Cinnamomumとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 ニッケイ属、クスノキ属、シナモン属、シナモマム属、Cinnamomum属
該当件数 : 28件
The composition comprises a component (1): citrulline; and a component (2): a plant belonging to the genus Cinnamomum such as Cinnamomum cassia, Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Cinnamomum sieboldii.例文帳に追加
成分(1)シトルリンと、成分(2)ケイ、シナモン、ニッケイ等のCinnamomum属植物とを含有する組成物は、相乗的にむくみを予防又は改善する効果を奏する。 - 特許庁
5'-Methoxylariciresinol can efficiently be extracted from Cinnamomum camphora Sieb.例文帳に追加
5’−メトキシラリシレシノールは、芳樟から効率よく抽出することができる。 - 特許庁
The maturing, normalizing or stabilizing agent of a blood vessel or the Tie-2 activating agent is composed of an extract derived from plants belonging to the genus Cinnamomum.例文帳に追加
本発明はニッケイ(Cinnamomum)属植物由来の抽出物からなる、血管の成熟化、正常化もしくは安定化剤、又はTie2活性化剤を提供する。 - 特許庁
The Tie2 activator is preferably at least one selected from the group consisting of angiopoietin 1 (Ang-1), extract of Cinnamomum species plants, extract of Siberian Ginseng, and syringaresinol.例文帳に追加
Tie2活性化剤は、好ましくはアンジオポエチン1(Ang-1)、ニッケイ(Cinnamomum)属植物の抽出物、シベリアニンジン(Siberian Ginseng)抽出物及びシリンガレシノールからなる群から選択される少なくとも1種である。 - 特許庁
This α-glucosidase inhibitor comprises an extract of leaf of Apocynum venetum, Cinnamomum cassia, Eucalyptus globulus or Eriobotrya japonica as an active ingredient.例文帳に追加
ラフマ、ケイヒ、ユーカリ、ビワの葉の抽出物を有効成分とするα−グルコシダーゼ阻害剤。 - 特許庁
The bioactive substance composed mainly of polysaccharides is produced by the liquid culture of the mycelium of Kusunoki-take parasitic on the core of the stem of Cinnamomum kanehirae endemic to Formosa.例文帳に追加
本発明では、台湾に特有な牛楠(Cinnamomum kanehirae)の幹中心に寄生する楠茸(Antrodia camphorata またはA.cinnamomea)について、その菌糸体に液体培養を行い、多糖体を主成分とした生物的な活性物質を育成する。 - 特許庁
an evergreen tree native to eastern Asia, that has aromatic wood and is a source of camphor, called Cinnamomum {camphora}発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
くすのきという東アジア原産の常緑高木で,全体に香気がある樟脳のもとである木 - EDR日英対訳辞書
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Wiktionary英語版での「Cinnamomum」の意味 |
From Ancient Greek κιννάμωμον (kinnámōmon). Possible to be explained as “Chinese amōmum”, that word however is of unknown origin.
cinnamōmum n (genitive cinnamōmī); second declension
- cinnamon (plant かつ produce)
- 65 CE, Lucan, Pharsalia X v. 164–168 trans. Henry Thomas Riley p. 391
- 79 CE, Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia XII 50–51 trans. David Edward Eichholz 29–30
- Simile his et nomine et frutice cardamomum, semine oblongo. metitur eodem modo in Arabia. quattuor eius genera: viridissimum ac pingue, acutis angulis contumax frianti — hoc maxime laudatur —, proximum e rufo candicans, tertium brevius atque nigrius, peius tamen varium et facile tritu odorisque parvi, qui vero costo vicinus esse debet. hoc et apud Medos nascitur. pretium optimi in libras III.
Cinnamomo proxima gentilitas erat, ni prius Arabiae divitias indicare conveniret causasque quae cognomen illi felicis ac beatae dedere. Principalia ergo in illa tus atque murra, haec et cum Trogodytis communis, tura praeter Arabiam nullis ac ne Arabiae quidem universae. […]- Resembling these substances both in name and in the shrub that produces it is cardamomum, the seeds of which are oblong in shape. It is gathered in Arabia, in the same manner as amomum. It has four varieties: one very green and oily, with sharp corners and awkward to crumblethis is the kind most highly spoken ofthe next sort a whitish red, the third shorter and of a colour nearer black, while an inferior kind is mottled and easily friable, and has little scentin the true kind the scent ought to be near to that of costus. Cardamomum also grows in the country of the Medes. The price of the best sort is 3 denarii a pound.
Next in affinity to cardamomum would have come cinnamomum, were it not convenient first to catalogue the riches of Arabia and the reasons that have given it the names of Happy and Blessed. […]
- Resembling these substances both in name and in the shrub that produces it is cardamomum, the seeds of which are oblong in shape. It is gathered in Arabia, in the same manner as amomum. It has four varieties: one very green and oily, with sharp corners and awkward to crumblethis is the kind most highly spoken ofthe next sort a whitish red, the third shorter and of a colour nearer black, while an inferior kind is mottled and easily friable, and has little scentin the true kind the scent ought to be near to that of costus. Cardamomum also grows in the country of the Medes. The price of the best sort is 3 denarii a pound.
