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「いしんちょうもと」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 672



On the basis of the compression or expansion rate, mapping is performed for making both the color gamuts correspond to each other. - 特許庁


the strength of material expressed as the greatest longitudinal stress it can bear without tearing apart  - 日本語WordNet


He also filled the post of Daikan (local governor) of the land directly controlled by Nobunaga in Takashima County with Mototsuna KUTSUKI and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


LZW compression and decompression are licensed under Unisys Corporation's 1984 U.S. Patent.  - コンピューター用語辞典



The height varies from 3.03 to 54.54 meters depending on descriptions, but it was far taller than the average Japanese at that time anyway.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス





Sometimes being overcautious in planning could upset the apple cart. - Tatoeba例文


Sometimes being overcautious in planning could upset the apple cart.  - Tanaka Corpus


The storage area of the logical volume is dynamically extended based on the acquired logical block address. - 特許庁



The expansion coefficient of the saturation data is determined based on the initial color gamut vertex coordinates and user target color gamut vertex coordinates, and the saturation of the display data is expanded based on it, so that how much the saturation is expanded can be controlled according to the color gamut of the liquid crystal panel. - 特許庁



An upper butt section 2 is constituted to be switchable between a shrank state of being in a butt rod 1 and an extended state of being out of the butt rod 1. - 特許庁


Color data are obtained by expanding compression data CP1 of the color data for an original image by means of a decoding, while compression data CP2 formed by setting an α-value of the original image to the color data and compressing them are expanded by means of a color data decoding part, and obtained expansion data EX2 are set to the α-value. - 特許庁


Color data is obtained by extending compressed data CP1 of color data of an original image with a decoding section, compressed data CP2 produced by setting and compressing the α value of the original image as color data is extended by the decoding section for color data, and obtained extension data EX2 is set up as an α value. - 特許庁


In a compressed data decompressing section 27, the band data are restored to the original order and decompressed, and video data obtained as a result of the decompression is stored in a video memory 15, followed by forming and printing an image on paper, based on the video data, in a printing section 16. - 特許庁


The base material 1 is formed of a material with low extensibility, while the support material is formed of a material with higher extensibility than that of the base material 1, thus forming the double-eyelid forming adhesive sheet. - 特許庁


When receiving the compressed print data the printer 200 expands the compressed print data received, creates print data according to the expanded intermediate print data, and performs printing according to the print data created. - 特許庁


When an image is generated, correction quantity calculated by a visual point acquiring part 42 and a horizontal/vertical correction quantity calculating part 44 are reflected based on height preliminarily inputted by a height input part 64. - 特許庁


Then, the weight excluding bones and the weight of fat are calculated from the calculated admittances Y (0) and Y (∞), length, weight, sex and the like and moreover, the weight of the bones is calculated from the age, length and weight and the like of the subject. - 特許庁


In the case of reproducing and displaying a movie image on the basis of IPB movie data as shown in Fig. 15(A), a CPU applies expansion instruction to a GCL twice for frame periods before a frame period (F3) wherein the GCL first expands B pictures. - 特許庁


The display driving device produces an extension coefficient having a relationship obtained by dividing the maximum gradation value which display data possess with a gradation threshold as a gradation value smaller than the maximum gradation value, supplies the display data extended based on the extension coefficient to a display device and performs dimming control of the backlight module based on the reciprocal of the extension coefficient. - 特許庁


Then an acceleration sensor is constituted in such a way that the amount of plastic extension or value of electric resistance of the plastic extending parts 25 and 26 takes a value corresponding to the maximum value of acceleration. - 特許庁


In the case of reproducing and displaying a movie image on the basis of IPB movie data as shown in Fig. 15(B), a CPU applies expansion instruction to a GCL twice for frame periods before a frame period (F3) wherein the GCL first expands B pictures. - 特許庁


The holder members 31-33 each includes an interposition part extending between the unit cells adjacent to each other and an end surface covering part bent from the tip thereof and extending along the top faces around the cathode terminals of the unit cells. - 特許庁


The CPU 11 selects a storage part (a RAM (Random Access Memory) 17 or an HDD 19) in which each individual file after ZIP extension is made to be stored based on the use frequency list 191, performs the ZIP extension to the individual file, and makes the individual file after the ZIP extension be stored in the selected storage part. - 特許庁


A position of an eye toward the seat 110 can be found by dimension of an occupant, for example, height of the occupant based on statics. - 特許庁


An amount of decrease in brightness for an input display image in a case where the display data is decompressed, and the backlight is dimmed is calculated by an error calculation part (203) as an MSE prospectively based on the data decompression rate and the backlight dimming rate of the previous frame. - 特許庁


