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英訳・英語 arbitration treaty
該当件数 : 31件
in order to submit themselves to arbitration, a treaty signed by countries involved in a dispute発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
In addition, annulment is sometimes requested under the arbitration law of the country in which the arbitration tribunal is constituted or Article V of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York Convention). - 経済産業省
Petrobert 社は、エネルギー憲章条約の公正待遇義務違反等を主張して仲裁を申し立てた。例文帳に追加
Petrobart requested arbitration, claiming a breach of the fair and equitable treatment obligation under the Energy Charter Treaty. - 経済産業省
仲裁判断は通常1度きりであるが、ICSID 条約・仲裁規則では一定の場合、再審、または仲裁判断の取消・破棄を申し立てることができる旨規定されている。例文帳に追加
The arbitral award is usually rendered only once, but under the ICSID Convention, Regulations and Rules, revision or annulment of the arbitral award may be made under certain circumstances. - 経済産業省
ICSID 条約・仲裁規則以外の場合は、通常ニューヨーク条約に従い締約国の国内法に従って執行されることとなる。例文帳に追加
In cases under any arrangement other than the ICSID Convention and its Arbitration Rules, in general, awards are enforceable pursuant to the domestic laws of the Contracting States according to the New York Convention. - 経済産業省
エネルギー憲章条約を活用した投資家対国家の仲裁エネルギー分野では、FTA/EPA及びBITのほか、多国間国際条約である「エネルギー憲章条約」(Energy Charter Treaty)の紛争処理規定も活用されている。例文帳に追加
Arbitration in Investor-States Disputes under the Energy Chapter Treaty In the energy sector, the dispute settlement provisions of the Energy Chapter Treaty, which is a multilateral treaty, are also utilized, in addition to those of FTAs/EPAs and BITs. - 経済産業省
したがって、仲裁廷は、約束手形が当該BIT やICSID 条約の規定する「投資財産」に該当すると判断した。例文帳に追加
Therefore, the arbitral tribunal held that the promissory notes were “investments” provided in the BIT or ICSID Convention. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 31件
仲裁廷は、(ICSID 条約の)「当事国はどのような取引がICSID 協定の投資財産に該当するかを決定する広範な裁量を持つ」と判示した。例文帳に追加
The arbitral tribunal held that “the parties [to the ICSID Convention] have broad discretion to decide the kinds of investment they wish to bring to ICSID.” - 経済産業省
また、2010 年8 月署名の日蘭新租税条約においては、我が国が締結する租税条約では初となる相互協議に係る仲裁制度が導入され、同年9 月には両国の権限のある当局(日本は国税庁)間で、仲裁手続に係る実施取決めが作成された。例文帳に追加
And, the new Japan-Netherlands tax treaty, signed in August 2010, includes an arbitration clause, the first of its kind for Japan. Also in September 2010, the tax authorities of the two countries agreed on an implementing arrangement regarding the arbitration procedure. - 経済産業省
Portugal shall send Japan through diplomatic channels without delay the notification confirming the entry into force of such anagreement.発音を聞く - 財務省
第56条(2)第1文を害することなく,ライセンスは,次の決定によって成立させることができる。(a) 欧州原子力共同体(EURATOM)を設立する条約(条約公報1957,92)第20条にいう仲裁法廷の決定,又は (b) 上記条約第21条に従った本邦大臣による決定例文帳に追加
Without prejudice to the first sentence of Article 56(2), a licence may be created by: a.a decision of the Arbitration Tribunal referred to in Article 20 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) (Treaty Bulletin 1957, 92); or b.a decision by Our Minister pursuant to Article 21 of the aforesaid Treaty. - 特許庁
(ii) An arbitration decision shall be final, unless that decision is found to be unenforceable by the courts of one of the Contracting States due to a violation of paragraph 5 of Article 24 of the Convention, of this paragraph or of any procedural rule determined in accordance with subparagraph a) of this paragraph that may reasonably have affected the decision. - 財務省
An arbitration decision shall be final, unless that decision is found to be unenforceable by the courts of one of the Contracting States due to a violation of paragraph 5 of Article 24 of the Convention, of this paragraph or of any procedural rule determined in accordance with subparagraph) of this paragraph that may reasonably have affected the decision.発音を聞く - 財務省
An arbitration decision shall be final, unless that decision is found to be unenforceable by the courts of one of the Contracting States due to a violation of paragraph 5 of Article 24 of the Convention, of this paragraph or of any procedural rule determined in accordance with subparagraph) of this paragraph that may reasonably have affected the decision.発音を聞く - 財務省
Official documents, whatever their source or target language, such as laws, regulations, resolutions and decisions, international conventions, court decisions, award of arbitrators and decisions of administrative committees having judicial competence.発音を聞く - 特許庁
arbitration treaty
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