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g-class comics are included in Studs Terkel's Working: A Graphic Adaptation (New Press, 2009) and W
"In this way, even working a little would be possible and would make sen
ittman also occasionally served as an umpire, working a total of ten games - six of them behind the
igh school LaFave played music at night while working a number of day jobs.
being a hero to them and he also still loves working a room.
our return passenger services and one freight working a day.
City of Shavano Park FD is fully paid staff, working a 24/48 schedule.
"I have been working a shift from noon to midnight.
Tsubomi is a High School student working a part-time job at a Lingerie Pub "Papillon".
2705 at Buxton working a loop line service.
He is currently working a book title and curating a traveling exhibit
After working a while in New York, he moved to the West Coa
Working a Passage, or Life in a Liner (1844)
A peasant occupying or working a bovate might be known as a 'bovater.'
Miners working a sluice on Lucky Gulch, Blue Ribbon Mine, Al
Her job has included spells working abroad in Germany and the United States.
Statistics on working abroad is not well documented.
ics degree, Tim spent some time traveling and working abroad.
Typical living and working accommodation for ordinary people in the Uppe
efore coming to News 24 she was a freelancer, working across the BBC's Radio stations.
This was consistent with her history of working across party lines.
LCDP is a Community Development organisation working across the City of Lincoln and the County of
, representing a broad range of organisations working across the Greater Nottingham area.
abstinence "means to abstain from compulsive working, activity, worry, and work avoidance."
de the decision at that early age to become a working actor.
It offers a four-year night program aimed at working adults in Northern California.
traditional students, graduate students, and working adults.
With the elevators not working after the attack, Beyea had no way of getting
Failing eyesight forced him to stop working after 1970.
Erdost started working after elementary school, because of his famil
Shortly thereafter, Speed began working again at starting his own race team.
In 1963, Mac Eoin began working again for the Dublin Institute, this time as
post mill was restored and its sails started working again in 1996.
manager of Middlesbrough on 26 October 2010, working again with Mowbray.
He then moved to California, working again with his brother.
ngineering expertise managed to get Discovery working again.
The current was working against the men.
However, he remained politically active, working against the stamp tax and involving himself i
Working against the clock and with limited resources,
Nixon was now working against a January deadline.
ghts spread to the university, Stigzelius was working against it.
cold and restlessness are working against me and hurting me with their blows,
313 people (66%) are of working age
Almost half the working age adults are out of work.
Many of the residents of working age have jobs in nearby Worthing.
Working aggressively close to his subjects, and rapid
LaMar signed the first working agreement between a Mexico and America profes
rs after the expiration of their minor league working agreement.
Working ahead of his squad, Cpl.
During the 1950s only about 40 men were working, all in Foel Grochan quarry.
He is a free lance conductor working all over Europe.
pulation of doctors, engineers and professors working all over the world.
The Ant King had had all of the ants working all night to fill them.
He was working all his life till his last days.
The Yippies had been working all day on the logistical problems of running
Comfort carried on working almost right up to his death in Worthing, Sus
He started the company working alone with a £50 van.
"Ngasebenza Ngedwa" ("I'm Working Alone")
llege said he believed the perpetrator wasn't working alone.
After leaving school he began working alongside his father and brother at Penallta
Lil' Keke started out working alongside DJ Screw doing mixtapes.
or animals is evident, and she is given a job working alongside her uncle.
He covered the 1990 World Cup working alongside Ian Darke and Peter Brackley and th
o is currently General Director at Stratford, working alongside Artistic Director Des McAnuff.
Working alongside with Lumholtz, his interest turned
Brown is now a player agent, working alongside Frank Endacott.
Bob is now assistant manager at Whitby Town, working alongside the legendary Harry Dunn.
In late 2004, Witherspoon began working alongside Mark Ruffalo on the romantic comedy
appointed assistant manager at Coventry City, working alongside Roland Nilsson.
