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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Referencesの意味・解説 > Referencesに関連した共起表現


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The F-sequence references a Hubble sky region code.
is the same book by Ted Gioia I added to the References a while back.
subscriber then inspects the feed, and if it references a hub, the subscriber can subscribe to the f
Also, on the subject of citations for references, a lot of entries in other articles don't ci
That website references a 1907 book which is said to document the ev
Jimmy Buffett references a run-in he had with Pusser in the lyrics of
hile the lantern at the center of the canvas references a traditional attribute of the Roman soldier
The song references a range of Irish playwrights and writers inc
Termanology references a lyric from this song on "Stop, Look, Liste
me a fictional character drinks or otherwise references a cocktail.
As well as a final title that references A Matter of Life and Death, the film also re
ce of criticism by a "Micah Brashear", which references a book that apparently does not exist (and t
It references a line from the Necronomicon mentioned in se
It references a poem by E.E.
y rated at B-class, I see only three in-line references, a two sentence Lead and a main text that is
multiple-year event while this article only references a single year (2007).
She makes knowing references about there being things lurking out in the
There are references about Oriyur in Tamil Literature.
chlesinger's Jewish origins led to slighting references about him by some other publishers and conte
e based on the life of Christ, it is full of references about the destruction of the world.
“Mahabharat” and “Puranas” one can find many references about the ancient Kosala Kingdom of northern
anyone have a clue (and a couple of reliable references) about what they do use as altar wine.
Hundreds or thousands of references about the org appear on the Internet.
ing at this objectively, do these handful of references about beards made from bees have any lasting
There is a lot of references about Holmes canon such as the violin, the p
ys had been caught making a series of sexual references about Jamie Redknapp's ex-girlfriend as the
The lyrics contain several references about the painting, including Egon Schiele (
Additionally, the references above frequently but inconsistently identify
at he is to blame for requesting most of the references above.
Another references Abraham Mapu; others, Jacob Glatstein and Me
there is loop carried dependence (two array references access the same memory location and one of t
References: Add references to Unreferenced BLPs.
I also added a couple of references, added inter-wiki links, and fixed spelling
References added validating Alan Thomson
References added, but I imagine it would help if somebo
Biggers's art frequently references African American ethnography, hip hop music,
ie Bly page as, despite numerous independent references agreeing on the dates and times for Train's
uses in the 1980s are meant to be nostalgic references, albeit based on the false supposition that
reader from the most basic features of Perl references all the way through to creating Perl modules
uses pressure on the foetus, certain cloacal references, all suggest to me a fascination which borde
Shaw frequently references all of these characters in his films.
g and linear voltage regulators, and voltage references along with special function devices, such as
Secondary references already cited address the concept of interac
g the nurses who work for her) and some drug references, although the drugs named in the book are fi
It references an editorial in the BMJ that has now had a c
llory has crafted an HTML image element that references an action on Bob's bank's website (rather th
e "The Secret Serum", Velma Dinkley's mother references an order of "Sumatran rat-monkeys" from Skul
near water feature by Kathryn Gustafson that references an 18th Century industrial canal that once c
ic generation of a table of contents, linked references, an index, and various other possibilities.
Iain Pears's novel Stone's Fall references an apparently fictional murder case called t
extensive line of engineering handbooks and references and textbooks across virtually all scientifi
efer is a program for managing bibliographic references, and citing them in troff documents.
y by its fragments in the form of unfriendly references and quotations of it in other antique author
dialogue included many American pop culture references and jokes, and several times broke the fourt
Known for their use of humor, obscure references, and unconventional style, Das Racist has be
India paperbacks ; Includes bibliographical references and index ; ISBN 0-19-564399-2.
I have gathered several references and statements from the archieve which prove
references and footnotes
not only of styles, but also of intentions, references and attitudes opposing the concept of sound
But the answer is: Yes, a References and Notes section are both needed, because o
pel of Peter, long known to scholars through references, and of which a fragment was discovered in C
A separate edit box for references and external links.
ticle for a third time in a row with two bad references and deleting half the article again (where's
The 643-page book cites more than 1,250 references and was the longest of the four books associ
omething meaningful, but since then, quotes, references and additional topics have been altered in a
bmed and Google Scholar in order to retrieve references and corresponding PDF files or web pages, or
I've verified the present information, added references and a link to the school's website, and remo
ap of the whole episode, maybe some cultural references and notes about the episode.
allenge you, as a fellow Swede, to check the references and see if they are correct.
