「Reads」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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The last paragraph of this article reads a bit like an advertisement.
This may lead to changing the way a module reads a record because a field that the module doesn
In King Ottokar's Sceptre, Tintin reads a Syldavian tourist pamphlet that reveals the
As Daniel converses with Jim, the man reads a newspaper called The Ascended Times, which d
y Alison Lurie, Vinnie Miner, the protagonist, reads a Farrell novel on her flight from New York to
reads a 1918 American text.
Aditya reads a police report, which stated that Anuj was ru
The first paragraph also reads a bit like an advertisement, but I think it's
Here, S2 sets the value of y but S1 reads a prior value of y.
It reads a high-level description of a document similar
Scene 5: Arthur reads a letter from Billy stating that he has left h
ittle relationship to each other, and the film reads a bit like an orchestra playing without a cond
Nina reads a fake news story at the end of the Duran Dura
Audiologist Rebecca Highlander, CCC-A, reads a list of phonetically balanced words ("Sponde
Upon reaching the hospital, he reads a medical book, leading him to believe he has
February 18 - Mr. McCord reads a petition for the deepening of the St. Lawren
No one reads a special haftarah for a bridegroom any longer
of the wafers in the family member's hands and reads a fortune from how they are assembled.
hermometer which inaccurately but consistently reads a change from 37.17 °C to 37.45 °C will indica
ra, although a beautiful mature businesswoman, reads a lot of self-help books and who will, as the
But when the Prince reads a letter that Mary wrote to her father, he get
rial Assemblage) of the tribesmen, at which he reads a firman from the amir, enjoining them to ceas
anwhile, Daffy is at home in his duckpond, and reads about Taz's escape in a newspaper.
He then reads about the sad fate of the Halsewell, a shipwre
as to be beyond belief This is what the world reads about Robert Mugabe The Angels weep Lets have
The next morning, Chaplin reads about a new factory and lands a job there.
Buffy reads about the train murders, but concludes that it
story") decides what to do with Slade after he reads about his own actions in the published story,
In What's The Story?, the host reads actual headlines from the week's newspapers, a
The Welsh language inscription above the organ reads Addolwch yr Arglwydd mewn Prydferthwch Sanctei
The obverse legend reads al-sultan al-a'zam muhammad humayun ghazi.
The obverse legend reads al-sultan al-a'zam mir sa'id ghan.
The Big Reads: Alabama Reads, an initiative of the National
The multilingual caption reads: All is good was good is beginning and has not
ust strike at them through the water shaft, it reads all who wish to attack the Jebusites must stri
case after reading each symbol, the automaton reads all the successor symbols in the input tree.
1948 Football card reads: All-Star Football Gum 78 ---CLARENCE SELF (TR
Right now it reads almost like a list bullet points.
Flowers (2002), the character Candida casually reads aloud from Unaussprechlichen Kulten.
V," Jackie Gleason's character, Ralph Kramden, reads aloud a TV listing from the newspaper, "Fights
Woody steals his neighbor's newspaper.He reads aloud to himself.“GET
archaeologists, despite a warning, recklessly reads aloud an ancient life-giving spell.
He reads aloud, "Dangerooze, Kip Awah."
eonardo da Vinci's musical rebus, which solved reads Amore sol la mi fa remirare, la sol mi fa soll
Paul Wilson's The Keep, Captain Klaus Woermann reads an excerpt from the Unaussprechlichen Kulten a
Rodney reads an article about a rare butterfly, and a butte
ity provides an Ant task, called Anakia, which reads an XML file and makes it available to a Veloci
"Debbie" (Tracie Savage) reads an issue of Fangoria shortly before her death
L to R: President Truman reads an award citation to General Douglas MacArthur
The CAST AIP reads, analyzes, and semantically understands most k
XSSF (XML SpreadSheet Format) - reads and writes Office Open XML (XLSX) format files
reads and parses the source file,
reads and writes ESRI Shapefile, GML files, DXF and
ren must look after their own upbringing,” she reads, and from these words she understands that she
For processor-to-FPGA communications, stream reads and writes can be specified as operations that
boyfriend disappeared years ago, but she still reads and memorizes the letters that he occasionally
This approach minimises the number or reads and writes of data-chunks from disk, and is a
In the liner notes for J.R.R. Tolkien Reads and Sings his The Hobbit & The Fellowship of t
Bone Cage was a finalist for CBC's 2011 Canada Reads and was defended by ex-NHL player Georges Lara
r - such as DotTextProvider (where the content reads and writes to an existing .Text schema) and yo
He also reads and responds to posts on the band's messageboa
Zabulon's assistant reads Anton's personal file aloud, and hearing that
The 'short reads' are typically less than 1000bp of DNA sequenc
Ambiguous reads are those that map to more than a single locat
The passages Foxy Loxy reads are still, however, from Mein Kampf.
posted nearby by the Hoover Historical Society reads as follows: "In 1858 James Taylor Ross, a Scot
problematic is the first letter which Yardeni reads as an alef.
