「deforestation」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索

「deforestation」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > deforestationの意味・解説 > deforestationに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 117

Deforestation across West and Central Africa has severel
It benefits from deforestation and some agriculture.
Deforestation and habitat fragmentation are major threat
Major threats include deforestation and hunting.
On Mauritius it was severely affected by deforestation and hunting.
62-63: Deforestation and reforestation of the central andean hi
It is threatened by habitat loss through deforestation, and predation by introduced mongooses.
Deforestation and pollution run-off are the two leading
Habitat destruction, deforestation, and collection for the pet trade threaten
This species is Near Threatened due to deforestation and bird trade.
esult of burning fossil fuels, broad-scale deforestation and other human activity.”
domesticated and feral ungulates and rats, deforestation, and invasive plant species.
tropical West Africa, it is threatened by deforestation and unsustainable logging for timber.
habitat destruction following large-scale deforestation, and prey depletion through illegal huntin
on credits through reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) and agrofore
pport sustainable economic alternatives to deforestation and give local communities a stake in pres
h banks of the Anacostia River due to this deforestation and runoff.
Deforestation and shifting cultivation in the catchment
channel silted up, probably the result of deforestation, and the center of active life shifted, pe
They are threatened by deforestation, and the largest amount of damage to their
ly classified as vulnerable due to lowland deforestation and capture for cage-bird trade.
Several reports which spoke of large-scale deforestation and desiccation were coming up, prominent
Perhaps due to ecological reasons of deforestation and overhunting by the population, the cit
With the increasing popularity of deforestation and development efforts in South East Asia
This is largely due to deforestation and the capture of wild birds for aviculur
eir own, naturally, and the combination of deforestation and rainy weather including regular typhoo
while supporting a decrease in the pace of deforestation and the development of a more sustainable
d VARATTAYAR,but today they are dry due to deforestation and misuse of land.
Colombia's forest biodiversity, including deforestation and chemical contamination.
riety of Cuba has markedly declined due to deforestation and is now considered a vulnerable species
jor areas: global warming, overpopulation, deforestation and species loss.
s eroded away due to erosion caused by the deforestation and exacerbated by the large amounts of ca
canopy of the forest, it is believed that deforestation and ongoing crop and livestock farming pos
abitat are not thought to be threatened by deforestation and the island is seldom visited, reducing
t from the opening of the forest caused by deforestation, at least as long as some stands of trees
of the massive human impact, and complete deforestation at low altitudes must have resulted in the
Extractive preserves limit deforestation both by the local residents preventing def
flooding, rather than illegal logging and deforestation by locals.
converted for other uses, a portion of the deforestation can be offset by afforestation-such as the
ulation numbers have been declining due to deforestation caused by the Chinese logging industry.
el, water resources may decline in Asia if deforestation continues in the Amazon.
Marsh argued that deforestation could lead to desertification.
United States, that addresses the tropical deforestation crisis in Central America and provides far
; poaching threatens wildlife populations; deforestation; desertification
ughout its distribution and is affected by deforestation, desertification, and overgrazing.
Deforestation due to European settlement may have expand
y habitat loss and sedimentation caused by deforestation due to slash-and-burn agricultural practis
Most of Madagascar has undergone serious deforestation during the last 40 years, which has led to
loss, illegal trapping for the pet trade, deforestation, encroachment, competition with the Red-ne
Deforestation, filling, draining and degradation of wetl
red primarily due to human impacts such as deforestation, habitat fragmentation by roads, introduct
Heavy deforestation had eliminated most of the island's forest
entation of the settlement, which, made by deforestation, had been founded about a century earlier.
Habitat loss due to deforestation has led to a decrease in population number
Deforestation has limited the amount of remaining habita
Due to increased technology, rates of deforestation have greatly increased
Main article: Deforestation in Sri Lanka
Of course, the rampant deforestation in that region may obscure that there has
Deforestation in the region is also considered a primary
