「socially」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > sociallyの意味・解説 > sociallyに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 438

Socially, a married couple is the basic unit of the po
St Paul's, Redfern, when Boyce went to it was socially a mixed parish.
aking their Philadelphia hotel attractive and socially acceptable to wealthy women.
This type of behaviour is also considered socially acceptable of alternate gender roles within t
rofessional football games serve to provide a socially acceptable outlet for controlled aggression.
a boarding house, representing one of the few socially acceptable business ventures for a 19th centu
wn for being wanderers lacking any insight or socially acceptable manners.
s type of mixed marriage was still considered socially acceptable at this time.
igars and wearing trousers long before it was socially acceptable for women to do so.
appears on national TV and provides a kind of socially acceptable, family friendly representation of
d not regard the expressions of the insane as socially acceptable.
These dancers have scholastic or socially accepted credentials in the art of dancing ta
r was a voracious reader who often questioned socially accepted norms.
of them are of Italian descent, including one socially accepted combat-soldier who accompanies them.
ove, within the framework of well prescribed, socially accepted conventions.
Politically and socially active throughout his life, Stanton served as
of his life in the Quinta de Belas, leading a socially active life, surrounded by writers and artist
rector of the Challenge for Change project, a socially active documentary production wing of the Nat
l work as well as a prescient, dedicated, and socially active minister whose work led directly to th
Ultimately, ECNA's vision is to create a socially active student base with skills allowing them
ittee, the social campaign "Pora!", and other socially active citizens.
ed its mission to be more family-friendly and socially active, creating an important experiment in t
Considered very liberal and socially active, Donegan was also an advocate of civil
Socially active, they maintained a summer home at fash
Most pupils come from socially advantaged backgrounds.
nomads, to make them educationally conscious, socially alert and politically vibrant.
m the status of lishentzy, people regarded as socially alien, having no right to vote and therefore
He is socially aloof and quite cold in his dealings with peo
Trow was socially ambitious: throughout his life, he was "striv
The league had an increasingly socially and economically conservative tone as the 19t
h amount under the small business program for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals fr
sometimes also been criticised for an overtly socially and culturally conservative approach, though
He believes public policy should be more socially and environmentally conscious.
ndation" to provide "a conduit of support for socially and economically underserved children and adu
g of verbs but also describe them culturally, socially, and scientifically.
The East Side, until recently, was socially and economically dominated by the Calumet Riv
ancement of the people of Marysville morally, socially and politically and he was generally recognis
spend some time with his wife, Julia, who is socially and sexually frustrated as a result of her hu
e much more widely spread, geographically and socially, and less dependent on traditional academic s
ent "is to empower all students academically, socially, and personally to be lifelong learners capab
rillat and his wife, Lynette, are both active socially and are noted philanthropists in both Michiga
It was a thriving socially and ethnically mixed neighborhood from the la
ocial Banking offers training and research on socially and ecologically oriented banking or "ethical
hood's most interesting and endearing aspects socially and artistically.
Vaishnavas) as authoritatively superior both socially and spiritually to a non-Vaishnavite Brahmin
cluding Welfare of Schedule Caste, Welfare of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes), Sports,
wo smaller villages close by to the east, are socially and culturally one with Staple Fitzpaine.
He also lacked some confidence socially and athletically at school, although he excel
He is one of the founding members of the socially and economically conservative Maxim Institute
ness” is concurrent with efforts to make race socially and politically irrelevant.
ent in rebuilding tribal infrastructure, both socially and economically.
erships in order to support and invest in the socially and commercially significant film and media i
the lines of The Early Christian Church, and socially and environmentally conscious consumer choice
of the Hualapai, although the two groups are socially and politically distinct (Kendall 1983:5).
This is a major empowerment both socially and economically of these women, as this micr
ed the proconsul's wife to leave her husband- socially and morally unacceptable to a Merovingian aud
further strengthen Hillsborough County's most socially and economically vulnerable neighborhoods thr
he intention of bringing together gamers both socially, and to converse about the different themes,
maintaining the legal drinking age at 21 is a socially and medically sound policy that helps parents
ital organizations that helped the state both socially and financially.
or children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances.
naware of his resistance role and it was thus socially and emotionally fatiguing to act like a Nazi.
interests of the members as also to interact socially and culturally with the local population.
This led many socially and fiscally conservative Republicans to cons
are intended to be affordable, nutritious and socially and ecologically responsible.
