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だけで意味がない, から騒ぎだ.例文帳に追加

It's simply sound; it makes no sense.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Let me hear [Please tell me] just the point of the story.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

笑ったら ちょっと痛くなっただけからさ。例文帳に追加

If I laugh it just hurts a bit. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

若いんだから どんどん 遊べばいいんだけどさ。例文帳に追加

When you're young, you should have as much fun as you can. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Is it because there is no word tender enough to be your name?"  - James Joyce『死者たち』


騒いだから 止めたんだけど 聞いてくれなかった そうしたら あいつが...例文帳に追加

He started screaming and I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't, and then he just... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Being included in the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park and presenting fine views from its peaks, it is visited by many worshippers and mountaineers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sewing-machine, of the hand type, leaves a similar mark, but only on the left arm, and on the side of it farthest from the thumb, instead of being right across the broadest part, as this was.  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』


In the latter half of the Muromachi period, Yorikatsu OGASAWARA who is considered to be a scion of Nagakiyo OGASAWARA in the Ogasawara clan, built the simple Fukuchiyama-jo Castle with only an empty moat and earthworks in the hilly area called 'Yokoyama' located in the central part of Fukuchiyama Basin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Therefore, I believe that it would not be necessarily appropriate for us regulators to focus exclusively on a particular asset category and announce the status of asset holdings in that category.  - 金融庁



Thy Beloved is such, by nature, that He will suffer no rival, but alone will possess thy heart, and as a king will sit upon His own throne.  - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』


The angle of refraction of the transversal wave oblique angle probe 2 is largely set in order to detect the flaw extending into the test target from the surface of the test target and, by the ultrasonic wave transmitted from the transversal wave oblique angle probe 2, a transversal wave is propagated into the test target and a surface wave is propagated along the surface of the test target. - 特許庁


Raiko SHIMOTSUMA as Bokan of Hongan-ji Temple, that lead the Ikko sect's riot, was well schooled in both academic subjects as well as the military arts, so he was suggested to serve a master by his uncle and ordered to assist Terumasa's legitimate child, Toshitaka IKEDA, with 3,000 koku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One side contact terminals in the paired fellow contact terminals of the upper side contact terminals 18a, 18b, 18c and the lower side contact terminals 19a, 19b, 19c are surely contact with the conductors 32 so as to enhance the reliability of the continuity inspection, compared with conventional structure wherein one contact terminal is made to contact from only one side. - 特許庁

とはいっても、 そうすることによってあなたがすべての FreeBSD文書の翻訳に携わるようになるわけではないですからね。 -- ボランティアとして、多少に関わらず、自分がやろうと思うだけやってください。例文帳に追加

You are not committing yourself to translating every single FreeBSD document by doing this -- as a volunteer, you can do as much or as little translation as you desire.  - FreeBSD


Occasionally, only manners are taught but, taking into account the historical background, the Ogasawara-ryu can only be considered complete with the three arts of 'archery, horsemanship and courtesy'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His disciple's disciple, Onizaburo DEGUCHI taught that not only the human's mind but also all things in nature were composed of Ichirei shikon and wrote many books about it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A column mounting face 2 on a base 1 is formed to be longer than a length L1 by a length Y1 in the Y-axis direction of a column 3 in a separating direction from a saddle 4. - 特許庁


A rail guard 38 is swingably installed so as to be flush with the overall width of the transverse carrier 14 or projectedly by a necessary amount from the side end parts of the transverse carrier 14 in an area where an optical path between the beam sensors 36 is set. - 特許庁


Therefore, when an operator picks the connector 24 for the electronic control device and unfixes it from the temporary fixing part 210, only the rear portion of the connector 24 for the electronic control device may be touched by the operator. - 特許庁


for, amid the rattling of the sashes of the casements, and the ordinary commingled noises of the still increasing storm, the sound, in itself, had nothing, surely, which should have interested or disturbed me.  - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』


To provide forceps for endoscopes capable of surely engaging an operation wire with a wire engagement hole formed in a driving lever for preventing its detachment and malfunction in an inexpensive constitution formed by just bending the distal end of the operation wire. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a manual focus decoration rubber is easily detached from a manual focus operation ring groove when a user pulls the manual focus decoration rubber with a finger because the manual focus decoration rubber is fixed to the manual focus operation ring groove only by the elasticity of the manual focus decoration rubber. - 特許庁


"Welcome home. The bath is ready for you." "I'm feeling hungry, so is it ok if I eat something beforehand?" "No, don't touch a thing! Get to the bathroom." "Hey, you don't have to treat me like a germ you know." "But do you think I can help it with the current state of the world? Please hurry up. Oh, and don't forget to leave the window open after you get out of the bath." - Tatoeba例文


This flaw detector 1 is provided with an ultrasonic probe 2 arranged away by a prescribed distance from the surface of the laminated roller 3 supported in a rotatable manner, and a control device 6 for determining the success or failure of the laminated roller 3 on the basis of information on the internal layer separation of the laminated roller 3 inputted from the ultrasonic probe 2. - 特許庁


