「"教育プログラム"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索

「"教育プログラム"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 83



To provide a system for participating in education that enables a person to participate in education without restrictions by time and place whereas the person cannot have received education without visiting a lecture hall in taking part in various education program in a conventional system. - 特許庁


To provide a method that enables an entrepreneur to further extend his or her capability obtained through an entrepreneurial internship program by carrying out a follow-up on the interns via a computer network. - 特許庁


Universities are actively launching educational programs aimed at developing monodzukuri workers trained in using high-level techniques supported by rich knowledge of technologies as well as the long-term internship programs of high quality in cooperation with business industries.  - 経済産業省


Employees that want to autonomously create new projects first have to improve their work performance (it takes one year at the earliest).Following this period the employee continues with their work while being enrolled in an 18-montheducational program. Once this is completed, the employee is presented with the opportunity to start anew project as a trader. - 経済産業省


2012 年3 月、大学におけるグローバル人材育成を促進することを目指し、産業界が求めるニーズを踏まえ、各大学が教育プログラム等に関する取組状況の度合いを確認できる指標を策定した。例文帳に追加

In order to promote the development of global human resources at universities and based on the needs of the industrial community, in March 2012 the government established indicators to measure each university's degree of progress in promoting education programs and others. - 経済産業省



Universities are promoting the development and implementation of coordinated educational programs combining experiments and practical lessons with lectures through cooperation with local communities and industry. - 経済産業省


Ueda College of Fashion (Osaka Prefecture) provides a practical education program in cooperation with leather manufacturers in Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, as a part of efforts to cooperate with a materials-producing region and realize local revitalization. - 経済産業省


Educational programs that help to develop human resources with practical skills through industry-academia collaboration at universities and colleges of technology were developed and implemented. - 経済産業省

神奈川県川崎市の特定非営利活動法人キーパーソン21(事務局スタッフ8 名)は、キャリア教育プログラム「夢発見プログラム」を開発し、これまで2万人以上の子ども達にキャリア教育を行っている法人である。例文帳に追加

The non-profit organization KeyPerson21, based in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, with an office staff of eight employees, has developed the career education programDream Discovery Program” and provided career education to more than 20,000 children.  - 経済産業省



Educational programs that help to develop human resources with practical skills through industry academia collaboration at universities and colleges of technology were developed and implemented.  - 経済産業省



Under this accreditation system, the Japanese Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) grants accreditation to technical worker education programs implemented by universities and other institutions. By fiscal 2008, accreditation was granted to 413 education programs. - 経済産業省


Educational programs that help to develop human resources with practical skills through industry-academia collaboration at universities and colleges of technology were developed and implemented. - 経済産業省


Of the total Danish working population, 47% are continuously engaged in some sort of lifetime education program, indicating that education among people holding jobs is more popular here than in any other country. - 経済産業省


While a mismatch between the needs of industry and university education programs is observed, some engineering programs have been viewed as highly effective in terms of training workers who can be effective immediately, particularly in the area of manufacturing. - 経済産業省


From such a point of view, METI has provided assistance since 1999 to: (a) develop and try out educational materials and programs for elementary, junior-high and high school students and manuals for teachers; (b) invite business owners or people engaged in start-ups to elementary and secondary schools, and send teachers to start-ups for research and training; (c) implement model programs for participation/experience-style learning of entrepreneurship; and (d) commend organizations and individuals that have worked for entrepreneurship education.  - 経済産業省


nccam awards grants for research projects, training, and career development in cam; sponsors conferences, educational programs, and exhibits; studies ways to use proven cam practices along with conventional medical practice; and supports adding cam to medical, dental, and nursing school programs.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


nccam awards grants for research projects, training, and career development in cam; sponsors conferences, educational programs, and exhibits; studies ways to use proven cam practices along with conventional medical practice; and supports adding cam to medical, dental, and nursing school programs.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Although the campus consists of one building of Machiya (a traditional form of townhouse found mainly in Kyoto) called Kokokan, it is widely used by the Graduate School of Policy and Management and the re-challenge support program for social innovation which was adopted as Education Promotion Program Responding to Working Adults' Needs for Re-learning in the 2007 academic year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In promoting the activities by investors and financial report preparers mentioned above, establishers of relevant markets are expected also to be active by offering IFRS training programs and monitoring the state of IFRS application by preparers.  - 金融庁


