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英訳・英語 holoprosencephaly
該当件数 : 7件
The infusion is used for brain surgery by a selective cooling method of brain, a cerebral low-temperature therapy or treatment of peripheral circulation incompetence. - 特許庁
To activate the brain and the immune mechanism non-invasively by irradiating light from the front of the forehead of a user with both eyes completely shielded from the light. - 特許庁
The DAP12-knockout mouse causes little myelinogenesis that is marrow sheath- forming disorder including myelinogenesis insufficiency in the brain, especially the sinciput and the thalamus, and exhibits the psychoneurotic disorder such as the Nasu-Hakola disease following the aging. - 特許庁
その後、同年5 月22 日の日中首脳会談においては、中国側から安全を確保するとの前提で、①輸入禁止措置の対象地域の中から山梨県及び山形県を除外し10 都県とすること、及び② 10 都県以外の乳製品、野菜、水産物等を除く食品については、放射能検査証明書を不要とすること(「原産地証明」は引き続き必要)が示され、5 月27 日には、水産物のみを対象とし「原産地証明」、「放射能検査証明」の様式について暫定的に同意がなされた。例文帳に追加
Following a top-level meeting between Japan and China on May 22, 2011, China proposed to (a) exclude Yamanashi and Yamagata prefectures from the import ban and (b) scrap the radiological examination certificate stipulation for food except dairy products, vegetables, marine products from the 10 prefectures of import ban areas, while keeping the certificate of origin requirement). On May 27, an agreement was concluded temporarily about the forms of the certificate of origin and radiological examination certificates for only marine products. - 経済産業省
共通実効特恵関税(CEPT:Common Effective Preferential Tariff)制度により、段階的に域内関税を引下げ、最終的には2003年までに0~5%に引き下げ、CEPT対象品目(付加価値の40%以上がASEAN域内で生産された全ての工業製品と農産品)に関する数量制限を2003年までに撤廃するとしていたが、1998年12月のASEAN首脳会議において、CEPT対象品目の拡大及びASEAN6か国(フィリピン、タイ、マレーシア、シンガポール、ブルネイ、インドネシア)の域内関税の引下げを目標の2003年から2002年に前倒しすることを決定した。例文帳に追加
Due to the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) framework, it was planned to gradually reduce the intra-regional tariff, ultimately to 0-5%, by 2003. It was also planned to eliminate the quantitative restrictions for CEPT products (all those manufactured products and agricultural products in respect of which 40% or more of whose added value was produced in the ASEAN region) by 2003, but at the ASEAN Summit in December 1998, it was agreed to expand the scope of CEPT products and to accelerate the target year from 2003 to 2002 in respect of a reduction of intra-regional tariffs on CEPT products. - 経済産業省
As I informed you when I met with US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Governor of the People's Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan and other governors of central banks in August 2010, financial institutions—especially banks engaged in international operations—will certainly become more stable if they have more capital. In Japan, however, both public and private sectors had a very bitter experience during the financial crisis 12 years ago. Looking back, even sustainable companies that would otherwise have been sound were forced into bankruptcy due to the widespread credit crunch and credit withdrawal resulting from financial institutions seeking to secure capital temporarily, and the damage incurred was particularly extensive among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the time, the Nikkei Average looked as though it was about to fall below 7,000 yen, so Japan's argument based on such experience has been reflected in the G20 Summit declarations to date and the agreement announced at the recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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