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該当件数 : 1069



There are five locations that have identical town names in Nakagyo Ward  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Five female demonstrators were able to meet the president of the House of Peers (Japan), Atsumaro KONOE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the tension member is tensed, the direct adhesion force between the thermal shrinkage tube 5 and the grout 2 is lost and thus adhesion force at the interface between the tension member and the adhesive 4 or the interface between the thermal shrinkage tube 5 and the adhesive 4 does not show a considerable change and thus the water stopping property can be maintained. - 特許庁


A tip of the hinge pin 4 and the O-ring 5 are protruded from a second box main body side hinge 2b, and the O-ring 5 is locked to an end of a the second box main body side hinge part 2d to prevent the hinge pin 4 from coming off. - 特許庁



Of the 7, 5 were brought back from Tang China by Kukai; although they are heavily damaged, they are extremely valuable because they are some of the few remaining examples of Tang period painting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A high-temperature cooling medium passage 24 which makes a cooling medium circulate to adjust the temperature of the fixed insert mold 5 is formed in the fixed insert mold 5. - 特許庁


The curvature radius of the 1st elliptical surface is 5 mm or smaller at the 1st peak of the long axis. - 特許庁


Each Office recognizes that the difference between the claimed invention and the invention described in D1 is the value of D/h, which is exactly equal to 5 in the cited document while it is 8>D/h>5 in the claimed invention.  - 特許庁


The display terminal 3b for order includes a fire power adjustment screen display unit 361 for displaying a heating adjustment screen for heating adjustment of a heating cooker 5 on a display 32; and a fire power adjustment receiving unit 362 for heating adjustment of the heating cooker 5, by receiving operation input via a touch panel 33 when the heat adjustment screen is displayed. - 特許庁



A compressive force is not applied to the coil spring 5 while the water is shut off, which prevents deterioration of the coil spring 5 for the long time with the water shut off. - 特許庁



As for the insertion length A, A>5 mm is established. - 特許庁


A media information output part 5 outputs media information having had output characteristics adjusted. - 特許庁


On December 28, 1872, the proclamation of conscription was issued and, on January 10, 1873, the Conscription Ordinance became effective.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The cross-sectional peripheral length of the yoke portion 5 is otherwise made larger than the cross-sectional peripheral length of the throat part. - 特許庁


On February 5, over 200 including the leaders of Shigakko and the principals of 137 branch schools assembled and discussed the course of action to take.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

裁判所への上訴は,第22条 (2)又は第28条 (5)に基づく裁定以外の長官の裁定又は命令に対して成立する。例文帳に追加

An appeal to the Court shall lie from any decision or order of the Controller other than a decision under section 22 (2) or section 28 (5).  - 特許庁

(5) 本法又は一般拘束規則(第50条)に別段の規定がある場合を除いて,庁への提出は書面により,公用語でしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) Unless this Act or special regulation (Article 50) stipulates otherwise, submission to the Office shall be made in writing, in the official language. - 特許庁


In concrete saying, the resistance element 5 is formed on a substrate 4 face, and the deformation of the element 5 is made to include the extension of a substrate 4 by deflection. - 特許庁


When a current is applied to an all-heater 4A, the so-called complete heating of heating the whole plate 5 is acquired to permit cooking with the whole plate 5. - 特許庁


The superconducting cable line 1a has a circulation tube 6 allowing the cooling medium in the heat insulating tube 5 to circulate outside the heat insulating tube 5, and the bypass conductor 21 is housed in the circulation tube 6. - 特許庁


The high-temperature refrigerant flow passages 24 for circulating the refrigerant for adjusting the temperature of the fixed side insert 5 are formed on both the fixed side insert 5 and a flow passage forming plate 6 adjacent in the laminated direction with respect to the fixed side insert 5. - 特許庁


The trapezoidal elements 2 and 3 are symmetrical around a center axis passing through the feeding point 5, each width of the trapezoidal elements is H1, the length of the long side including the feeding point is L1, and the length of the short side is L1. - 特許庁


In a perpendicular direction of a mold 1, a bottom end 9a of the S chunk 9 is disposed within a range of 50 [mm] in the perpendicular direction from a virtual extension line P of an lower face 5k of molten steel discharge holes 5, 5 of a dipping nozzle 2 in the perpendicular direction of the mold 1. - 特許庁


A position of the video display device 4 can be adjusted from the outside of the hydroscope 1 by a position adjusting mechanism 5. - 特許庁


A low melting point glass material having a thermal expansion coefficient approximate to that of the leads 4A and 4B is employed in the sealing member 5. - 特許庁


A low melting point glass material having a thermal expansion coefficient approximate to that of the leads 4A and 4B and the like is used as the sealing member 5. - 特許庁


A wobble overhanging section (5) allowing axial fixing with a wobble rivet is formed in a mounting structure. - 特許庁


The rope locking device is installed around at least an expansible loading space 4 among a fixed side loading space 5 and the rotatably housed expansible loading space 4. - 特許庁


