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英語 Saidaijihigashi 3-chome



該当件数 : 21


その後、東アジア各国の首脳級及び閣僚級の会合等で議論され、2007 年11 月の第3 回東アジア首脳会議の議長声明等を踏まえ、2008 年6 月3 日に、スリンASEAN事務総長及び東アジア16 か国の代表者の出席のもと設立総会が開催され、ERIAが正式に設立された。例文帳に追加

It was then discussed at the summit level and at the ministerial-level meeting of East Asian countries, based on the chairman's statement and the 3rd East Asia Summit in November 2007. On June 3, 2008, ASEAN Secretary General Surin held the inaugural meeting in the presence of representatives from 16 countries in East Asia and ERIA was formally established. - 経済産業省

その後、東アジア各国の首脳級及び閣僚級の会合等で議論され、2007年11月の第3回東アジアサミットの議長声明等を踏まえ、2008 年6 月3 日に、スリンASEAN 事務総長及び東アジア16 か国の代表者の出席のもと設立総会が開催され、ERIA が正式に設立された。例文帳に追加

After discussion by leaders and ministers at several meetings, the inaugural meeting was held on June 3, 2008 based on the Chairman‟s Statement at the 3rd East Asia Summit meeting in November 2007. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary General of ASEAN and representatives of 16 East Asian countries attended the meeting and formally declared the establishment of ERIA. - 経済産業省

その後、東アジア各国の首脳級及び閣僚級の会合等で議論され、2007 年11 月の第3 回東アジアサミットの議長声明等を踏まえ、2008 年6 月3 日に、スリンASEAN事務総長及び東アジア16 か国の代表者の出席のもと設立総会が開催され、ERIAが正式に設立された。例文帳に追加

ERIA was formally established at its inaugural meeting on June 3,2008, attended by D. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary General of ASEAN and representatives of 16 East Asian countries. - 経済産業省


Following the Chairman's statement at the 3rd East Asian Summit (EAS) in November 2007, the Inaugural Meeting of the ERIA was held at the ASEAN Secretariat (in Jakarta) on June 3, 2008 (see Figure 4-5-3). - 経済産業省

こうした中、政府は中小企業の資金繰り支援のため、平成23 年度第1 次補正予算で創設した「東日本大震災復興緊急保証」や「東日本大震災復興特別貸付」等に続いて、第3 次補正予算においても予算額6,199 億円(事業規模11.6 兆円程度)の措置を講じた。例文帳に追加

In view of these conditions, the Government followed up the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantee and the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loan programs set up under the first supplementary budget for FY 2011 by allocating a further 619.9 billion yen under the third supplementary budget, bringing the total amount allocated to these and similar programs to some 11.6 trillion yen.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

これらの2012年2 月時点での実績は、大震災によって被災した中小企業の事業立て直しのための東日本大震災復興特別貸付が累計約16 万6 千件、3 兆6 千億円あまり、被災した中小企業の資金繰り支援のための東日本大震災復興緊急保証が同約7 万2 千件、1 兆7 千億円あまり、セーフティネット保証(5 号)が同約15 万件、2兆2 千億円あまりとなっている(第1-1-16図、第1-1-17 図、第1-1-18 図)。例文帳に追加

As of February 2012, around 166,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loans worth a total of more than 3.6 trillion yen had been disbursed to assist the recovery of SMEs affected by the great earthquake, and around 72,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees worth over 1.7 trillion yen and around 150,000 Safety-net Guarantees (No.5) worth over 2.2 trillion yen had been provided to ease the financial position of similarly affected SMEs (Figs. 1-1-16, 1-1-17, and 1-1-18).発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


日本経済は、2008年秋のリーマンショック後、2009年3 月から景気拡張局面に入り、2011 年の東日本大震災の一時的な落ち込みを乗り越え、2012年に入り増勢を維持してきた。例文帳に追加

After the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008, the Japanese economy entered a phase of expansion fromMarch 2009, overcame the temporary fall due to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and has maintained themomentum in early 2012. - 厚生労働省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 21



MHLW notified Prefectural Labour Bureas that, with the enforcement of the "Cabinet Order partially revising the Cabinet Order prescribing municipalities stipulated in Article 2, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Act for Extraordinary Expenditures and Assistance to Cope with the Great East Japan Earthquake," special disaster-hit areas had been additionally designated and that special measures on the exemption of labour insurance premiums in the additionally designated areas shall be retrospectively applied as of March 1, 2011. (February 22, 2012) - 厚生労働省


Looking at the Japanese economy, it suffered serious damage in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake which occurred on March 11 last year, just in the middle of the recovery process from the recession following the Lehman crisis.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Respective Prefectural Governments and the Mayors of the designated cities were notified of the disaster support funds applied to the disaster victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake that: 1) The reimbursement period is extended for 3 years; 2) With a guarantor the funds are provided at no interest which is normally provided at 3% interest rate, and without a guarantor, the interest rate is lowered to 1.5%; and 3) Measures are taken to exempt repayment on exceptional cases. (May 2, 2011) - 厚生労働省