II found it easier to break out of his shell socially, and he became more open, impartial, and poli
their rough pop punk songs and their somewhat socially and politically committed lyrics, Raxola has
She was a success both socially and as a queen consort, and though she remain
late the territories politically, culturally, socially, and economically into the German Reich.
Socially and economically, City Heights has a high con
rty, being extremely conservative morally and socially, and lent his support to free trade.
al is the worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based
The Beach family was important socially and made a number of important political and
ds (Quakers) in FGC tend to be decidedly more socially and theologically liberal than Friends from o
Hodgkins was active socially and in politics.
Much of their music is socially and politically aware.
At present the village is socially and educationally well developed.
ul experiments, Goldberger's discovery proved socially and politically untenable and he made little
, very religiously committed to Protestantism socially and politically, were given the posthumous ti
nhance the growth of campers (ages 6-16 yrs.) socially and emotionally.
animals are displayed in connection with the socially and geographically corresponding buildings.
Socially and politically, Geta has no nation-states in
ment that helps children develop cognitively, socially and emotionally.
liamentary debates, arguing that repeal would socially and politically weaken the traditional landow
jorative beliefs, we tend to start exhibiting socially anxious behaviors such as anxious sensations,
for all students to develop academically and socially as responsible citizens in a changing society
nelveli, and he had been gradually recognised socially as a religious person with extraordinary powe
Known socially as Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff, he is the son of
typical school environment where they develop socially as well.
tue of her marriage to a knight, she is known socially as Lady de Rothschild.
Americans that are conservative fiscally and socially as well, but we don't have the welcoming face
tudent can grow academically, emotionally and socially at a self-directed pace.
h raving) is custom of visiting and gathering socially at nightclubs (discotheques, discos or just c
He is surprisingly socially attuned for a man who doesn't take to languag
Society and Cecil Sharp were amplified by the socially aware Anglo-Catholic Dearmer and supported in
that over time, they will become more honest, socially aware and willing to make small personal sacr
ming pool, gym, sports hall, fitness room and socially aware centre.
He is also known as a socially aware comedian.
n of Hontas, Ontario, Canada, it focuses on a socially awkward farmer, John Kraft, who is unwittingl
nd earnest, outside of battle he is a shy and socially awkward young man, having spent his formative
yan as a trusting and good natured, yet naive socially awkward adolescent, proved a popular characte
Zach Galifianakis as Alan Garner, the socially awkward, future brother-in-law of the groom.
Socially awkward, Jenny revels in having a secret iden
nerally sweet-natured, he is often clumsy and socially awkward.
access to higher education to financially and socially backward students, thereby motivating them to
of Bijapur district who were economically and socially backward.
based on sexual characteristics, which is not socially based but based on biology, a concept related
ld payments were stretched out according to a socially bearable scheme.
Although she had played rugby socially before, Palmer started playing regularly afte
s accepted as her husband a man she considers socially beneath her, and now this friction dominates
as land or gold or houses, over and above any socially beneficial exchange, Ricardo labels Rent.
solving misinformation including racially and socially biased studies in the fields of anatomy and a
ting their pregnancies would either be shamed socially by the Communist Party or sent to work in a r
vist group, often economically, political, or socially, by gathering in a crowd, usually at a symbol
otivated city to those of an economically and socially centered city.
ver five decades, embracing projects that are socially centred including Hille Project 1970, Peterle
Best Socially Committed Movie
election, although the votes did not share a socially common political view at that time.
ngle Runaway Love is Ludacris's first stab at socially concerned music).
ommentators to refer to a politically active, socially concerned and highly educated section of the
ra club in New York City", whose members were socially concerned photographers.
The church was founded by socially concerned clergy and lay people for those exc
Girls in the United States are more educated, socially connected and empowered than ever, but that i
Meinertzhagen was born into a socially connected, wealthy British family.
tic beats, live instrumentation and positive, socially conscious lyrics.
luding group shows for charity organisations, socially conscious event 'Green', a tribute to the lat
with P.O.D. lead singer Sonny Sandoval on the socially conscious track "I Do".
Influenced by North American socially conscious rap and the Native tongues movement
The song's socially conscious streak, as well as the propulsive b
st Barrett Strong, were becoming increasingly socially conscious and political.
of Gaye's signature 1970s hits including the socially conscious anthems "What's Going On" and "Merc
kson had a long-standing history of releasing socially conscious material such as "We Are the World"
Halogen TV (Halogen), a socially conscious television network and website that
Promote eco-friendly and socially conscious clothing consumption
native hip hop albums of the 1990s, known for socially conscious and politically charged content ins
t group, Siskind produced several significant socially conscious series of images in the 1930s.
eleases Release Therapy, his first attempt at socially conscious hip-hop.
hich is credited as the rap song that brought socially conscious lyrics into hip hop.
ably by Surrealism, he joined a generation of socially conscious Spanish authors concerned with work
icence to Kill and the top ten Prince-written socially conscious dance hit, "Yo Mister".