A mode setting picture 5 for setting a mode of a color tone is displayed on a display screen 2 before an operation picture for various setting items. - 特許庁


The AF viewfinder body has an extension plate 39 extending near to the strap lug 5 and this extension plate 39 is provided with a boss 40 for screwing the part near the strap lug 5 of the covers 1 and 20. - 特許庁


At the request of the applicant, addressed to the Office within the time limit referred to in paragraph 3, the Office shall submit the invention for which a patent application has been filed to an international type search under Article 15(5)of the PCT.  - 特許庁


Kublai, who in 1260 became the fifth emperor (Khan) of the Mongol Empire that was later called 'Yuan' (the Great Yuan Ulus, Great Yuan Dynasty or Yuan Dynasty), in 1266 planned to send the first envoys to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, through Goryeo in the Korean peninsula, which had already become its subject, while starting to conquer the Southern Sung Dynasty in 1268, which had been its long-standing aim since the reign of the second emperor Ogodei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A surface of the adjusting part 6 is machined to be higher where a polishing surface of the film 5 is higher, and lower where it is lower, so that the polishing surface adjusts contact pressure of the polishing surface to get in contact with the polishing pad 1 in accordance with height of the polishing surface of the film 5. - 特許庁


To widen a control range for a latent heat capacity, in a humidity controller for controlling humidity in air, using adsorption heat exchangers 3, 5 applied with an adsorbent on its surface. - 特許庁

ただし、発明がエチオピアで適切に実施されているとの証明があるときには、特許の有効性は更に 5年間延長することができる。例文帳に追加

However, the validity of the patent may be extended for a further period of five years provided that proof is furnished that the invention is being properly worked in Ethiopia.  - 特許庁


Since such a balanced state is held automatically in the smoothing circuit 5, adjustment of the characteristic values of an element is not required. - 特許庁


The heater 1 has a heating face 4 smooth with a recessed part 5 formed on a face opposite to the heating face. - 特許庁


The television receiver 1 is provided with an internal pressure regulator valve 5 which allows ventilation between the inside and outside of the cabinet 2 on the sealed cabinet 2, and humidity control materials 7 and 7 which absorb moisture are fitted inside the cabinet 2. - 特許庁


In the display device 1, an internal pressure adjusting valve 5 allowing ventilation inside and outside a hermetically sealed cabinet 2 is provided on the cabinet 2 and humidity control materials 7, 7 performing moisture absorption action are attached to the inside of the cabinet 2. - 特許庁


The projected area of the super-abrasive grains D occupies more than 5% and less than 55% of the surface area of a core wire W of the super-abrasive grain wire saw P where the super-abrasive grains D are fixed on the core wire W by the bonding material R. - 特許庁


The heat radiation of the heat exchanger 1 does not deteriorate even if the ultrasonic speaker 5 is mounted since the ultrasonic speaker 5 overlaps the vehicle horn 3 in view of forward of the vehicle. - 特許庁

しかしながら、貿易の絶対額をみると、被災5 県からの2010 年の貿易額は輸出が約1 兆3,800 億円、輸入が約2 兆4,300 億円であり、我が国全体に占める割合は輸出で約2%、輸入で約4%にとどまる。例文帳に追加

However, from the point of absolute amount of the trade, the trade value of 2010 from 5 disaster-affected prefectures were in export approximately 1,380 billion yen, and in import approximately 2,430 billion yen. The percentage in entire Japan value, remain at the level of approximately 2% in export and approximately 4% in import. - 経済産業省


His wife was Yoshie YAMADA (May 23, 1932 - November 8, 2008), who was a vice-president of 'Raicho HIRATSUKA Documentary Films Association.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because a wire sling 5 is installed on the seating stand 2, the possibility of giving a damage to the loads by wire becomes less. - 特許庁


Since a movable mold 3 is pressed to a fixed mold 2 through the pressure of the cushioning oil 5 during mold clamping, mold clamping force can be adjusted by adjusting the size of the restoration force of the adjustment spring 9. - 特許庁


The survey samples are different, so we cannot produce a simple comparison, but if motivations for startup are compared by using the two studies (Fig. 1-2-11), in both the 2001 and 2006 studies, "Want free reign over work" and "To gain personal satisfaction through work" were the top-ranking motivations. - 経済産業省


In May 1873, the position of marshal was abolished along with the conscription ordinance being effected, Saigo became a General in the Army, and was concurrently Sangi councilor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A maximum outside diameter D of the blade edge part 11 is set to 1 mm or less and a ratio L/D between an effective blade length L and the maximum outside diameter D to 5 or more. - 特許庁


The mold for continuous casting is peculiarly provided with a cooling water shut-off material (spray guard) 11 at least on the lower end surface 5 at the long wall side of a base body in the mold. - 特許庁



A maximum outside diameter D of the blade edge part 11 is set to 1 mm or less and a ratio between an effective blade length L and the maximum outside diameter D is set to 5 or more. - 特許庁


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