「assignments」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





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該当件数 : 571

He also had temporary assignments abroad, primarily in Asia.
Cervasio worked at a variety of assignments after graduation.
Skerry does special assignments all over the world.
in, who ran a tobacconist in between acting assignments, also appeared in the film.
Previous legal assignments also include tours at the Eighth Coast Guar
NF form preserving the number of satisfying assignments, and so #SAT and #3SAT are equivalent and #
show to give the Girls' Generation members assignments and guidance.
It served in a variety of assignments and campaigns, seeing action initially unde
He held a string of high staff assignments and front commands, and at the end of the C
stay in the temple, apart from his teaching assignments and other religious activities of the templ
: the Cambodian woman who gives her killing assignments and money, and the street vendor Long Shek
, he landed several European short modeling assignments and more recently, a campaign for Levi's Je
m there he steadily climbed through various assignments and challenges to the chancellorship at SUN
tops have successfully met many challenging assignments and maintained a watchful eye on world even
n 1935-1941, Zorin worked on numerous Party assignments and as a teacher.
ctional Conference may affirm or reject the assignments and request a new one.
1989-90 he was responsible for all scouting assignments and scheduling while also scouting the thre
dge of the country gained from his military assignments, and building on foundations laid by W. Ren
ts get the same lectures, notes, textbooks, assignments, and degree as resident students - and they
Soon, he went on to serve various assignments and commands with the 98th Division.
, Wiltshire, specific details regarding his assignments and operational base remain classified.
7, Jalet than asked where were the toughest assignments, and was told that they were in Texas.
web activities including structured reading assignments and asynchronous discussion forums.
In 1975, between the UNESCO assignments and the post at Sussex University, he worke
While at NBC, Walt took various freelance assignments and also contracted to the CBS Staff band.
work through art, media, festivals, school assignments and other creative means."
anager responsible for the player's mission assignments and communications support.
ppliances for such manufacture, and to make assignments and grant licenses under the patents in the
rs in the U.S., through four Latin American assignments, and unaccompanied tours in Korea and Vietn
busive treatment of subordinates in earlier assignments and that Navy leaders had not acted on prev
in, he served all over the world in various assignments and attended numerous military schools.
11th and 12th at her two junior Grand Prix assignments and 22nd at the 2010 Junior Worlds.
r Kobus served in many significant military assignments, and participated in a few military operati
and Policy Committee, which sets committee assignments and the legislative agenda for the caucus.
level, including both his Junior Grand Prix assignments and the 2006 Junior Grand Prix Final.
he Quest system allows professors to add on assignments, and allows the students to access the assi
aff writers, directing and overseeing their assignments, and editing their contributions, all while
ptember, she returned to Ulithi for fueling assignments and, again, repairs to her boilers.
As a result of these assignments, Anderson became friends with such prominen
e Indian channel Sony.He did many modelling assignments apart from featuring in advertisements and
Assignments are downloaded to students home computers u
hemes or suggested solutions to quizzes and assignments are posted on the website.
Class assignments are now made available on the much simpler
He served in a number of assignments, as the District Police Chief of Jammu, Poo
He later completed assignments as the Administrative Assistant to the Depu
Her speed also brought numerous assignments as a dispatch boat for the squadron, taking
tput to Lord Dunsany, himself moving on war assignments, as well as to readers among family, friend
n and graded out 92 percent on his blocking assignments as a senior, allowing only one sack, also r
ll/Medium Business Marketing, and then held assignments as VP Marketing for Cisco's Internet Commun
His military career included assignments as commanding officer, Tropical Research Me
Foy's previous assignments as the primary referee at Wembley Stadium i
In addition to his assignments as one of RCA Victor's most talented conduc
doctoral fellow, then worked on an array of assignments as a research meteorologist starting in 198
s offered one of her dream poker television assignments as host of Poker After Dark.
Assignments as an officer have included; Reserve Green
t at better than 90 percent in his blocking assignments as a senior.
remained at Camp Elliott serving in various assignments as an engineering officer until transferred
He continued to take assignments as Danish envoy at international conference
to brigadier general in March 1992, Dake's assignments as a general officer were: Assistant Deputy
After several assignments as chief nurse, she was promoted to the ran
his military career, Waqanisau also had two assignments as an attachment adviser.
Other shore duty included assignments as Officer in Charge of the Aegis Combat Sy
uters to use in and out of school for their assignments) as well as the addition of Smartboard tech
ter an interview and some freelance editing assignments as a test, TSR hired him on the spot.
er in Georgia and quickly was given tougher assignments as his editors discovered his talent.
