「交又回復」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書










英訳・英語 cross reactivation




該当件数 : 15


三 許可証の再付を受けた場合において、亡失した許可証を発見し、回復したとき。例文帳に追加

(iii) in the case of having received the reissuance of the License Certificate, when the lost License Certificate was discovered or restored.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Necessarily replacing incidental items when restoring or replacing a decayed or damaged component part of the complex product;発音を聞く  - 特許庁

三 有料許可証の再付を受けた場合において、亡失した有料許可証を発見し、回復したとき。例文帳に追加

(iii) If the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses having been lost is found or restored after the reissue of the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To surely suppress a rush current which flows into a smoothing capacitor, when a power supply is re-closed or recovered, even if a cut-off or a short break is produced in an external AC power supply. - 特許庁


If it shall not appear that great injustice or irreparable injury would result to the applicant, the Hearing Officer shall issue an order denying the application for the issuance of a temporary restraining order which shall be noted by the Director, or in his absence, the Assistant Director. - 特許庁


A control part makes a slot control mechanism execute obstruction recovering operation for alternately repeating an insertion operation and an ejection operation over a regulated amount at a first time point when it is found that abnormality is generated in the insertion operation or the ejection operation of the slot control mechanism. - 特許庁



The use of an adsorbent as a means for collecting SPM makes it possible to efficiently collect by collecting SPM on the adsorbent and to easily recover a collection performance by exchanging or adding the adsorbent when the collection performance is lowered. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 15



c) Despite the efforts of the rights infringer to restore any damage suffered by the patent holder as a result of his infringement by compensating the patent holder or paying an appropriate amount of royalties, the patent holder refuses to negotiate with the other party without any reasonable cause and proceeds to exercise its rights.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第四条 許可証の付を受けた者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなつたときは、当該事実のあつた日の翌日から起算して十日以内に、第一号は第二号の場合にあつては一般労働者派遣事業を行うすべての事業所に係る許可証、第三号の場合にあつては発見し回復した許可証を厚生労働大臣に返納しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 4 (1) A person who has been issued License Certificates shall, when coming to fall under any of the following items, return the License Certificates pertaining to all places of business for carrying out the general worker dispatching undertaking in the case of falling under item (i) or item (ii), and the License Certificates discovered or restored in the case of falling under item (iii) to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, within ten days from the day following the day on which said fact occurred:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a plate denture attachment usable for a long time for easily recovering the initial function with the exchange of detachable parts by fitting a component to be fixed as an upper structure of a natural tooth as a supporting tooth or the root of an artificial tooth implanted in a jaw bone to a component disposed and fixed to the bed side of a plate denture. - 特許庁

