「Precipitate」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Precipitateの意味・解説 > Precipitateに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 149

This precipitate action led to protests from the consuls of
Dimitar Ganchev was against precipitate actions, but in the end he too signed the d
ith other drugs of this type, nalmefene can precipitate acute withdrawal symptoms in patients who a
could be potentially dangerous as it might precipitate acute withdrawal symptoms, and additional a
ny adequate investigation may have been too precipitate, although, of course, to investigate in any
it appeared likely that the situation would precipitate an Anglo-Japanese war, especially when infl
The regulus of Cobalt needs alkalies to precipitate, and then forms dark or black precipitates.
To identify the cation, the color of the precipitate and its solubility in excess are noted.
rpiment (As2S3) and stibnite (Sb2S3), which precipitate and form orange subaqueous deposits.
can then be calculated from the mass of the precipitate and its chemical composition.
ed mineral salts in the water are caused to precipitate and form solid deposits.
oducing the respective carbonate or sulfate precipitate and an ammonium chlorate solution.
temperature for one hour to give an orange precipitate and after filtration and washing with metha
ithin the city's defensive works and not to precipitate any unnecessary engagements with the enemy.
mining operations are chemically treated to precipitate arsenic and nickel they are pumped into the
dium hydroxide is added to make the uranium precipitate as sodium diuranate.
e quickly oxidized into Fe+3 in the air and precipitate as more insoluble Fe(OH)3.
by strong magnetic fields, leading them to precipitate as spherical or round crystals rather than
molecular weight alicyclic compounds, which precipitate as black/brown asphaltenes when the mixture
of amino acids, different protein molecules precipitate at different concentrations of salt solutio
Cryoglobulins typically precipitate at temperatures below normal body temperatu
n software developers and users is going to precipitate billions of dollars in balance sheet downgr
nt of Hg(II) salts with hydrogen sulfide to precipitate black, synthetic metacinnabarite, which is
ydroxide and then converted to a filterable precipitate by addition of oxalate with a trace of fluo
After removing the precipitate by filtration or centrifugation, the desire
In the second case, the mineral precipitate can have grown over an older generation of
The precipitate can be dried and powdered, and is a type of
The precipitate can then be collected by filtration, washed
Their effect was to precipitate collisions between all three parties.
FeIII salts and mixing them with alkali to precipitate colloidal Fe3O4.
political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations.
s seen in human alcohol withdrawal, and can precipitate convulsions in GHB-dependent animals.
h is then treated with caesium hydroxide to precipitate Cs2B12H12.
ts mirror reflection about the plane of ABC precipitate D and D'.
It is convenient for collecting a precipitate directly within the vessel in which it is t
These products precipitate during cooling and are typically very small
ormaldehyde solutions (formalin) as a white precipitate, especially if stored in the cold.
Precipitate formation is useful in the detection of the
still referred to yellowcakes as the final precipitate formed in the milling process and considere
A thick, milky-white insoluble precipitate forms that may plug nozzles and pipelines.
cals are mixed with a sulfate salt, a white precipitate forms, which is barium sulfate.
a tendency of the protein to aggregate and precipitate from solution.
lye) in order to fix the color, which will precipitate from the solution.
The crystals will precipitate from an aqueous solution, which causes a "s
s solution of a sodium salt may cause it to precipitate from water as the tetraethylammonium salt.
e reverse of the reaction observed with the precipitate from aqueous solution.
No. 13465-97-9) can be prepared as a white precipitate from reaction of silver(I) and pyrophosphat
The precipitate from the fermented leaf solution is mixed w
liquid while allowing metallic crystals to precipitate from solution without melting or oxidizing.
iver function, impair glucose tolerance and precipitate gout.
Silver and copper are also precipitate if present.
ght, especially ultraviolet light, and will precipitate if exposed.
r will adsorb on the surface of the carrier precipitate if the precipitate acquired a surface charg
It can occur as a precipitate in arid environments.
It can appear as a precipitate in many reactions.
Most base metals in acidic solution precipitate in contact with free sulfide, e.g. from H2S
problem because its low solubility make it precipitate in any cooler part of the reactor flow path
The spherical particles precipitate in highly siliceous pools and form highly o
ll preferentially go into solution and then precipitate in areas of lower chemical potential where
" but "warm and impetuous in his temper and precipitate in his judgement".
uranyl nitrate and cerium(III) nitrate; the precipitate, initially yellow in colour, turned blue af
ulfate is treated with hydrochloric acid to precipitate insoluble thallium(I) chloride.
xygen catastrophe caused the eroded iron to precipitate into the banded iron formations found in th
cium and phosphate salts in saliva start to precipitate into those parts of enamel where they are l
ng solution with MnCO3, one can selectively precipitate iron salts, which are common impurities in
The resulting precipitate is calcium borate.
The precipitate is filtered off and the solution concentrat
This precipitate is then oxidized by the dissolved oxygen in
The resulting TlCl precipitate is separated by filtration of the reaction
Also thallium(I) can be determined as the precipitate is Tl3[Co(NO2)6].
The precipitate is then washed with hot water and preparati
Subsequently, the calcium carbonate precipitate is filtered from solution and thermally dec
ew drops of the precipitating reagent; if a precipitate is observed, the precipitation is incomplet
After the precipitate is allowed to cool (preferably in a desicca
Since the composition of the precipitate is known, it is simple to calculate the mas
If the precipitate is washed with an excessive volume of deion
"iodoform test" (the appearance of a yellow precipitate) is used to probe the presence of a methyl
The gold precipitate is then filtered out of the solution, mixed
By heating the precipitate it decomposes to metallic copper and hydrog
By filtering and weighing this precipitate it is possible to calculate the number of i
supply on the centralist army and helped to precipitate its surrender on December 9 to the Texans.