Overall it reads as though written by a "comprises of" estate a
ian hieroglyphics the throne name of Amanitore reads as Merkare.
The list of documentaries is overlong and reads as if promotional blurbs were used.
rlot burns the brightest and the most holy; it reads as if John Donne and Sylvia Plath had a child
The last line of the judgement reads as follows: "Understood to mean 'Are women eli
It reads as very incoherent.
27, p.856) reads as follows,
Theophilus' epitaph reads as follows ...
ce Europe as "a great read"; "Fernando's story reads as a movie script on the theme of the American
The relevant extract reads as follows...
ol Accountability Report Card Vision Statement reads as follows: "All students at Alameda Science a
hniques as Sanger sequencing, and using larger reads as a "skeleton" or a "template" to help assemb
In component form, the previous equation reads as
in the New International Version of the Bible, reads as follows: "Do not let any unwholesome talk c
The work reads as a moving narrative, giving a very detailed
What initially reads as another of the many modest human dramas tha
ial Mix the list of performers now essentially reads as a "who's who of dance music".
the wikipedia article on the book (which to me reads as quite a negatively biased article that is s
The epitaph on Finger's gravestone reads as follows: "This voyage done, set and steer o
Once again, it all reads as if Bob Woodward was lurking in the backgrou
The description reads as follows: "Stroker, Hoop and C.A.R.R. must s
Some of this reads as if it may have been taken from a Gospel mus
is defined in article 41 of the Armistice and reads as follows: "The mission of the NNSC shall be
t, instead of having the actual song names on, reads as following;
Much of the main body of the article reads as though it belongs in the Trivia section.
The sypnosis for Book 4 from Amazon.UK reads as follows: "A groundbreaking mix of fiction a
e people, transmitted by Abba Saul ben Botnit, reads as follows: "Woe unto me for the house of Bait
The way it is mentioned here reads as if it was his label.
yet the picture reads as "Alexander Mackenzie from Canada, by land,
his son Benedict Gerrard, survives there, and reads as follows.
The mission statement for PBI reads as follows:“Accelerating Research in Life Scie
As it reads at this moment it is just awful, and obviously
The Weimar Court of the Muses (1860); Schiller reads at Schloss Tiefurt, Wieland, Herder and Goethe
He frequently reads at colleges, including Brown University, Stanf
A title card appears which reads Aufnahmen von der Flugmaschine aus gemacht, or
he application to the 3D accelerator hardware, reads back the rendered images, and draws them as a
The motto reads Beannchor, the archaic form of the town's name
n across three sides of the Cross of Sacrifice reads: Beneath this spot lie the bodies of an office
That reads better to me.
It just reads better.
It's obvious to anybodey who reads Bible.
On the next day, the newspaper headline reads: Bloodbath at Funland -- Five die as dope craz
ently favoured theory is that the western face reads BOC LAND, marking the limit of the land owned
The Doctor Who Quick Reads book I am a Dalek: The Dalek Factor is added t
ps and public radio stations, where a narrator reads books, newspapers and magazines aloud for the
hat my education had finished"), and he rarely reads books.
magazine contains over 450 pages an issue, and reads both right-to-left for manga titles, and left-
The headline reads: Brave fighter and faithful lover, you tear of
Zealand was selected among the top 10 writer's reads by Geographical.
The main inscription reads: C. S. A. 1861 - 1865 What They Were the Whole
Quality filtering of the reads can deliver higher raw accuracy reads which wh
pression profiling is possible as quantitative reads can also be achieved.
The following code reads characters from the console input and prints t
A circular scroll reads City of Lethbridge • 1890 • 1906, the town and
Provo School District, Provo Reads Committee
ear in English, and winner of the first Canada Reads competition in 2002.
The inscription of the seal of 1578 reads Concordia res parvae crescunt (through unity s
Please note that the album title reads Confessions Of The Mind, while the title track
66" attraction, one of the faux movie marquees reads Crime and Punishment.
IGB reads data in dozens of formats, including BAM, BED,
Shortly after the 2011 Canada Reads debates, The Bone Cage was selected as The Mac
of empty soda cans and rubbish and a sign that reads different sayings that vary from show to show,
The inscription reads Dominus Noster Iustiniianus Perpetuus Augustus
Counter-clockwise reads down and clockwise reads up.
A program called an interpreter reads each program line following the program flow,
His headstone reads: Edward McKenna, V.C. late ensign, 65th Reg, a
Jinnie weeps inconsolably as she reads Ellis' last letter, in which her beloved used
He also reads emails sent to Tim Roye's Journal.