3 有料許可証の付を受けた者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなつたときは、当該事実のあつた日の翌日から起算して十日以内に、第一号は第二号の場合にあつては有料の職業紹介事業を行うすべての事業所に係る有料許可証、第三号の場合にあつては発見し回復した有料許可証を厚生労働大臣に返納しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who has received the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses shall, when any of the cases listed in each of the following items becomes applicable to such person, return to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses in respect of any and all places of business operating the charged employment placement businesses in case of item 1 or item 2, or the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses found or restored in case of item 3, within 10 days from the day following the date of occurrence of such applicable event.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十六条の四 国土通大臣、都道府県知事は港湾管理者は、第一号に該当する者(国土通大臣にあつては同号イ、都道府県知事にあつては同号ロ、港湾管理者にあつては同号ハに掲げる規定に違反した者)は第二号若しくは第三号に該当する者に対し、工事その他の行為の中止、工作物若しくは船舶その他の物件(以下「工作物等」という。)の改築、移転若しくは撤去、工事その他の行為若しくは工作物等により生じた若しくは生ずべき障害を除去し、若しくは予防するため必要な施設の設置その他の措置をとることは原状の回復を命ずることができ、第二号は第三号に該当する者に対し、第一号に掲げる規定によつて与えた許可を取り消し、その効力を停止し、その条件を変更し、は新たな条件を付することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 56-4 (1) The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the prefectural governor or the Port Management Body may order a party coming under item (i) (The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for those coming under category (a), the prefectural governor for those coming under category (b) and the Port Management Body for those coming under category (c)) or a party coming under item (ii) or item (iii) to suspend works and other acts, alter, relocate or remove structures or vessels and other property (hereinafter referred to as the "Structures etc."), to eliminate obstructions which have resulted or may result from the works and other acts or the Structures etc., or provide necessary facilities or take necessary measures to eliminate such obstructions, or restore them to their original state; and may revoke or suspend the approval given under item (i) or alter the conditions attached to the approval or make new conditions to the approval for a party coming under item (ii) or item (iii):発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十七条 会社法第七編第四章第一節(第九百七条を除く。)(総則)の規定並びに商業登記法第一条の三から第五条まで(登記所、事務の委任、事務の停止、登記官、登記官の除斥)、第七条から第十五条まで(登記簿等の持出禁止、登記簿の滅失と回復、登記簿等の滅失防止、登記事項証明書の付等、登記事項の概要を記載した書面の付、附属書類の閲覧、印鑑証明、電磁的記録の作成者を示す措置の確認に必要な事項等の証明、手数料、当事者申請主義、嘱託による登記)、第十七条から第二十七条まで(登記申請の方式、申請書の添付書面、申請書に添付すべき電磁的記録、印鑑の提出、受付、受領証、登記の順序、登記官による本人確認、申請の却下、提訴期間経過後の登記、行政区画等の変更、同一の所在場所における同一の商号の登記の禁止)、第三十一条(営業は事業の譲渡の際の免責の登記)、第三十三条(商号の登記の抹消)、第四十四条から第四十六条まで(会社の支配人の登記、添付書面の通則)、第四十七条第一項及び第三項(設立の登記)、第四十八条から第五十五条まで(支店所在地における登記、本店移転の登記、取締役等の変更の登記、一時会計監査人の職務を行うべき者の変更の登記)並びに第百三十二条から第百四十八条まで(更正、抹消の申請、職権抹消、行政手続法の適用除外、行政機関の保有する情報の公開に関する法律の適用除外、行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律の適用除外、審査請求、審査請求事件の処理、行政不服審査法の適用除外、省令への委任)の規定は、相互会社に関する登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第二十七条中「商号」とあるのは「商号は名称」と、「営業所(会社にあつては、本店。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「主たる事務所」と、「係る営業所」とあるのは「係る主たる事務所」と、同法第四十六条第二項中「株主総会若しくは種類株主総会」とあるのは「社員総会(総代会を設けているときは、総代会)」と、同条第三項中「会社法第三百十九条第一項(同法第三百二十五条において準用する場合を含む。)は第三百七十条(同法第四百九十条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「保険業法第四十一条第一項において準用する会社法第三百十九条第一項は保険業法第五十三条の十六若しくは第百八十条の十五において準用する会社法第三百七十条」と、「株主総会若しくは種類株主総会」とあるのは「社員総会」と、同条第四項中「会社法第四百十六条第四項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十第四項」と、同法第四十八条から第五十三条までの規定中「本店」とあるのは「主たる事務所」と、「支店」とあるのは「従たる事務所」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 67 The provisions of Part VII, Chapter IV, Section 1 (excluding Article 907) (General provisions) of the Companies Act, and the provisions of Article 1-3 to 5 inclusive (Registry Office, Delegation of Duties, Suspension of Duties, Registrar, Disqualification of Registrar), Article 7 to 15 inclusive (Prohibition of Taking out Registry, etc., Loss and Restoration of Registry, Prevention of Loss of Registry, etc., Delivery, etc. of Certificate of Registered Matters,, Delivery of Document Containing Description of Registered Matters, Inspection of Annexed Documents, Seal Registration Certificate, Certification of Necessary Matters, etc. for Checking Measures to Indicate Preparer of Electromagnetic Record, Fees, Principle of Application by Party Concerned, Registration by Commission), Article 17 to 27 inclusive (Method of Application for Registration, Documents to Be Attached to Written Application, Electromagnetic Record to be Attached to Written Application, Submission of Seal, Reception, Receipt, Order of Registration, Identification by Registrar, Dismissal of Application, Registration After Expiration of Period for Filing Complaint, Modification of Administrative Boundaries, etc., Prohibition of Registration of Same Trade Name at Same Location), Article 31 (Registration of Discharge in Assigning Operation or business), Article 33 (Deletion of Registration of Trade Name), Article 44 to 46 inclusive (Registration of Company Managers, General Rules for Attached