「特許商品名」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書













該当件数 : 22


商品の》 特許登録, 商標例文帳に追加

a proprietary name [term]発音を聞く  - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典


a drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent)発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


A fine shall be imposed on any person not being the owner of a patent or utility model certificate or not yet enjoying the rights conferred by them, makes use on his goods or in his advertising, of names liable to mislead the public as to the existence thereof.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

出願人が商標の対象商品称を正確かつ明瞭に表示する場合は,特許庁は,当該商品が第2条 (iv)にいう分類に記載されていないという理由のみで,訂正をすることはできず又は変更がなされるよう要求することはできない。例文帳に追加

Where the applicant indicates correctly and clearly the name of the good for which the trademark is intended, the Patent Office may not make any corrections or demand a change to be made merely because such good is not mentioned in the Classification referred to in section 2 (iv). - 特許庁


The application for registration of a trademark shall be filed in writing with the registering authority. The application shall indicate the name or trade name of the applicant and the goods and classes of goods for which the mark is intended. The mark shall be clearly shown in the application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The trademark owner shall immediately notify the Patent Office of any amendments or of mistakes discovered in the information concerning the registration of the trademark, of changes in the owner’s name, of a change of representative, of a desire to eliminate goods or services from the list of goods and/or services, or of a desire to change non-essential (secondary) elements in the trademark itself. - 特許庁



(7) "trade description" means any description, statement or other direct or indirect indication as to- (a) the number, quantity, measure, gauge or weight of any goods or services; or (b) the standard of quality of any goods or services, according to a classification commonly used or recognized in the trade; or (c) the strength, performance or qualities of any goods, if it is 'drug' as defined in the Drugs Act, 1940 or "food" as defined in the Pure Food Ordinance, 1959; or (d) the place or country in which or the time at which any goods or services were made or produced; or (e) the name and address or other indication of the identity of the manufacturer or of the person for whom the goods or services are manufactured; or (f) the mode of the manufacture or producing any goods or services; or (g) the material of which any goods or services are composed; or (h) any existing patent, privilege or copyright relating to any goods or services and includes,- (i) any description as to the use of any mark which according to the custom of the trade is commonly taken to be an indication of any of the matters referred to in clause (a) to (g) as trade description; (ii) the description as to any imported goods contained in a bill of entry or shipping bill; (iii) any other description which is likely to be misunderstood or mistaken for all or any of the said matters;発音を聞く  - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 22



Based in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Sanai Pack Corporation, with a workforce of 12 and capital of ¥10 million in capital), is a product marketing company that deals with all kinds of packaging materials. It has produced a series of groundbreaking, original products and has been aggressive in applying for patents and trademarks. - 経済産業省

(5) 契約又はライセンスの条件は,単に特定の者により供給される商品以外の商品の販売を禁じるという理由,又は特許製品を賃貸借する契約若しくはこれを使用するライセンスの場合は,特許製品を良好な状態に保つために必要とされる当該製品の新規部品を供給する権利を,寄託者若しくは実施許諾者,又はその指を受けた者に留保するという理由のみにより,本条により無効となることはない。例文帳に追加

(5) A condition or term of a contract or licence shall not be void by virtue of this section by reason only that it prohibits any person from selling goods other than those supplied by a specific person or, in the case of a contract for the hiring of or licence to use a patented product, that it reserves to the bailor or licensor, or his nominee, the right to supply such new parts of the patented product as may be required to put or keep it in repair. - 特許庁


The owner of a trade mark shall notify the patent body on change of the name (for legal persons), surname, name and patronymic name (for natural persons), addresses, about reduction of the list of goods concerning which the trade mark is registered, about change of separate elements of the trade mark which is not changing its essence, other changes concerning registration of a trade mark.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(2) 次に掲げる各号の場合,本条(3),(4)及び(5)は効力を有する。 (a) ある物品又は物質の称又は内容の,それらを取引の対象とする者による使用が十分に周知されかつ確立されており,取引の過程で当該商標の所有者若しくは登録使用者に関係する商品について使用されていない場合,又は (b) 当該物品又は物質が特許権に基づき以前に製造され,その特許が消滅してから2年以上の期間が経過しており,かつ,その言葉が当該物品又は物質の称又は内容に実際上限られている場合例文帳に追加

(2) Subsections (3), (4) and (5) have effect where - (a) there is a well-known and established use of a word as the name or description of an article or substance by a person or persons carrying on a trade in that article or substance, not being use in relation to goods connected in the course of trade with the proprietor or a registered user of the trade mark; or (b) the article or substance was formerly manufactured under a patent, a period of two years or more after the patent has ceased has elapsed, and the word is the only practicable name or description of the article or substance. - 特許庁

(2) 次に掲げるものが商標登録簿に記入されるものとする。 -商標の複製 -所有者に関する諸事項 -商標登録番号及び登録日 -商標登録された商品及び役務の目録 -特許庁への出願日及び番号 -条約優先権がある場合、先の出願を実行した国、番号及び出願日 -登録商標に係る他の諸事項例文帳に追加

