「REFUSING」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > REFUSINGの意味・解説 > REFUSINGに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 751

government in 1940 to join the British Army, refusing a post in the wartime coalition government of
he first known instance of network affiliates refusing a network episode in response to protests.
ystwyth in 1922 to teach at the Bala College, refusing a promise of the Principalship in Aberystwyth
He was fined £25 on 6 July 1630 for refusing a knighthood on the coronation of King Charle
s in Manchester where he was disqulaified for refusing a request for all lapped riders to pull out o
against pro-Mongol government officials after refusing a command to march his troops to Liaotung to
He was expelled after a year for refusing a role in the school play in favour of a payi
ney enlisted for example's sake as a private, refusing a commission from Governor John A. Andrew unt
mercial in this series had Enfield as a yokel refusing a Dime bar-smooth on the outside, crunchy on
1989 Bearpark quit his job with the CSA after refusing a transfer from Hamilton to the head office i
Bentinck returned to the UK in 1835, refusing a peerage, and again entered the House of Com
and he demonstrated his French sympathies by refusing a solemn invitation to return to Rome from th
strong penchent for personal responsibility, refusing a City Council pay increase in 2008.
Though refusing a seat in the Roman Assembly, he advocated th
ensive in Moldovia in 1686, with the Ottomans refusing a major engagement and harassing the army.
Refusing Adams's request that he remain at the Treasur
to French agriculture were just a pretext for refusing admittance to Britain; Pierson Dixon, as head
Still refusing aid, he threw his last 2 grenades.
intain their own integrity and consistency by refusing all further negotiations until this point (i.
with the first Principal, Mr. Groene, stoutly refusing all approaches by the County Education Commit
.B., who honors DiMaggio's wishes by politely refusing all interviews or requests to discuss any int
him with the means of studying in London; but refusing all financial assistance, he saved the money
He resigned in 1930, refusing an order from the board of directors to suppo
He resigned in 1930, refusing an order from the board of directors to suppo
8, and became a free agent on August 18 after refusing an assignment to the minors.
left the army and became a farmer, initially refusing an offer from Hitler at the regimental reunio
aul VI (again repeated by Rychlak), allegedly refusing an award from an Italian Jewish delegation be
The report is saying that Malawi is refusing an environmental impact assessment done.
shareholders lost confidence in the company, refusing an increase in capital.
eroes" for facing potential courts-martial by refusing an order which they believed would lead their
DeSalvo was released on September 4 after refusing an outright assignment to the minors.
became a free agent on October 7, 2007, after refusing an outright to the minors.
hat celebrities would not want to look bad by refusing an interview from a stutterer.
He left Parma in 2002, and retired after refusing an offer from Empoli in 2003; after having ac
stayed in retirement for the rest of the war, refusing an offer to be re-employed in 1917.
ntative of biocentrism, which he developed to refusing anthropocentric overestimation of symbol and
+ employs Default Deny Protection, by default refusing any unknown file permission to install or exe
zai, and it was led by him with a main aim in refusing any kind of nationalization with Jewish, to r
When Cayrol wanted to die by refusing any further food, his life was saved by Dr. J
Thus Joyce becomes a saint homme who by refusing any imaginary solution, was able to invent a
While the United States was refusing any protection for foreign literary works, mo
Refusing any plea deal, after a mistrial and a reversa
After serving three years in the U.S. Army ( refusing assignment in Vietnam and subsequently being
Refusing at first, the advocate returns to the court a
is most trusted sibling, and was deeply hurt, refusing at first to make any reply.
rating conditions of the civilian population, refusing at the time to rule out further missions.
o Royal instruction or colonial precedent for refusing Atkinson's nomination and referred to "the co
Code of Canada to allow the courts to justify refusing bail to those accused of serious crimes in th
owbusiness maitre'd Louis Jenetta, famous for refusing Bob Dylan entrance because he wasn't wearing
In 1966, for refusing both regular service and Bausoldat (construct
the authorities Horner began a hunger strike, refusing both food and water.
Refusing Care: Forced Treatment and the Rights of the
s deported to Buchenwald during World War II, refusing collaboration with the German aviation indust
en had engaged in an unfair labor practice by refusing Collins a representative and Weingarten appea
prohibiting health insurers from refusing coverage based on patients' medical histories
setting higher rates or by refusing covering for certain conditions or by refusin
of the territory by Confederate troops after refusing Creek lands to be annexed by the Confederacy.
The officers refusing did so for various reasons.
89, his heart and kidneys were failing, after refusing doctors' orders to lose weight and alter his
After refusing El Graduado's offer to become a "silent partn
ons and employer associations had a policy of refusing employment to Italian workers in order to com
ditional policy of accepting external aid but refusing entangling alliances.
was noted for his fierce loyalty to Manitoba, refusing enticements to move east to Toronto.
In November of 1940 Houser was arrested for refusing entry into the draft.