Documents), Article 47, paragraphs (1) and (3) (Registration of Incorporation), Article 48 to 55 inclusive (Registration at Location of Branch Offices, Registration of Relocation of Head Office, Registration of Change of Directors, etc., Registration of Change of Persons to Temporarily Carry Out Duties of Accounting Auditor), and Article 132 to 148 inclusive (Correction, Application for Deletion, Deletion Without any Party's Request, Exclusion from Application of Administrative Procedure Act, Exclusion from Application of Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs, Exclusion from Application of Act on Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs, Application for Examination, Treatment of Cases of Application for Examination, Exclusion from Application from Administrative Appeal Act, Delegation to Ordinance of the Ministry) of the Commercial Registration Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a registration regarding a Mutual Company. In this case, the terms "trade name," "business office (or, in a company, head office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)" and "business office pertaining to" in Article 27 of the latter Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "trade name or name," "principal office" and "principal office pertaining to," respectively; the term "shareholders meeting or class shareholders meeting" in Article 46, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "General Meeting of members (or General Meeting, where the company has such meeting)"; the terms "Article 319, paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 325 of the Companies Act) or Article 370 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 490, paragraph (5) of that Act) of the Companies Act" and "shareholders meeting or class shareholder meeting" in Article 46, paragraph (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 319, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act, or Article 370 of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-16 or 180-15 of the Insurance Business Act" and "General Meeting of members", respectively; the term "Article 416, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act" in Article 46, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 53-30, paragraph (4) of the Insurance Business Act"; and the terms "head office" and "branch offices" in the provisions of Article 48 to 53 inclusive of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "principal office" and "secondary offices," respectively; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百十六条 商業登記法第一条の三から第五条まで(登記所、事務の委任、事務の停止、登記官、登記官の除斥)、第七条から第十五条まで(登記簿等の持出禁止、登記簿の滅失と回復、登記簿等の滅失防止、登記事項証明書の付等、登記事項の概要を記載した書面の付、附属書類の閲覧、印鑑証明、電磁的記録の作成者を示す措置の確認に必要な事項等の証明、手数料、当事者申請主義、嘱託による登記)、第十七条第一項、第二項及び第四項(登記申請の方式)、第十八条から第十九条の二まで(申請書の添付書面、申請書に添付すべき電磁的記録)、第二十条第一項及び第二項(印鑑の提出)、第二十一条から第二十三条の二まで(受付、受領証、登記の順序、登記官による本人確認)、第二十四条(第十一号及び第十二号を除く。)(申請の却下)、第二十五条から第二十七条まで(提訴期間経過後の登記、行政区画等の変更、同一の所在場所における同一の商号の登記の禁止)、第三十三条(商号の登記の抹消)、第四十四条、第四十五条(会社の支配人の登記)、第五十一条、第五十二条(本店移転の登記)、第百二十八条(申請人)、第百二十九条(外国会社の登記)、第百三十条第一項及び第三項(変更の登記)並びに第百三十二条から第百四十八条まで(更正、抹消の申請、職権抹消、行政手続法の適用除外、行政機関の保有する情報の公開に関する法律の適用除外、行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律の適用除外、審査請求、審査請求事件の処理、行政不服審査法の適用除外、省令への委任)の規定は、外国相互会社に関する登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第十七条第四項中「事項は前項の規定により申請書に記載すべき事項」とあるのは「事項」と、「前二項」とあるのは「同項」と、同法第五十一条第一項中「本店」とあるのは「日本国内の事務所」と、同法第百二十九条第一項中「会社法第九百三十三条第一項の規定による外国会社」とあるのは「外国相互会社の事務所の設置」と、同条第三項中「日本における代表者を定めた旨は日本に営業所」とあるのは「日本国内に事務所」と、同法第百三十条第三項中「前二項の登記の」とあるのは「第一項の登記の」と、「既に前二項」とあるのは「既に同項」と、「、前二項」とあるのは「、同項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 216 The provisions of Article 1-3 to 5 inclusive (Registry Office, Delegation of Duties, Suspension of Duties, Registrar, Disqualification of Registrar), Article 7 to 15 inclusive (Prohibition of Taking out Registry, Loss and Restoration of Registry, Prevention of Loss of Registry, Delivery of Certificate of Registered Matters, etc., Delivery of Document Containing Description of Registered Matters, Inspection of Annexed Documents, Seal Registration Certificate, Certification of Necessary Matters for Checking Measures to Indicate Preparer of Electromagnetic Record, Fees, Principle of Application by Party concerned, Registration by Commission), Article 17, paragraphs (1), (2) and (4) (Method of Application for Registration), Article 18 to 19-2 inclusive (Documents to be Attached to Written Application, Electromagnetic Record to be Attached to Written Application), Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2) (Submission of Seal), Article 21 to 23-2 inclusive (Reception, Receipt, Order of Registration, Identification by Registrar), Article 24 (excluding items (xi) and (xii)) (Dismissal of Application), Article 25 to 27 inclusive (Registration after Expiration of Period for Filing Complaint, Modification of Administrative Boundaries, etc., Prohibition of Registration of Same Trade Name at Same Location), Article 33 (Deletion of Registration of Trade Name), Articles 44 and 45 (Registration of Company Managers), Articles 