「ROUGHNESS」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > ROUGHNESSの意味・解説 > ROUGHNESSに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 45

surface roughness and waviness.
Surface roughness and surface flatness are two quite different
throughout was clean football, devoid of all roughness, and they early on earned the good will and
ing radar to study rainfall effects on ocean roughness, and the development of an airborne active/p
ve surface tilt, also called the macroscopic roughness angle.
d to change, often drastically, with surface roughness, bulk and surface composition, and even the
facturing prints establish an upper limit on roughness, but not a lower limit.
Due to their high surface roughness, conventional white nitrocellulose films sca
Surface geometry ( roughness, cracks, distortion)
ngs, his works share the same characteristic roughness, directness and folk-like simplicity.
Whether the roughness due to the bed sediment or other factors are
low is defined as hydraulically rough if the roughness elements are larger than the laminar sublaye
modifying the metal surface such as creating roughness for better application of paint and coating.
hodes on the USA network TV series Necessary Roughness in 2011.
committing two personal fouls of unnecessary roughness in a Monday Night Football matchup against t
In most cases, roughness is considered to be detrimental to part perf
etained in the surface profile and a minimum roughness is required.
ing can be used to obtain a specific surface roughness; it is also used to obtain very accurate sur
ical makeup, bonding, crystallinity, surface roughness, molecular weight and residual stress.
ε is the relative roughness of the pipe.
red the safety of combatants and reduced the roughness of the sport.
most notably they forgot to account for the roughness of slopes in river canals.
Due to the roughness of some challenges, like the Mechanical Snak
The healthy roughness of texture and irregular asymmetrical form m
Museum, has some of the life and more of the roughness of Snyders, but lacks variety of tint and fi
an expected perturbations presumably due to ' roughness' of the lunar gravitational field.
term asperity is mostly used for unevenness ( roughness) of the surface of a discontinuity, grain, o
up his position, not being able to bear the roughness of the "Old Dessauer."
The roughness of the rehearsal is combined with the fact t
d from opposing teams with verbal taunts and roughness on the court.
, particular demands are placed upon surface roughness or heat transfer.
Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach by P. J. Green and B. W. Si
rback Alan Ball, resulting in an unnecessary roughness penalty for Calvin.
The roughness profile contains n ordered, equally spaced p
rmulas listed in the tables assumes that the roughness profile has been filtered from the raw profi
describe characteristics of the slope of the roughness profile.
meters are often used to describe repetitive roughness profiles, such as those produced by turning
mic tyre loads are affected by longer waves ( roughness), road texture affects the interaction betwe
Surface roughness scattering or interface roughness scattering
Interface roughness scattering is most noticeable in confined sy
depends upon the nature of the surface, its roughness, the grazing angle (angle the beam makes wit
f the same order of magnitude as the surface roughness, the surface topography is able to interact
"There's a roughness to the music.
in all directions a long fetch of landscape roughness which is usefully similar to the roughness o
ured considering the finest scale of surface roughness will depend on the atomic or molecular size

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