「監理委」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書










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該当件数 : 13



So, General MacArthur's occupation forces created independent administrative commissions. Throughout the occupation, there was a Radio Regulatory Commission in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and members of the Commission could not be dismissed even by the Prime Minister or the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

2 前項の規定により地方運輸局長に任された権限は、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、運輸監理部長又は運輸支局長に任することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The authority delegated to the director of the Regional Transport Bureau in accordance with the provision in the preceding paragraph may be delegated to the chief of Transport Administration Department or assistant director of the Transport Bureau Branch pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十七条 この法律に規定する国土交通大臣の権限は、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)に任することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 57 The authority of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism prescribed in this Act may be delegated to the director of the Regional Transport Bureau (including the senior director of transport control) pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九条 争議行為が発生したときは、その当事者は、直ちにその旨を労働員会又は都道府県知事(船員法(昭和二十二年法律第百号)の適用を受ける船員に関しては地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)以下同じ。)に届け出なければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 9 When acts of dispute have occurred, the parties concerned shall immediately so report to the Labor Relations Commission or the prefectural governor (or, as regards mariners covered by the Mariners Act (Act No. 100 of 1947), to the Director of the Local Transport Bureau (including the Director of the Transport Control Division); the same shall apply hereinafter).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The Federal Minister for Justice shall have power to establish by statutory order that officials of the higher and intermediate grades of the civil service, as well as comparable employees, may be entrusted with the handling of certain matters within the competence of the Utility Model Section or the Utility Model Divisions, with the exception, however, of the rejection of applications on grounds which the applicant has contested.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The same shall apply to officials of the higher and intermediate grades of the civil service and to employees, insofar as they have been entrusted under subsection (2) with the handling of certain matters within the competence of the Utility Model Section or the Utility Model Divisions. Section 27(6), third sentence, of the Patent Law shall apply mutatis mutandis.発音を聞く  - 特許庁



'A' joint agent (representing a group) in trust of a client puts on construction work to the members ('B1': design managers, 'B2': construction supervisors, 'C': construction traders) and serves for the entire proceeding from estimation to completion. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 13


