「国際情報官」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書











該当件数 : 24


(1) 国際出願及び国際出願処理のファイルは,特許協力条約第2条による受理庁としての特許庁に提出された国際出願書類に関する事項及びその処理の情報を体系的にまとめたものである。国際出願に関する及びその処理に関する情報は,処理ファイルが閉鎖されるまで,当該ファイルに保存される。例文帳に追加

(1) The files of international applications and processing of international applications form a structured body of data concerning international application documents filed with the Patent Office as the receiving office pursuant to Article 2 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty and information on the processing thereof. Information on an international application and on the processing thereof is stored in the files until the processing file is closed.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


And we point out the process of the public-private action and efforts by Japanese authorities for dissemination of quick and accurate information to the global community, and to make use of this experience for a better future. We also indicate the need for Japan to take the lead in international discussions on measures for countering such an emergency and devise plans for an international cooperation system. - 経済産業省

(10) 受理庁が国際出願日を認めることを拒絶した場合,若しくは国際出願は取り下げられたとみなす旨を報告した場合,又は世界知的所有権機関の国際事務局(以下「国際事務局」という)が特許協力条約第12条(3)による決定をした場合,又は受理庁がエストニア共和国の指定は取り下げられたとみなす旨を報告した場合は,出願人は,その旨の報告又は決定を受領してから2月以内に,当該国際出願をエストニア共和国において審査すること及び国際事務局が特許庁に当該国際出願の写しを送付することを請求することができる。出願人は,特許庁が定める期間内に,国際出願の翻訳文及び,所定の事情においては,特許代理人に関する情報を特許庁に提出しなければならず,また,国の手数料を納付しなければならない。特許庁は,受理庁又は国際事務局による決定が正当であるか否かを検証し,その結果を出願人に通知しなければならない。受理庁又は国際事務局による決定が正当でない場合は,その出願は国際出願として審査されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(10) If the receiving office refuses to accept an international filing date or reports that an international application is deemed to be withdrawn, or if the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter International Bureau) has made a decision pursuant to Article 12(3) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, or if the receiving office reports that the designation of the Republic of Estonia is deemed to be withdrawn, the applicant may, within two months after receipt of the corresponding report or decision, request the review of the international application in the Republic of Estonia and request that the International Bureau send a copy of the international application to the Patent Office. The applicant shall file a translation of the international application with the Patent Office and, in the cases prescribed, information concerning the patent agent, and pay a state fee during the term determined by the Patent Office. The Patent Office shall verify the correctness of the decision of the receiving office or the International Bureau and notify the applicant of the results. If the decision of the receiving office or the International Bureau is incorrect, the application shall be reviewed as an international application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(17) 国際出願が,出願時に,国家防衛及び国家安全についての権限を有する当局により,本法第 41条第 2段落の規定に従って,「国家機密」として区分される情報を含んでいる場合,又はその発明に関する若しくは関連する情報がその後に「国家機密」として区分された場合は,受理庁としてのOSIMは,その出願を国際出願として取り扱わないものとし,それに伴い,OSIMはその出願を国際事務局及び国際調査機関に送付せず,徴集済の(10)に基づく手数料を返還する。例文帳に追加

(17) Where, on the date of filing, the international application contains information classified as "state secret", or information relating to or in connection with the invention is subsequently classified as "state secret", according to the provisions of Art. 41 paragraph (2) of the Law, by the institutions habilitated for the national defense and safeguarding the national security, OSIM, as a receiving office shall not deal with the application as an international application, and consequently, it shall not transmit the application to the International Bureau and to the international search authority and shall refund the fees provided under paragraph (10) that were collected. - 特許庁

(6) ハンガリー特許庁長は,ハンガリー特許庁の公報において,国際手数料及び調査手数料の額並びにこれらの納付についての規定に関する情報を公告する。例文帳に追加

(6) In the official journal of the Hungarian Patent Office the President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall publish information on the amount of the international fee and of the search fee and on the prescriptions relating to the payment thereof. - 特許庁


Notwithstanding any enactment or rule of law the Registrar may communicate to the International Bureau any information which Singapore is required to communicate by virtue of these Rules or pursuant to the Madrid Protocol or the Common Regulations. - 特許庁



Items (i) and (iii) of the 1st paragraph of Article 31 of this Law shall not apply in respect of information relating to the examination of the same international application in another elected Office where the Registration Department established under Article 117 of this Law, is an elected Office in the meaning of Article 83 of this Law.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 24


念のため,PCT国内段階出願となった国際出願に関して,法律及び本規則の適用上, (a) 出願当初の国際出願に含まれた情報又は通知は,特許協力条約第11条に従って受理庁により当該出願に付与された出願日に長により受領されたものとみなす。かつ (b) 出願がPCT国内段階出願となる前に特許協力条約の要件に従って提供された情報又は通知は,それらが提供された日に長により受領されたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

