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「こっきょうなきいしだん」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 48



This is an msf hospital in cambodia. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


This is an msf hospital in cambodia. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

当時 国境なき医師団(MSF)と そこにある治療センターで例文帳に追加

At that time, msf and the treatment center there - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

当時 国境なき医師団と そこにある治療センターで例文帳に追加

At that time, msf and the treatment center there - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


紛争後に必要なのは 国境なき医師団だけではありません例文帳に追加

In postconflict situations we don't just need doctors without borders - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Bernard Kouchner, who established Medecins Sans Frontieres, did not oppose the Iraq war. - Tatoeba例文


Bernard Kouchner, who established Medecins Sans Frontieres, did not oppose the Iraq war.  - Tanaka Corpus


Joanne Liu, the international president of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders, recently made a 10-day inspection in West Africa. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


There was a conflict between the religious society of Taiseki-ji Temple and national power due to the Meiji Restoration in 1868.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Taking into account the fact that the issue of the greenhouse gas emissions of each country has an impact across national borders, it is beneficial to promote regional cooperation on this issue. - 経済産業省



This remark was made in reply to the question from representative of Foreign Press in Japan, 'Will including the expression of patriotism following the revision of the Fundamental Law of Education result in the conversion of the education style to the prewar nationalistic education?'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Today, we made a cabinet decision on the submission to the Diet of the bill to amend the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions in order to deal with the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake. In light of the risk that the Great East Japan Earthquake will have various effects on financial institutions in the future, this bill is intended to (1) maintain and strengthen regional financial functions in a comprehensive manner and (2) establish a solid framework that reassures depositors.  - 金融庁


Although the Nara Line officially starts at Kizu Station because it is historically a branch line of the Kansai Main Line, outbound trains (odd-numbered trains) run from Kyoto to Kizu and inbound trains (even-numbered trains) run in the opposite direction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Second, the EU took on strong leadership capabilities and powers of enforcement in order to implement the abolition of non-tariff barriers. But in the case of East Asia, which does not possess suprar national functions like those of the EU, it is not possible to adopt the same approach. - 経済産業省


"Urakami yoban kuzure," which means the fourth suppression campaign against crypto-Christians in Urakami area, refers to a large-scale crackdown on Christians which took place in Nagasaki Prefecture from the end of Edo period to the early Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FAR は、米国の政府調達に関する一般的な調達原則を定めたもので、入札招請から契約に至る完全かつオープンな競争手続を規定している(ただし、バイ・アメリカン法の適用は妨げられない。)が、「国家非常事態における製品・サービスの供給源維持及び産業動員基盤確保のために特定の供給源と契約しなければならない場合」や、「供給源の数を制限しない限り、機関がそのニーズを開示することによって国家安全保障が脅かされる場合」は、そのような競争手続に従わなくてよいとしている。例文帳に追加

FAR provides general rules on US government procurement. It provides for full and open competition in the acquisition process. (The Buy American Act is still applicable, though.) FAR, however, allows exceptions from those procedures for contracts: (1) when it is necessary to award the contract to a particular source or sources and keep a facility, producer, manufacturer or other supplier available for furnishing certain supplies or services in case of a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization; or (2) when the disclosure of the agency’s needs would compromise national security (unless the agency is permitted to limit the number of sources from which it solicits bids or proposals). - 経済産業省


There is a record that he was reprimanded because of his aides, YAMASHINA brothers, in 1406, and when Emperor Gokomatsu visited "Kitayama-dai villa" right before Yoshimitsu's death, his half brother Yoshitsugu, having his father's favor, had an audience with the Emperor, but Yoshimochi was made in charge of security in Kyoto, which shows that he also suffered from his father's favoritism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a health band formed mainly of natural rubber, which is wrapped round the waist, the pelvis part and the knee parts, respectively to thereby fix and correct the skeleton constituting each of the pars, and which is provided with an effective function of preventing and eliminating fatigue, stiffness and pains caused in the related mascules as well as fixing and correction for the skeleton of each part, and its manufacturing method. - 特許庁


