「長さ等の明示」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書





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英訳・英語 Clear Indication of Length、etc.





該当件数 : 7



Clear Indication of Length, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(iii) Do the representative directors take specific measures to have officers and employees get acquainted with his/her approach to finance facilitation, legal compliance, customer protection and risk management? For example, do the representative directors express his/her approach to business consultation and guidance and other finance facilitation, legal compliance, customer protection and risk management to officers and employees when delivering a New Year’s speech and speaking at branch Managersmeetings?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


This music processing device expresses musical objects such as literatures and scores about music or information and knowledge about music clearly and tacitly owned by a human being by using deductive object- oriented database technology, and defines the properties of sound itself such as especially pitch and length thereof, and also the properties of a chord such as a fundamental note, type, and tension, or the like as properties of an object item. - 特許庁

1 2011 年4 月28 日、米連邦準備委員会(FRB)のバーナンキ議は、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、2010 年11 月から続けてきた6,000 億ドルの中期米国債購入による資金供給プログラム(一般にQE2(Quantitative Easing 2)とも呼ばれる)を定どおり6 月末で完了すること、ただし、異例に低水準の政策金利が更に期間継続される公算が高いこと、7 月以降もMBS の満期還金を中期米国債に再投資することで、FRB のバランスシートはほぼ現状で一定に保たれるであろうことを示し、現状の緩和的な金政策を維持するスタンスを明示した。例文帳に追加

1 Bernanke, Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank clearly confirmed that the funds supply program (also generally known as Quantitative Easing (QE 2)) by purchasing US$600 billion long term US bonds continued from November 2010 would be terminated at the end of June as initially decided; however, odds increased to maintain the exceptionally low interest policy for long period; the balance sheet of FRB would be maintained at current level after July by reinvesting funds from MBS redemption of maturity and others to the medium and long term US bonds; and the stance to maintain the current monetary easing policy as declared at the press conference after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on April 28,2011. - 経済産業省

政府又は(請願書が付託された場合における)高裁判所が、その特許は十分に採算が取れていないとの見解であるとき、政府又は高裁判所(場合に応じ)は、命令によりその特許の期間を5 年以内、例外的な場合は10 年以内で、さらに延するか、又は、新規特許の付与を命じることができ、その期間は当該命令において明示する10 年以内の期間とし、かつ政府又は高裁判所(場合に応じ)が適切と考える制限及び条件並びに規定を付すものとする。例文帳に追加

