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「こがわちょう2ちょうめ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 5114



A copper cover 2 is positioned on the ultrasonic wave radiating surface of a ceramic oscillator 1 provided in an ultrasonic wave applicator 30. - 特許庁


Moreover, the feeding coil 2 and the tuning circuits are placed on the same plane and the tuning circuits are placed at the inside of the feeding coil. - 特許庁


An expansion part 24 expanded in the rear side is provided on the back side of the headrest body 2. - 特許庁


An ultrashort pulse laser beam L is irradiated to the workpiece 2 from one side (front surface 2a) of it , through which the ultrashort pulse laser beam is transmitted. - 特許庁



It is confirmed that he was in charge of business entertainment for Chosen tsushinshi (Korean emissary) (official business for Chosen [Korean] people) in Ushimado (present Setouchi City) from August 23 to 26 in 1682.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In February 941, the senior commander of Sumitomo's army, FUJIWARA no Tsunetoshi, defected and joined the Imperial army, which then attacked Sumitomo's base on Hiburi Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Not long after that, she died of breathing difficulties due to beriberi in Tonosawa in the morning on September 2, 1877.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At first, they called themselves 'Nakagawa,' but in 1678, during the time of Terunaga TSUTSUMI, the second generation of the family and the son of Sadanaga, they were renamed 'Tsutsumi.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Masako TOKUGAWA (November 23, 1607 - August 2, 1678) was the 5th daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA and Emperor Gomizunoo's Chugu (second consort of an Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



An ultrasonic spindle apparatus A is structured so that a spindle 2 having a tool 1 at the tip rotates while making ultrasonic vibration, and has a shrink-fit chuck 6 attached fast to the tip of the spindle 2, in which the tool 1 is fixed by shrink fitting to the shrink-fit chuck 6 while the spindle 2 is put in ultrasonic vibration. - 特許庁



The display, which was used when Kotari Station commenced operations, is now being erected at 2-chome Kotari, Nagaoka City.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The tension belts 10 and an inside surface of the fitting grooves 2 closely contact on the innermost part side of the fitting grooves 2, and clearance S is arranged between the tension belts 10 and the inside surface of the fitting grooves 2 on the opening part side of the fitting grooves 2. - 特許庁


Long and thin bags 6 expanding when gas is supplied thereto are attached to both side portions of the planar members 5 on the front and back side of the body stand 2 over a nearly entire length of the plane members 5 in a longitudinal direction thereof. - 特許庁


The relief valve 55 and the opening and closing valve 1 constitute a pressure adjusting mechanism 2 for adjusting the pressure on the high pressure side of the compressor 51. - 特許庁


Plural grooves 3 extending in the direction almost orthogonal to the cutting direction of a cooking knife are formed on nearly the whole surface of the cooking surface 2 of at least one side. - 特許庁


(2) A second expansion chamber 50 different from the expansion chamber 40 is arranged on the lower side in the vertical direction of the expansion chamber 40, and communicated with the expansion chamber 40 through the draining hole 42, and a small hole 51 having a hole sectional area smaller than that of the draining hole 42 is arranged in the second expansion chamber 50. - 特許庁


This device is characterized by mounting thermal expansion rubber (7), (9) on the inside of a gas pipe joint (4) for connecting the gas meter (1) to a gas supply pipe (2). - 特許庁


The concrete form 1 formed by stretching a molded plate 3 on one face side of a sash bar frame 2 is provided with a new molded plate 5 stretched on the other face side of the sash bar frame 2, and the molded plate 3 on one face side is removed from the sash bar frame 2 to form a reproduced concrete form reusing the sash bar frame 2. - 特許庁


To provide an air conditioner 2 capable of heating the inside of an air-conditioned room even in defrosting operation. - 特許庁


Nonskid rubber (2) is provided on the inner side of the tip upper part of this shoehorn (1). - 特許庁


The game machine mounting unit has the adjusting mechanism 2 for adjusting the mounting position and mounting angle of an upper plate Ba of the machine frame B of the game machine. - 特許庁


This aroma emitting device 30 is provided with a preparation means preparing two or more aromatic substances of an arbitrary ratio by an external signal. - 特許庁

本殿 徳川家康の命令で建立 平成2年(1990年)の修理で、極彩色の彫刻が復元された例文帳に追加

Main hall: Constructed by the order of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and repaired in 1990 when its richly colored carvings were restored  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This paper comprises a damp proofing agent 2 applied to one side of a paper layer 1. - 特許庁


(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of these Rules, the period of time for doing an act or taking a step under paragraph (1) may be extended although the period has expired. - 特許庁


a second growth of trees covering an area where the original stand was destroyed by fire or cutting  - 日本語WordNet


No. 66 - For Kizugawadai-Jutaku (via Seikadai 1-chome, Vocational Museum) (two trips only on weekdays)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


No. 66 - For Kizugawadai-Jutaku (via Seikadai 1-chome, Vocational Museum (two trips only on weekdays)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Patent Office shall endorse the application with the date of receipt of the latter and shall forward the documents without any verification within the time limit of two weeks as provided for in Art 25 par 2 of this Regulation to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market in Alicante (trade marks and designs).  - 特許庁