To obtain a new protein which has an ability of suppressing the elongation catalyzed by RNA polymerase II in the transcription of a gene in the presence of a DRB sensitivity-inducing factor, and can be used for the elucidation of the action mechanism of the enzyme, the treatment of cancer, and so on. - 特許庁


To the image processing circuit 5, the original image on which the expanded image supplied from the expansion processing circuit 4 is based is read out of the storage memory 1 and input. - 特許庁


Extended color data obtained, by extending the compressed color data (movie texture) of an original image, is converted into α value by a conversion rule, to allow the color data to correspond to the α value, and an α synthesizing processing is performed, based on the α value. - 特許庁


Today, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) is making a fresh start under new FSA Commissioner Hatanaka.What do you think are the challenges for the FSA?  - 金融庁


On the basis of the obtained resize rate, an image compressed in a JPG file is expressed by the JPG and resizing is applied, depending on the resize rate. - 特許庁


Based on a setting position signal of a headrest of a seat on which the occupant sits, a height of the occupant is found. - 特許庁

[彼のもとで働けることは 光栄ですし] [この捜査は 慎重さを欠いた粗雑なもので] [魔女狩りに過ぎないと思います]例文帳に追加

'i'm honoured to have worked at his side 'and I consider this investigation to be little more 'than a fishing expedition and a witchhunt. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The display device 100, therefore, expands the original image by 1/cosθ times in a slanting direction according to the angle θ corresponding to the display direction and displays the image. - 特許庁


Then expansion coefficients representing how grayscale ranges are expanded and dimming coefficients representing how a back light 20 is dimmed (light reduced) are derived by the blocks and output to an expansion processing unit and a dimming unit. - 特許庁


A second part includes a data communicating means 902 for receiving the transmitted data, a data expanding means 904 for expanding the received data, and an information generating means 906 for generating information for display according to the expanded data. - 特許庁


Regarding his features and figure, he was depicted in "Kakubei Jishi" as 'a man of about 165 cm in height, medium build, with a fair-complexion, a well-formed nose and beautiful eyes.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When an instruction from a user is present in the state, the compressed image data are read from the compressed image storage memory 105 and expanded to source image data in an image expansion means 106 and the expanded image data are inputted to a mapping means 107. - 特許庁


An entire code predictive expansion time estimating means 102 in a computer C calculates predictive expansion time of the entire code on the basis of the partial code expansion time received from the queue (2), and a recording means 104 records the predictive expansion time to a recorder. - 特許庁


The image forming apparatus 10 selects a storage medium which stores the ZIP-decompressed file data of the XPS file based on the ZIP-decompressed data size information of the XPS file included in the print ticket, performs ZIP decompression processing of the XPS file, and stores the ZIP-decompressed file data in the selected storage medium when reception of the XPS file is started. - 特許庁


In a voice CODEC processing process 32, voice data whose transmission source is identified are extended in accordance with a voice compression scheme of each of transmission sources. - 特許庁


Based on the given ratio S, the section 8 obtains an appropriate speech speed information N and provides the information N to a time axis extending section 2. - 特許庁


The expander 12, upon acquiring the hierarchy number i, applies hierarchies present from the top order hierarchy of the coded data to (i+1) hierarchy with an inverse wavelet transformation for expansion, and then reduces it. - 特許庁


A correction controller 20 outputs the extension coefficient G, calculated by the correction data generation section 19, to an elongation processing section 21, with a timing, based on the operation instruction from a system controller 16. - 特許庁


A resizing section 13 enlarges or reduces the image data expanded by the JPEG expansion section 12 in compliance with the size ratio determined by the header information analysis section 11 in the MCU unit and transfers the image data to a frame memory 14 for display. - 特許庁


The number of pixels in the horizontal direction of a video signal is doubled, and the number of pixels of the video signal in the horizontal direction is compressed or expanded on the basis of a companding coefficient given externally. - 特許庁


A correction quantity calculation unit 72 inputs a feature quantity of an object frame from a feature quantity extraction unit 71 to derive a tentative expansion rate based thereupon, and then adjusts the expansion rate by using an expansion adjustment value of the last frame input from the edge comparison unit 76 to calculate a final expansion rate. - 特許庁


The DSP 40 creates third picture information of the first format including the RGB signals of the respective dots of the second picture based on the expanded expansion information and allows RAM 43 to store it. - 特許庁


In the transmission operation, each page of the image data is read from the SAF 12 and an expander 14 expands the image into an original image (the image before the compression), and the resulting image is expanded once in a page memory 11. - 特許庁



When the printer 200 receives compressed print data together with a print request, the printer 200 decompresses the received compressed print data and prints based on the decompressed print data. - 特許庁


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