisiloxane as ligand, in the present of a Lewis base compound of a fixed amount to the catalyst. - 特許庁


If it emerges from the substantive examination that the invention is not new or does not involve an inventive step, the Institute shall inform the person concerned in writing of the examination finding, mentioning the similarities to the prior art cited and references encountered, so that, within a period of two months, he may make such observations as may serve his interests and where appropriate show the differences between his invention on the one hand and the cited prior art and references on the other, or alternatively give reasons for which he insists on the patentability of the invention, or, if he so chooses, amend the claims filed. - 特許庁

第47 条に基づく本組合の清算手続における分配を行う日の時点において、各組合員等に関し、当該組合員等が出資を行うポートフォリオ投資において無限責任組合員が成功報酬を受領している場合で、かつ、(ⅰ)第29 条又は第47 条に基づき当該組合員等に対して行われた組合財産の分配額(現物分配の場合にはその分配時評価額を含む。以下本条において同じ。)の累計額(以下「対象分配累計額」という。)が、当該組合員等によりなされた出資履行金額の総額及び同金額の[α]%に相当する金額の合計額(以下「優先分配金額」という。)を下回るか、又は(ⅱ)当該組合員等が出資を行う各ポートフォリオ投資に関し無限責任組合員が受領した各成功報酬のそれぞれの金額のうち、対応する各ポートフォリオ投資に出資をする当該各組合員等の対象持分割合に相当する金額の合計額(以下「対象成功報酬累計額」という。)が、当該組合員等に係る対象分配累計額から当該組合員等の出資履行金額を控除した金額及び対象成功報酬累計額の合計額の[β]%を超える場合、無限責任組合員は、(x)以下の各号に定める金額のうちいずれか大きい金額又は(y)対象成功報酬累計額の金額のうち、いずれか小さい金額に相当する額を、本組合に速やかに返還するものとする。かかる返還金(以下「クローバック金額」という。)は、本組合への支払いをもって、当該組合員等の持分金額に帰属する。例文帳に追加

If, as of the date of distribution under the liquidation procedures of the Partnership pursuant to Article 47, the General Partner has received an incentive fee for a Portfolio Investment to which each Interested Partner has made contributions and (i) the cumulative amount of the Partnership Assets distributed to such Interested Partner pursuant to Article 29 or Article 47 (in the case of distribution in kind, including the Value at the Time of Distribution thereof; in this Agreement, the same applies) (the “Cumulative Distributed Amount”) is less than the sum of (a) the total Capital Contributions made by such Interested Partner and (b) an amount equal to [O]% thereof (such sum is hereinafter referred to as the “Preferred Distribution Amount”) or (ii) with respect to an incentive fee received by the General Partner in respect of each Portfolio Investment to which each Interested Partner made contribution, the total of the shares of such Interested Partner of such incentive fee in proportion to its Percentage Interest (the “Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount”) exceeds [Q]% of the sum of (A) the Cumulative Distributed Amount of such Interested Partner after the deduction of the total Capital Contributions made by such Interested Partner and (B) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount, the General Partner shall promptly return to the Partnership the amount equal to the lesser of (x) the larger of the amounts set forth in the items below or (y) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount. Upon payment to the Partnership, such refund (the “Clawback Amount”) shall be allocated to the Interest Amount of such Interested Partner.  - 経済産業省


5. 【免除/除外条項を設けない場合】第47 条に基づく本組合の清算手続における分配を行う日の時点において、無限責任組合員が成功報酬を受領している場合で、かつ、(ⅰ)第29 条又は第47条に基づき組合員等に対して行われた組合財産の分配額(現物分配の場合にはその分配時評価額を含む。以下本条において同じ。)の累計額(以下「対象分配累計額」という。)が、組合員等によりなされた出資履行金額の総額及び同金額の[α]%に相当する金額の合計額(以下「優先分配金額」という。)を下回るか、又は(ⅱ)無限責任組合員が受領した成功報酬の合計額(以下「対象成功報酬累計額」という。)が、対象分配累計額から組合員等の出資履行金額の合計額を控除した金額及び対象成功報酬累計額の合計額の[β]%を超える場合、無限責任組合員は、(x)以下の各号に定める金額のうちいずれか大きい金額又は(y)対象成功報酬累計額の金額のうち、いずれか小さい金額に相当する額を、本組合に速やかに返還するものとする。かかる返還金(以下「クローバック金額」という。)は、本組合への支払いをもって、各組合員等へその持分金額(脱退組合員については脱退当時の持分金額)に応じ按分の上帰属する。例文帳に追加

(5) [If an Excuse/Exclusion clause is not included]If, as of the date of distribution under the liquidation procedures of the Partnership pursuant to Article 47, the General Partner has received an incentive fee and (i) the cumulative amount of the Partnership Assets that has been distributed to the Interested Partners pursuant to Article 29 or Article 47 (in the case of in kind distributions, including the Value at the Time of Distribution thereof; in this Article, the same applies) (the “Cumulative Distributed Amount”) is less than the sum of (a) the total Capital Contributions made by the Interested Partners and (b) an amount equal to [O]% thereof (such sum is hereinafter referred to as the “Preferred Distribution Amount”) or (ii) the total incentive fees received by the General Partner (the “Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount”) exceeds [Q]% of the sum of (A) the Cumulative Distributed Amount after thededuction of the total Capital Contributions made by the Interested Partners and (B) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount, the General Partner shall promptly return to the Partnership the amount equal to the lesser of (x) the larger of the amounts set forth in the items below or (y) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount. Upon payment to the Partnership, such refund (the “Clawback Amount”) shall be allocated to each Interested Partner in proportion to its Interest Amount (for a Withdrawing Partner, the Interest Amount at the time of withdrawal).  - 経済産業省


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