(2) The following shall be entered in the State Register of Trademarks: -a reproduction of the trademark; -the particulars concerning its owner; -the number and registration date of the trademark; - the list of goods and services for which the trademark is registered; -the number and the date of filing of the application in Kazpatent; - country, number and filing date of the first application where the Convention priority is established; - other particulars concerning the registration of the trademark. - 特許庁

(1) 次の各号に掲げる商標と同一または誤認混同を招くほどに類似する標章は商標として登録することができない。 (a) カザフスタン共和国において、同一の商品または役務に対して他人義で先に登録されている商標。 (b) カザフスタン共和国において、いずれかの商品または役務において周知である商標。 (c) 同一の商品及び役務に対して、第三者の義で特許庁に先に登録出願されているものに関する標章(撤回されたものを除く)。 (d) カザフスタン共和国において定められた手続に従って登録された認証標章。 (e) カザフスタン共和国において保護を受ける原産地称。ただし、かかる原産地称を使用する許諾を得ている者の義で登録されている商標に保護を受けない要素として組み込むことができる場合は除く。例文帳に追加

(1) Those signs may not be registered as trademarks that are identical or confusingly similar to: (a) trademarks registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan earlier in the name of other person for goods or services of the same type; (b) trademarks that are well known in the Republic of Kazakhstan for goods and services of any type; (c) signs in respect of which an application for registration has been filed previously with Kazpatent in the name of a third party for goods and services of the same type, (excepting those withdrawn); (d) certification marks registered according to the established procedure in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; (e)appellations of origin protected in the Republic of Kazakhstan, except where they can be incorporated as unprotected elements in a trademark registered in the name of a person authorized to use the said appellation of origin. - 特許庁

商標登録は,次に掲げる理由の何れかを基にして取り消すことができる。商標登録に係る取消申請日の1月前までに,商標がそのときの所有者によりその登録に係る商品又はサービスについてニュージーランドにおいて業として真正の使用がされなかった期間が,実際の登録日後,連続して3年以上経過していること(3)に定める場合を除き,商標の使用が中断なく3年間停止していること所有者の行為又は無為の結果,商標がその登録に係る商品又はサービスについて一般公衆に使用される普通称になっていること 次に掲げる事情があること,すなわち,それに係る物品若しくは物質が以前は特許に基づいて製造されていたか,又はそれに係るサービスが以前は特許方法であったこと,及び特許の満了から2年以上の期間が経過していること,及びそれに係る文言が物品,物質又はサービスについての単なる実用的な称又は説明であること商標登録に係る商品又はサービスについての所有者による又は所有者の同意を得た商標の使用の結果,商標が例えば,その商品又はサービスの性質,品質又は原産地等に関して公衆に誤認又は混同を生じさせる虞があること例文帳に追加

The registration of a trade mark may be revoked on any of the following grounds: that, up to the date 1 month before the date of the application for the revocation of the registration of the trade mark, a continuous period of 3 years or more elapsed following the actual date of registration during which the trade mark was not put to genuine use in the course of trade in New Zealand, by any owner for the time being, in relation to the goods or services in respect of which it is registered: except as provided in subsection (3), that the use of the trade mark has been suspended for an uninterrupted period of 3 years: that, in consequence of acts or inactivity of the owner, the trade mark has become a common name in general public use for a product or service in respect of which it is registered: that the article or substance was formerly manufactured under a patent or the service was formerly a patented process; and a period of 2 years or more has elapsed since the expiry of the patent; and the word is or the words are the only practicable name or description of the article, substance, or service: that, in consequence of the trade mark's use by the owner or with the owner's consent in relation to the goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered, the trade mark is likely to deceive or confuse the public, for instance as to the nature, quality, or geographical origin of those goods or services. - 特許庁


ハンガリー特許庁の公報においては,特に,商標出願及び商標に関する次のデータ及び事実を公告するものとする。 (a) 商標出願の公告のときには,出願人及び代理人の称及び宛先(登録所在地),出願の参照番号,出願日及び優先日(後者が異なる場合),当該標識並びに商品又はサービスの一覧 (b) 商標の登録後においては,登録番号,所有者の称及び宛先(登録所在地),代理人の称及び宛先(登録所在地),参照番号,出願日及び優先日(後者が異なる場合),当該商標,商品又はサービスの一覧,並びに登録に関する裁定の日 (c) 商標保護の更新又は分割の場合は,その関連のデータ (d) 商標保護の消滅の理由及び日付 (e) 商標登録簿に記入された商標保護に関する権利の変更例文帳に追加

In the official journal of the Hungarian Patent Office the following data and facts relating to trademark applications and trademarks shall be published in particular: (a) on publication of the trademark application, the name and address (registered seat) of the applicant and the representative, the reference number of the application, the filing date and the date of priority where the latter is different, the sign and the list of goods or services; (b) after registration of the trademark, the registration number, the name and address (registered seat) of the holder, name and address (registered seat) of the representative, the reference number, the filing date and the date of priority where the latter is different, the trademark, the list of goods or services and the date of the ruling on registration; (c) in the case of renewal or division of trademark protection, the relevant data thereof; (d) grounds and date of the lapse of trademark protection; (e) changes in rights relating to trademark protection entered in the trademark register. - 特許庁


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