jor source of degradation is the extensive deforestation in the upper reaches and non-sustainable a
is inferred to be rapidly declining due to deforestation in its breeding range, principally for agr
vation status as a result of human induced deforestation in arid to semi-arid regions of Brazil.
jor source of degradation is the extensive deforestation in the upper reaches of the Mopan River an
ly sustainable industry is contributing to deforestation in Indonesia, notably in the Gunung Palung
rge-scale use of pesticides, and increased deforestation in Mexico, threatens the migratory Monarch
The problem of deforestation in Sri Lanka is not as significant in the
me forest, which is the primary target for deforestation in the Amazon.
ly wood and charcoal leading to widespread deforestation in the area.
nge and the need for urgent action to stop deforestation in the run up to the climate change confer
Deforestation is a threat to several members of this gen
The hills are quarried for limestone and deforestation is ongoing.
Deforestation is one of the most serious environmental i
Deforestation is typically applied to programs in functi
Deforestation is reducing the number of these parrots in
bitat is rapidly declining, due in part to deforestation, it is overcollected for medicinal use, an
Though declining in recent times due to deforestation, it is still widely distributed and plenti
World War I and deforestation led to the closure of the lumber mill in 1
rested and the governor's office said that deforestation logging activities were not the causal fac
Deforestation may be contributing to the decline of this
a in British times had caused considerable deforestation noted in 1920 east of a line from Lashio t
Deforestation occurred quickly - as the demands of the n
sts to draw international attention to the deforestation of the Amazon region.
d consequently IUCN) due to the widespread deforestation of the Amazon.
Deforestation of native rain forest in Rio de Janeiro Ci
use the tall trees which survived the mass deforestation of the initial settlement, led to the majo
Deforestation of the island began during this period and
is success inspired a strong following-the deforestation of Hokianga had begun and would be complet
te in the later Bronze Age, contributed to deforestation of the open fell sides and the development
May 25, 2006, Alkan drew attention to the deforestation of the New Guinean rainforest together wit
unting and habitat loss due to the general deforestation of forests on Mindoro.
After almost total deforestation of the White Mountain region, the White Mo
Nor can certain harmful effects of deforestation, of some methods of farming, or of the smo
or example, when wood became scarce due to deforestation on Bronze Age Crete, gypsum was employed i
ena, and it is thought that the widespread deforestation on the island, while generally harmful for
areas of the United Kingdom anymore due to deforestation or felling.
In addition to deforestation, other stresses such as introduction of fo
nonetheless there is a need to reduce the deforestation rate of surrounding areas and restore clea
amounts to 1.14 percent of average annual deforestation rate.
In western Central Africa deforestation rates are low but selective logging is, or
and laws towards environmental protection, deforestation rates of primary cover have actually decre
Borneo has one of the world's highest deforestation rates.
istribution was recognized as helping slow deforestation, reduce indoor air pollution, lessen gende
Deforestation resulting from the nation's energy demands
ge complex, the Sandomierz Wilderness, but deforestation separated these two complexes from each ot
One particular algorithm for deforestation, shortcut deforestation, is implemented in
ated by anthropogenic disturbances such as deforestation since the early 18th century, terracing an
Environmental concerns include deforestation; soil erosion; wildlife populations threat
Today, deforestation still continues as large areas of this reg
perform substantial optimizations (such as deforestation) that a compiler may not be able to safely
the influence of human activities, such as deforestation, that influence regulating biophysical and
l hymn for Greenpeace in the fight against deforestation the band was named missionary of Greenpeac
oss from an expanding human population and deforestation to increase agricultural land area.
al regions of the world, where the rate of deforestation was estimated at 32 million acres (13 mill
ecome economically self-sufficient without deforestation, while educating U.S. communities about th
und the world to quickly find solutions to deforestation, with the ambition of "making the trees wo
sayas has also suffered the worst rates of deforestation within the Philippines, wherein total fore
gnificantly contributed to the significant deforestation witnessed in Madagascar and the ongoing de

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