In 1883, Robert Koch identified the bacterium that caused cholera, so the ways of prevention and treatment for cholera were gradually established and doctors and nurses were adequately provided by modern education system in the middle of the Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two significant movements as to the text of "The Tale of Genji" arose from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period, when the work was being changed from just 'amusements for women and children' into a classic as an important source of culture (composing poems) along with "Kokinwaka shu (Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry)."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

マイケルは観客に一部始終を 見るよう強制していたのだ ここ一番の滑稽な喜劇の様に 拍手喝采を送らせて こうして 祝いながら過ぎていった例文帳に追加

Mikael compelled the audience to watch it all, applaud as if it were the drollest of comedies and then to leave celebrating a terrific night at the opera. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


2. Stronger regulation and oversight for systemically important firms, including: rapid progress on developing tougher prudential requirements to reflect the higher costs of their failure; a requirement on systemic firms to develop firm-specific contingency plans; the establishment of crisis management groups for major cross-border firms to strengthen international cooperation on resolution; and strengthening the legal framework for crisis intervention and winding down firms.  - 財務省


The Management Committee is headquartered in Tokyo and has branches in three prefectures, as I stated in the Diet the other day. Among other contact points are organizations familiar to disaster victims, such as municipal government offices, agricultural and fishery cooperatives, and ordinary financial institutions. Disaster victims feel comfortable about visiting such locations for consultation.  - 金融庁


6. The two Leaders shared the view that an economic partnership that would bring about (a) liberalization of trade and services, (b) facilitation and liberalization of investment, and (c) technical cooperation and capacity-building between the two countries would promote trans-border flow of resources and help create a bigger market that will provide greater opportunities and larger economies of scale for businesses from both sides, which would also have a positive impact on other economies and would develop and enhance the comprehensive economic partnership between Japan and ASEAN.  - 経済産業省


The two Prime Ministers realised that (a) trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation and (b) bilateral co-operation in various areas to facilitate smooth trans-border flow of management resources would help to create a larger market which would provide greater opportunities and larger economies of scale for Japanese and Singapore businesses. - 経済産業省


The light energy conversion material is equipped with a porous material having a light-collecting antenna function; and the electron donor and the electron acceptor disposed in at least one portion out of a pore, a skeleton, and the outer circumference of the porous material. - 特許庁


As a new challenge for Customs administrations, the two Customs Heads discussed the role that Customs can play for environmental protection, and agreed that Customsrole in monitoring and enforcement efforts against the illicit trade of hazardous waste and of endangered animals and plants at the border, is important given the global crises of climate change, depletion of natural resources and loss of biodiversity. - 財務省


From the perspectives of creating competitive international cities with comfortable living environments, and of developing international innovation hubs in medicine and other fields, as a breakthrough to force through bold regulatory and institutional reforms to drastically change Japan’s economic society, the government will materialize the concept of National Strategic Special Zones by combining and implementing exceptional measures, with the goal of creating the most business-friendly environment in the world to ignite the growth of Japan. - 経済産業省


The WTO agreement has been very important for Japan in pursuing free trade in the postwar era, as it is an island country which is poor in natural resources and depends on exports of processed products. As the Prime Minister has repeatedly stated in the Diet in relation to this matter, we will reiterate Japan's intention to ensure consistency with international commitments and seek relevant countries' understanding.  - 金融庁


Although he is often described as a hopelessly violent villain in novels and TV dramas he also had open-hearted aspects which can be seen in such cases as: when Shinsen-gumi members had to borrow Montsuki kimonos from YAGI family upon visiting Katamori MATSUDAIRA, the Head of Aizu Clan, for a petition Gennnojo YAGI worried that they would all be bearing the same family crest (an extremely ridiculous situation at a public occasion), but SERIZAWA laughed, not minding at all; or when SERIZAWA came secretly to return a hibachi he borrowed from YAGI family, YAGI questioned him about cuts made by swords on the hibachi (when the members got drunk, they tested out their swords on randomly selected furniture that belonged to the YAGI family), but SERIZAWA said "it's me, it's me" and scratched his head and escaped.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I believe that providing smooth financing to SMEs is an important role that financial institutions must fulfill. I intend to respond to further developments in a timely and appropriate manner.  - 金融庁