A management computer 21 receives an applicant for contract for education and maintenance service transmitted from a customer terminal 31, and selects a person in charge to be assigned according to the requirements about an education program and type of a device, and a fixed schedule on a desired day of the week and time. - 特許庁


The Washington Accord is an international agreement concerning the substantial equivalence of qualifications, which is the precondition for one country granting the same licenses or registration benefits to persons who completed the engineering education programs in another country. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, to avert BSE outbreaks in Asian countries and regions, Japan is sending specialists to the Asia-Pacific Office of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), as well as providing education and training activities in Asia, including the development of BSE education program. - 経済産業省


In addition, by dispatching engineers to schools as instructors and conducting onsite training for students and teachers, etc., through collaboration between the local industries, technical high schools, governments, etc., practical education programs in technical high schools will be enhanced. (new) (\\536million budget) - 経済産業省


Custom-made Engineering Education Program Corporate workers are attending lectures as full-time students.  With instructorsadvice on lectures, students are able to take custom-made curriculum made up of classes desired by the company/organization that they belong to.  - 経済産業省


For universities, the government promotes monodzukuri education in accordance with the characteristics of individual schools, for example, by supporting educational programs aimed at nurturing monodzukuri engineers with advanced knowledge and skills and by fostering quality, long-term internship programs jointly provided by industry and academia. - 経済産業省


MEXT is also implementing the "Project to Develop Human Resources with Practical Skills through Industry-Academia Collaboration: Fostering of Monodzukuri Technical Workers," which is intended to foster engineers with advanced knowledge and skills that may bring innovation to the field of monodzukuri through the joint development and implementation of education programs by universities and local communities and industries. - 経済産業省


For investors and administrators to secure a level of understanding of IFRS adequate for satisfactory financial analysis, etc., in making investment decisions, it is necessary to make preparations in a broad range of channels, from advanced academic education and education for working adults to training materials and programs designed for accounting specialists and experts.  - 金融庁


We welcome the work that the OECD/INFE and the World Bank are undertaking on the development of practical tools for financial literacy measurement and the evaluation of financial education programs and look forward to the progress report on the National Strategies for Financial Education by our July meeting. - 財務省

これは,二国間の大学間協定という既存のネットワークを APEC 全体での自発的な仕組みへの拡張すること,APEC エコノミー間の(オンライン・コースのような)教育用コンテンツの柔軟な設計及び提供に関する政策の検証,及び教育プログラムに関する APEC データベースの可能性の検討を含み得る。例文帳に追加

This could include enlarging the existing network of bilateral agreements between universities into an APEC-wide voluntary mechanism; examining policies related to the flexible design and delivery of educational content (such as online courses) between APEC economies; and exploring the possibility of an APEC database of educational programs. - 経済産業省


Thanks to such initiatives, entrepreneurship education is spreading among elementary and secondary schools to a certain extent. For instance, model programs for participation/experience-style learning of entrepreneurship, as mentioned above in (c), were carried out between 2002 and 2006 at 833 schools for 68,923 students in total. The Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) and local New Business Conferences have been regularly sending lecturers to schools.  - 経済産業省


They are pushing ahead with improving curriculums and educational methods, such as developing industry?university cooperative education programs, providing long-term internships, and enhancing extracurricular activities for strengthening studentsoriginality and ingenuity. In addition, they are also inviting instructors from companies and improving instructor’s teaching abilities through teaching staffs training programs at companies.  - 経済産業省


We encourage the implementation of economy-wide strategies for financial education by APEC economies and the monitoring of related developments.We encourage that in the course of the implementation of economy-wide strategies and when assessing financial literacy and evaluating financial education programmes, APEC economies consider using the methodologies and tools developed by the World Bank and the OECD/INFE.We also encourage APEC economies to continue working with international financial institutions, as appropriate, in implementing financial education, financial inclusion and consumer rights protection programmes.  - 財務省



Thus the following measures are being implemented: (1) Create skill standards which clarify the skills and know-how appropriate for the special qualities of services provided, through efforts of organizations such as the Service Productivity & Innovation for Growth conference, (2) Support establishment of a skills evaluation system (testing and certification) as a common platform for human resource development, (3) Promote utilization of Job Cards,34 which are also incorporated into a “Bottom-up Growth Strategy”, (4) Provide support to develop a common education program and education materials for each industry and job type, etc. - 経済産業省


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