「Questioning」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Questioningの意味・解説 > Questioningに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 383

He was taken in for questioning a first time on March 8, but released the s
In spite of Yin Qi's repeated questioning, A-Li refuses to tell the truth of how she
rting tendency to literally vanish on close questioning about this ephemeral town.
Upon their questioning about the road ahead and a place to rest th
one does not justify extended detention and questioning about matters not related to the stop.”
She is married to another critical and questioning academic, the "radical dentist," Dr. Aubrey
ater, the journal scorned Western media for questioning Ai's charge as a "catch-all crime", and den
"A lot of it is about asking questions or questioning all that people see.
ion of time a policeman patrolled the span, questioning all pedestrians walking the bridge.
teers released from police and British Army questioning, and vetting of potential IRA recruits.
ame for each type of sentence - announcing, questioning and an imperative, and which marks the end
ea) takes great strides to obstruct Frank's questioning; and any witnesses present in the operating
sexual, transgender, genderqueer, intersex, questioning, and straight allies.
n of struck and empaneled jurors, disparate questioning, and evidence of historical discrimination.
About Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Other Identities, ed. with David Levit
killed, and taken to the Dominator ship for questioning and scanning.
e subconscious mind, affirmations, personal questioning and goal setting.
equest for a lawyer at the beginning of the questioning, and that the police did not adequately hel
sation dedicated to Muslims who are LGBT or questioning, and their friends.
Garrison stood up to Stone's questioning and then got up and left.
Miyazaki later said he inherited his questioning and skeptical mind from her.
About Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Other Identities for Knopf Books for Y
The line of questioning annoyed Gibson, who told Richards, "That's
nosy teenage neighbor, Joe is taken in for questioning as a suspected spy for the Japanese, and Co
The labyrinthine plot soon begs questioning as to where reality ends and fantasy begins
questioning, asserting, promising, etc.) and "perlocuti
ng EEG chairman Albert Yeung were asked for questioning at some stage.
entry during the contest were called in for questioning at the Ministry of National Security in Bak
was taken to the airport police station for questioning, at which point he claimed to have picked u
US Marshals Service and held in custody for questioning at New York's JFK airport police station on
Under the weight of questioning, Barnbaum first feigned suicidal intent and
A white male in his mid-40s was wanted for questioning because he was spotted near the scene aroun
d Sean Hunt in Holby City, was arrested for questioning before being released on bail.
American men were interred at the camp for questioning before being transferred to other facilitie
After two days of questioning, Blackwell's story began to change.
that she can explain the reason why she was questioning Blansac so closely about marriage.
After a questioning, bookkeeper Darleen Gable admitted to the t
and sometimes controversial, style of tough questioning brought a huge world audience to the show.
rther nine were taken prisoner and held for questioning but were not mistreated.
Tony is brought in for questioning, but reacts with indignation at being accus
In response to close questioning by students, he first swore us to secrecy (
On September 2010, she was called in for questioning by the Court for calumny and slander for st
's lot improves too when he is released for questioning by Gatherer Hade, but Hade is playing a gam
In response to questioning by the prosecutor, Hubbell initially refuse
prior to election day, he was summoned for questioning by the Prosecutor's office, which probably
it is alleged that he has been invited for questioning by the National Drug Enforcement Agency, ou
izers of a Facebook group were summoned for questioning by the police for posting reports and video
manager Dick Graham was so incensed of the questioning, by a shareholder, of his team and tactics
ly thereafter, Greenfeld was brought in for questioning by the third highest ranking official in th
actor Shah Rukh Khan was held for extensive questioning by US Immigration and Customs officials in
mment regarding bombs, and was detained for questioning by local police.
With his team he faces questioning by the Metropolitan Police Authority about
Project, a summer camp program for gay and questioning Christian young people.
mpaign replied with negative advertisements questioning Clark's religious beliefs (Clark has claime
to the start of the season after reportedly questioning coach Schellas Hyndman's coaching style.
Treowen responded by questioning Coates' methods as "not those which carry c
(1995) Questioning Consensus in Social Representations Theory.
airport restroom and subsequent allegations questioning Craig's sexuality.