He made Prague the imperial capital, refusing even at the insistence of Petrarch to move to
he manner of the opposite sex while adamantly refusing ever to have sexual relations with another.
e comic niche with Pony Club girls and ponies refusing fences, a subject for which he became best-kn
However, refusing financial support from fellow freethinkers, h
Refusing first aid, he continued to shield the driver
Still refusing first aid for himself, he again made up demol
Refusing first-aid treatment he then made his way in p
ster, where he died on 25 November 2009 after refusing food and medication.
hat only a small number of detainees had been refusing food, and that they had only been doing so fo
Shot by Meio Plato for refusing Guiltorre's orders that the Dragonar pilots b
For refusing, he forfeits the game to the Pirates.
awled most of the way off of the field before refusing help from the trainers as he limped the remai
the mid-1990s as a grass roots tour de force, refusing help, press, or money from any outside intere
Debbie told him that Andy was refusing her access to Sarah.
o the U.S. Federation of TV and Radio Artists refusing her a US work permit.
consort Isabella, whom Margaret maltreated by refusing her admittance to Leeds Castle
hat the time fissure was a trap and initially refusing herself the opportunity to go back and meet h
censed and wrote an angry letter to Prataprao refusing him permission to see him till such time, Bah
The first attacks the nobility of Arles for refusing him the patronage he believed he merited.
director who was on narcotic pain medication; refusing him good scripts, such as 1930's The Dawn Pat
elay Ottoman advance, but with the Sejm still refusing his pleas for more funds and a larger army, t
There was also animosity over the band refusing his choice of a live version of the "Kilroy W
itutional history in the province in 1923 for refusing his assent to the Church Union Bill.
Shin purposely picking fights with anyone and refusing his help.
lasted almost a decade, with Gish repeatedly refusing his marriage proposals.
Refusing his staff's suggestion for the same reason of
edures and prepared them professionally, also refusing hopeless cases.
ector to the draft, spending time in jail for refusing induction into the military.
ued with weak governments, with minor parties refusing institutional responsibilities.
t V delayed such an action without explicitly refusing it and in the meantime made several important
e law as binding norms while at the same time refusing, itself, to evaluate those norms.
The code also prohibited judges from refusing justice on grounds of insufficiency of the la
U.S. gasoline suppliers, and a 2005 decision refusing legal protection for MTBE, opened a new marke
Refusing lesser honours Colfox accepted a baronetcy in
When left widowed, and after refusing many offers of marriage, Olympias dedicated h
after numerous scourges, he starved to death refusing meat which had been blessed for sacrifice to
Refusing medical treatment, Lt. Col. Rogers reestablis
er 400 times by the snakes he handled, always refusing medical treatment.
or, but was denied recognition and jailed for refusing military orders.
ied heavily upon the evidence of witness A in refusing Neil Latimer's release; is now deeply concern
Nicholas pens a letter to Ralph refusing, on behalf of his family, a penny of his uncl
The penalty for refusing or neglecting to convey the mails was £20, an
liable to a penalty under subsection (1) for refusing or neglecting to state any particulars in res
no person was to be subject to a penalty for refusing or neglecting to provide details in response
o have left New Zealand, after at least twice refusing passage to Port Jackson.
artnership was undergoing strain due to Moore refusing permission for their Captain Britain work to
They were still there by 20 September, refusing postings to unfamiliar units.
al and Military Medal while always resolutely refusing promotion from the lowest rank of Private.
He persisted in refusing, protesting that he no longer had strength or
s" and the ADSS even contains examples of his refusing requests for assistance.
er 2009, Cundall was arrested by police after refusing requests to move from Tasmanian state parliam
ip with another sister and blackmails her (by refusing sex) if she does not comply with her demands.
d sought out a centrist position politically, refusing some demands from labor unions and teachers'
By refusing subjection to a supposedly legitimate pope, t
Refusing subscription, he did not graduate.
the same year however, he was sequestered on refusing subscription, and, a married man, in order to
g rebel groups within their own territory and refusing support towards rebel groups operating in eac
Refusing that advice, 18-year old Peg and her four bro
e process under the 14th and 5th Amendment by refusing the test.
After refusing the bishopric of Gloucester in 1734, Mawson w
After refusing the dark gift, the vampires do not kill him (
for a zoning variance and to give reasons for refusing the applications.
f Sir Thomas More, when tried for treason for refusing the oath; and in assessing the values of eccl
he "Glorious Revolution" he was suspended for refusing the oaths to William and Mary, but before los
and also accused the government of repeatedly refusing the requests of army commanders for more troo
He was exiled for refusing the oath of allegiance to the Protector Olive
In 1833, he returned to London after refusing the same post in Tobago.
Gen. Stephen Dodson Ramseur tried refusing the left flank of his division.
he Bombay Legislative Council from 1937-1962, refusing the offer of becoming a Muslim Minister in th
Eames had to cease use of the trademark, but refusing the transfer of the improved press to the Atl
tone in 1645, he lost all his positions after refusing the 'engagement' pledge in 1649.