Lithium Hydroxide and Hydrobromic Acid will precipitate Lithium Bromide in the presence of water.
nd it, degrade men, disgrace the faith, and precipitate many into endless fortunes"; and establishe
Thereafter, the precipitate may easily be separated by filtration, deca
It may precipitate narrow angle glaucoma.
again at high temperature and pressure, to precipitate nickel powder (>99%).
Precipitate nothing, yield nothing.
at cause hypokalemic periodic paralysis can precipitate occasional attacks of severe hypokalemia an
Precipitate of "red cake", which is hydrous V2O5
A black precipitate of bismuth(III) iodide indicates a positive
emely cool-headed and patient with the more precipitate of the Cherokees around him.
dark red solution followed by a flaky white precipitate of unknown composition.
also used colloquially to refer to a black precipitate of elemental palladium, which forms on deco
is added to a water sample causing a white precipitate of Mn(OH)2 to form.
He noticed that it was a precipitate of calcium sulfate from the seawater that h
co-precipitation is the carrying down by a precipitate of substances normally soluble under the co
ous base such as sodium hydroxide to form a precipitate of Au(OH)3, which will dissolve in excess N
one substance (tracer) is carried down to a precipitate of another substance present in much larger
the solution on pouring into water yields a precipitate of resorufin, C12H7NO3, an oxyphenoxazone,
es will go into solution preferentially and precipitate on larger particles leading to densificatio
Crystals precipitate on the cold surfaces of the screw/discs, fr
It occurs as a hot spring and saline lake precipitate or efflorescence; in differentiated alkalic
d supported on tin dioxide to give a purple precipitate or coloration.
The insoluble compounds precipitate out of the water, while the soluble ones st
The mineral can precipitate out of water and collect in layers at the b
Small crystals of it precipitate out when lactic acid is converted into a le
that some fatty acids, proteins and esters precipitate out so that they are caught on the filter.
Cystine may precipitate out of the urine, if the urine is neutral o
ed with anions such as chloride that do not precipitate out of solution when heated.
boiled to grain (i.e. until sugar crystals precipitate out) in a vacuum pan, forming a low-grade m
The same effect can cause precipitate particles to form at the grain boundaries o
eation to produce a uniform distribution of precipitate particles.
The precipitate produced in this manner, however, often con
nO can be prepared by gentle heating of the precipitate produced by the action of aqueous ammonia o
Pentagalloyl glucose can precipitate proteins including human salivary α-amylase
ng white leather, as a catalyst support, to precipitate proteins and amino acids, and as a pigment
llowed by the addition of sodium cyanide to precipitate pure LT-CuCN as a pale yellow powder.
ts first with CO2 to form calcium carbonate precipitate, reacts next with multivalent cations to re
nesium-based minerals) to form an insoluble precipitate, removing these hardness minerals from the
was followed a few weeks later by Schoepf's precipitate retreat, by order of his superior officer,
The government, displeased by his precipitate return to Brest, dismissed him from command
tries barium carbonate is added to clays to precipitate soluble salts (calcium and magnesium sulfat
ke proline residues) and that is why it can precipitate tannins the same way as proteins do.
al assay based on production of a blue-dyed precipitate that results from the cleavage of the chrom
t reacts with the unknown salt to produce a precipitate that is the hydroxide of the unknown salt.
they can then coalesce to form a flocculent precipitate that is easy to filter.
It is the carbonate moiety which forms the precipitate, the bicarbonate being included to moderate
ic test, which uses a reagent, melamine, to precipitate the cyanuric acid.
Long-term use can precipitate the following effects: negative impact on l
rces seize control of the canal, moves that precipitate the Suez Crisis and the Sinai Campaign.
er than NMe4+, it is either not possible to precipitate the salt (for example with Na+ or K+ cation
ed (to a lower temperature and pressure) to precipitate the mixed sulfides and the fluid is concent
ogistics infrastructure, economic base, and precipitate the military defeat of their armed paramili
80s with the oil bust, in a way that helped precipitate the national savings and loan crisis.
latin that can bind to tannins molecule and precipitate them out as sediments.
The brown precipitate then converts the iodide ion (I-) to iodine
When washed into the ocean, these precipitate to form distinctively textured layers of ca
However, it is difficult to precipitate uranium as phosphate in the presence of exc
ng the two compounds forms a barium sulfate precipitate, which causes turbidity in the solution.
e to its aqueous solution, and an amorphous precipitate which explodes on warming with ammoniacal c
The proportion of components in the precipitate will depend on their solubility products.
emperature of the solution to decrease, the precipitate will contain more of the least soluble subs
halides precipitate with silver, and sulfates precipitate with
cidified solution of Na2CrO4 gives a yellow precipitate with the addition of (CH3COO)2Pb.
Carbonates and phosphates precipitate with silver, and need to be absent to preve
This reaction affords a deep green precipitate with the formula PtCl2(NH3)2.
mes II in Ireland in 1689 and 1690, but his precipitate withdrawal with the cavalry of the left fla
ding on the Kerch Peninsula, as well as its precipitate withdrawal from the peninsula, I hereby dec
omide, the ratio of radium to barium in the precipitate would be higher than the ratio in the solut

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