Whewell refers the errors of Aristotle, not to a neglect of facts, but to 'a neglect of the idea appropriate to the facts;the idea of Mechanical cause, which is Force, and the substitution of vague or inapplicable notions, involving only relations of space or emotions of wonder.'  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


But if applying the theory that 'Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake', then Tokyo Bay, which is likely to be Suzaku (god said to rule over the southern heavens), spreads from east to south-by-southeast, and Koshu-kaido Road, which is likely to be Byakko (god said to rule over the western heavens), only stretches to the west no matter how you see them in their favor."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the case a deviation Y is larger than a target value of a height position in a leading edge of a sheet pile 5, the sheet pile 5 and lift elements 13, 15 are simultaneously or almost simultaneously displaced in a vertical direction respectively by a specific distance. - 特許庁


To provide a reproduction list generating apparatus for generating a music reproduction list by selecting only a proper amount of music suitably provided to a user without the need for troublesome operations among music items being selection objects. - 特許庁


In a measuring error removing step, a forecasted characteristic value wherein only the measuring error ν among the process errors w and measuring errors ν is removed from the measuring characteristic value can be computed with a measuring error removing unit 14, on the basis of the computed characteristic value and the measured characteristic value. - 特許庁


The snare has a stopper 6 for preventing elastic wires 4 and 5 from being drawn into a flexible sheath 1 further when a snare loop 10 is drawn into the flexible sheath 1 by a control wire 2 and only the distal ends of the elastic wires 4 and 5, constituting the snare loop 10, project from the distal end of the flexible sheath 1. - 特許庁


When the microprocessors X, Y respectively jump to a leading address of a program PRGX and a leading address of a program PRGY at the same time, the microprocessor Y with a low priority is kept waiting for two processing cycles, and from that time on, an instruction can be read out from the different memory simultaneously with the microprocessor X. - 特許庁


Besides priests, fukuotoko (the luckiest man); fukumusume (the luckiest girl); people involved in Shinto rituals (such as the arrow gatherer of a bow and arrow performance at a festival); performers and promoters at a festival (including sumo wrestlers, daikagura lion dance performers, and stall keepers) as well as their sources (such as the medieval sarugaku form of theater and kugutsu puppet theater) are all 'kannagi' and have long been thought to have special power to bring good luck.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In December 14, 1853, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) ordered Okayama Domain to guard Boso ('Hojo' [Hojo, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture] and 'Takegaoka' [Kagamigaura and Yawata, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture], which continued until July 1858) due to the arrival of the Black Ships, and thereby Gonrokuro moved from Okayama to the spot as the chief of staff, but he caused a mess such as making Boso Otsu-e (Otsu paintings, named after the town of Otsu in Shiga Prefecture) Song (a song of famous places and products) and holding a wild drinking party with soldiers every day, and even Tadazumi Igi, the commander in chief, indulged in a tea ceremony, and therefore, Tadatake KAGAWA, Igi's subordinate, submitted a petition of reformation in samurai (warrior) style (enforcement of official discipline) to Yoshimasa IKEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Merging Japan Post Network Co.and Japan Post Service Co.is the basic scheme of the new law. I have requested in the Diet that the merger be implemented by October if possible. While the new law has been enacted, various people are involved in the three postal businesses, and there are political factors. For me, appointed today as the minister in charge, the most important thing to do is to provide convenience to the people in accordance with the spirit of the law.  - 金融庁


To solve the problem that whether or not there is a liquid cannot be detected reliably only by judging the attenuation time difference of ultrasonic waves since the reflected wave of an ultrasonic sensor probe fixed on the external surface of a vessel has a variety of received waves. - 特許庁


One day Bassanio came to Anthonio, and told him that he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage with a lady whom he dearly loved, whose father, that was lately dead, had left her sole heiress to a large estate; and that in her father's lifetime he used to visit at her house, when he thought he had observed this lady had sometimes from her eyes sent speechless messages, that seemed to say he would be no unwelcome suitor; but not having money to furnish himself with an appearance befitting the lover of so rich an heiress, he besought Anthonio to add to the many favours he had shewn him, by lending him three thousand ducats.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』



OKUBO didn't think Daewongun lend an ear to persuasion, and thought SAIGO will be killed (even if he won't be killed, if Daewongun rejected the envoy, it can be a legitimate reason for outbreak of war) inevitably when he went to Korea, and he felt a sense of danger that they will start the war with Korea as a result, and his strategic decision that Japan doesn't have national strength at that time to strain the relationship (as a result, wage a war) with Korea, Qing, and eventually Russia, an emotional backlash to the remaining group that ignored agreement and about to dabble in diplomatic gambling, he strongly opposed because of the presence of a diplomatic matters (Ryukyu attribution issue with Qing [see the Taiwan expedition], territorial right problem on Sakhalin and Kurile Islands with Russia, territorial right problem on Ogasawara Islands [Bonin Islands] with England, revision of the unequal treaty) that must be dealt with before Korean Peninsula problem on Japanese international standing, and he correlated it with expenses etc and appealed postponement by telling disadvantage of subjugation of Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”The Belfast Address”

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原題:”The Imitation of Christ”

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原題:”The Dead”

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