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「うんどうりきがく」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 110



in dynamics, motion of an object, called translation  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the branch of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion  - 日本語WordNet


the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies  - 日本語WordNet


a cart used for dynamic experiments  - EDR日英対訳辞書



the science that studies the action of force in producing or changing movement  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Behind thermodynamics lie the movements of atoms and molecules following the laws of motion learned in the first volume. - Tatoeba例文


Behind thermodynamics lie the movements of atoms and molecules following the laws of motion learned in the first volume.  - Tanaka Corpus


A motion conversion part 76 converts the plurality robot motion dynamics models stored in the robot motion pattern dynamics model storage part 75 to predictive motion orbits by linear translation. - 特許庁


the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass  - 日本語WordNet



Knowledge of dynamics necessary for the operation of light duty mobile cranes  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



A dynamics modeling processing part 74 models a plurality robot motion patterns stored in a robot motion pattern storage part 73 by dynamics and stores them into a robot motion pattern dynamics model storage part 75. - 特許庁


A calculation part 113 calculates the mechanism parameter by directly using the relational expression describing one-side kinematics of forward kinematics and the inverse kinematics of a parallel mechanism 4. - 特許庁


A greater understanding of kinetic behavior should lead to better predictions of the behavior of PCP during anaerobic bioremediation. - 英語論文検索例文集


the principle that the total momentum of any system of revolving or colliding bodies remains constant in the absence of outside forces  - EDR日英対訳辞書


To establish the technology of controlling the motion effective for relative motion floating bodies having enormous mass dynamically affecting on each other. - 特許庁


The contact ring 3 is moved along the axial line direction by means of an electrodynamic actuation having two coils. - 特許庁


To accurately identify a mechanism parameter by acquiring data for performing positioning to a known position and prescribing an absolute position of an end effector, and directly using a relational expression describing kinematics without using minute kinematics. - 特許庁


The reverse dynamic model for the musculoskeletal and assisting device system inputs the simulated dynamic data, target dynamic data on the segment, and assist torque and sends out calculated net torque and muscle torque. - 特許庁


And in Kyoto University, there still remain some traces of the student movement era, and recently, incidents such as "Ishigaki Café" happened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the system detects the movement of the movable body by a dynamic means using the motion converter, the system is not so affected by an environment such as oil, dust, etc., in a case where the system comprises a linear scale and an optical means. - 特許庁


In a machine tool, both a polariscope and a laser beam machining head are movable in the direction of the common motion axis (x axis) by a drive unit containing a driving gear. - 特許庁


In the second machine structure, both the polariscope 19 and a laser processed head and movable in a common traveling axis (x-axis) direction by a drive unit 21 containing a drive gear. - 特許庁


The lever member 11 of a swinging fulcrum type lever device 10 swings around this fulcrum R, while a dynamic point Q carries out the circular movement by the rotation of a crank pin 20 and the fulcrum R moves vertically on an L-L line by a fulcrum regulator 21. - 特許庁


A lever member 11 of a pivotal fulcrum type lever device is so constructed that a force point Q is caused to make a circular movement by rotation of a crank pin, a fulcrum R is moved vertically on a line L-L by a fulcrum regulator 26, and the lever is oscillated round the fulcrum R. - 特許庁


In 1951, the year when the Emperor Showa visited Kyoto City during his tour in the Kansai region, the labor movement as well as the student movement started to revive nationwide on the problems of the peace treaty and wage increases, and the labor movement was also vigorous in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a system of notation for dance movements that uses symbols to represent points on a dancer's body and the direction of the dancer's movement and the tempo and the dynamics  - 日本語WordNet


To enable a user to freely enjoy music of tempo according to a body motion tempo such as walking, jogging or dancing. - 特許庁


The arithmetic means 5 obtains the exergy e from the sum of the maximum industrial work of thermodynamics of air and kinetic energy. - 特許庁


On the other hand, an equation of motion of a dynamic model of the vehicle including the vehicle mass M in coefficients in obtained as the quadratic expression of the differential operator s. - 特許庁


Also, the payment amount of the customer is simultaneously calculated according to the order data and is also preliminarily outputted to a counter 10. - 特許庁


This inputs drive specifications into necessary models by a drive specification input part 103, and then it inputs control parameters such as an operation pattern, etc. into a motor driving unit model by an operation pattern input part 102 so as to make it simulate a mechanical part dynamic model, and computes the change of the speed and the position of the tip of the mechanical part dynamic model, in the mechanical action analyser 104. - 特許庁

