「Resisting」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





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該当件数 : 192

Midrash Abkir represents him as victoriously resisting a temptation placed in his path by Satan.
, claimed that only three people were killed resisting a military operation to return land from cam
was severely wounded in the right arm while resisting a Federal crossing of the Rappahannock River
out why he has become the 'Chosen One' while resisting a powerful demon who takes the form of a bea
t there would have been no realistic hope of resisting a German assault.
eprand joined Frankish and Lombard troops in resisting a Byzantine invasion.
uhammed fled to Marrakesh and would continue resisting Abd al-Malek for a long time.
Maud, indignantly resisting, agreed but instead brought the infant drago
However, it might be the best means of resisting alien control in certain types of circumstan
very vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations, together with prayers conta
The UDF also suggested resisting all changes whites presented.
He is accused of resisting an officer with violence and simple assault
n June 2003 by the YAMAM elite CT unit after resisting an arrest.
In 2009, after initially resisting an unsolicited stock bid, A-B announced it h
ere was a split, culminating in Anaconda Co. resisting an MPC rate hike.
Steele was also charged with resisting an officer with violence, another felony.
ng an arrest while the prisoner was actively resisting and had to be accomplished quickly.
Much of drug rehabilitation consists of resisting and reversing the ramping effect.
e Connaught (party) were equally vigorous in resisting, and the poor girl was killed in the struggl
com and his supporters, his threat specified resisting any unlawful forced entry.
ernational opinion of the Nazis, whilst also resisting any move to complete Anschluss.
ssian who Russian police reported died while resisting arrest on June 27, 2007.
He was subsequently charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer, but
for possession of cocaine and marijuana and resisting arrest after he tried to assault a New York
nd jury, and he later defeated the charge of resisting arrest at a separate hearing.
e said the injury was the result of Crawford resisting arrest and then having fallen face-first dur
a bar by Gainesville Police for fighting and resisting arrest after punching a man in the head arou
lanned rising he was to lead and was wounded resisting arrest on 19 May 1798.
d himself in his home at Piccadilly, London, resisting arrest by the House of Commons.
on, bribery, possession of firearms, escape, resisting arrest and assaulting police.
when he was charged with two misdemeanors - resisting arrest without violence and criminal mischie
Crawford was charged with resisting arrest and assault.
alled "Munchkin" and "Beats you to death for resisting arrest" if you fail to defeat him.
ith failure to comply with a police officer, resisting arrest, or fleeing from police.
Alberta he was caught shoplifting, and while resisting arrest, he shot a security guard in the hand
ged in 2007 for driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and for hit-and-run damage late in t
y, disorderly conduct, marijuana possession, resisting arrest, and unlawful assembly in which he pl
t, facing the local (official) mosque, while resisting arrest, together with another suspect, Anzor
d was afterwards arrested and fined $100 for resisting arrest.
led by sheriff's deputy William Harper while resisting arrest.
ll” policy with respect to criminal suspects resisting arrest.
ng common thieves, disorderly loitering, and resisting arrest.
da on charges of disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest.
nition magazine, obstruction of justice, and resisting arrest.
was charged with interfering with police and resisting arrest.
d with interfering with a police officer and resisting arrest.
he was arrested for stalking a neighbor and resisting arrest.
d in Redwood City for public drunkenness and resisting arrest.
against his then spouse, illegal threat and resisting arrest.
ining Grant, who was prostrate and allegedly resisting arrest.
eat on May 30, 2005 after being convicted of resisting arrest.
aw Eastern Orthodox Christianity as a way of resisting assimilation to the "American way of life,"
t was one of several businesses on the strip resisting attempts to redevelop and gentrify the area,
Do not reel if the fish is resisting because you have a greater chance of the lin
ity was besieged for a third and final time, resisting both Ottoman and Egyptian armies for almost
t Crisis of 1765, and played a major role in resisting Britain.
ister for Immigration he was responsible for resisting British pressure to admit ethnically-Asian r
But the Thai military is resisting calls for a complete lifting of a state of e
lentauri clung to their mountain strongholds resisting Cantabri and Autrigones' attempts to incorpo
ive project Enough: The Personal Politics of Resisting Capitalism.
is hiding place and critically wounded while resisting capture.
as workers use them to prevent patients from resisting care rather than improving the health of the
rity was in Conservative hands, and fiercely resisting central government pressure to end selection
Resisting commercial influences on accessing scholarsh
, which led to a U-turn on British policy of resisting commitments in Eastern Europe.
