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Weblio例文辞書での「国際貿易大臣」に類似した例文 |
the extension of foreign trade
a trade agreement between Japan and the U.S.
Foreign trade is actively going on―in full swing.
該当件数 : 15件
• 2010年6月 APEC貿易大臣会合の際に経済産業大臣・外務大臣からカナダ国際貿易大臣に是正の申入れ。例文帳に追加
June 2010 On the margin of APEC Trade Ministers’ Meeting, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Foreign Minister requested correction of measures to the Canadian Minister of International Trade.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
• 2012年6月 APEC貿易大臣会合の際に経済産業大臣から国際貿易大臣にパネル判断発出前の自発的な是正の申入れ。例文帳に追加
June 2012 On the margin of APEC Trade Ministers meeting, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry requested the Canadian Minister of International Trade to voluntarily rectify the measure before the issuance of a panel report.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
18. Ministers acknowledged that green international trade has become a new driver of economic growth.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
The Governor in Council may, by order, on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for International Trade and the Minister for International Cooperation, amend any of Schedules 2 to 4 to remove the name of any country or WTO Member.発音を聞く - 特許庁
産業界からの要請を受け、2010 年6 月には、APEC 貿易担当大臣会合のマージンで直嶋経済産業大臣、岡田外務大臣(ともに当時)からカナダ国際貿易大臣へ措置是正の申入れを行う等、我が国は措置の撤廃に向けハイレベルでの働きかけを続けてきた。例文帳に追加
In response to the request from the industry, Japan continued high level pressure in order to abolish the measure. Then Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Naoshima, and then Foreign Minister Okada asked for corrective measures to the Canada International Trade Minister in an APEC meeting by ministers in charge of trade in Jun. 2010. - 経済産業省
Ministers congratulated China on its accession to the WTO, which represents a great success for international trade policy.発音を聞く - 財務省
The first APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM1) was held on February 22 and 23 in Hiroshima City. Mr. Shigeru Nakamura, Ambassador for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hidehiko Nishiyama, Director-General for Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, chaired the meeting and twenty-one member economies attended the meeting. - 経済産業省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 15件
We value the discussion held by our Trade Ministers in Puerto Vallarta on the relevance of regional and global value chains to world trade, recognizing their role in fostering economic growth, employment and development and emphasizing the need to enhance the participation of developing countries in such value chains.発音を聞く - 財務省
違反者について調査を行った後, 違反に関するすべての書面は, 違反の内容の資料とともに国際貿易副大臣が調査・公訴局に付託し,商標法第 54 条に基づいて苦情処理委員会の下での刑事訴訟を開始するよう要請される。例文帳に追加
After investigating the violator, all violation papers, along with a specimen of the violation subject matter, shall be referred by the Deputy Minister for Internal Trade to the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, with a request to initiate a penal action before the Board of Grievances in accordance with Article (54) of the Law. - 特許庁
1. 日本の外務大臣、財務大臣、農林水産大臣及び経済産業大臣、並びにマレーシアの国際貿易産業大臣は、2006年7月13日、東京において、経済上の連携に関する日本国政府とマレーシア政府との間の協定に基づき設置された合同委員会の第1回会合を開催した。この協定は、2005年12月13日、クアラルンプールにおいて、両国の首脳により署名され、その後、日本・マレーシアそれぞれの所要の国内法上の手続を完了し、本日発効した。例文帳に追加
1. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Minister of Finance of Japan, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and the Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia, met on 13 July 2006 in Tokyo to hold the first meeting of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Malaysia for an Economic Partnership (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”). The Agreement was signed on 13 December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur by the Prime Ministers of both countries and, after the completion of the respective necessary legal procedures, entered into force today.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
(a) 世界知的所有権機関,欧州特許機構,欧州共同体商標意匠庁,共同体植物品種庁の管理その他の組織,及び世界貿易機関TRIPS理事会,並びに当該問題担当大臣の一般的又は随時の許可に基づいて,その他の国際組織の活動に参加すること例文帳に追加
(a) it shall participate in the activity of the governing and other bodies of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the European Patent Organisation, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, the Community Plant Variety Office, of the Council for TRIPS of the World Trade Organization as well as, on the basis of a general or ad hoc authorization of the minister responsible for the subject matter, of other international organisations; - 特許庁
The WTO agreement has been very important for Japan in pursuing free trade in the postwar era, as it is an island country which is poor in natural resources and depends on exports of processed products. As the Prime Minister has repeatedly stated in the Diet in relation to this matter, we will reiterate Japan's intention to ensure consistency with international commitments and seek relevant countries' understanding.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Phasing out distortive subsidies in the medium-term where they exist in both advanced and emerging economies.発音を聞く - 財務省
3 経済産業大臣は、前二項に定める場合のほか、特定の種類の若しくは特定の地域を仕向地とする貨物を輸出しようとする者又は特定の取引により貨物を輸出しようとする者に対し、国際収支の均衡の維持のため、外国貿易及び国民経済の健全な発展のため、我が国が締結した条約その他の国際約束を誠実に履行するため、国際平和のための国際的な努力に我が国として寄与するため、又は第十条第一項の閣議決定を実施するために必要な範囲内で、政令で定めるところにより、承認を受ける義務を課することができる。例文帳に追加
(3) In addition to cases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, on a person who intends to export specific kinds of goods or to export goods to the specified regions or a person who intends to export goods through specified transaction the obligation to obtain approval, to the extent necessary to maintain equilibrium of the international balance of trade, to achieve the sound development of foreign trade and the national economy, to sincerely fulfill obligations under the treaties and other international agreements Japan has signed, to make Japan's contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace, or to implement a cabinet decision set forth in Article 10, paragraph 1.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
As I told you, of course, we strongly hope to submit a bill to extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) to the next session of the Diet. This concerns credit guarantee associations, regarding which the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has answered various questions in the Diet. Moreover, the FSA has maintained close communications with the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. This is under the jurisdiction of the METI and pulling the economy out of deflation is an important objective. When SMEs are advancing into Asia and China in particular, the FSA, as well as the METI and the Ministry of Finance, will cooperate with JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) as I told you, and the government is willing to provide active assistance by establishing a support scheme.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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