「alleles」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 91

The first locus has alleles A and T with three possible genotypes AA, AT,
fferences in the prevalence of various CYP2D6 alleles among the populations-approximately 10% of wh
millions of individuals, hundreds of variant alleles and isoforms have been identified.
er chromatids contain the same genes and same alleles, and homologous chromosomes contain the same
nal motifs in genes are exchanged to form new alleles, and frequently new, functionally different D
will also result in selection of neighbouring alleles and less opportunity for recombination.
a DNA sequence, including differences between alleles, and uses primers whose 3' ends encompass the
g sex-linked inheritance, epistasis, multiple alleles, and gene mapping.
selection where selection may favor multiple alleles, and is the same as purifying selection which
found no statistically significant linkage in alleles and haplotypes and concluded against an X-lin
modified epitope for each of 52 class II MHC alleles, and provides specific examples of such modif
equencies of populations, where there are two alleles and the population is diploid.
Certain alleles and haplotypes of HLA in South Americans targ
Since unusual alleles and phenotypes are rare, geneticists expose t
These two alleles appear to have originated before the divergen
late with morningness and eveningness; longer alleles are associated with early risers while shorte
divergence indicate that HLA-B13 and HLA-Bw47 alleles are not related by a simple mutational event.
All of these alleles are in linkage disequilbrium in the DRB4*01:D
s not necessarily true for the case when some alleles are more or less fit than others, for example
If differences between alleles at a given gene affect fitness, then the freq
mutation is a member of a series of multiple alleles at the ino locus.
orms of an enzyme that are coded by different alleles at the same locus are called allozymes.
If mutations in both alleles at this locus disrupt the activity of the GM2
ion, these mutant male mice with the knockout alleles attacked intruders with twice the intensity o
A*2402 appears to have evolved from A*23 alleles by a process of gene conversion.
These alleles can be the same (homozygous) or different (he
e population is large, then a large number of alleles can be maintained.
The majority of the HLA-DPB1 alleles cannot be simply grouped together by their nu
A single gene with three possible alleles controls horn inheritance in Australian Merin
l theory, because neutral (or nearly neutral) alleles create no such segregational load, and allow
The original alleles discovered for MHC class I were not separated
Recessive lethal alleles don't cause death in the heterozygous form be
The accidental purging of non-deleterious alleles due to such spatial proximity to deleterious
eneck effect a sampling error is that certain alleles, due to natural disaster, are more common whi
In the 2010 HLA nomenclature update, all DPB1 alleles, except DPB1*0202 and *0402, discovered after
Two codominant alleles exist - one controlling high and the other lo
y of humans (and most animals), there are two alleles for any given gene.
lly both of mixed race, have a combination of alleles for light and dark skin in their genome.
802 suggests a probable redistribution of *68 alleles from Africa after the initial migration from
disrupted in a number of ways by mutated fru alleles; fru is necessary for every step in the ritua
box mutation is much less common (about 3% of alleles), Gilbert's syndrome is more often due to mis
a selective pressure against a combination of alleles in the heterozygous state, i.e.
ich is a lower bound for the actual number of alleles in the population.
and wrote an Honors Thesis entitled "Multiple Alleles in Sex Determination of the Parasitic Wasp, H
, change the expression state of other active alleles in a process termed secondary paramutation.
covered that as the proportion of HLA-similar alleles increase between couples, females reported be
p53 codon 72 alleles influence the response to anticancer drugs in
Though deleterious alleles may sometimes become established, selection m
The infinite alleles model is a mathematical model for calculating
is, the theoretical results from the infinite alleles model were used by Kimura and others to suppo
James F. Crow (1964) introduced the infinite alleles model, an attempt to determine for a finite d
study which found very similar frequencies of alleles MTHFR 677T, F2 20210A & F5 1691A in South Ind
Since both alleles need to be mutated in order for the disorder
heterozygote creates gametes by meiosis, the alleles normally split, and end up in a 1:1 ratio in
There are many variant alleles of the gene.
Different alleles of such a gene often have different numbers o
Certain alleles of this gene may increase the risk for develo
Brink noticed that specific weakly expressed alleles of the red1 (r1) locus in maize, which encode
The alleles of this gene exhibit an unusual amount of seq
ng functional inequality between two parental alleles of a gene.
ify that there are most frequently really two alleles of each, so we can be sure that there is no g
n of American Hutterites by comparing the HLA alleles of married couples.
The alleles of this gene exhibit an unusual amount of seq
g, allozymes represent enzymes from different alleles of the same gene, and isozymes represent enzy
T1A1 gene, a polymorphism found in 40% of the alleles of many populations.
It is completely dominant to all other alleles on this locus.
Different alleles or gene variants code for differences in the
Other breeds of chickens have 24 alleles, pheasants and ptarmigans have 20 alleles.
et al. presented evidence for HLA-dissimilar alleles playing a factor in the healthiness of romant
The alleles primarily recognized are HLA-DR53 (DRB4*01),
is genetically polymorphic, and three common alleles segregating at the corresponding locus give r
rst, that there were a large enough number of alleles so that any mutation would lead to a differen
roduct can be correlated with disease-causing alleles, such as the overactivity of oncogenes which
at couples sharing a higher proportion of HLA alleles tend to have recurring spontaneous abortions,
married couples were less likely to share HLA alleles than expected by just random chance; Thus the
Alleles that cause an organism to die only if present
There are 16 known alleles that result in 15 isoforms of HLA-A32.
egg may randomly acquire, for example, mostly alleles that confer light skin coloration or mostly a
rifying selection is the selective removal of alleles that are deleterious.
Instead, they represent alternative alleles that were both present as part of a polymorph
voidance; additionally, relative to all other alleles, the 320 allele of RS1 showed significantly l
database also provides alignments for various alleles, these alignments show the variable regions a
In mice, there are two alleles: Thy1.1 (Thy 1a, CD90.1) and Thy1.2 (Thy 1b,
orphism in the gene where adenine and guanine alleles vary, resulting in a variation between valine
ow identified as one of the Costello syndrome alleles was found unexpectedly when Japanese research
Given the exclusion HLA-A alleles were sorted according A and B, creating HLA-A
hydroxyproline found to be defective in both alleles when iminoglycinuria is present in an individ
groups we find high frequencies of dark skin alleles, while others have high frequencies of light
e arise in individuals who have two unrelated alleles, who technically are heterozygotes.
oes not guarantee that advantageous traits or alleles will become prevalent within a population.
hniques have the advantage of tagging the new alleles with a known molecular (DNA) marker that can

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