, which led to a U-turn on British policy of resisting commitments in Eastern Europe, as part of Ne
A. luciae appears to be resisting competition, and the two invasive species ar
n simply being conquered, as the Cholti', or resisting conquest for an extended period, as the Itza
dly ran The Spur during his imprisonment for resisting conscription during the First World War.
Resisting constant offers from his brother, played by
ational platform for first opposing and then resisting construction work.
rged "full steam ahead, let's keep going" in resisting desegregation.
bombproof installation which was stubbornly resisting despite the destruction early in the action
ng his chief concerns were civil defense and resisting domestic communism.
For example in the United Kingdom a fire resisting doorset should be subjected to either a Brit
Strasbourg, to make it a fortress capable of resisting early artillery.
his adamant assertion of civil authority in resisting Early.
immediately be restarted by others, thereby resisting efforts by a user to terminate the applicati
gether during the troubled times of the war, resisting encroachments by the state and initiating de
All seven Senators, resisting every manner of pressure imposed on them, br
The Society condemned the use of force in resisting evil, in war, for the death penalty, or in s
us, first aid kits, telescopic ladders, heat resisting fiber glass blankets, overall suits, electri
ctric light by passing the current through a resisting filament which he claimed was "the first ste
This resisting force works against a spring; thus, a slow r
Mayo Uprising in which he assisted civilians resisting French efforts to remove the royal family fr
f £65,000 and the House of Commons (who were resisting further taxation).
through punitive measures against countries resisting GM foods on ethical or scientific grounds: a
icipates in the black market, exploiting and resisting governments, and both characters have Norweg
severely for the part which it had taken in resisting his invasion.
He finally gave up resisting his headstrong daughter and founded the Augu
In 2003, Meijer stopped resisting his extradition to the Netherlands, and was
of his family prevented Zeichner from either resisting his dismissal at the time or publicly denoun
ms also represents community groups that are resisting inappropriate development in their communiti
m to use the interior forests as a means for resisting inclusion in the larger Malay social and Isl
mote nonviolence as a powerful technique for resisting injustice.
t of negotiations and praised both sides for resisting internal and external pressures to prolong t
He was very professional, resisting interrogation.
it became clear that the pirates intended on resisting, it was decided to free the ship by force.
incorporating elements of Catholicism while resisting it.
resistible, but, really, what's the point of resisting it?"
f uranium leaching suggests that the lava is resisting its environment.
nder Feng Yuxiang, troops from Fang Zhenwu's Resisting Japan and Saving China Army, remnants of the
George Cross for the gallantry he showed in resisting Japanese torture during World War II.
oughby on 10 January 1549, but was killed in resisting Kett's rebellion on 27 August 1549.
It formed an important role in resisting land-acquisitions in the following Nandigram
Gen. George J. Stannard lost an arm while resisting Lee's assault.
ng the Arthurian Camelot in 1960, with Loewe resisting Lerner's desire to direct as well as write w
door frame must be properly filled with fire resisting material.
n soldiers who wished to continue the war by resisting Nazi German forces in Albania.
imating the numbers of troops needed and for resisting necessary reforms to the Army.
side marriage is not a character flaw nor is resisting non-consensually arranged marriage.
way and Jewett as demonstrating the bridge's resisting of wind and gravity.
inst Nazi occupation side by side with songs resisting older foreign conquests of Norway..."
medium could have such a potential function resisting only rotation of its elements.
He then decides to unite the two, resisting opposition from both the families.
used; for sewage it is common to use sulfate resisting or high alumina cement.
ss argued that it was their duty to continue resisting Parliament's violations of the British Const
The term can mean several things: resisting participation in all war, or a specific war,
He was known to have a resisting personality and had been a strict husband an
eater rights for the Cossack nobility, often resisting Peter the Great's policy of incorporation of
the host immune system by various means like resisting phagocytosis and killing within the macropha
He was very active in resisting Portuguese colonial inroads into Sri Lanka.
in their strength when others do not and by resisting powerful cultural messages, which urge them
e university was noted for his leadership in resisting pressures to abandoned the school's commitme
After resisting rape by the French troops, she was imprisone
t of resistant reading in her 1978 book, The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fict
The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fict
Resisting repatriation during World War II, she stayed
The Tlingit start resisting Russian incursions into their territory.
erbian game designer who used his experience resisting Slobodan Milosovic's regime to help develop
Ukraine, an anarchist society, committed to resisting state authority, whether capitalist or commu
greater difficulty moderating behaviour and resisting temptation.