Samson is shown working alongside the Pro-Registration alliance.
hool and has remained as the head coach there working alongside Richard Ellison.
Shanahan has now moved to live in Dublin, working alongside Apprentice boss, Bill Cullen.
buted to her big break in radio with BBC GLR, working alongside Mark Lamarr.
Working alongside his friend Dino Zerilli he began sm
He is currently working alongside Bajevic as the opposition scout for
She is a co-author of The State of Working America 2002-3 and Hardships in America: The
Developed by Western missionaries working among the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia
hmo missionary spent many years in Hazaribagh working amongst the down trodden.
y of State Legislative assembly in Rajasthan, working amongst various committees and in subsequentl
158747 working an FGW service to Bristol
, one kitchen and recreation building and one working and storage building.
Today the line is still working, and often used by tourists to reach Mendel.
Some of these English terms are related to working and living in Singapore
rom classroom teaching in 1987, but continued working and publishing at Harvard through 2003.
“I think we have a mixed history of sanctions working and not working….
l occupations of Bergitka Roma have been iron working and music.
Co-editor of working and principle programmes.
He is a hard working and aggressive player.
Helmond has continued working and was acclaimed for her performance onstage
245 children 5-14 years old, of whom 152 are working and not going to school, 75 are going to scho
In 1997, Stone left CTCNet but continued working and advising in the area of technical literac
The 212 then changed back to double-decker working and it was run by First London.
She is hard working and honest but uneducated, and constantly bei
Esplanada will provide shopping, living, working and leisure functions integrated into a mixed
lease came in 2006, and since then she's been working and interviewing in radio.
Visitors can explore the mill, see it working and chat to the miller on duty.
He has been working and teaching in sports management for over 30
Since 1983 Gerhard Gruber is working and performing as a composer and musician for
Briggs was chirpy, hard working and much loved.
estimated at between 27,000 and 40,000 birds, working and decorative.
th in Beckley intensified the gap between the working and middle class.
He defied the disease by carrying on working, and openly showing his pleasure in being ali
There he began working and recording with David Murray.
mmendations concerned investment, multi-shift working and better links between production and marke
Alcorn was one of the hardest working and hardest punching fighters in women's boxi
ally near their destination, the engine stops working and the boat drifts onto some rocks.
Proud working and glorying,
here was widespread dissatisfaction among the working and middle class residents.
His life was spent in working and waiting for success which never came.
The Hatchers began working and amending the soil.
The children themselves may, in fact, be working and thus vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
ore and foreign work schedules are four weeks working and four weeks off.
The recreation was not working and they disbanded after an unsuccessful sing
Industry included copper working and tanning, while merchant traders were also
t zone is an important principle for herding, working, and mustering livestock.
Numerous factory closures affected the working and social life of the region.
In 1937, Tehran's Symphonic orchestra started working and performing western as well as Iranian mus
He lived in renouncement, praying, working and doing penitence.
The residents are mostly working and middle-class.
Pigs are rarely used as working animals.
een people were harmed, and they didn't enjoy working anymore.
s a problem: his social guidance films aren't working anymore.
Some working applications of the co-occurrence approach ar
thport, it is in a suburb in the heart of the working area.
It now has 55,000 square feet (5,100 m2) working area.
The laboratory and associated working areas occupy the 2nd through the 7th and the
PHE's overseas working areas covered: Western Desert Block 3,Iraq; B
To perform such a task three different working areas are available as follows.
re than 2,500 Global Mission pioneers are now working around the world.
The M10 is the only rail line working around the station area.
The top floor is a working artist studio.
neighborhood of Tampa, Florida, where he is a working artist.
d, and antiques fairs and became a centre for working artists and craftspeople.
The neighborhood remains home to many working artists who live and work in converted lofts.
