「melt」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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o tall, riding his bike too fast, and trying to melt a Tonka truck with a magnifying glass.
Most of the feldspar does melt, a portion of it decomposes to leucite and some
a forming these volcanoes was not hot enough to melt a vertical pipe right through the overlying gla
An example of this technique is used to melt a slice of cheese onto a hamburger patty, where
most of both weight percentage and cost of hot melt adhesives and pressure sensitive adhesives.
Hot adhesives, also known as hot melt adhesives, are thermoplastics applied in molten
synthesis of polyamide resins and polyamide hot melt adhesives.
evitrified glass tends to be somewhat harder to melt again, there is the possibility of this techniq
sion and then has Kryten turn up the heating to melt all the droids.
In the melt, aluminium trichloride exists as the dimer Al2C
modified pandas, and the mad and terrible Nurse Melt, among others - raw, tell-it-like-it-is comedy
g and Leeds, Summer Sonic, Pukkelpop, Lowlands, Melt! and many more.
nt is the stolen gold, which Joe and Bobby then melt and mold into long golden rods.
es and trace element geochemistry of the impact melt and target rocks at the Mistastin Lake crater,
ding arc causes the electrode and workpieces to melt and flow into the cavity between the parts bein
e is relevant in the morphology and rheology of melt and bulk polymers through its relation to quant
of extrusion utilizes two or more extruders to melt and deliver a steady volumetric throughput of d
en the cavity is filled, part of the chill will melt and ultimately become part of the casting, thus
of the mountain have caused the ice and snow to melt, and that the resulting mud flow is preparing t
lled on walls and ceilings because they tend to melt and drip away from the underside of the horizon
It then disproportionates into aluminium melt and aluminium trichloride upon cooling to 900°C
atform, allowing the resulting frost and ice to melt and dry, then plugging it in.
r mainly from natural groundwater springs, snow melt, and rain water.
This rain combined with snow melt and saturated ground to produce record breaking
Once fractures are formed, melt and/or volatiles will typically invade, widenin
filling of the original crater cavity by impact melt and/or by volcanic lavas.
lates for eating bread, building materials, and melt any metal to make pots or tools.
Additionally, blocks submerged within melt are subject to further thermally-induced fractu
sulfate appears as red monoclinic crystals that melt around 100 °C and become anhydrous at 250 °C.
The Independent has hailed Melt as their pick of the album.
hamburgers entitled The Southwest and the Swiss Melt as well as another burger entitled the Inferno
ormed by Hydrogen chloride flowing over Gallium melt, as sources with purified N2 as carrier gas.
stal with multiple liquid crystal phases in the melt as a result of the molecule's structure with a
ade up of several different minerals, some will melt at lower temperatures than others.
noclinic form upon heating to about 1400 °C and melt at 1750 °C.
olutions in the latter as reddish crystals that melt at 270-273 °C.
Inspecting the melt: At the furnace are windpipes or draft holes wh
s very coarse, hard, opaque white, and does not melt at temperatures typically used for baking.
It forms silky crystals which melt at 9 °C, and boil at about 144 °C with decompos
Phenazine crystallizes in yellow needles which melt at 174-177 °C, and are only sparingly soluble i
which it crystallizes as deep red needles that melt at 228-232°C.
om which it crystallizes as yellow needles that melt at 162-163 °C.
It forms colourless crystals, which melt at 4.5 °C: the liquid range is extremely narrow
prisms which are readily soluble in hot water, melt at 187 °C and decompose at about 240 °C.
H, crystallizes in long needles or prisms which melt at 136-137 °C.
ds of metallurgical grade silicon are heated to melt at one end.
an Prealps, after the first glaciers started to melt at the end of the Pleistocene glaciations.
It crystallizes in needles which melt at 156 °C.
It crystallizes as fine needles that melt at 160-161 °C.
It crystallizes as fine needles that melt at 121-122°C.
It crystallizes as needles that melt at 170-171°C.
f the lipids had two palmitoyl chains, PE would melt at 63C while PC would melt already at 41C (See
And melt away the aging frost forming now about my ears.
For example, defeated creatures melt away and it contains no morbid plot elements wh
my mind, as the illimitable multitude began to melt away towards the gates and roads and bridges, t
Catholic Church and the feudal nobility, would melt away before the irresistible march of reason...