If it appears to the Government or to the High Court Division when the petition is referred to it that the patent has not been sufficiently remunerative, the Government or the High Court Division as the case may be, may by order extend the term of the patent for a further term not exceeding five or in exceptional cases ten years or may order the grant of a new patent for such term not exceeding ten years as may be specified in the order and subject to any restriction, conditions and provisions which the Government or the High Court Division, as the case may be, may think fit.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第二十七条の三 前条第一項本文の規定により同項に規定する公開買付け(以下この節において「公開買付け」という。)によつて株券の買付けを行わなければならない者は、政令で定めるところにより、当該公開買付けについて、その目的、買付けの価格、買付予定の株券の数(株券については株式の数を、その他のものについては内閣府令で定めるところにより株式に換算した数をいう。以下この節において同じ。)、買付けの期間その他の内閣府令で定める事項を公告しなければならない。この場合において、当該買付けの期間が政令で定める期間より短いときは、第二十七条の十第三項の規定により当該買付けの期間が延されることがある旨を当該公告において明示しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 27-3 (1) The person who is required under the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to make Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. by means of Tender Offer provided for by Article 27-2(1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Tender Offer" in this Section) shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, make a public notice of the purpose of the Tender Offer, the price for Purchase, etc., the Number of Share Certificates, etc. Planned to be Purchased (meaning the number of shares in the case of share certificates, or the number of shares calculated by converting Securities other than share certificates into shares pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of Securities other than share certificates; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), the period of Purchase, etc. and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance with regard to the Tender Offer. In this case, when the period of Purchase, etc. is shorter than the period specified by a Cabinet Order, to the effect that the period of Purchase, etc. may be extended under Article 27-10(3) shall be clearly indicated in the public notice.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 第二十七条の二第二項から第六項まで、第二十七条の三(第一項後段及び第二項第二号を除く。)、第二十七条の四、第二十七条の五(各号列記以外の部分に限る。第五項及び第二十七条の二十二の三第五項において同じ。)、第二十七条の六から第二十七条の九まで(第二十七条の八第六項、第十項及び第十二項を除く。)、第二十七条の十一から第二十七条の十五まで(第二十七条の十一第四項並びに第二十七条の十三第三項及び第四項第一号を除く。)、第二十七条の十七、第二十七条の十八、第二十七条の二十一第一項及び前条第一項の規定は、前項の規定により公開買付けによる買付けを行う場合について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定(第二十七条の三第四項及び第二十七条の十一第一項ただし書を除く。)中「株券」とあるのは「上場株券」と、第二十七条の二第六項中「売付け(売付けその他の有償の譲渡をいう。以下この章において同じ。)」とあるのは「売付け」と、第二十七条の三第二項中「次に」とあるのは「第一号及び第三号に」と、同項第一号中「買付けの期間(前項後段の規定により公告において明示した内容を含む。)」とあるのは「買付けの期間」と、同条第三項中「公開買付者、その特別関係者(第二十七条の二第七項に規定する特別関係者をいう。以下この節において同じ。)その他政令で定める関係者」とあるのは「公開買付者その他政令で定める関係者」と、同条第四項前段中「当該公開買付けに係る株券の発行者(当該公開買付届出書を提出した日において、既に当該発行者の株券に係る公開買付届出書の提出をしている者がある場合には、当該提出をしている者を含む。)に送付するとともに、当該公開買付けに係る株券が次の各号に掲げる株券に該当する場合には、当該各号に掲げる株券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者」とあるのは「次の各号に掲げる当該公開買付けに係る上場株券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者に送付するとともに、当該公開買付届出書を提出した日において、既に当該公開買付者が発行者である株券に係る公開買付届出書の提出をしている者がある場合には、当該提出をしている者」と、同項各号中「株券」とあるのは「上場株券」と、第二十七条の五ただし書中「次に掲げる」とあるのは「政令で定める」と、第二十七条の六第一項第一号中「買付けの価格の引下げ(公開買付開始公告及び公開買付届出書において公開買付期間中に対象者(第二十七条の十第一項に規定する対象者をいう。)が株式の分割その他の政令で定める行為を行つたときは内閣府令で定める基準に従い買付けの価格の引下げを行うことがある旨の条件を付した場合に行うものを除く。)」とあるのは「買付けの価格の引下げ」と、同条第二項中「買付条件の変更の内容(第二十七条の十第三項の規定により買付けの期間が延された場合における当該買付けの期間の延を除く。)」とあるのは「買付条件の変更の内容」と、第二十七条の八第二項中「買付条件の変更(第二十七条の十第三項の規定による買付けの期間の延を除く。)」とあるのは「買付条件の変更」と、第二十七条の十一第一項ただし書中「公開買付者が公開買付開始公告及び公開買付届出書において公開買付けに係る株券の発行者若しくはその子会社(会社法第二条第三号に規定する子会社をいう。)の業務若しくは財産に関する重要な変更その他の公開買付けの目的の達成に重大な支障となる事情(政令で定めるものに限る。)が生じたときは公開買付けの撤回をすることがある旨の条件を付した場合又は公開買付者に関し破産手続開始の決定その他の政令で定める重要な事情の変更が生じた」とあるのは「当該公開買付けにより当該上場株券の買付けを行うことが他の法令に違反することとなる場合又は他の法令に違反することとなるおそれがある事情として政令で定める事情が生じた」と、第二十七条の十三第四項中「次に掲げる条件を付した場合(第二号の条件を付す場合にあつては、当該公開買付けの後における公開買付者の所有に係る株券の株券所有割合(第二十七条の二第八項に規定する株券所有割合をいい、当該公開買付者に同条第一項第一号に規定する特別関係者がある場合にあつては、当該特別関係者の所有に係る株券の同条第八項に規定する株券所有割合を加算したものをいう。)が政令で定める割合を下回る場合に限る。)」とあるのは「第二号に掲げる条件を付した場合」と、第二十七条の十四第一項中「、意見表明報告書及び対質問回答報告書(これらの」とあるのは「(その」と、同条第三項中「並びに第二十七条の十第九項(同条第十項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第十三項(同条第十四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定」とあるのは「の規定」と、第二十七条の十五第一項中「、公開買付報告書、意見表明報告書又は対質問回答報告書」とあるのは「又は公開買付報告書」と、同条第二項中「公開買付者及び対象者」とあるのは「公開買付者」と、前条第一項中「公開買付者若しくはその特別関係者」とあるのは「公開買付者」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Article 27-2(2) to (6) inclusive, Article 27-3 (excluding the second sentence of paragraph (1) and item (ii) of paragraph (2)), Article 27-4, Article 27-5 (limited to the non-itemized part thereof; the same shall apply in paragraph (5) and Article 27-22-3(5)), Articles 27-6 to 27-9 inclusive (excluding Article 27-8(6), (10) and (12)), Article 27-11 to 15 inclusive (excluding Article 27-11(4) and Article 27-13(3) and (4)(i)), Article 27-17, Article 27-18, Article 27-21(1) and paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to Purchase, etc. conducted under the preceding paragraph by means of Tender Offer. In this case, the term "Share Certificates, etc." in these provisions (excluding Article 27-3(4) and the proviso to Article 27-11(1)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Listed Share Certificates, etc."; the term "Sales, etc. (meaning sales or other type of transfer for value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Sales, etc."; the term "the following matters" in Article 27-3(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the matters listed in items (i) and (iii) below"; the part "period of Purchase, etc. (including the statement included in the public notice under the second sentence of the preceding paragraph)" in Article 27-3(2)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "period of Purchase, etc."; the part "The Tender Offeror, Persons in Special Relationship with the Tender Offeror (meaning Persons in Special Relationship as defined in Article 