Socrates says that this questioning earned him the reputation of being an annoy
After questioning Easy Jenny, a madam Martha Lou is traveling
stoppel have not yet been fully developed…” questioning estoppel and the applicability of equity.
iew progressed regarding McKenzie's line of questioning, even though Hailsham was strongly critical
one of her stepdaughters, she finds herself questioning everything about her life, and decides to t
The Sacredness of Questioning Everything (2009, Zondervan)
can writer, the author of The Sacredness of Questioning Everything, Everyday Apocalypse: The Sacred
een forced to go public when his persistent questioning failed to satisfactorily resolve the matter
(Javar Seetharaman) investigate the case by questioning five characters: Rajan's wife Usha (Pandari
Scarface (1983), Traffic (2000) ( questioning, for the first time in a Hollywood movie, t
n doing his duty (pursuing Pyle's death and questioning Fowler) and doing what is best for the coun
urred as Blair was responding to aggressive questioning from Leader of the Opposition Michael Howar
Mark faces some robust questioning from the students, but to Daniel's surprise
Under questioning from committee member Jay Inslee Inhofe dis
been reordered, creating dynamic spaces and questioning functionality.
After questioning Funke they spent five and a half hours sear
This included a song telling of a person's questioning G-d's silence, "Speechless," co-composed by
humiliating question after he had finished questioning Gabe about his family.
Fisher calls it "a Job-like prayer questioning God for punishing a woman who has lived uns
By questioning God's word and authority, the serpent, who
When questioning God, believing that God must have abandoned
(2001) Questioning God: Religion and Postmodernism II, ed.
gent later interviewed Sell in jail, and by questioning got him to say something about hiring a hit
Under questioning Grace readily admitted that her story was u
The pace of questioning gradually increased through the show, becom
After questioning, Graham was allowed to enter the event with
's words, "A great deal of my work is about questioning handed-down truths".
Upon successfully getting through the questioning, he was given a new false identity under th
informed of the results of these rounds of questioning, he received an order removing him from his
During questioning he began to talk about the enema bandit.
Under questioning, he admitted that another local teenager, n
During questioning he indicated that he was responsible for at
After more than 24 hours of questioning, he was released without charge on 19 March
e agenda" when interviewing Powell, instead questioning her under false pretenses of an "independen
It is because the citizens have been questioning her for doing nothing as a congresswoman.
However, in the course of questioning her, the subject of nuclear missiles came u
irst Army but was taken off the front after questioning higher ranks about the tactics being used.
After questioning him closely, Exarch Leonid received Father
They started questioning him about how long he and Barry had been co
While humanizing and questioning him, Stirling gives credit to Bloch for hel
Upon questioning him, Mr. Feeney said that the blood was fro
in which the body was discoverd; but after questioning him, he is murdered.
ice beat a suspect with a rifle butt, while questioning him.
investigate, and they arrested Butler after questioning him.
asures the Earth for its beauty, eventually questioning himself whether declaring war was really th
in an accident and one of the sister's sons questioning his loyalty.
Hashem tries to convince her to stay back, questioning his destiny, wondering why he lost his fath
the women's liberation movement, leaves him questioning his sexuality.
orth End on 6 April 2002 by a 'fan' who was questioning his commitment to the club and desire to pl
lashed out at him during the joint sitting, questioning his integrity and suitability for federal p
f South Africa that led to the Indian media questioning his captaincy, but the tone changed after h
Adam, however, has begun questioning his own existence, knowing that he is a rob
state smearing Barack Obama's character and questioning his patriotism?
ormer employee initiated ethics proceedings questioning his campaign finances, which eventually led
In college, Jonathan began questioning his faith and studying other ideologies, wh
hman putting gold into his pockets, thereby questioning his nationalist credentials.
herwood cast aspersions on Wheeler's career questioning his decision not go directly to Vietnam out
Critics began openly questioning his sanity while even his proponents admitt
enge to cause a major upset and have Arthur questioning his future in the sport.
ting his contrast to Ryu while subsequently questioning his lesser appeal, and stating "he's just a
after becoming engaged to Gwen, Ethan began questioning his feelings for Theresa; his doubts culmin
During this period in his life he began questioning his religious beliefs and eventually drifte
Ryan eventually decides to stop questioning his faith and rejoins the church as a teach
Doubt: Jensen described questioning his religion while in philosophy classes wh
d after raising specific issues, as well as questioning Hobson about pre-emption and illegal land t
lvement in courtroom politics, specifically questioning how Stringer's parents had benefited financ
"I found myself questioning how we packed our backpacks and how we made
Questioning how he was able to afford it, Andie discove
anorama he wrote an internal BBC memorandum questioning how an interview with Prime Minister John M
Under Knight's questioning, however, Tan admitted that Lim had been de
Police are now investigating and questioning if the alleged sabotage against Rivera is a
ughing over the absurdity of their lines or questioning if particular ones would give the joke away
ruce showed concern for the EP's reception, questioning if people will like it or not.
so criticized the blank background choices, questioning if they were truly artistic decisions or do
The Wharf disagreed, questioning if it was reasonable for a private enterpri
e, "Asian Angst" in North & South magazine, questioning immigration and referencing the high profil
Prior to his death he was wanted for questioning in the murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena
Under questioning in the legislature in June 2007, Minister o
bailed to return to the police station for questioning in early February.