The London Group is composed of working artists, has a written constitution, annually
She began working as a stringer for the Mutual Radio Network.
s Dr. Tsai spent a short time away from TSMC, working as president of Vanguard International Semico
She has been working as chief of mission for UNHCR in Sarajevo dur
ed to London, freelancing for Radio 4, whilst working as an audio describer.
He currently is working as an illusionist.
Parker moved to Washington, DC working as a carpenter.
But he is currently working as a player/coach for the Raiders.
Sani, Dr. Haleema Sadia etc. Dr.Rab nawaz is working as DMS Admin and Dr. Fazle Hadi is working as
Subsequently working as a musician , he collaborated with Fourier
In 1964 he began working as business manager for a hospital and conval
Sasaki wound up working as a civil servant in the same government dis
He has since been working as a brewery sales manager, supplying caterin
rom the Teachers Training College, he started working as an arts teacher in 1948.
Southworth began working as an animator for Walt Disney Animation Stud
The next day, he is shown working as a library shelver.
In 2003 she began working as a full-time girls' development officer wit
Since then he is working as a freelance painter, illustrator and comic
s spent fifteen years developing his farm and working as a surveyor in southwestern Virginia.
She previously spent 10 years working as a management consultant with The Boston Co
His first job was working as a milkman.
a group of solicitors fresh from law school, working as Crown Prosecutors or 'Crownies' who are th
He returned to the Journal after the war, working as a bookkeeper.
Sandved was working as an architect to the late 1980s.
In 1890, he started working as a notary in his uncle's firm Papineau & Ma
Taviv received a religious education, before working as a jeweler and repairing weapons.
She then moved to California, working as a clerk matron at the Mountain View Police
Her jobs have included busing tables and working as a bicycle messenger.
Some area residents quit their jobs and began working as prison guards at the facility.
In 1981 he began working as a television reporter, a job he held until
ist rule in Poland, Giertych lived in London, working as a school-teacher.
has remained a poet and songwriter as well as working as a computer consultant, based in Portland,
Two men stand working as blacksmiths.
In 2011, Dunn began working as a solo artist following the breakup of Bro
While working as a traveling salesman in France he educated
Coleman had been working as a shipping clerk and teaching piano.
It was written when Bates was only 19 and working as a warehouse clerk.
After briefly working as a teacher, he moved to Eastern Oregon.
After working as a broadcaster, Fox became a writer and a l
taLand Diaries" recounts Sedaris' experiences working as an elf at Macy's department store.
retired as a professor in 1992, but continued working as a senior researcher.
In 2000, Gardner began working as a Development Producer at London Weekend T
While working as a fireman, Kerr also enjoyed running in hi
He is currently working as a sports agent in Santa Monica, California
After working as a cub reporter he became a police reporter
Among other jobs, Shreve spent three years working as a journalist in Nairobi, Kenya.
He left academia for nine years, working as an auto worker, machine operator, warehous
ed from University of Wisconsin in 1982 while working as a DJ playing country music.
She was working as a domestic servant in Dublin.
Since then Gruschenka Stevens is working as a singer/songwriter under her maiden name
GG officially retired in 1974 but continued working as a consultant into his final decade.
The same year, however, he started working as a journalist in the newspaper Vestlandske
Hurley started working as an actress in the late 1980s and became a
He spent most of the 1950s working as a high school teacher and wrestling coach.
Instead he is working as a assistant coach with the U-19 Team of Mi
The next year he spent working as an assistant to Henry Moore and teaching a
Roeper began working as a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times in 1
Sarah Hodgson is working as a teacher.
White began writing novels while working as a fishing guide.
Whitehead now lives in Australia, working as bass luthier.
years in two high-security prisons in England working as a prison psychologist.
Working as A&R men were Lee Magid, Bob Shad, Jesse St
Currently she is working as a bartender in the San Fernando Valley.
Prebble later began acting and working as a radio personality.
He moved to films in 1917, working as an art director for various studios.
Green is working as a surgeon, and played more than 260 intern
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