27-2(7); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), or other person concerned as specified by a Cabinet Order" in Article 27-3(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Tender Offeror or other person concerned as specified by a Cabinet Order"; the part "to the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. to which the Tender Offer is made (and the person who has already submitted a Tender Offer Notification with regard to any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer as of the day on which the Tender Offer Notification is submitted, if any), and, if the Share Certificates, etc. for which the Tender Offer is made fall under any of the categories listed in the following items, also send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the exchange or association specified in the following items for each kind of Share Certificates, etc. set forth in the respective items" in the first sentence of Article 27-3(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to the exchange or association specified in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items, and also send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the person who has already submitted a Tender Offer Notification with regard to any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer as of the day on which the Tender Offer Notification is submitted, if any"; the term "Share Certificates, etc." in the items of Article 27-3(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Listed Share Certificates, etc."; the part "lower the price for Purchase, etc. (excluding those implemented in cases where the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and the Tender Offer Notification state as one of the Terms of Purchase, etc. that the price for Purchase, etc. may be lowered according to standards specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance if the Subject Company (meaning Subject Company defined in Article 27-10(1)) conducts share split or other act specified by a Cabinet Order.)" in Article 27-6(1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "lower the price for Purchase, etc."; the part "the details of the change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. (excluding the extension of the period for Purchase, etc. made under Article 27-10(3))" in Article 27-6(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the details of the change in the Terms of Purchase, etc."; the part "any change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. (excluding the extension of the period for Purchase, etc. made under Article 27-10(3))" in Article 27-8(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "any change in the Terms of Purchase, etc."; the part "the Tender Offeror states as one of the Terms of Purchase, etc. in the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and Tender Offer Notification that the Tender Offer may be withdrawn if there occurs any important change in the business or property of the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. for which the Tender Offer is made or its Subsidiary (meaning Subsidiary as defined in Article 2(iii) of the Companies Act) or there occurs any other circumstance that would significantly impede the achievement of the purpose of the Tender Offer (limited to those specified by a Cabinet Order), or where a decision of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings is made against the Tender Offeror or there occurs any other material change in circumstances as specified by a Cabinet Order" in the proviso to Article 27-11(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Purchase, etc. of Listed Share Certificates, etc. conducted through the Tender Offer violates other laws and regulations or where there occurs any circumstances specified by a Cabinet Order as those involving the risk of violation of other laws and regulations"; the part "states any of the following as one of the Terms of Purchase, etc. in the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and Tender Offer Notification (with regard to the term specified in item (ii), limited to cases where the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate (meaning Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate as defined in Article 27-2(8)) of Share Certificates, etc. in possession by the Tender Offeror after the Tender Offer, or, in cases where there are Persons in Special Relationship as specified in Article 27-2(1)(i) with the Tender Offeror, the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate calculated by adding the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of the Persons in Special Relationship as defined in Article 27-2(8) to that for the person who conducted the Purchase, etc.) will not exceed the rate specified by a Cabinet Order)" in Article 27-13(4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "states the term specified in item (ii) below as one of the Terms of Purchase, etc. in the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and Tender Offer Notification"; the part ", the Subject Company's Position Statement and the Tender Offeror's Answer (including" in Article 27-14(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "(including"; the part ", Article 27-10(9) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-10(10)) and Article 27-10(13) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27-10(14)) at" in Article 27-14(3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "at"; the part ", Tender Offer Report, Subject Company's Position Statement or Tender Offeror's Answer" in Article 27-15(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "or Tender Offer Report"; the term "Tender Offeror, etc. and the Subject Company" in Article 27-15(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Tender Offeror"; and the term "Tender Offeror, Persons in Special Relationship with the Tender Offeror" in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Tender Offeror."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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