51 and 52 (Registration of Relocation of Head Office), Article 128 (Applicant), Article 129 (Registration of Foreign Company), Article 130, paragraphs (1) and (3) (Registration of Change), and Article 132 to 148 inclusive (Correction, Application for Deletion, Deletion without any Party's Request, Exclusion from Application of Administrative Procedure Act, Exclusion from Application of Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs, Application for Examination, Treatment of Cases of Application for Examination, Exclusion from Application from Administrative Appeal Act, Delegation to Ordinance of the Ministry) of the Commercial Registration Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a registration regarding a Foreign Mutual Company. In this case, the term "or the matters to be described in a written application pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph" in Article 17, paragraph (4) of that Act shall be deemed to be deleted; the term "preceding two paragraphs" in Article 17, paragraph (4) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "that paragraph"; the term "head office" in Article 51, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "office in Japan"; the term "a foreign company under Article 933, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act" in Article 129, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the establishment of an office of a Foreign Mutual Company"; the term "the company has designated its representative person in Japan or established a business office in Japan" in Article 129, paragraph (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the company has established an office in Japan"; and the terms "for registration under the preceding two paragraphs," "registration has been made under the preceding two paragraphs" and "documents set forth in the preceding two paragraphs" in Article 130, paragraph (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "for registration under the preceding paragraph," "registration has been made under that paragraph" and "document set forth in that paragraph," respectively; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第百八十三条 商業登記法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号)第一条の三から第五条まで(登記所、事務の委任、事務の停止、登記官、登記官の除斥)、第七条から第十五条まで(登記簿等の持出禁止、登記簿の滅失と回復、登記簿等の滅失防止、登記事項証明書の付等、登記事項の概要を記載した書面の付、附属書類の閲覧、印鑑証明、電磁的記録の作成者を示す措置の確認に必要な事項等の証明、手数料、当事者申請主義、嘱託による登記)、第十七条から第二十七条まで(登記申請の方式、申請書の添付書面、申請書に添付すべき電磁的記録、印鑑の提出、受付、受領証、登記の順序、登記官による本人確認、申請の却下、提訴期間経過後の登記、行政区画等の変更、同一の所在場所における同一の商号の登記の禁止)、第三十三条(商号の登記の抹消)、第三十四条(会社の商号の登記)、第四十四条、第四十五条(会社の支配人の登記)、第四十六条(第四項を除く。)(添付書面の通則)、第四十七条第一項(設立の登記)、第四十八条から第五十五条まで(支店所在地における登記、本店移転の登記、取締役等の変更の登記、一時会計監査人の職務を行うべき者の変更の登記)、第六十四条(株主名簿管理人の設置による変更の登記)、第七十一条(解散の登記)、第七十三条から第七十五条まで(清算人の登記、清算人に関する変更の登記、清算結了の登記)及び第百三十二条から第百四十八条まで(更正、抹消の申請、職権抹消、行政手続法の適用除外、行政機関の保有する情報の公開に関する法律の適用除外、行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律の適用除外、審査請求、審査請求事件の処理、行政不服審査法の適用除外、省令への委任)の規定は、特定目的会社に関する登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第十五条中「第五十条まで(第九十五条、第百十一条及び第百十八条において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「第五十条まで」と、「第五十一条第一項及び第二項、第五十二条、第七十八条第一項及び第三項、第八十二条第二項及び第三項、第八十三条、第八十七条第一項及び第二項、第八十八条、第九十一条第一項及び第二項、第九十二条、第百三十二条並びに」とあるのは「第百三十二条及び」と、同法第二十四条第七号中「書面若しくは第三十条第二項若しくは第三十一条第二項に規定する譲渡人の承諾書」とあるのは「書面」と、同法第三十四条第一項中「会社の登記簿」とあるのは「特定目的会社登記簿」と、同法第四十八条第二項中「会社法第九百三十条第二項各号」とあるのは「資産の流動化に関する法律(以下「資産流動化法」という。)第二十二条第四項において準用する会社法第九百三十条第二項各号」と、同法第五十四条第一項中「取締役、監査役、代表取締役は特別取締役(委員会設置会社にあつては、取締役、委員、執行役は代表執行役)」とあるのは「取締役、監査役は代表取締役」と、同条第二項第三号中「会社法第三百三十三条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十一条第一項」と、「同法第三百三十七条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十三条第一項」と、同法第五十五条第一項中「会社法第三百四十六条第四項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十六条第四項」と、同法第七十一条第三項中「会社法第四百七十八条第一項第一号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百六十七条第一項第一号」と、「同法第四百八十三条第四項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十一条第四項」と、同法第七十三条第二項中「会社法第四百七十八条第一項第二号は第三号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百六十七条第一項第二号は第三号」と、同条第三項及び同法第七十四条第一項中「会社法第九百二十八条第一項第二号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十九条第一項において準用する会社法第九百二十八条第一項第二号」と、同法第七十五条中「会社法第五百七条第三項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十九条第一項において準用する会社法第五百七条第三項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 183 (1) The provisions of Article 1-3 to Article 5 inclusive (Registry Office; Delegation of Affairs; Suspension of Affairs; Registrar; Disqualification of Registrar), Article 7 to Article 15 inclusive (Prohibition on Carrying Out of Registries and Other Documents; Loss and Restoration of Registries; Prevention of Loss of Registry, etc.; Issuance of Certificate of Registered Matters; Issuance of Documents Specifying Extract of Matters Registered; Inspection of Annexed Documents; Certificate of Seal Impression; Certification of Matters Required for Verification of Measures to Identify the Creator of Electromagnetic Records and Other Matters; Fees; Registration Upon Application by Party; Registration upon Commission), Article 17 to Article 27 inclusive (Method of Application for