converselyとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 逆に、反対に、逆関係において、逆に言えば
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converselyの学習レベル | レベル:10英検:1級以上の単語学校レベル:大学院以上の水準 |
該当件数 : 519件
Conversely, are there any Japanese foods you don't like?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
逆に、嫌いな日本食はありますか? - Weblio Email例文集
Conversely at a later date, my cousin visited our home in order to visit the household alter.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
後日、反対に従姉が仏壇にお参りするため我が家を訪れました。 - Weblio Email例文集
the action in boxing of attacking an opponent conversely when he tries to attack発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ボクシングで,相手が攻撃を加えようとするすきに,反対に相手に打撃を加えること - EDR日英対訳辞書
an attack on an opponent conversely when he tries to attack in boxing発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ボクシングで,相手が攻撃を加えようとするすきに,反対に相手に加える打撃 - EDR日英対訳辞書
2ch, where there are many posts praising specific companies, or, conversely, denigrating their rivals.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
特定の企業を賞賛する書き込みや、逆にライバル企業を貶める書き込みが多い2ch。 - Tanaka Corpus
Conversely, a reference electrode is formed by platinum plating.例文帳に追加
一方、基準電極は白金めっきにより形成して得る。 - 特許庁
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ハイパー英語辞書での「conversely」の意味 |
用例 |
印欧語根 | ||
kom | 特に(過去)分詞・集合・強調を表す前置詞として、「…の近くに」「…と一緒に」という意味などを持つ印欧語根。 重要な派生語は、enough, 接頭辞co-, com-, contra-を持つ単語(cooperate, complex, contradictなど)。 | |
wer- | 回すこと、向くこと、曲げることを表す印欧語根。接尾辞-ward(forward, waywardなど、注※)の由来として「…の方へ」「…を指して」の意。他の重要な派生語は、接頭辞ob-(object, obtain, offerなど)の単語、語幹vert(convert, divertなど)の単語、warp, worry, worthなど。 |
語幹 | ||
vert | (verse)向けること、回すことを表すラテン語vertere、印欧語根wer-から。 |
接頭辞 | ||
com- | (b,p,mの前でcom-、lの前でcol-、rの前でcor-、母音とh,gnの前でco-、その他はcon-)…と一緒に、共同の、ともに などの意味。また、強意を表す。(印欧語根kom) |
接尾辞 | ||
-ly | 形容詞・分詞に付いて副詞を造る |
Wiktionary英語版での「conversely」の意味 |
conversely (not comparable)
- (often conjunctive) With a reversed relationship.
- 1784, John West, “[Elements of Geometry.] Proposition VIII.”, in Elements of Mathematics. […], Edinburgh: Printed for William Creech; and sold in London by T[homas] Longman and T[homas] Cadell., OCLC 23623867, book V (Definitions), page 127:
- If two parallelograms, which have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, be equal to one another, the sides about the equal angles are reciprocally proportional, and conversely.
- 1860, Benjamin Greenleaf, “Section XIX. Ratios.”, in A Practical Treatise on Algebra, […], 35th improved stereotype edition, Boston, Mass.: Published by Robert S. Davis & Co.; […], OCLC 23766698, page 207:
- Proposition I. If four quantities are proportional, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means, and conversely.
- 1921, Charles Singer, “Steps Leading to the Invention of the First Optical Apparatus”, in Charles Singer, editor, Studies in the History and Method of Science, volume II, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, OCLC 461152903, page 398:
- Glasses (perspicua) can be so constructed that objects at a very great distance appear to be quite close at hand, and conversely. Thus we read the smallest letters from an incredible distance, number objects, however small, and make the stars appear as near as we wish. … Also objects can be made to appear so that the greatest seems the least, and conversely; what are high appear low and short, and conversely; and what is hidden appears manifest. … [translation of Roger Bacon's De Secretis Operibus Artis et Naturae.]
- 1949, Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, OCLC 559885174, page 165:
- In these cases the market has sufficient skepticism as to the continuation of the unusually high profits to value them conservatively, and conversely when earnings are low or nonexistent.
- 2014, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, “International Reserves and Capital Flows”, in A Systems Perspective on Financial Systems (Communications in Cybernetics, Systems Science かつ Engineering; 6), Boca Raton, Fla.; London: CRC Press/Balkema, →ISBN, ISSN 2164-9693, section 9.2.1 (The Management of Magnitudes), page 354:
- As for the ability for a nation to finance in the international market, if the nation has a relatively good reputation in the international financial market, then the nation can quickly and conveniently obtain loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions with stable sources of funds. In this case, the nation does not need to maintain a large scale of international reserve. Conversely, if a nation's credit rating is low, the nation will have difficulty to raise funds. In this case, the nation will need more sufficient international reserve.
- (conjunctive, loosely) From another point of view; on the other hand.
- 2016 July 12, Joel Beall, “Watch Rory McIlroy Make a 9 at Royal Troon’s Postage Stamp”, in Golf Digest[2], archived from the original on 15 November 2016:
- At 123 yards, Royal Troon's par-3 eighth in the shortest hole in the Open Championship rota. Known as the "Postage Stamp," the eighth's distance has produced plenty of aces – most recently, Ernie Els in 2004, but Gene Sarazen's hole-in-one remains the benchmark, as the Squire accomplished said feat at 71 years old. Conversely, the hole is not a walk in the park.
- 2017 April 13, Viktor T. Toth, “Why Do General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Need to be Unified?”, in Forbes[3]:
- So the issue of unification only comes up when the geometry can no longer be treated as a mere background, or conversely, when the classical theory is no longer accurate. But these circumstances exist (as far as we know) in only two places: the earliest moments of the Big Bang, and the immediate vicinity of singularities hidden behind black hole event horizons.
Weblio例文辞書での「conversely」に類似した例文 |
the opposite
the opposite way
with antithesis
該当件数 : 519件
A delay change caused by the crosstalk is conversely used for timing convergence.例文帳に追加
クロストークによる遅延変動を逆にタイミング収束に利用する。 - 特許庁
Conversely, the layers near the outer side of the cores 3 are high in modulus of elasticity.例文帳に追加
逆に、コア3の外側寄りの層は、弾性率が高い。 - 特許庁
Conversely, the second transistor that is turned off is prone to be turned on.例文帳に追加
反対に、オフしている第2トランジスタは、オンしやすい。 - 特許庁
Conversely, a slump in domestic investment will expand the current account surplus.例文帳に追加
逆に、国内投資が不活性化すれば経常収支の黒字拡大につながる。 - 経済産業省
Conversely, some activities have a low market value, but have relatively high emissions.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
反対に、一部の活動は、市場価値は低いが排出量は比較的多い。 - 経済産業省
Conversely, what sources of advice are difficult to approach regarding business sell-offs?例文帳に追加
逆に、事業売却について相談しにくい相手はどうであろうか。 - 経済産業省
Conversely, if the insertion data is "0", the movement of the sub-band data is not performed and is left intact.例文帳に追加
逆に、挿入データが“0”の場合は、サブバンドデータの移動は行わず、そのままにする。 - 特許庁
When the results of the face detection processing changes from a "success" to a "failure", the acquisition rate is conversely changed.例文帳に追加
顔検出処理の結果が「成功」から「失敗」に変わったときは、取込率をその逆に変化させる。 - 特許庁
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