However, during questioning in respect to that crime Farmer, unprodded,
He is being sought for questioning in this case.
After questioning in Belgrade and Zagreb he was released in O
He was taken for questioning in Kyoto and asked to see the sword.
lieutenant colonels, had been detained for questioning in Pakistan.
ngeles Police Department and was wanted for questioning in twelve other homicides in Los Angeles.
Simenon escaped questioning in France and in 1945 arrived, along with T
ptalking", and is similar to the Australian Questioning Intonation (or AQI).
rect, and Leon Trotsky thus incorrect to be questioning it.
r of anthropologists and other commentators questioning its perceived prosyletizing, political invo
os simply cited his interpretations without questioning its validity.
to Lincoln, and learned from the letter and questioning its carrier the nature and disposition of H
roversial comments about the Premier League questioning its quality.
Others believe that the questioning itself may have led to false memory syndrom
ng a Catholic individual "a little man" for questioning Lennon's refusal to allow him to photograph
tary forces took all of Awarta's men in for questioning, making "wholesale arrests," including two
Whatmore is a critical geographer, questioning Marxist materialist approaches in favor of
ken unawares by the incisive, unceremonious questioning, may then replace civility for discourteous
rogressive wing of the Democratic Party and questioning McCain's use of his music; in response, the
"While a police officer was questioning me, another one gave me a blow on my neck f
During the preliminary questioning Menocchio spoke freely as he felt he had do
went on to draw attention to corruption by questioning ministers.
anciers as J.P. Morgan, Jr.; under Pecora's questioning, Morgan and many of his partners admitted t
ly clear what these hunts consisted of - on questioning, Mr. Miles said that he arranged them for t
hat brought together many gay, lesbian, and questioning Muslims from various countries.
After questioning Nicole's mother Kitty (Christine Baranski)
I removed the tag questioning notability.
ssed out, and without rest, with the status questioning now in her life are not being helped by her
arde, were banished to Earth for a time for questioning Odin's actions during these events.
rst brought before Annas, and after a brief questioning of him (John 18:19-23) was sent to Caiaphas
as divorce, abortion, homosexuality and the questioning of authority (or the "establishment", as pe
Congressional questioning of NASA officials over the affair was a fur
hat aren't surrounded by any controversy or questioning of credibility.
munity to act as translator in the police's questioning of Marina, during which she implicated Oswa
come so far, there seems to have been some questioning of what exactly should be done.
work, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon involves a questioning of what it is to be human and of what reali
s Questions is the name given to the weekly questioning of the leaders of devolved administrations
Replying to the questioning of Yokereth, he said: "Master, if I am not
cal awareness, empathy with others, and the questioning of authority.
His life was one of incessant eager questioning of nature on all sides, and his many and va
ommitment of Lumet to another film and UA's questioning of its subject matter led to an eventual pr
There were some questioning of the legitimacy of Sarney appointment, on
The Bone Cage's questioning of an inherent self-body dichotomy reaches
Izzard regularly participated in the questioning of PoWs and provided detailed reports to hi
The actual questioning of the political party representatives was
ation in government decisions and allow the questioning of policies.
After further questioning of the patient, they find out that she bega
ropolitan Taipei in 2004 also led to public questioning of his leadership and caused Ma's approval
ly resulted, by October, 2009, in a certain questioning of Craig's ability to continue as counsel.
He assisted Edmund Bonner in the questioning of Thomas Cranmer and preached on the occas
It involved questioning of Lebanese and Syrian officials.
296, he issued ordinances forbidding public questioning of the legitimacy of Boniface VIII's electi
But there was also some questioning of the idea of a rock band made up of a gro
investigators, was invited to assist in the questioning of the suspect.
Sotomayor seemed especially bothered by the questioning of one potential juror who reported that sh
The ability of questioning of facts and assumptions and the evaluation
1527 "De operibus Dei" - the first open questioning of the doctrine of the Trinity in print any
"The Tribunal's close questioning of the personal representative is problemat
to play with these ideas has resulted in a questioning of how virtual experience may affect one's
Nine people were arrested for questioning of which six are male, three are female.
Questioning of the status quo, leading to an ongoing qu
by outspoken fiscal conservatism and sharp questioning of every federal expenditure.
tree (Matthew 21:18-22,Mark 11:20-26), the questioning of Jesus' authority (21:23-27), and some di

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