Removed section as per above, no references and non-npov.
show also utilized a variety of pop culture references and nonsensical jokes (for instance, April T
oning System, space navigation, navigational references, and related systems.
Both stories are full of Eastern religious references and ideas.
sus never includes other individuals in such references and only refers to his Father, however when
e retained their significance and utility as references and records-particularly for calendrical and
or more information, I linked to some of the references and found the following problems: 8: the ref
bit of trying to jam all sorts of continuity references and retcons into his books and this is no ex
spelling errors, a poorly organized list, no references, and a random collection of facts, some of w
In addition, indexing terms, references, and abstracts contained within the database
end to criticize her works for their lack of references and objectivity.
regate browsing behavior, redirect affiliate references, and display advertisements.
cters that are encountered are also personal references and jokes to the actors voicing the characte
Applicants must also submit references and are subject to back ground checks.
tomatically free up nodes which have no live references, and this is why GC is a feature commonly fo
Contains many Australian plant references and special articles.
The show contained multiple references and gags that take jabs at the original show
gaeton music filled with jokes and political references, and the show's host decided to enter the so
It contains frequent pop culture references and comparisons to The Shawshank Redemption.
I already suggested to review the references and sources provided in the article to confi
There are still some copyedits, in-line references and discography/awards work that could be do
will be lost in the murky waters of specific references and flashbacks, not to mention the continuou
The book had classical references and was described by Publishers Weekly as an
And yes, it is necessary to have both a References and Notes section.
I've added three references and will find more.
ncern Southern California culture, rife with references and in-jokes; examples include songs like "W
all of Grech's songs contained explicit drug references, and drug abuse would eventually lead to his
ch of Scientology convinced Google to remove references and links to the anti-Scientology Web site O
general knowledge along with popular culture references and verbal wordplay to determine the correct
afts style which contains literary and other references and Christian symbolism, consisting of recum
Close to start-class, but adding some references and fixing the paragraph structure would hel
The Home of the Aryas: With Notes, References and Appendices, 1930, University of Delhi (2
ry book of our age we find the pages full of references and footnotes but in the books of Har Dayal
ry is a 32-page leader's guide with Biblical references and study questions.
tes for the lecturer and direct links to the references and videos; it is intended to be a resource
Any fan of Bloom County can hear various references and see artistic tributes to Breathed throug
The picture is overflowing with references and most of the representations can still be
The song references and parodies a variety of rock artists, incl
ures incidents of graphic sex, gunplay, drug references and one of the first uses of the word "nigga
combination of patent nonsense and faithful references and homages.
The section lacks references and even admits in the section that it is un
es crossed out), and other elements that add references and texture without breaking the strong abst
I added some references and separated them from the notes but there
emoving the refimprove template having added references and citations in line with WP.
From various topographical references and a map briefly shown in the film, it is c
utagenesis contains over 1,000 pages, 10,000 references and 700 illustrations and has been described
pite the fact that the song makes overt drug references and mentions the taking of "speed" (an amphe
irst Australian world champion, don't remove references, and sections without explanation.
I've checked a dozen references and every one refers to the "Chicago Cocktai
inclusion of references and external sites
had also considered eliminating militaristic references, and in 1986 the hymnal revision was the sub
t rather verbal with many intricate Talmudic references and in-jokes.
Presley musicals, with coarse language, drug references, and an implied sexual encounter.
n Papirany's own compositions which includes references and ideas borrowed from contemporary tunes a
many mythological, historical and political references, and a little explicit sex.
, the content was stripped of overt biblical references and renamed creation science.