- 65 CE, Lucan, Pharsalia X v. 164–168 trans. Henry Thomas Riley p. 391
- (figuratively) a term of endearment
Second-declension noun (neuter).
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | cinnamōmum | cinnamōma |
Genitive | cinnamōmī | cinnamōmōrum |
Dative | cinnamōmō | cinnamōmīs |
Accusative | cinnamōmum | cinnamōma |
Ablative | cinnamōmō | cinnamōmīs |
Vocative | cinnamōmum | cinnamōma |
- cinnameus
- English: cinnamon
- Translingua: Cinnamomum
- cinnamomum in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- cinnamomum in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
- Roberts, Edward A. (2014) A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Spanish Language with Families of Words based on Indo-European Roots, Xlibris Corporation, →ISBN
該当件数 : 28件
The composition includes two kind compounds isolated from stems of Cinnamomum subavenium, linderanolide B and subamolide A.例文帳に追加
該組成物は、キナモムム・スバベニウム(Cinnamomum subavenium)の茎部分から分離した2種の化合物、リンデラノリドB(linderanolide B)およびスバモリドA(subamolide A)を含む。 - 特許庁
セイロンニッケイの葉の抽出物、及びその医薬組成物及び該医薬組成物による脂質異常治療方法 - 特許庁
Provided is the plasmin specific activity inhibitor which does not inhibit the activity of the trypsin and comprises a Cinnamomum cassia Blume solvent extract.例文帳に追加
本発明のプラスミン特異的活性阻害剤は、プラスミンの活性変化が認められる種々の疾患を改善する製剤に適用される。 - 特許庁
This matrix metalloprotease (MMPs) activity inhibitor contains one or more plants selected from Schima noronhae, Loranthus sp., Cinnamomum iners, Desmodium triquetrum, Artocarpus elasticus, Equisetum debile, and Bombax ceiba, or a solvent extract thereof, and the skin care preparation.例文帳に追加
イジュ(Schima noronhae)、マツグミ(Loranthus sp.)、シナモマム・イナース(Cinnamomum iners)、デスモディウム・トリクエトラム(Desmodium triquetrum)、アルトカルプス・エラスティクス(Artocarpus elasticus)、エクイセツム・デビレ(Equisetum debile)、およびボムバックス・セイバ(Bombax ceiba)の中から選ばれる1種または2種以上の植物、あるいはその溶媒抽出物を含有する、マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ(MMPs)活性阻害剤、および皮膚外用剤。 - 特許庁
The beverage comprises a sardine peptide and one or more kinds of extracts of crude medicines selected from the group consisting of Ligusticum acutilobum, Agkistrodon halys blomhoffi, Cinnamomum cassia Blume and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer.例文帳に追加
サーデンペプチドと、当帰、反鼻、桂皮および甘草からなる群から選ばれる生薬の抽出物の1種以上を含有することを特徴とする飲料。 - 特許庁
The agent for inhibiting the VLDL secretion contains the whole grasses or parts of one or more plants selected from Piper angustifolium, Thujopsis dolabrata, Thymus serpyllum, Agrimonia eupatoria, Cinnamomum cassia and Salvia officinalis, or an extract thereof.例文帳に追加
マチコ、アスナロ、イブキジャコウソウ、セイヨウキンミズヒキ、ケイヒ、セイジから選択されるいずれか一種以上の植物の全草又は一部或いはその抽出物を含むVLDL分泌抑制剤。 - 特許庁
The VLDL antisecretory agent contains the whole grasses or parts of one or more plants selected from Piper angustifolium (Matico), Thuiopsis dolabrata, Thymus quinquecostatus Celak., Agrimonia eupatoria, Cinnamomum cassia, and Salvia officinalis or an extract thereof.例文帳に追加
マチコ、アスナロ、イブキジャコウソウ、セイヨウキンミズヒキ、ケイヒ、セイジから選択されるいずれか一種以上の植物の全草又は一部或いはその抽出物を含むVLDL分泌抑制剤。 - 特許庁
An ameliorating agent for gout and hyperuricemia comprises a plant of Filipendula ulmaria, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Lippia triphylla, Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiola sacra, Alpinia galanga, Myristica fragans, Hypericum perforatum or Vitaceae vinifera or propolis.例文帳に追加
セイヨウナツユキソウ、シナモン、セドロン、イワベンケイ、紅景天、ガランガル、ナツメグ、セイヨウオトギリソウ、ブドウの植物またはプロポリスを含有することを特徴とする痛風又は高尿酸血症改善剤。 - 特許庁
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