Even the local barons started to melt away, and soon Adrian's Byzantine allies were l
letting their 40-28 lead in the fourth quarter melt away.
king them, but they are only 'dream rushes' and melt away.
overloading or flooding by heavy rains or snow melt because it is not enclosed and sealed like conv
each step, the column is washed; sequences that melt become single-stranded and wash off the column.
n coefficient between rock-forming minerals and melt being much smaller than 1.
substance forms red micro-needles which do not melt below 300°C, and can be sublimed in vacuum at a
for mozzarella in most dishes; it is reputed to melt better in baking.
born on November 15, 2007 as the result of the melt between Rio Tinto PLC's Canadian subsidiary, Ri
en pyroxenite bands at the bottom represent the melt, brownish lherzolite bands at the top the solid
to the point where he can burst into flames, or melt bullets.
She might look like butter wouldn't melt, but she's her father's daughter through and th
pods and veins of material that has started to melt but has not fully segregated from the refractor
It can be grown from a melt by the Czochralski technique.
which spans Hudson Brook, was formed by glacial melt by 11,000 BC, from 550 million year old bedrock
vection together with peridotite, then it would melt by decompression melting (see discussion in ign
-homogeneous, non-crystalline structure, doen't melt by heating
°C (at this point the properties of the liquid melt change remakably, e.g.
The melt conducts electricity poorly, unlike more ionic
Enstatite does melt congruently between pressures of 2.5 and 5.5 ki
akite or high magnesium andesites may represent melt contamination with the peridotites of the overl
trol which mineral is crystallized first as the melt cools down past the liquidus.
Following the financial melt down at the club Hall was sold to Premiership s
g control of the Great Legacy, but it begins to melt down without the moderation provided by Tao's j
citadel Darkmount, the Smelting Pools (used to melt down Autobot prisoners), the Dead End (a shanty
vernment by clipping the edges of gold coins to melt down and make into new coins.
glass, and prevents scum formation of the glass melt during refining.
soit-je..." in August 1997, and which began to melt during the shooting of the video, as it had dif
Deoxidizing agents are added to the melt either before or after it is tapped.
geologists associate the glass not with impact melt ejecta, but with radiative melting from meteori
the minerals are anhydrous and therefore do not melt even at high temperature conditions.
As seen in Figure 4, melt expulsion occurs when the vapor pressure is app
machining processes by each laser, ablation and melt expulsion typically coexist.
On the other hand, melt expulsion, the means by which a hole is created
In order to achieve fine melt expulsion, the melt flow pattern needs to be pr
k during melting and/or reactive porous flow in melt extraction) along an adiabatic path.
alley Music and Arts Festival, Hay Festival and Melt! festival amongst others.
cene and has, among other things, played at the Melt! festival.
Melt flow index, a value inversely proportional to t
Low melt flow index adhesives have better properties but
Melt flow rate is inversely proportional to viscosit
Melt flow rate is very commonly used for polyolefins
High melt flow index adhesives are easy to apply but have
Ratios between two melt flow rate values for one material at different
LDPE and LLDPE have unique theoretical or melt flow properties.
Melt flow rate is an indirect measure of molecular w
At the same time, melt flow rate is a measure of the ability of the ma
lagioclase crystals while Rb will remain in the melt for longer time.
temperature at which they undergo a transition ( melt) from the gel to liquid phase.
nce in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when the Nazis melt from the intense heat created by the Ark of the
nother which used the on-board Splav furnace to melt glass, lead, silver and copper chlorides, and a
s to evade his advances, Koz continually try to melt her heart.
presence of a vapor phase as well as a silicate melt, however, and vapor-rock reactions below the so
t, push it off cliffs onto lower platforms, and melt ice blocks to create a passage for the egg.
ct a power-up that makes him shoot flames which melt ice.
The fuel and reactor internals may melt; if the melted configuration remains critical,
These deposits are formed by melt immiscibility between sulfide and silicate melt
y the freezing of a molten liquid (known as the melt) in a mold.
ke Mead draws a majority of its water from snow melt in the Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah Rocky Mounta
ethod which made the observer almost completely melt in with what was depicted.
an oily and sometimes flowing texture known to melt in the mouth.
o swallow cookie, while others yield a crumbly, melt in your mouth cookie.
abrication costs, it was chemically designed to melt in a ladle (though with improved properties in
cribe a spring thaw resulting from snow and ice melt in rivers located in the northern latitudes of
Zero White coating that did not melt in heat.
"Refusing to Melt in Their World", World and I
gm involving only a chemically distinct primary melt, in equilibrium with residual mantle minerals,
The spray, however, causes the plank to melt in half and Andy crashes to the floor.
by (1858) was the first to document microscopic melt inclusions in crystals.
from the former Soviet Union lead the study of melt inclusions in the decades after World War II (S
The study of melt inclusions has been driven more recently by the
Melt inclusions
Although they are small, melt inclusions may contain a number of different co
The formation of melt inclusions appears to be a normal part of the c
Multiple melt inclusions in an olivine crystal.
stics converter should choose a material with a melt index so high that he can easily form the polym
llowed him to access the darkforce dimension to melt into shadows.