1941's "It All Comes Back to Me Now" and the socially conscious, WWII-themed "My Sister and I." Zar
entrepreneurship and at the same time remain socially conscious.
The state's socially conservative bent results in wide support for
en (though not always, especially not in more socially conservative communities) more open to the st
As a result, its policies were socially conservative but had elements of Agrarian soc
politics began when Andrew Evans founded the socially conservative Family First Party.
Ormerod's campaign largely focused on socially conservative issues, but it was Williams who
Although the 1st has historically been a socially conservative district, it was not thought her
He subsequently faced a socially conservative primary challenger in his 2010 r
entre-left politician, but has also expressed socially conservative views on several issues.
gularly labelled by opponents one of the most socially conservative members of the Liberal caucus.
epublican district in the state with a strong socially conservative trend.
He held staunch, socially conservative views, vehemently opposing the d
The Cornerstone Group is a socially conservative or traditional conservative poli
committed Roman Catholic, and was part of the socially conservative wing of the Liberal Party.
rking-class Conservative", is a member of the socially conservative Cornerstone Group.
tion; as a result, Casey appeared as the more socially conservative candidate, which helped him to g
ia ridings reflect Red Tory views rather than socially conservative ones, as reflected in being one
he (fictional) American Christian Assembly, a socially conservative group led by prominent Christian
erences between the CDU and the somewhat more socially conservative CSU has sometimes led to conflic
ess public support for his colourful father's socially conservative views, he was once heavily criti
ican status they prefer which could lead to a socially conservative congress.
the fiscally liberal Democratic Party and the socially conservative Republican Party.
ghout the campaign, McCain's selection of the socially conservative Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska a
of Lords almost until his death, being on the socially conservative and traditionalist wing of the p
his time in office, however, and he expressed socially conservative views on several occasions.
son would face a difficult primary since many socially conservative Republicans still felt chagrin a
She holds socially conservative views on some issues, opposing m
emocrat Bennie Thompson and ran on a strongly socially conservative platform.
nominally a member of the NSW Right and holds socially conservative views on most moral issues, such
part of the state where Republican voters are socially conservative and against all gun control.
on (often called Campaign Life) is a Canadian socially conservative group, primarily associated with
Eastwood campaigned on a socially conservative stand.
Van Bommel is known to hold some socially conservative views.
be the more right-wing, socially-oriented and socially conservative faction within National Alliance
7) was an American politician who served as a socially conservative member of the Boston City Counci
Braybrooke was one of the more socially conservative members of the Labour Party.
He was known for his socially conservative and fiscally moderate approach t
chard Ziser is a Nevada Real Estate Investor, Socially Conservative Political activist and U.S. Repu
Hayes was best known as a socially conservative advocate for family issues.
However, supporters in the socially conservative grassroots organizations such as
She is known for her socially conservative views, in particular her efforts
ds to be more pro-business, pro-military, and socially conservative than the center-left Democratic
He is a member of the ChristianUnion party, a socially conservative Protestant party, and was former
Hiebert is a socially conservative MP, as evidenced by his support
ndtag, while disapproval was supported by the socially conservative advocacy group "Vox Populi" and
Fox was regarded as one of the most socially conservative members of the PC caucus.
William Hall vocally endorsed a socially conservative platform and performed well in h
Politically, she was known as being socially conservative, vehemently opposing same-sex ma
Benishek considers himself fiscally and socially conservative, pro-life and pro-gun rights.
committed to neo-liberalism as well as being socially conservative.
was underway, should remain theologically and socially conservative.
Dunlop is socially conservative.
ence, it can only be concluded that gender is socially constructed and each individual is unique in
, Gergen went on to develop a radical view of socially constructed knowledge.
e argument is that gender characteristics are socially constructed and therefore naturally unrelated
logisation, Barthes refers to the tendency of socially constructed notions, narratives, and assumpti
c outcomes in EPOR are seen as negotiable and socially constructed.
ateway effect is pharmacological, rather than socially constructed.
iety harkens back to some of the group's more socially contentious songs of the sixties like "Mother

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