From time to time, he had assignments as a foreign correspondent; covering Petrog
development of national and multi-regional assignments, as well as the functions of the medical re
One of his first assignments as a freelance photographer was the 1957 pr
University, Washington, D.C. His committee assignments as a legislator include Public Education Ap
en 1889 and 1892, Banister accepted special assignments as a detective for the Santa Fe and other r
his foes, the students, and uses impossible assignments as his means of achieving victory.
Marquardt's overseas assignments as an economic officer have taken him to Ge
the United States and abroad, including two assignments as the Catholic pastor at the United States
In Japan she carried out harbor fueling assignments at Sagami Wan, before proceeding to Tokyo B
worked in this and several other reporting assignments at the Herald until 1985, when she left to
Jones had a total of seven Command assignments at sea including Carrier ASW Air Group Fift
r of significant projects and/or consulting assignments at Brookwood including planning and managem
worked under Mustafa Kemal Pasha during his assignments at the Caucasus and Palestine fronts.
ion, earning a living by temporary teaching assignments at universities and night-schools.
He then accepted assignments at the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and T
n television, she gained popularity through assignments at FoxKids and music station TMF.
lectures throughout the country, including assignments at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard
His assignments at sea include Damage Control Assistant and
hen underwent a series of advanced training assignments, at Dijon, Ambrieu, Avord, Cazau, and Pau.
Additionally, he has held assignments at Fort Leonard Wood in Pulaski County, Mis
tor for the Manpower Management and Officer Assignments at Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington,
Tillman alternating tours between teaching assignments at the academy and surveying the last unexp
Her most frequent assignments at the Met were as Annina in Der Rosenkaval
Following duty assignments at U.S. Air Force Headquarters in Washingto
Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, and assignments at the Norfolk Naval Base and Consolidated
ifornia, followed by three years in various assignments at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, Califo
ated between sea duty and a series of shore assignments at the Naval Academy.
Serving a number of staff assignments at the Yokosuka Naval District and Naval Ai
ble responsible for the amelioration of the assignments at the development cooperation.
As a Damage Controlman, RDML Day held assignments at TRASUPCEN Alameda, USCGC Tanager, Reserv
He has also served on staff assignments at Pacific Air Forces, U.S. Air Force headq
ntered the teaching profession in 1978 with assignments at the Antigua Grammar School and The Antig
His posting in Morocco was follow by staff assignments back in France at the Colonial Forces Headq
the Coast Guard removed all limitations on assignments based on sex.
User input is validated through reputation assignments based on consensus on report and revoke ass
s a Staff member until March 1942, when his assignments became of a mostly operational nature.
erclassmen dorms are unsatisfied with their assignments because of the difficulty of engaging with
In the RPAF his prominent assignments before becoming the C-in-C at the age of 36
ution, La Vallette held a series of routine assignments, before being ordered to take the sloop-of-
The tug carried out various towing assignments between Pearl Harbor, Bikini, Eniwetok, and
His career included staff and operational assignments both afloat and ashore throughout the Unite
gging sports editor Carlton Bryd for sports assignments, both Bryd and managing editor, Nady Cates,
rved as Head of the Aviation Junior Officer Assignments Branch of the Naval Military Personnel Comm
He had his choice of assignments, but chose Deep Space Nine for the opportun
n in 1853 and assigned to various surveying assignments, but was dismissed from the service on June
w years they were replaced on heavy freight assignments by 2-8-2s and 2-10-0.
Mundt was stripped of his committee assignments by the Senate Republican Conference in 1972
also given credit through special optional assignments called Contracts, and can earn credits in a
e Hasse diagram respecting those coordinate assignments can be found in linear time, if such a diag
Signals and the respective assignments can be grouped together into types.
Prior to her freelance assignments Casone was a news update anchor for MSNBC a
Roland to be the Green Bay Packers special assignments coach in 1974.
deeds, mortgages and satisfactions thereof, assignments, commissions of judges, notaries, and milit
urn with MGM, where his initial directorial assignments consisted of two Tim McCoy series westerns,
A two-volume set of Dalton Plan assignments covering English, Geography, History, Mathe
These platoons were formed for special assignments, covert and overt operations and Search And
ities at both HUD Headquarters and in field assignments, culminating in the senior executive servic
He also served in a variety of staff assignments, culminating in service as Inspector of Pan
Reports ( Assignments, Defects, Cumulative Flow)
the Department's Entry-level Counseling and Assignments Division in the Bureau of Human Resources.