The granules melt into a liquid which is forced through a die, fo
e rapid crystallization of the remainder of the melt into a fine grained (aphanitic) matrix.
y does not generate temperatures high enough to melt iron and steel, but instead reduces the iron ox
Water from Snowy Mountains snow melt is used to generate electricity and divert wate
spectacular in the late spring when the spring melt is at its peak.
Melt is the term used to describe the working materi
Patty Melt is also a cartoon character used by state beef
The steel melt is produced in an oxygen top blowing process in
ti-pored device through which a plastic polymer melt is extruded to form fibers. Streams of viscous
rrents in the metal which heats the "charge" to melt it.
melting it, to put rocks in her mouth to try to melt it.
e of the material is no higher than required to melt it; this can prevent loss of valuable alloying
ches a temperature greater than 1100 °C and may melt its way through steel.
delivers octave leaps and vibratos that should melt just about any heart, young or old."
After obtaining the vapor pressure pv, the melt layer flow and melt expulsion can be modeled us
erature reaches ~920 K at perihelion, enough to melt lead and zinc, and nearly enough to melt alumin
e rifles that fire frozen-nitrogen bullets that melt, leaving no trace.
The assumption of a unique primary melt led to the expectation that chemical and minera
ter and Ice VI at 355 K and 2.216 GPa, with the melt line extending to at least 715 K and 10 GPa.
with snow and is "deeply rutted with cracks and melt lines".
It is difficult to melt mafic metamorphic rocks except in the lower man
Refractory metals as well as low melt materials are easily deposited.
Melt My Heart to Stone
This is caused by rapid crystallization of the melt near the contact with the surrounding low tempe
Basalt is generally created as a partial melt of peridotite at between 20-120 km depth.
metallic scandium by electrolysis of a eutectic melt of scandium(III) chloride and other salts at 70
-stage magmatic mineral, formed in the residual melt of mafic layered intrusions in either the olivi
The stubs are then easy to melt off and clean with a soldering iron.
“Soot deposition increases surface melt on ice masses, and the meltwater spurs multiple
The compounds have in common that they melt or decompose at very high temperatures and that
l reactions involving silicate and oxide in the melt or in hydrothermal systems, and silicate weathe
The goal was to melt ore and extract very pure substances to make ne
seudotachylites but lack clear indications of a melt origin.
r own legislative authority and so, are able to melt out punishment on offenders within their desiga
n sites of the minerals are concentrated in the melt phase of magma (liquid phase).
d to his business, was shown in his attempts to melt platinum by the discharge from his very large b
d temperature information of both the immediate melt pool and its surrounding areas.
cess is used to remove dissolved gases from the melt prior to the material being processed.
Ensuring the consistency of the melt process in terms of pool geometry, and melt rat
sing), preform processing, layer processing and melt processing are used to fabricate the functional
Ideally, the melt rate stays constant throughout the process cycl
Melt rate: up to 80 cm3/h.
The glacier snout is subject to high melt rates from season to season and there is marked
ron meteorites, and probably formed from impact melt, rather than being fragments of the core of a d
The melt reaction produces a granitic melt and solid ort
This favors producing a melt rich in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) su
s thought that the flows may consist of 'impact melt,' rock melted by the intense heat released in t
ontains larger than average amounts of alkaline melt rocks, shocked quartz, and iron oxide laced wit
of shatter cones, suevite-type or other unusual melt rocks, pseudotachylite or mylonite, radial faul
terozoic) based on radiometric dating of impact melt rocks.
and building the first electric arc furnaces to melt scrap and transform it into steel ingots, ready
-year is ice that has not yet survived a summer melt season, while multi-year ice has survived at le
Steel Melt Shop Steel is made in steel melting shop in the
Steel Melt Shop and Continuous Casting
Some cheese analogue brands melt similarly to dairy cheese (in a very hot oven o
ted a significant enough amount of heat to even melt snow on the grave sites.
water out of so you don't have to haul water or melt snow.
Add crushed ice and stir to melt some of the ice.
However the melt spinner is only able to produce small thin ribb
The concept of the melt spinner was developed by Pond and Maddin in 196
Melt spinning is a technique used for rapid cooling
This limits melt spinning to mainly production of research speci
h furnace can reach temperatures high enough to melt steel, but Siemens did not initially use it for
s as streams of fire that were strong enough to melt steel, yet precise enough that she could cauter
Once suspended in the melt, stoped blocks may either sink or float dependi
- as "Don't Go Out Into the Rain (You're Gonna Melt, Sugar)" and while this failed to chart domesti

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