グリアOECD事務総長からもビデオメッセージが寄せられ、各国大使、国会議員、各省庁幹部、企業関係者、学識有識者等幅広いトップリーダーを含む計約500名の聴衆を得て開催され、今後ERIAが、東アジアの「Center of Excellence」として政策研究・政策提言活動を展開していくに当たり、東アジアの幅広い関係者の協力を呼びかける貴重な機会となった。例文帳に追加

About 500 audiences attended including ambassadors from various countries, Japanese Diet members, senior officials of various Japanese governmental ministries and private companies and academic experts; there was also a video message from OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria . The forum provided an important opportunity to call for cooperation among broad sectors of people in East Asia. - 経済産業省

このような①発展途上国がかかわるEPA / FTAの増加、②締結国間の地理的な近接性の変化、という性質の変化が起こりつつある背景として、グローバル化の進展により、国境を越えた国際的な分業が拡大し、先進国と発展途上国間の貿易が活発化した結果、先進国と発展途上国間での経済統合のメリットが高まったことが挙げられる。例文帳に追加

These are summarized as the changes of: 1) an increase of EPA/FTAs involving developing countries, and 2) the geographical distances among party countries to the agreements. In the background is an increase of the merits based on economic integration between developed and developing countries, as a result of globalization in progress, that has been expanding an international division of labor and thus activating trade between developing and developed economies. - 経済産業省


One of the reasons for the "increase in EPAs/FTAs signed by developing countries" and the "change in the geographical proximity of the signatories" is the fact that the progress in globalization has expanded the international division of labor and accelerated trade between developed and developing countries, and, as a result, the benefits of economic integration between developed and developing countries have increased. - 経済産業省


The existence of very complex organs like the eye and the fact that many organic structures are a complex interlocking of different systems of nerves, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and so on (in which a significant random change in any one element would affect the entire organism for the worse) have led people (including many biologists) to infer the existence of a divine designer, a supreme intelligence, God, who created such marvelous organs.  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


As you know, in the current financial crisis, financial risks have spread world-wide in the form of securitized products and a variety of problems have arisen across national borders, so international cooperation is essential in both improving the current situation in the short term and in rebuilding the regulatory framework in ways to prevent a recurrence of the crisis in the medium term.  - 金融庁


In particular, this week and next and in early November, there will be various movements in the financial sector - I am not talking about unexpected market developments, but about scheduled releases of various data - so perhaps, instead of scheduling a summit for a particular date, we should convene a summit or hold a telephone conference as soon as something has happened, although that may be difficult. However, the facts that neither Japan nor the United States rules out the possibility of holding a G-8 summit, and that Europe is positive about it, are evidence that a sense of crisis is shared by all countries, so neither I nor the Prime Minister would not rule that out.  - 金融庁

第74条 政府による発明の使用 74.1政府機関又は政府の許可を得た第三者は,特許権者の同意がなくても次の場合は発明を実施することができる。 (a)政府の適当な機関が定める公共の利益,特に国家の安全,栄養若しくは健康又はその他の分野の発展のために必要な場合 (b)特許権者又は実施権者による実施の態様が反競争的であると司法機関又は行政機関が決定した場合例文帳に追加

Sec.74 Use of Invention by Government 74.1. A Government agency or third person authorized by the Government may exploit the invention even without agreement of the patent owner where: (a) The public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the development of other sectors, as determined by the appropriate agency of the government, so requires; or (b) A judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitation, by the owner of the patent or his licensee, is anti-competitive. - 特許庁