A rotary ring 2 is provided to be rotated in a manner united with a rotary shaft 1, and a fixed ring 3 arranged in a stirring tank 103 side facing the rotary ring 2 is provided with an adjusting mechanism for adjusting a surface pressure or an interval between the sliding surface of both 2 and 3. - 特許庁


In addition, side guards 3 and 3 are projected on the end part sides in the width direction of the top face of a mattress of this stretch controlling part 2. - 特許庁

だが ロンドン動物園で2羽のダチョウに 暴行などしてないと 主張した悪名高い動物愛好者の エビニーザ・コーネルも 誠実そうに見えた例文帳に追加

But then, so did infamous zoophile ebenezer cornell when he claimed he had not attempted to violate two ostriches at london zoo. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The superconductive coil device 1 is structured by winding the superconductive wire 2 made of the multi-core superconductive wire with a diameter larger than 1.2 mm, and by using a monolithic extremely thin multi-core superconductive wire having a twist pitch of the wire 2 ranging from 6D1 to 10D1 where the diameter of the wire 2 is D1. - 特許庁

鋼板の調質圧延方法において、調質圧延機出側で18°以上の流出角度を付与すると共に、調質圧延機の出側張力を5.0kgf/mm^ 以上とする。例文帳に追加

In the temper rolling method of the steel sheet, the exit angle of18° is imparted on the outlet side of a temper mill and the tension on the delivery side of the temper mill is taken as ≥5.0 kgf/mm^2. - 特許庁


After a kitchen knife is sharpened on a household kitchen knife sharpener on the market, the blade of the knife is diagonally applied to the sandpaper 2, it is rubbed for 3-5 times leftward, and the other surface of the knife is then rubbed for 3-5 times rightward, thereby the knife is finished sharp. - 特許庁


An added band tension measuring device (14) is arranged between a metal fitting (2) and the band tension devices (5, 6), and the band (4) deflects laterally and establishes a relation between deflection (17) and force (15). - 特許庁


The electrochromic light control glass is constituted in such a manner that a material having a light control function and/or a transparent conductive body is attached to the respective one side surfaces of two sheets of glass plates 1, 2, the attached surfaces are arranged facing to each other, electrolyte for light control is disposed between the surfaces and the light control is performed by energizing. - 特許庁


Projecting parts 23 for temporarily fixing the other end sides of drain hoses 22 are provided on an air conditioning casing 2. - 特許庁


He launched a group of self-promoting plays 'Shichinin-no-kai' (a group of seven persons) together with Ganjiro NAKAMURA II and Enjaku MINOKAWA II, but ultimately the group failed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) 次の場合,すなわち, (a) 局長が,特許証に記載されている事項は局長による過誤又は遺漏を理由に不正確であると認め,かつ (b) その特許証が局長に返却された場合は, 局長は,当該特許証の複製に捺印することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) If: (a) the Commissioner is satisfied that particulars on a patent are incorrect because of an error or omission by the Commissioner; and (b) the patent is returned to the Commissioner; the Commissioner may seal a duplicate of the patent.  - 特許庁


The equipment 2 comprises the luminaire 4 provided along the long edge direction, a slender air conditioning return part 5 provided substantially over the whole length on both sides of the luminaire 4, and a sprinkler mounting part 6 provided in a part of the air conditioning return part 5. - 特許庁


A label sticking section 3 is formed on a recess 2 formed on a short side 1c of a container 1. - 特許庁

2.AJCCEP は、この枠組みを調整し及び実施するための必要に応じ、他の機関を設置することが出来る。その中には、この枠組みに従って行われる他の措置の実施を監督し、調整し及び検討することを含む。例文帳に追加

2. AJCCEP may establish other bodies as may be necessary to co-ordinate and implement this Framework, including the supervision, co-ordination and review of the implementation of other measures undertaken pursuant to this Framework - 経済産業省


The tubular bodies 2, 2 are disposed side by side, and the mutually opposing faces are joined over the whole length in the longitudinal direction. - 特許庁


The optical element has the micro-periodic structure 2 having cycles smaller than the wavelength of incident light on the top surface of a base member 3 and the micro-periodic structure is given such a characteristic that the reflectivity on the short-wavelength side of the wavelength range of the incident light is lower than the reflectivity on the long-wavelength side. - 特許庁


On February 12, Commodore Ding Ruchang solicited Japan to save lives of solders and committed suicide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

過去に我が朝鮮は 清国との盟約を破った後2つの戦争に苦しみました例文帳に追加

In the past, joseon had to suffer through two wars after breaking the pledge with the qing. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The cross section of the arm 2 is formed into almost U-shape and inside of which is utilized as a wiring space 14, and tension stoppers 4 are formed inside the arm 2. - 特許庁


The Patent Office shall note on the application the day of acceptance and forward the documents without examination to the Harmonization Office for European Market (marks, designs and models) in Alicante within the term of two weeks, which is stipulated in Article 35, paragraph 2 of this order.  - 特許庁



A rotating container with a projection is characterized in that a projection (2) is provided at the center of a bottom surface (outside) of the container (1). - 特許庁


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