For greater certainty, in respect of an international application that has become a PCT national phase application, for the purposes of the Act and these Rules, (a) information or notices included in the international application as filed shall be considered to have been received by the Commissioner on the filing date accorded to the application by a receiving Office pursuant to Article 11 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty; and (b) information or notices furnished in accordance with the requirements of the Patent Cooperation Treaty before the application has become a PCT national phase application shall be considered to have been received by the Commissioner on the date that they were so furnished.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


It is, however, possible to make corrections or additions to the claim for priority or to other information mentioned above in accordance with rule 26bis of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation, whereupon the receiving office or the International Bureau shall be notified hereof.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


It shall, however, be possible to correct or add a priority claim or the additional information referred to above pursuant to Rule 26bis of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and a notice to that effect shall then be submitted to the receiving Office or the International Bureau.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Through these review processes the importance of the following have been highlighted as part of international cooperation in the water supply sector implemented through Official Development Assistance (ODA): (i) advancing information sharing on water supply technologies in order to boost cooperation between the public and private sector, and (ii) advancing cooperation between the organizers of training and the organizers of other aid and assistance schemes. - 厚生労働省

(2)規則は,特に次のことを定めるように制定することができる。(a)本国庁としての登録局を通じて,国際登録出願をなすこと (b)シンガポールの基本出願又は登録が認められない又は失効した場合に従う手続 (c)登録局が国際事務局又は規則に定める団体からシンガポールへの保護の拡大請求を受領した場合に従うべき手続 (d)認められたシンガポールへの保護の拡大請求の効果 (e)国際登録出願又は国際登録から,国内登録出願への変更 (f)国際事務局への情報の伝達,並びに (g)国際登録出願,保護の拡大及び更新に関して定める手数料及び金額の納付例文帳に追加

(2) Rules may, in particular be made to provide for- (a) the making of applications for international registrations by way of the Registry as office of origin; (b) the procedures to be followed where the basic Singapore application or registration fails or ceases to be in force; (c) the procedures to be followed where the Registry receives from the International Bureau or any body specified in the rules a request for extension of protection to Singapore; (d) the effects of a successful request for extension of protection to Singapore; (e) the transformation of an application for an international registration, or an international registration, into a national application for registration; (f) the communication of information to the International Bureau; and (g) the payment of fees and amounts prescribed in respect of applications for international registrations, extensions of protection and renewals. - 特許庁


The following shall be recorded in the Register of Applications for Inventions: the reference number of the application; the classification of the invention according to the International Patent Classification; the filing date of the application; the surname, first name and address of the inventor; the indication of the applicant and his representative, if he is so represented; the title of the invention; information on claimed priority right under the international treaty, if this applies; the name of the Office examiner to whom the application was assigned for processing; an offer of license; information on the individual filings in matters and acts of the Office.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1) 指定庁又は選択庁としてのハンガリー特許庁は,出願人の特別の請求により,国際特許出願の実体審査を行う。請求は,第84/S条(3)に定める行為と同時に又は新規性調査の実行に関する公式情報の日から遅くとも6月以内に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) The Hungarian Patent Office as a designated or an elected Office shall carry out the substantive examination of the international patent application at the special request of the applicant. The request may be filed simultaneously with the acts prescribed in Article 84/S(3), or within six months at the latest after the date of the official information on the performance of novelty search. - 特許庁


(b) 第29条にいう対応する出願又は関係出願又は対応する国際出願に関する所定の情報を根拠として特許が付与された場合に, (i) 特許付与を求める所定の書類が提出され,特許付与に係る所定の手数料が納付された時の当該特許出願の少なくとも1のクレームが, (A) 対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願に関する所定の情報中に含まれているクレームであって, (B) 新規性,進歩性(若しくは非自明性)及び産業上の利用性(若しくは有用性)の基準を満たすと認められるか否かを決定するために審査されたもの, に関係していなかったこと,又は (ii) 対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願の審査が,当該対応する出願又は場合により対応する国際出願の審査についての報告を作成する前に,関係先行技術のすべては考慮しなかったこと例文帳に追加

(b) where the patent was granted on the basis of any prescribed information relating to a corresponding application or corresponding international application referred to in section 29, that -- (i) at the time the prescribed documents for the grant of the patent were filed and the prescribed fee for the grant of the patent was paid, at least one claim in the application for the patent did not relate to any claim -- (A) which is set out in the prescribed information relating to the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be; and (B) which has been examined to determine whether the claim appears to satisfy the criteria of novelty, inventive step (or non-obviousness) and industrial applicability (or utility); or (ii) the Examiner of the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be, did not consider all the relevant prior art before preparing his report on the examination of the corresponding application or corresponding international application, as the case may be. - 特許庁


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