We particularly focus11 on the following:(a) Pension funds that diversified their international investment portfolio and also led to investments in international commodity markets since 2006;(b) "Oil money," wherein working assets grew owing to the sharp rise in crude oil prices;(c) "Foreign reserves" that swelled to enormous scales, particularly in Asian countries;(d) Hedge funds that raise capital through private offerings and manage their assets by various methods;(e) Private equity funds that invest in unlisted companies across borders and support the growth and establishment of these companies15. - 経済産業省


Growth in Africa remains robust, though it is still susceptible to shocks, including rising food and energy prices, which pose great challenges to the most vulnerable populations. As high, stable growth is critical to attaining broad-based development and the Millennium Development Goals, we are committed to working together with African countries to foster sustainable, private sector led growth, building on our commitments to double aid to Africa. In support of country specific growth strategies, we propose to focus on two pillars in our ''G-8 Action Plan for Private Sector Led Growth in Africa'': improving the investment climate; and strengthening the financial sector. In this regard, we are increasing contributions for the development of reliable infrastructures, such as cross-border transport corridors. We will support capacity building of small- and medium-sized enterprises and help African countries' efforts to promote their capacity to trade including through Aid for Trade. We affirm the importance of good financial governance, including long-term fiscal discipline for resource rich countries, and of broader implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Furthermore, we underline the necessity of enhancing a greater access to the formal economy. We will help strengthen local financial institutions, promote local currency financing for African borrowers, enhance local bond market development in African countries, and facilitate remittance flows.  - 財務省


Members, Recognizing the growing importance of trade in services for the growth and development of the world economy; Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the development of developing countries; Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national policy objectives; Recognizing the right of Members to regulate, and to introduce new regulations, on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives and, given asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of services regulations in different countries, the particular need of developing countries to exercise this right; Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness; Taking particular account of the serious difficulty of the least-developed countries in view of their special economic situation and their development, trade and financial needs; Hereby agree as follows: - 経済産業省


As you know, just because a financial institution has more capital does not mean it is better. In Japan, many credit crunch and credit withdrawal cases arose due to the capital adequacy ratio issue a decade ago, as you and I experienced. I was a Diet member of the ruling party at the time and struggled a great deal with it. At the same time, however, financial stability is also extremely important. In macroeconomics, or to stimulate the economy and attain a sustainable economy, it is necessary to have stable and sound financial institutions, as you are well aware. The question of how global harmonization in this field can be achieved has now become a critical issue at a level that has world historical significance, and is being discussed extensively at G8 and G20. My visit to the United States at such a significant point in time, or in my words, at the biggest juncture of the 21st century, was highly informative.  - 金融庁

局長は,次の何れかの状況において,特許所有者の合意がなくても,特許発明を実施する能力を有することを立証した者に,当該発明を実施するライセンスを付与することができる。 (a)国家の非常事態その他の緊急事態の場合 (b)公共の利益,特に国の安全,栄養,健康,又は政府の適切な機関が国の経済について重要なものと決定するその他の分野の発展のために必要な場合 (c)特許所有者又はその実施権者による実施の態様が反競争的であると司法機関又は行政機関が決定した場合 (d)正当な理由のない,特許権者による特許の公的な非商業的使用の場合 (e)特許発明が実施可能であるにも拘らず,正当な理由なくフィリピンにおいて商業的規模で実施されていない場合。ただし,当該特許物品の輸入は,当該特許の実施又は使用に当たる。例文帳に追加

The Director may grant a license to exploit a patented invention, even without the agreement of the patent owner, in favor of any person who has shown his capability to exploit the invention, under any of the following circumstances: (a) National emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency; (b) Where the public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the development of other vital sectors of the national economy as determined by the appropriate agency of the Government, so requires; or (c) Where a judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitation by the owner of the patent or his licensee is anti-competitive; or (d) In case of public non-commercial use of the patent by the patentee, without satisfactory reason; (e) If the patented invention is not being worked in the Philippines on a commercial scale, although capable of being worked, without satisfactory reason; Provided, that the importation of the patented article shall constitute working or using the patent. - 特許庁