Could do with a bit of 'hardening' of the references, and some photos of wine and vineyards, and
eationism was stripped of all overt biblical references and was then renamed creation science.
of the article - excluding the lists in the references and external links sections.
orificus" by her minions and in most textual references, and occasionally as "The Beast" by the monk
ht out a List of Diurnal Birds of Prey, with References and Annotations.
And what ever happened to references and citations in these articles?Sigurd Drago
cally, information like comments, XML entity references, and sibling order may fail to be preserved
omic parodies of popular songs with cultural references and Jewish humor.
h metaphors are laced with funny pop culture references and his characterization is so good I felt a
'm putting it here to make it easier to find references and be worked on a later date.
needs references and inline citations plange 00:27, 30 July 2
Bernal (see above references), and retired neurosurgeon and former legisl
polysyllabic style, a wide range of cultural references, and conservative-leaning positions.
The few existing academic references and documented examples of this particular w
a GNOME application to organize documents or references, and ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliograp
This article is substantive, has some references and external links and is overall quite accu
to the Bible, Bush uses a number of literary references and allusions in the lyrics of the song.
The birth-place of Kalidasa: With notes, references, and appendices, etc.
Within the text are references and stylistic homages to Mateiu Caragiale an
ining glib dialogue, fascinating pop culture references, and an intricate subtext as it pursues the
Do you think my references and citations are good?
d version deleted all the unfamiliar British references and played down many of the burlesque aspect
as removed by a contributor citing a lack of references and mentioning Wikipedia's Biographies of Li
between "100" and "point" because most media references and official mentions of it (like mentions o
article with a concern of not having enough references and notability.
the other issues as soon as I can, including references and citations also this article does have a
so offensive about a request for additional references and a message about an upcoming book?
This article lacks sufficient references and/or adequate inline citations.
Most have references and/or shared gameplay elements with Taito c
Have All the Good Times Gone" makes several references and/or allusions to Beatles and Rolling Ston
References and/or sources for what exactly?
a script can have an ancestor property which references another object (usually also a script, altho
The article references another unnamed source, indicating that the
All references appear in the section "References".
The references appear to be formatted incorrectly for this
The references appear both informative and valid and I see
References appear in scientific literature to a Stephan
Frequent references appear in scientific literature to a Namuria
o the Maidstone Union (although contemporary references appear to show that the Coxheath Union name
Well-written, good references, appropriate images.
There are many articles and references archived in newsletters, clippings and other
The eclipse has ended; present-tense references are now past tense.
an, saying that any sexual, drug, or violent references are not without a valid point.
Many more references are available.
Several references are made to the manitou (including Misshepes
After a function returns, references are still valid.
The following list of references are uncredited in the liner notes.
The more complete existing bibliographical references are written by T.S. Palmer (Treasurer of the
ury bishop of Le Mans, Saint Aldric (earlier references are doubtless fictitious).
These references are found in the DNB article referred to abo
The references are appropriate, reliable, and properly form
icularly important when existing text and/or references are being deleted.
References are made to incidents during the Peninsular
What's this:" References are often nowadays more oblique, such as "I
WP:CITE has more info on how references are cited.
These ~20 references are specifically to the band as it existed d
e artcile is well referenced, no dead links, references are reliable sources, no dead links
Direct references are made to the invasion of Gallifrey in and
of whose works are mentioned in independent references are Syamakundacharya (650), who authored the
Artistic references are the works of Alejandro Jodorowsky and th
st experienced journalist on the team: a few references are made to him winning a Walkley Award.
stars are never shown on screen, and verbal references are no help since all ranks of general are u
-containing products listed in the two cited references are 10% solutions.
To this day, satirical Tommy Banks references are routinely made in LSU post-game radio sh
jective' meaning anecodotal, neither of your references are particularly convincing.
If these references are correct, Nellie Bly cannot have held the
Additional source references are needed for UM-A and LSUS.
References are also made to promoting adoption as a leg
The references are a bit hard, especially the New York Time
References are made to them in the book.
of the main article, where further details /references are cited, hence the section hatnote.
These two references are testimonies about a tragic event that oc
All the references are the same and information is the same, th
Also in Steve Alten's book "Goliath" references are made to pure fusion weapons at a WMD con
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