Ottawa Sharpshooters, Taylor was involved in resisting the 1885 North-West Rebellion.
While capable of resisting the invaders, mankind has been dealt a heavy
as finally disarmed, Bayard was arrested for resisting the seizure, but was later paroled.
In 1472 Laval was successful in resisting the attacks of Charles the Bold, duke of Bur
was part of the National Literary League of Resisting the Enemies.
ive in the struggle with the burghers and in resisting the robber-knights.
children died in various operations or while resisting the Israeli army, namely Ala, Nidal, and Ash
of Keve was arrested by French officials for resisting the French regime.
For resisting the act prohibiting the use of the Book of C
However, Baghirov was also successful in resisting the Armenian demands to cede Nagorno-Karabak
d part of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Armies resisting the Japanese establishment of Manchukuo in 1
for revenge against a crime syndicate, while resisting the urge to kill again.
But he avoided resisting the Yuan court until its fall in 1368, and w
was given to him "because of his valour" in resisting the Danish invasion led by Cnut the Great.
the United States Army noted for his work in resisting the early Ku Klux Klan organization in sever
ation for the cathedral's work with youth in resisting the culture of gun crime and other forms of
r himself and his fellow hostages to safety, resisting the temptation to get high.
ere peasants who were killed while passively resisting the powers of the state.
several underground organizations that were resisting the policies of Fascist Italianization in th
en fighting Austro-Hungary for three months, resisting the invasion of their territory.
ent FARC incursions into their territory and resisting the forcible recruitment by FARC of indigeno
which boarded Polaris submarines in kayaks, resisting the establishment of the base at Holy Loch.
g into the peninsular north, and second, for resisting the Chinese intervention.:182-184
lf-Defence Army, one of the volunteer armies resisting the Japanese and the puppet state of Manchuk
and devoted much of the time until his death resisting the conversion to Christianity for both hims
orce the German and Italian armies, who were resisting the Allied advance during the Italian campai
g part of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Armies resisting the Japanese establishment of Manchukuo in 1
arians, bringing with them the experience of resisting the system and demanding changes of the colo
p advocated the end of "tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign ba
region, fighting at Monchy-Bapaume and later resisting the Allied offensive between Cambrai and St.
while the occupants talk a great deal about resisting the invaders, they are ultimately running aw
conomic motivation, believing that they were resisting the Cromwellian occupation of Scotland - muc
For his skill and bravery in resisting the attacks of the Normans at the Siege of P
ed the swan simply as elderly and stubbornly resisting the effects of aging; much like herself (she
th a halberd in his hand about to join those resisting the king; but though the other ringleaders w
ate factory; he also helped support fighters resisting the French mandate of Syria and was imprison
Britons sacrificed their lives, courageously resisting the forces of that evil ideology.
ing to the threats of the Ulster Covenant in resisting the implementation of the Third Home Rule Bi
e United Kingdom was capable of successfully resisting the German Army.
ated with WRI has offered support for people resisting the Gulf War of 1991 and, on a much larger s
He took some part in resisting the arbitrary actions of Charles II, and was
life, keeping his vampire nature undercover, resisting the urge to prey on humans for blood, and su
Repealed chapters include legislation on resisting the King's officers, the confirmation of cha
which had already suffered 1,000 casualties resisting the final German counter-attack, but both th
f British Jews, an organization dedicated to resisting the allegation that Jewish people constitute
approach allows Others to define themselves, resisting the temptation to impose preconceived assump
vernment and the Khmer Rouge, which also was resisting the government.
nt underground and is still alive somewhere, resisting the Ori army."
tivates the biceps and triceps muscles while resisting the movement with the other hand.
vernment and the Khmer Rouge, which also was resisting the government.
Nettelbeck alone is set on resisting the French.
m prison in January 1981, Ani Pachen went on resisting the Chinese.
ssia, he was in hearty accord with George in resisting the empire's aggressive policy.
captured another leader of the rebel forces resisting the invasion by the United States.
in 1468, at a time when the inhabitants were resisting their ruler, George Podiebrad, King of Bohem
solitary confinement for their leadership in resisting their captors.
aux by convincing the local director already resisting to cooperate with the SOE.
ge Cross for "most conspicuous gallantry" in resisting torture after the Japanese occupation of Hon
nt) describes objects unaffected by water or resisting water passage, or which are covered with a m
s the remaining Khitan forces who were still resisting Zhou forces, and in 700 was created the Duke

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