Registration; Document to Be Attached to Written Application; Electromagnetic Records to be Attached to Written Application; Submission of Seal Impression; Acceptance of Applications; Receipt; Order of Registration; Identity Confirmation by Registrar; Dismissal of Application; Registration to Be Made After Lapse of Period for Filing Action; Change in Administrative Zone, etc.; Prohibition on Registration of Identical Trade Name at Same Location), Article 33 (Cancellation of Registration of Trade Name), Article 34 (Registration of Trade Name of Company), Article 44 and Article 45 (Registration of Company's Manager), Article 46 (excluding paragraph (4)) (General Rules on Documents to be Attached), Article 47(1) (Registration of Incorporation), Article 48 to Article 55 inclusive (Registration to Be Made at Location of Branch Office; Registration of Relocation of Head Office; Registration of Change of Directors and Other Officers; Registration of Change of Person Who is to Temporarily Perform Duties of Accounting Auditors), Article 64 (Registration of Change Due to Share Option Issue), Article 71 (Registration of Dissolution), Article 73 to Article 75 inclusive (Registration of Liquidator; Registration of Change Related to Liquidator; Registration of Completion of Liquidation), and Article 132 to Article 148 inclusive (Correction; Application for Cancellation; Ex Officio Cancellation; Exclusion from Application of the Administrative Procedure Act; Exclusion from Application of the Act on Access Information Held by Administrative Organs; Exclusion from the Application of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs; Request for Review; Handling of Request for Review Case; Exclusion from Application of the Administrative Appeal Act; Delegation to Ordinance of the Ministry) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, the phrases "to Article 50 inclusive (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 95, Article 111 and Article 118)" and "Article 51, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 52, Article 78, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 82, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 83, Article 87, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 88, Article 91, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 92, Article 132" in Article 15 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "to Article 50 inclusive" and "Article 132," respectively, the phrase "a document evidencing authority delegated to a privately appointed agent or a transferor's written approval prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (2) or Article 31, paragraph (2)" in Article 24(vii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a document evidencing authority delegated to a privately appointed agent," the term "company registry" in Article 34(1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specific Purpose Company Registry," the phrase "the items of Article 930, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act" in Article 48(2) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of Article 930(2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22(4) of the Act on Securitization of Assets (hereinafter referred to as the 'Asset Securitization Act')," the phrase ", representative director or special director (in the case of a company with committees, a director, committee member, executive officer or representative executive officer)" in Article 54(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "or representative director," the phrases "Article 333, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act" and "Article 337, paragraph (1) of said Act" in Article 54(2)(iii) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 71(1) of the Asset Securitization Act" and "Article 73(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "Article 346, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act" in Article 55(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 76(4) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrases "Article 478, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Companies Act" and "Article 483, paragraph (4) of said Act" in Article 71(3) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 167(1)(i) of the Asset Securitization Act" and "Article 171(4) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "Article 478, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) of the Companies Act" in Article 73(2) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 167(1)(ii) or (iii) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "Article 928, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Companies Act" in Article 73(3) and Article 74(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 928(1)(ii) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "Article 507, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act" in Article 75 of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 507(3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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