Refusing the armistice, he urged (de facto) President
h Maggie and Jamie living together with Jamie refusing the Chicago promotion, and applying to medica
commission, with Cartwright and others, and, refusing the purgation by oath, was deprived.
earnest what adequate reason he can give, for refusing the demand of women to an equal participation
barred from public office for five years for refusing the victims group FAIR the use of Newtownhami
e the state mandated period of suspension for refusing the chemical blood alcohol test being one yea
the policy which is being pursued by Notts in refusing their consent for Fullarton to play for Plymo
l and economic rights, while at the same time refusing them any authority that could be used to stop
The Company refusing this, Walter marched out with a strong force
ogance as one of Joseon's strongest warriors, refusing to follow along with what he deems to be Yi's
Though Willoughby attacked Hirono for refusing to debate, polls indicated that the Congressw
alleged racism and abuse of power, as well as refusing to cooperate with a federal Justice Departmen
he six Social Credit Members of Parliament by refusing to accord them official party status as well
was sent by King Edward thanking the pope for refusing to accept the election.
thout its leadership after being expelled for refusing to take the directives.
Allegations of refusing to take drug tests - which the players deny -
er, and in January 1557 he was in trouble for refusing to pay a forced loan.
Gauthier stated that Matte was expelled after refusing to follow party discipline for 18 months.
arden spent his childhood at home, his mother refusing to allow him to become a pageboy in the house
for child care services would be canceled for refusing to comply with the executive order's provisio
ior to this, Adams had maintained a policy of refusing to condemn IRA or their splinter groups' acti
Galloway in Scotland executed by drowning for refusing to swear an oath declaring the King as head o
g press conferences early and at times simply refusing to answer.
Overy accused the Russians of refusing to acknowledge Soviet war crimes, "Partly thi
ent in Ireland, Merbury caused controversy by refusing to affix the Great Seal to it, apparently on
who wants to challenge Bo'en to a duel, both refusing to give way.
rnia judge orders her to pay $7.4 million for refusing to honor a verbal contract to star in the fil
It was for his actions here in refusing to carry out an order to round up the remaini
Refusing to pay tax to Gudfred, Halfdan swore his alle
rnor was marked by the Bank of South Carolina refusing to adopt new banking regulations and the enac
se she is a christian and she was excuted for refusing to marry, not mean to be senseless but why wa
ican National Convention, he was arrested for refusing to cede his spot on the floor to "Goldwater G
t by Counts, with coach Butch van Breda Kolff refusing to reinsert Chamberlain into the game in the
Venus and Serena have been criticized for refusing to discuss the controversy, as some believe t
n that US soldiers can stop the war simply by refusing to fight borders on mutiny and sedition."
uspended Henry Compton, Bishop of London (for refusing to suspend John Sharp, then rector of St Gile
There were fears of the secular armed forces refusing to accept the election result, perhaps even l
year-old high school student was arrested for refusing to give up her seat, the WPC and other local
estival celebrated its 20th birthday in 2003, refusing to give up its main venue on Skeppsholmen, si
hasius, retaining his office of patriarch but refusing to discharge its duties.
r Diocletian to have been beheaded in 296 for refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods.
vernments, especially the United Kingdom, for refusing to push further when Burma agreed to allow re
Cleave suffered imprisonment for refusing to pay stamp duty on his publications; his fi
vasion and Tollman, who was living in London, refusing to come back to the United States to face cha
arrested at the Glen Echo Amusement Park for refusing to leave.
ogether with John Fisher, for high treason in refusing to take the oath of succession, deprived of h
Hawkeye was upset at B.J. for refusing to say 'goodbye' to him, harkening back to Tr
cooperate and resorted to passive resistance, refusing to get up off the floor of his cell when inst
rance, but after Waterloo he was punished for refusing to take part in the court martial of Marshal
ged with theft of an official document, after refusing to reveal their sources on a story about corr
m was delayed for several weeks with the band refusing to work without Marga, who later discharged h
After More was beheaded in 1535 for refusing to bless the Reformation of Henry VIII of Eng
e Thursday as she awaited possible arrest for refusing to pay a fine levied in a defamation case fil
ghting for the dignity of this profession and refusing to work in the so-called mass-market perfumer
sition In Nigeria is not helping its cause by refusing to join together and work to take on the PDP,
os Angeles, and abandoned the music business, refusing to pay musicians' union dues because Church t
Iran is under U.N. sanctions for refusing to stop uranium enrichment - a process that c
it is appropriate; he totalizes his insights, refusing to qualify or delimit his claims.
was probably the work of gladiatori who were refusing to hand over their clandestine arms.
he also lashed out at Western governments for refusing to lift sanctions against senior officials.
Refusing to take the new oath of allegiance on account
Exiting the vehicle but still refusing to take the breath test, Liang made several c
ars, when they were arrested by Shapur II for refusing to worship the sun.
The skit closes with Ken Kaniff refusing to allow them to further perform oral sex on
Refusing to consider himself and now greatly weakened,

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