東日本大震災に対処するため、東日本大震災に対処するための特別の財政援助及び助成に関する法律(平成23 年法律第40 号、以下「東日本大震災特財法」という)第129 条により、震災で著しい被害を受けた者について、平成23年3 月11日以降の制度利用に係る償還期間を7年から9年に延長するとともに、東日本大震災の被災者等に係る国税関係法律の臨時特例に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(平成23年法律第29号、以下「震災特例法」という)により、東日本大震災特財法第129条による者が、設備復興のために設備導入資金事業を利用し金銭消費賃借契約を締結する場合は、当該事業者に係る印紙税の免税措置を講じた。例文帳に追加

In order to counter the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the period for repayment of loans received under the program since March 11, 2011, was increased from seven years to nine years for borrowers that had been significantly affected by the earthquake under Article 129 of the Act on Special Fiscal Aid and Subsidy for Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Act No. 40, 2011; referred to below as the Special Fiscal Aid Act). Under the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Temporary Special Provisions of Acts Related to National Tax, in Relation to Victims, etc. of the Great East Japan Earthquake (Act No. 29, 2011; referred to below as the Earthquake Special Provisions Act), exemptions from stamp duty were introduced for businesses specified under Article 129 of the Special Fiscal Aid Act where such businesses have entered contracts for monetary loans using equipment funding programs to rebuild facilities.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

東日本大震災に対処するため、「東日本大震災に対処するための特別の財政援助及び助成に関する法律(平成23 年法律第40 号、以下「東日本大震災特財法」という)第129 条により、震災で著しい被害を受けた者について、平成23 年3 月11 日以降の制度利用にかかる償還期間を7 年から9 年に延長するとともに、「東日本大震災の被災者等に係る国税関係法律の臨時特例に関する法律の一部を改正する法律」により、東日本大震災特財法第129 条による者が設備復興のために設備導入資金事業を利用し金銭消費賃借契約を締結する場合は、当該事業者に係る印紙税を免税する。(継続)(p.188参照)例文帳に追加

In order to counter the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the period for repayment of loans received under the program since March 11, 2011, will be increased from seven years to nine years for borrowers that have been significantly affected by the earthquake under Article 129 of the Act on Special Fiscal Aid and Subsidy for Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Act No. 40, 2011; referred to below as the Special Fiscal Aid Act). Under the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Temporary Special Provisions of Acts Related to National Tax, in Relation to Victims, etc. of the Great East Japan Earthquake, exemptions from stamp duty will be permitted for businesses specified under Article 129 of the Special Fiscal Aid Act where such businesses have entered contracts for monetary loans using equipment funding programs to rebuild facilities. (Continuation) (See p. 188.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第10図により、消費者心理(消費者マインド)を示す消費者態度指数(一般世帯・季節調整値)をみると、東日本大震災の発生により2011 年3 月に前月差で月次調査となった2004年4 月以降に最大の幅で低下した後、緩やかに回復しながらも震災前の水準に戻ることのないまま40前後で推移していた。例文帳に追加

According to Figure 10, the consumer confidence index (general households; seasonally adjusted) whichrepresents consumer mind showed the lowest decline on a month-to-month basis (since April 2004 when the surveywas started to be conducted on a monthly basis) in March 2011, and then gradually recovered to the level around40; however, the index did not return to the level before the earthquake. - 厚生労働省


"The handling of doctors' consent forms concerning therapies given by masseuses, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and moxacauterists to the disaster victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake (No. 3)" (Medical Economic Division, Health Insurance Bureau, February 28, 2012)To indicate that co-payments equivalent for treatment costs concerning the treatment given by judo-orthopaedists in relation to the disaster victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake can be exempted until February 29, 2012. - 厚生労働省


具体的には、 1 )世界経済は、緩やかに回復しつつも格差とインバランスが存在し、いまだ不安定であること。 2 )世界経済は、より力強くかつ自律的な回復を遂げる上でのリスク要因を抱えていること。 3 )格差とインバランスの拡大に伴い、国・地域間の摩擦が高まっており、G20、 APEC、 WTO 等において問題解決に向けた取組がなされていること。 4 )東日本大震災の発生後、各国のとった協調的な動きにより、世界経済はおおむね安定した動きを見せたこと(震災による影響に関しては、第4章、第5章にて詳述する)。等を示す。例文帳に追加

Specifically speaking: 1) The world economy has been recovering moderately, but the gaps and imbalances are found, which are still volatile. 2) The risk factors related to the world economy must be addressed in order to achieve stronger and self- sustaining recovery; 3) Accompanying the widening of gaps and imbalances, friction among countries and regions has been heightened. Efforts have been made to solve these problems by G20, APEC, WTO and other world organization. 4) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the world economy has shown largely stable upward movement through cooperative support provided by various countries. (Details of the earthquake disaster will be discussed later in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5). - 経済産業省


Saidaijihigashi 3-chome 日英固有名詞辞典

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