2 前項の場合において、原子力事業者等は、同項の運搬が開始される前に、同項に規定する取決めの締結について、文部科学省令で定めるところにより、文部科学大臣の確認を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the licensee of nuclear energy activity, etc. shall obtain the confirmation of the Minister of MEXT before commencing the shipment set forth in said paragraph, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of MEXT, regarding the conclusion of the agreement provided in said paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A dynamic model for the combined musculoskeletal and assisting device system receives calculated torque at a joint as an input and sends out simulated dynamic data on a segment as an output. - 特許庁


An equation of motion is created in accordance with a dynamic model of an occupant d occupying a vehicle v and a dynamic model of a seat belt restraining the occupant d. - 特許庁


The force fields can be of positive or negative dielectrophoresis, electrophoresis or electro-hydrodynamic motions, characterized by a set of stable equilibrium points for the particles (solid, liquid or gaseous). - 特許庁


A fluid model term of a fluid dynamics model (float model) for the float is identified by a neural network 20 and through this identification, the control system design model described by using a state variable is obtained. - 特許庁


To provide an oscillating wing propulsion device losing oscillating lift, by improving the fluid dynamics characteristics of flapping of the oscillating wing, without requiring a complicated oscillating wing driving mechanism such as an opposite arrangement of the oscillating wing or oscillating lift canceling mechanism. - 特許庁


To provide an internal combustion engine capable of efficiently taking out the heat energy by combustion as the mechanical energy of rotary motion by eliminating reciprocating motion of a piston. - 特許庁


To dynamically analyze motion of fingers of a subject to provide an estimation index in a hardness of a muscle used in the motion of the fingers. - 特許庁


For the asset management of insurance companies, there is a regulation which sets a ceiling on the amount of each type of asset held, based on total assets multiplied by certain ratios. It is pointed out that this is an obstacle to flexible asset management.  - 金融庁


To prevent a dangerous phenomenon of the driver's eyes being dazzled, in meeting and separating with a car coming from the opposite direction at night time by eliminating an irradiated light of forward and upward direction, irradiated directly in the upward spce from a horizontal plane including the center of an electric bulb. - 特許庁


The endurance test method for an optical product includes: a scratch resistance test process for pressing a scratch part to an optical product in the state that a prescribed load is imposed and performing relative exercise of the optical product and the scratch part; and a synthetic sweat test method for immersing the optical product after the scratch resistance test process in synthetic sweat for a prescribed period of time. - 特許庁


The power source equipment is used for supplying electric energy to the automatic water spouting device and constituted of a kinetic energy storage means for temporarily storing the kinetic energy of water as a mechanical energy, a power generating means converting the mechanical energy to electric energy, and a storage means storing the electric energy obtained by the power generating means. - 特許庁


To provide a game ball guiding structure capable of improving interest by imparting complicated hard-to-predict movements to game balls by utilizing mechanical energy that the game balls on a ball receiving surface have and making relatively large swing movements possible, and to provide a swing member for a game machine. - 特許庁


To provide a game ball guide structure improving a taste by providing a game ball with a complicated and unpredictable movement without requiring a special power by swinging a ball mount surface using a mechanical energy possessed by inflow game balls. - 特許庁


When a manual force F_3 is applied from the side of the first member 2 while the informing state is kept, a tilting arm 24 which is freely rotatable using an axis 23 as a center rotates using the axis 23 as the center, and a swinging exercise is started while the second manual force F_2 is applied to the second member 4. - 特許庁


There is also a temporary ticket gate on the platform for Kawaramachi, which is used when the Kyoto City Nishikyogoku Comprehensive Sports Park holds matches of the Professional Baseball League, Japan Soccer League or KANSAI BIG6 Baseball League (e.g., a match between Doshisha University and Ritsumeikan University).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A controller controls the actuator assembly, and the controller includes at least one compensator 46 designed to dynamically decouple the dynamics of the actuator assembly in its free degree. - 特許庁


The weight of the filler 3 is statically measured without actively controlling the motion of the filler due to the coordinate measuring machine and a signal is sent from the filler 3 or the scanning head 1 to the control device 51 at that moment. - 特許庁



This bearing rotation center of which is offset to a rotation center axis of the crank shaft member holds a hub part 48 protruded from the orbital motion scroll member and is engaged with rotation. - 特許庁


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