As for responsibility, protection of deposits (fixed-amount protection) and assignment of responsibility are basically unrelated. Nevertheless, as I stated last week, Mr. Kimura became a consultant to FSA when Mr. Takenaka served as Minister for Financial Services and filed an application form for the Incubator Bank of Japan after he resigned from the post and established the Bank while Mr. Takenaka was in office. Given that banking businesses are licensed businesses, and financial businesses are highly public in nature, this is an extremely serious matter as a nation. Sound and robust financial businesses are necessary for sound companies as well as for sound management and economy. As financial businesses are licensed businesses that are not to be taken lightly, it is extremely regrettable that it failed in about six and a half years. As I stated before, now that the DICJ has full control of the Bank, we intend to pursue its criminal and/or civil liability in an appropriate manner according to law.  - 金融庁


I might add my personal comment, though – the action plan for the New Growth Strategy, which we developed recently, advocates growth of financial institutions themselves and it is therefore quite critical for various financial segments, including securities, to have as many trading activities as possible, which makes any potential impact on them from taxation quite significant. At the same time, there are the principles of simplicity, fairness and neutrality in taxation that we should bear in mind as I realize, from many years of my involvement in the area of taxation when I was with the ruling party, that this is the kind of area in taxation that is traditionally prone to general criticism as a tax break for the rich. That being the case, in the context of a growing consensus on international cooperation between nationseach of which has its own economic, financial, and fiscal policies and is faced with its own challenges in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and is also founded on its own economic, historical, and traditional qualitieswe are hoping to ultimately make a decision on how to add more vitality to financial and economic activities, bearing in mind the points that I have just made and incorporating, as a democratic nation, inputs from various people.  - 金融庁


The situations and circumstances of financial institutions differ from country to country, so we need to give due consideration to the potential impact on the real economy, for example by providing a sufficient transition period. In particular, Japan has strongly made such an argument at international conferences. As Japan experienced a financial crisis a little more than a decade ago, we should bear its lessons in mind. For example, the higher a bank's capital adequacy ratio, the sounder it is. However, if banks are forced to raise their capital adequacy ratios in a short period of time, they will excessively tighten their lending stance, leading to severe contraction of the real economy. That is what we experienced. We must keep the right balance between the soundness of banks and the impact on the real economy, although that is rather difficult in a liberal, democratic society. However, Japan has endured the bitter experience of the financial crisis that started in 1997, so we will participate in international debates with that in mind. After various financial institutions failed, a legal framework was developed in the Diet session of 1998 that focused on the financial crisis.  - 金融庁