4 第十二条第二項、第十三条及び第十五条から第十九条までの規定は、第二項のあっせんについて準用する。この場合において、第十七条及び第十八条中「員会」とあるのは「船員地方労働員会」と、同条中「都道府県労働局長」とあるのは「地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)」と、同条及び第十九条中「厚生労働省令」とあるのは「船員中央労働員会規則」と、同条中「員会及びあっせん」とあるのは「あっせん」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) The provisions of Article 12, paragraph 2, Article 13 and Articles 15 to 19 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the mediation set forth in paragraph 2. In this case, the term "committee" in Articles 17 and 18 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Local Labor Relations Commission for Mariners"; the term "the Director of the Prefectural Labor Bureau" in the same article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Director of the District Transport Bureau (including the Director of Transport Administration)"; the term "Ordinance of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare" in the same article and Article 19 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Ordinance of the Central Labor Relations Commission for Mariners"; and the term "the Committee and mediation" in the same article shall be deemed to be replaced with "mediation".発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十一条 船員職業安定法(昭和二十三年法律第百三十号)第六条第一項に規定する船員及び同項に規定する船員になろうとする者に関しては、第三条、第四条第一項及び第二項並びに第五条第一項中「都道府県労働局長」とあるのは「地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)」と、同項中「紛争調整員会にあっせんを行わせる」とあるのは「船員地方労働員会にあっせんを任する」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 21 (1) Concerning mariners prescribed in Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Mariners Employment Security Act (Act No. 130 of 1948) and persons seeking to become mariners as prescribed in the same paragraph, the term "the Director of the Prefectural Labor Bureau" in Article 3, Article 4, paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 5, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Director of the Local Transport Bureau (including the Director of Transport Administration)," and the term "shall have the Dispute Coordinating Committee conduct mediation" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall delegate mediation to the Local Labor Relations Commission for Mariners".発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 第一項の規定により読み替えられた第三条、第四条第一項及び第二項並びに第五条第一項並びに前項の規定により読み替えて準用される第十八条に規定する地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)の権限は、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、運輸支局長又は地方運輸局、運輸監理部若しくは運輸支局の事務所の長に任することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) The authority of the Director of the District Transport Bureau (including the Director of Transport Administration) prescribed in Article 3, Article 4, paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article 5, paragraph 1 as replaced pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, and Article 18 as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, be delegated to the Transport Bureau Chief or the head of office of District Transport Bureau, Transport Administration, or the Transport Bureau.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十四条 自動車登録ファイルへの登録又は自動車検査証の交付(当該自動車についての前条第一項に規定する最初の自動車登録ファイルへの登録又は最初の自動車検査証の交付に限る。)を受けようとする者は、国土交通大臣等(国土交通大臣若しくはその権限の任を受けた地方運輸局長、運輸監理部長若しくは運輸支局長又は軽自動車検査協会(道路運送車両法第五章の二の規定により設立された軽自動車検査協会をいう。以下同じ。)をいう。以下同じ。)に対して、当該自動車の所有者が資金管理法人に対し当該自動車に係る再資源化預託金等を預託したことを証する書面(以下「預託証明書」という。)を提示しなければならない。ただし、その者が、資金管理法人に託して当該預託証明書に相当するものとして政令で定める通知を同法第七条第四項に規定する登録情報処理機関(次項において単に「登録情報処理機関」という。)に対して行ったときは、当該預託証明書を国土交通大臣等に提示したものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 74 (1) When a person who intends to have a Vehicle registered in the Vehicle registration file or to have a vehicle inspection certificate delivered (restricted to the registration of Vehicles in the initial Vehicle registration file or to delivery of the initial vehicle inspection certification as prescribed in Paragraph 1), he/she shall submit a written statement to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc. (the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or the Head of the Regional Transport Agency mandated with the authority of the Minister, the Head of the Transport Surveillance Section or the Head of the Transport Branch Office or the Light Vehicle Inspection Association (indicating the Light Vehicle Inspection Association set up by the provisions of Chapter 5-2 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act, the same shall apply hereinafter), the same shall apply hereinafter) attesting to the fact that the owner of the Vehicle has deposited the Recycling Deposit, etc. relating to the Vehicle (hereinafter referred to as "Certification of Deposit") with the Deposit Management Entity; However, when the person notifies a Registration Information Processing Organization (referred to in the next paragraph simply as "Registration Information Processing Organization") as prescribed in Article 7, Paragraph 4 of the same Act, said notification being specified by Cabinet Order as corresponding to the Certification of Deposit entrusted to the Deposit Management Entity, said Certification of Deposit shall be deemed to be submitted to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 この政令施行の際現に効力を有する改正前の外国為替銀行及び両替商の報告に関する政令、輸出貿易管理令、輸入貿易管理令、外国為替管理令又は日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う外国為替管理令等の臨時特例に関する政令に基く外国為替管理員会規則若しくは総理府令、大蔵省令、通商産業省令又は総理府令、通商産業省令は、この政令施行後は、改正後の外国為替銀行及び両替商の報告に関する政令、輸出貿易管理令、輸入貿易監理令、外国為替管理令又は日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う外国為替管理令等の臨時特例に関する政令に基く相当の主務省令若しくは大蔵省令若しくは通商産業省令又は大蔵省令、通商産業省令としての効力を有するものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) The Order Concerning Reports of Foreign Exchange Banks and Money Exchangers, the Export Trade Control Order, the Import Trade Control Order, the Foreign