He finally reads Emily's last letter to him, which she wrote th
s support very large projects with millions of reads, enabling the use with newer sequencing method
original sign at the stable end of the tavern reads ENTERTAINMENT FOR TRAVELERS AND DROVERS.
a juror on the Radio Canada version of Canada Reads, entitled Le Combat des livres, where she cham
Good Reads entry
This article reads essentially as an apologia for the Daley admin
expert on Kingsfield's subject, contracts; he reads everything about the subject, including all of
t Vincent for his private collection; Gillette reads excerpts from Sherlock Holmes; Dr. F.C. Packar
Rosario reads excerpts of Heart and works in a bookshop name
Ricky Gervais, in the character of David Brent reads extracts of the poem interjected with derisive
rhythm of the turnaround, and the progression reads: F#m7b5, F7#11, Eaug7(#9), A7(#9), Cm7.
Conduct of the game section - hopefully it now reads far more clearly, especially for those who mig
Smokeview is a companion program that reads FDS output files and produces animations on th
The obverse inscription in Latin reads, Ferro iis libertas perveniet: "Freedom Will b
p of the ticket office and main entrance still reads First Great Eastern; a reminder of the franchi
He reads for himself the words of the Epistle and the f
Elmo Shropshire reads for the voice of Grandpa (as well as being the
The inscription reads: For the God Khaldi, the lord, Argishti, son o
one of the Toronto Star's top holiday fantasy reads for children.
But, since he reads from the altar card, he makes a sign of the cr
tela, the formula begins on the first line and reads from right to left
am" in this sense, even if the instructions it reads from memory are not part of a structured progr
ese-language on the opposite side of the paper reads from right to left (as would a Chinese-languag
nt, omitting the file parameter or passing a - reads from standard input.
trapped, helpless in a hawthorn bush as Nimue reads from a book of spells.
nds that turn counterclockwise, just as Hebrew reads from right to left.
man's 1990 movie Metropolitan, when Nick Smith reads from the jacket copy of his book Girls and Sex
r on the top-right corner of the screen, which reads FSFLORIDA, with the FS part colored in a light
ncluding nationally-televised sports) the logo reads FSSOUTH, with the FS colored in light blue.
The cross reads: Gen Canby USA was murdered here by the Modocs
It provides a public repository for the 'short reads' generated by second generation sequencing tec
The current lyrics for the song reads: Go you Redbirds on to battle fight for ISU, R
seen in the main Bunhill Fields Burial Ground reads: Grace, daughter of T. Cloudesly, of Leeds.
Reads Grammar School in Corby Glen closed in 1909.
in a 17th century building that was originally Reads Grammar School.
There is also an engraving in the cave, which reads H.K. 1564.
The facade bears a Hebrew inscription that reads: He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this
Missie then reads her the note, and Belinda learns that her fath
Since October 8, 2009, Ms. Pursifull reads her poetry on a weekly half-hour prime time te
His grave marker has been preserved, and reads: Here / Lyeth in hopes of a / Joyful Resurrect
The Inscription on his tomb reads Here lie The Mortal Remains of Captain William
Becker reads herh os, "the god of the wood".
's Fist: The Execution of Billy Budd,” Johnson reads Herman Melville's novel as a performance of th
of Saint-Christophe bears an inscription that reads Hic requiescit in pace S. M. GRATUS EPS D P SU
orpus of writings has been written, and no one reads him today.
If one reads his post 1933 diaries, for example, there is l
Lent reads his work in many cities in Canada, the United
eakfast table to the second man, but whilst he reads his paper the table is rotated to ensure a goo
Joyce reads his play as a favor to Julia; however, while h
m, while he attempts to cure her insomnia, she reads his writings, and the two take turns reciting
Sir Isaac Newton reads his first Optiks paper before the Royal Societ
He is an avid golfer and reads history and biography.
A line that reads hom plagues ("one would be pleased") seems to
The records label reads: Honest Don's strictly analog recordings.
he doesn't watch much television or movies but reads horror magazines and gets much of his inspirat
Banner reads: hospitality throughout the world
The official statement on his FAQ reads: I collapsed and passed out due to over-exhaus
The legend on the obverse reads IACOBUS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIB REX -- James by
In Latin the inscription reads ICORI(X) FILIUS / POTENT / INI (Icorix, son of
A placard seen in the final photograph reads in Japanese "Offer to the brothers of Kuromuts
ng year (522), (and not the second year as one reads in the Account)."
WP:NCPEER reads in part However, there are several exceptions:
Walker's journal entry for April 17, 1750, reads in part: "I went down the creek a-hunting, and
A plaque reads, in part, "Stones such as these from the bridg
the lintel is taken from that inscription and reads, in Hebrew, "Peace be upon the place, and on a

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