6. 我々は、金融セクター改革を続けることにコミットしている。良い進捗はあったものの、まだ多くの作業が残っている。我々は、流動性基準について合意した観察期間と見直し条項を十分に考慮しつつ、合意した期限内に銀行に対するバーゼルⅢの新たな基準を完全に実施する。同様に、我々は、国際的に整合的かつ無差別な方法で、店頭デリバティブや信用格付会社の格付への依存抑制に関する FSB 提言を実施する。我々は、2011 年の FSB 作業計画において予定されている、システム上重要な金融機関に関し進行中の以下の作業を次回のサミットまでに完了することを期待している:指標となる基準を基にした、FSB 及び各国当局によるグローバルなシステム上の重要性を有する金融機関の決定/より密度の高い監督・監視、クロスボーダーの文脈も含めた実効的な破綻処理能力、各国の状況に応じて追加的な資本賦課・コンティンジェントキャピタル・ベイルイン条項付き債務を含み得る実行可能な選択肢のメニューを通じたより高い損失吸収力のための措置、負担金を含めた各国当局が決定するその他の補完的な措置、を含む包括的かつ多角的な枠組み。当初 G-SIFIs に適用される枠組みに合意したところで、我々は全ての SIFIs をカバーすべく速やかに動く。我々は、BIS、IMF 及び FSB によるマクロ健全性の枠組みについての報告、FSB、IMF 及び世界銀行が各国当局からのインプットを受けてまとめる新興市場・途上国における金融の安定に関する課題についての報告、の 2 つの報告が 10 月の会合までに最終化されることを期待している。我々は、シャドーバンキング及びシャドーバンキングと規制された銀行システムとの相互関係に伴うリスク、とりわけ裁定行為のリスクに実効的に対処するため、FSB が 2011 年半ばまでに策定することになっているシャドーバンキングシステムの規制及び監視に関する提言に期待している。我々は、IOSCO に対し、特に最新の技術発展がもたらすリスクを抑制するために市場の健全性及び効率性を促進する提言を 2011 年半ばまでに策定するよう求める。我々はまた、FSB に対し、FSB のガバナンス、リソース、アウトリーチを強化するための包括的な提言を次回の会合のために提出するよう求める。我々は、ピッツバーグにおいて G20 首脳により合意されたより健全な報酬慣行に関する FSB 原則及び基準を全ての国・地域が完全に実施するよう促し、FSB にこの分野における継続的なモニタリングの実施を求め、残っているギャップを特定するための徹底した第 2 回 FSB ピア・レビューの結果を本年半ばまでに受け取ることを期待している。我々は、OECD、FSB 及びその他関係する国際機関に対し、金融サービス分野における消費者保護についての共通原則を 10 月の会合までに策定するよう求める。我々は、バーゼル委員会の原則に基づく銀行の定期的なストレステストを含む、より実効的な監視・監督にコミットすることを再確認する。例文帳に追加

6. We commit to pursuing the reform of the financial sector. Despite good progress, significant work remains. We will implement fully the Basel III new standards for banks within the agreed timelines while taking due account of the agreed observation periods and review clauses in respect of the liquidity standards. Likewise, we will implement in an internationally consistent and non-discriminatory way the FSB's recommendations on OTC derivatives and on reducing reliance on credit rating agencies' ratings. We look forward to the completion by the next Leaders' Summit of the following ongoing work on systemically important financial institutions as scheduled in the FSB work program for 2011: determination of Global-systemically important financial institutions by FSB and national authorities based on indicative criteria, a comprehensive multi-pronged framework with more intensive supervisory oversight; effective resolution capacity including in a cross-border context; higher loss absorbency measures through a menu of viable alternatives that may include, depending on national circumstances, capital surcharges, contingent capital and bail-in instruments ; and other supplementary requirements as determined by the national authorities including systemic levies. Once the framework initially applicable to G-SIFIs is agreed, we will move expeditiously to cover all SIFIs. We look forward to the reports to be finalized by the BIS, IMF and FSB on macro-prudential frameworks and by the FSB, IMF and World Bank with input of national authorities on financial stability issues in emerging market and developing economies by our October meeting. We look forward to the recommendations that the FSB will prepare by mid-2011 on regulation and oversight of the shadow banking system to efficiently address the risks, notably of arbitrage, associated with shadow banking and its interactions with the regulated banking system. We call on IOSCO to develop by mid-2011 recommendations to promote markets' integrity and efficiency notably to mitigate the risks created by the latest technological developments. We also call on the FSB to bring forward for our next meeting comprehensive proposals to strengthen its governance, resources and outreach. We urge all jurisdictions to fully implement the FSB principles and standards on sounder compensation practices agreed by the G20 Leaders in Pittsburgh and call on the FSB to undertake ongoing monitoring in this area and look forward to receiving the results of a second thorough FSB peer review midyear to identify remaining gaps. We call on the OECD, the FSB and other relevant international organizations to develop common principles on consumer protection in the field of financial services by our October meeting. We reaffirm our commitment to more effective oversight and supervision, including regular stress testing of banks building on the Basel committee's principles.  - 財務省



In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock.  - 金融庁


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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

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