Some of his assignments during the period of 1932-1942 were: operat
He held several command assignments during the Pacific campaign of World War II
ly Freestone - Presenter Reporter (BBC News Assignments Editor UK Special Events)
His post World War II assignments encompass varied duties in operational, mai
His navigator assignments ended after two years as a Military Air Tra
He then served as Special Assignments envoy to Adamkus.
rly career brought Leutze various surveying assignments, especially in Central America.
All references to military assignments, events, citations and awards in this artic
n Toronto Canada where she goes on teaching assignments every year during summer (in Canada).
tional formula that satisfies it if such an assignments exists.
tioning allowed pupils to discuss the day's assignments face to face.
egedly in order to avoid lengthy and boring assignments flying that aircraft.
0 employees working across a broad range of assignments, focusing mainly on graphic design projects
(Coyote) roaming the country doing various assignments for a mysterious group of people they call
Squadron assignments for Air H.Q. Malta, RAF Gibraltar, and No.
He regularly undertakes media assignments for national media in Scotland.
Ringo Starr, Andrews began shooting fashion assignments for designer boutiques along Rodeo Drive an
sing race as a factor in creating classroom assignments for each class of an upcoming school year.
Drell approved school campus and grade assignments for Natchitoches Parish.
She oversaw daily roll calls, assignments for Aufseherinnen and punishments such as b
e continues to work periodically on special assignments for the State Department's Inspector Genera
health or from being dissatisfied with his assignments for the Confederacy.
The original locomotive and car assignments for the two Choctaw Rocket sets of equipmen
arently modeled on Sinhala -hari), and case assignments for defective verbs that follow the Sinhala
However, he was not given any assignments for the rest of the Civil War.
cast career in the 1970s, doing a number of assignments for various radio stations in Missouri and
urning oil wells 1991-2) as well as special assignments for the Secretary General to assist countri
Egypt in 1955 and Ghana in 1956 on lengthy assignments for the BBC.
His assignments for ESPN and ABC have included Texas-Oklaho
Suzy Kolber has covered a variety of assignments for ESPN from the National Football League
His initial assignments for the station usually involved coverage o
He still undertakes assignments for the RAF, and was deployed to Camp Basti
From 1892 to 1894, he served in staff assignments for the Readiness Fleet.
l conference" of the Church when ministers' assignments for the next year were announced, among oth
his was the first of two sideline reporting assignments for Fox Sports' Jeanne Zelasko.
he was soon able to busy himself working on assignments for both the British and the US press.
Her assignments for newspapers include having a naked rub-d
and researchers on long-term and short-term assignments, for a charge.
His assignments for First included backup stories for Nexus
His earliest assignments for Time Magazine took him to East Timor in
Cole's committee assignments for the 95th General Assembly include the A
He carried out a number of important assignments for the new king, including the administeri
After a few modeling assignments for products such as Kwality Walls, L.G. Co
he was a weekend anchor and covered general assignments for Washington D.C.'s NBC affiliate, WRC-TV
use and Iger Associates, eventually getting assignments from EC Comics to illustrate romance comics
s and, "citizen journalists who do not take assignments from editors or paychecks from corporate co
his colleagues in The Lightman Group accept assignments from third parties (commonly local and fede
As a trial judge, Cobb took assignments from about 40 counties.
Kaito receives his assignments from a mysterious and beautiful woman named
By the early 1930s, Johnson also took assignments from the Armstrong Cork Company, doing stri
from 1950 to 1996, but they were temporary assignments from the UK.
from using Edline, because they can look up assignments from home, as well as explore extra credit
ning the Oregon Camera Club, then taking on assignments from the Works Progress Administration and
In addition to other pastoral and diocesan assignments, Garcera was administrative director of Rad
Further assignments gave Butner the opportunity for additional
The journals record that the assignments given him attest to his skill in scouting,
at WCBM, Burns did two major international assignments, going to Vietnam in 1968 and the Middle Ea
n while in the service and between overseas assignments graduating in 1990 from Southern Illinois U
His assignments have taken him around the world; from the t
His assignments have him track down men who have reneged on
Her technical assignments have included flight software verification
His NASA assignments have included lead chase pilot for the maid
Previous assignments have included duty at Coast Guard Air Stati
The bulk of Costanza's art assignments have been for funny animal comics and child
In Washington, Ambassador Brownfield's assignments have included Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Sites' assignments have brought him to nearly every region of
General McNabb's staff assignments have been a variety of planning, programmin
Croft's assignments have included tours of duty in the Gulf War
Burhoe's staff assignments have been focused primarily in the human re
His assignments have included a tour of duty in the Iraq Wa
His wide-ranging assignments have taken him throughout the United States
His technical assignments have included work on Tethered Satellite Pa
Over the years, his committee assignments have included Appropriations, Assignments,

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