Exchange Control Order, or the Foreign Exchange Control Commission Rules, Ordinance of the Prime Minister's Office, Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance or Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry based on the Cabinet Order Concerning Temporary Special Provisions of the Foreign Exchange Control Order, etc., upon Implementation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America, or an Ordinance of the Prime Minister's Office or Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, all of which are effective at the time of enforcement of this Cabinet Order and have not yet been revised, shall be effective, after the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, as the Order Concerning Reports of Foreign Exchange Banks and Money Exchangers, the Export Trade Control Order, the Import Trade Control Order, the Foreign Exchange Control Order, or the relevant ordinance of the competent ministry, Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance or Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry based on the Cabinet Order Concerning Temporary Special Provisions of the Foreign Exchange Control Order, etc. upon Implementation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America, or an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance or Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, all of which have been revised.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 船員等に関しては、第二条第三号から第五号まで、第五条第二項、第三項第二号及び第四項、第六条第一項第二号及び第三号(第十二条第二項及び第十六条の三第二項において準用する場合を含む。)並びに第三項、第七条(第十三条において準用する場合を含む。)、第八条第二項及び第三項(第十四条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、第九条第二項第一号及び第三項、第十一条第二項第一号及び第二号ロ並びに第三項、第十二条第三項、第十五条第三項第一号及び第四項、第十六条の二第二項、第十九条第一項第二号及び第三号、第二項、第三項並びに第四項第一号(これらの規定を第二十条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)並びに第十九条第五項、第二十条第二項、第二十一条第一項第三号及び第二項、第二十三条、第二十九条、第五十七条、第五十八条並びに前条中「厚生労働省令」とあるのは「国土交通省令」と、第九条第二項第三号中「労働基準法(昭和二十二年法律第四十九号)第六十五条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により休業する」とあるのは「船員法(昭和二十二年法律第百号)第八十七条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により作業に従事しない」と、第十五条第三項第二号及び第十九条第四項第三号中「労働基準法第六十五条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により休業する」とあるのは「船員法第八十七条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により作業に従事しない」と、第二十八条及び第五十五条から第五十八条までの規定中「厚生労働大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、第五十七条中「第三項第一号、第十七条第一項第二号並びに同項第三号並びに同条第三項及び第四項第一号(これらの規定を第十八条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「第三項第一号」と、「、第二十三条並びに第三十九条第一項第二号及び第二項」とあるのは「並びに第二十三条」と、「労働政策審議会」とあるのは「船員中央労働員会」と、第五十八条中「都道府県労働局長」とあるのは「地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)」とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the Mariners, etc., certain terms of this Act shall be replaced as stated below. The term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare" in the following provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism": Article 2 items (iii) through (v); Article 5 paragraph 2; paragraph 3 item (ii) and paragraph 4; Article 6 paragraph 1 items (ii) and (iii) (including cases where the provisions above apply mutatis mutandis to Article 12 paragraph 2 and Article 16-3 paragraph 2), Article 6 paragraph 3; Article 7 (including cases where the provisions above apply mutatis mutandis to Article 13); Article 8 paragraphs 2 and 3 (including cases where the provisions above apply mutatis mutandis to Article 14 paragraph 3); Article 9 paragraph 2 items (i) and paragraph 3; Article 11 paragraph 2 items (i) and (ii) (b), and paragraph 3; Article 12 paragraph 3; Article 15 paragraph 3 items (i) and paragraph 4; Article 16-2 paragraph 2; Article 19 paragraph 1 items (ii) and (iii), paragraphs 2 and 3, and paragraph 4 item (i) (including cases where the provisions above apply mutatis mutandis to Article 20 paragraph 1); Article 19 paragraph 5; Article 20 paragraph 2; Article 21 paragraph 1 item (iii) and paragraph 2; Article 23; Article 29; Article 57; Article 58; and Article 59. The term "a leave period pursuant to the provision of Article 65 paragraph 1 or 2 of the Labor Standards Act (Act No. 49 of 1947)" in Article 9 paragraph 2 item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a period of absence from work pursuant to the provision of Article 87 paragraph 1 or 2 of the Mariners' Act (Act No. 100 of 1947)". The term "a leave pursuant to the provision of Article 65 paragraph 1 or 2 of the Labour Standards Act" in Article 15 paragraph 3 item (ii) and Article 19 paragraph 4 item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a period of absence from work in accord pursuant to the provision of Article 87 paragraph 1 or 2 of the Seafarers' Act. The term "Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare" in Article 28 and Articles 55 through 58 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism." The term "paragraph 3 item (i), Article 17 paragraph 1 items (ii) and (iii), Article 17 paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 item (i) (including cases where the provisions above apply mutatis mutandis to Article 18 paragraph 1)" in Article 57 shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph 3 item (i)." The term "Article 23, and Article 39 paragraph 1 item (ii) and paragraph 2" in the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "and Article 23." The term "Labour Policy Council" in the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Seafarers' Central Labour Commission." The term "Director-General of Prefectural Labour Bureau" in Article 58 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Director-General of District Transport Bureau (including the Director of Transport Supervision Department)."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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