意味 | 例文 (2件) |

該当件数 : 2件
To provide a medical information providing service system and a medical information providing server, in which rapid and appropriate medical treatment can be provided in a medical site by providing identification information (address, name, cellular phone number, driver's license number, ID number, picture, fingerprint, etc.) of an emergency patient or the like to a user (e.g., medical facility, doctor). - 特許庁
四 臨床修練 医療に関する知識及び技能の修得を目的として本邦に入国した外国医師若しくは外国歯科医師又は外国看護師等(外国において救急救命士に相当する資格を有する者(以下「外国救急救命士」という。)を除く。以下この号において同じ。)が厚生労働大臣の指定する病院(以下この号において「指定病院」という。)において臨床修練指導医若しくは臨床修練指導歯科医又は臨床修練指導者(当該外国看護師等が外国において有する資格に相当する次のハからカまでに掲げる資格を有する者に限る。)の実地の指導監督の下にその外国において有する次のイからカまでに掲げる資格に相当する資格の区分に応じ、それぞれイからカまでに定める業を行うこと並びに医療に関する知識及び技能の修得を目的として本邦に入国した外国救急救命士が指定病院に救急救命士法(平成三年法律第三十六号)第二条第一項に規定する重度傷病者(以下この号において「重度傷病者」という。)を搬送する同法第四十四条第二項に規定する救急用自動車等(以下この号において「救急用自動車等」という。)において、又は当該指定病院への搬送のため重度傷病者を救急用自動車等に乗せるまでの間において同法第二条第一項に規定する救急救命処置を行うことが必要と認められる場合に臨床修練指導者(医師又は救急救命士に限る。)の実地の指導監督の下に次のヨに定める業を行うことをいう。例文帳に追加
(iv) The term "advanced clinical training" means the practices listed in the following (a) to (n) inclusive, conducted by foreign medical practitioners or dental practitioners, or foreign nurses, etc. (excluding a person who has a license which corresponds to the license for a emergency life-saving technician in a foreign country (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign emergency life-saving technician"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), who have entered Japan for the purpose of learning medical knowledge and skills, which are conducted at a hospital designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as a "designated hospital" in this item) based on the classification of the license which corresponds to the license listed in the following (a) to (n) inclusive, in such foreign country respectively, under the on-site instruction and supervision of a medical or dental clinical instructor, or a clinical instructor (limited to a person who has any of the licenses listed in the following (c) to (n) inclusive, which corresponds to the license held by the applicable foreign nurse, etc. in a foreign country), and the practices listed in the following (o) conducted by foreign emergency life-saving technicians, who have entered Japan for the purpose of learning medical knowledge and skills, which are conducted in an ambulance, etc. prescribed by Article 44, paragraph (2) of the Emergency Life-saving Technicians Act (Act No. 36 of 1991), (hereinafter referred to as an "ambulance, etc." in this item) transporting a patient in a serious condition prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (1) of such Act (hereinafter referred to as a "serious patient" in this item) to a designated hospital or before and until the serious patient is put into the ambulance, etc. for transportation to such designated hospital, to the extent an emergency medical treatment or care prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (1) of such Act is found necessary and under the on-site instruction and supervision of a clinical instructor (limited to a medical practitioner or an emergency life-saving technician).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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意味 | 例文 (2件) |
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