「Phosphorus」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Phosphorusの意味・解説 > Phosphorusに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 292

The Shocking History of Phosphorus: a biography of the Devil's element.
phosphor copper, is a compound of copper and phosphorus, a phosphide of copper.
copper and tin, with gold, nickel, lead, and phosphorus added to the alloy for tone quality.
No phosphorus added
lfur, lead, bismuth, selenium, tellurium, or phosphorus added.
This is achieved despite a lower zinc and phosphorus additive level as called for by the API CJ-4
ated by light and heat, and samples of white phosphorus almost always contain some red phosphorus an
d in 1943 and consisted of 8 ounces of white phosphorus, an impact fuse and a tin casing.
The phosphorus analog is a phosphinidene.
2,5-alkyl-substituted phospholane rings (the phosphorus analog of THF) connected via a 1,2-phenyl br
It is thus the phosphorus analogue of hydrogen cyanide, with the nitri
l elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, as well as their stable isotopes
Phosphorine with a 0.55 positive charge on phosphorus and pyridine with a -0.67 negative charge on
or by the reduction of chlorphthalazine with phosphorus and hydroiodic acid.
t is the only one having most of its harmful phosphorus and nitrogen nutrient overloads coming from
e Moon-goddess Selene accompanied by perhaps Phosphorus and Hesperus: the corresponding Latin names
While typically limited by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, low levels of carbon dioxide
ored sales, clandestine chemists now use red phosphorus and iodine to generate hydroiodic acid in si
es may similarly be prepared using using red phosphorus and iodine (equivalent to phosphorus triiodi
gedorn as the focus of their drive to remove phosphorus and pesticides from consumer use.
the N (nitrogen), up to 50 percent of the P ( phosphorus) and up to 70 percent of the K (potassium) p
npowder ingredient due to its high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen).
It is a common source of phosphorus and potassium.
ation of elements; almost all of the carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur move to the center of the ingot,
It is a source of phosphorus and potassium.
e studied the chemistry of sulphur, arsenic, phosphorus, and mercury.
ually rock), high nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus), and light (minimum annual irradiance dose
s' reagent is an organic compound containing phosphorus and selenium.
26% decrease in nitrogen, a 46% decrease in phosphorus, and a 35% reduction in sediment, despite ur
lso inhibited by low levels of potassium and phosphorus and a low ratio of calcium/magnesium.
The non-metals phosphorus and the halogens were also not known to earl
a cyclic backbone consisting of alternating phosphorus and nitrogen atoms.
, thorium, samarium, oxygen, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus, and silicon with a chemical formula Na26(Ce
ygenation of nucleophilic nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and selenium atoms in a range of structurall
e at an early stage the Morning Star (called Phosphorus and other names) and the Evening Star (refer
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are also needed in relatively la
n order to obtain such necessary elements as phosphorus and calcium.
loding prematurely, covered him with burning phosphorus, and left him severely wounded.
syl phosphatide refers to a lipid containing phosphorus and a long-chain base.
al Impacts and Benefits of Manure focuses on phosphorus and water quality.
rly investigations were on the allotropes of phosphorus and selenium.
or reporting the elemental mass fractions of phosphorus and potassium.
Increase in phosphorus and copper in the lobster after moulding, Th
Phosphazene bases also contain phosphorus and are, in general, more alkaline than stan
Br3 may be used for the transformation using phosphorus and bromine; PBr3 is formed in situ.
the most efficient method of recycling used phosphorus and returning it to the soil.
on the dials of the clocks was a mixture of phosphorus and radium called Luna.
icularly effective in reducing the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen (nutrients) in water.
metimes partly replaced by a small amount of phosphorus, and in the species libethenite we have the
ound, an HE round, a smoke shell using white phosphorus, and a training round.
The lake receives about 200 kg phosphorus annually of which half comes from surface ru
Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are typically applied to farmland as commer
ine, and only the major minerals calcium and phosphorus are more abundant.
P-Series fuels contain little or no sulfur, phosphorus, aromatics, olefins, or high-boiling-point h
ype BkX are known for the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony.
Rephosphorised steel is steel that contains phosphorus as its main alloying agent.
Thus using White phosphorus as an Incendiary device is not forbidden by
he U.S. military admitted that it used white phosphorus as an anti-personnel weapon in Fallujah.
, formed by the action of hydriodic acid and phosphorus at 180 °C or by hydrogenation of the mixture
approximately 1200 ppm of zinc and 1100 ppm phosphorus at the time of manufacture.)
The phosphorus atom has an nuclear magnetic resonance chemi
The phosphorus atom has an NMR chemical shift of about +100
on takes place at the nitrogen atom, not the phosphorus atom to which the nitrogen is double-bonded.
Nucleophiles, however, attack the phosphorus atom of phosphorine, producing λ4-phosphorin
Two hydrogens are attached directly to the phosphorus atom.
he P represent the lone electron pair of the phosphorus atom.
s an indication for the hybridisation of the phosphorus atom.
In DuPhos the phosphorus atoms are electron-rich making the resulting
samples are commonly coated with white "(di) phosphorus pentoxide", which consists of P4O10 tetrahed
The phosphorus atoms also introduce a kind of pseudo-chiral
gested that schreibersite and other meteoric phosphorus bearing minerals may be the ultimate source
at wash into the water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, blamed for a number of water-related troubl
al heteroatoms are nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, boron, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
high precision copper plates and strips, tin phosphorus bronze plates and strips, brass plates and s
January 12 it was reported that more than 50 phosphorus burns victims were in Nasser Hospital.
ssures are usually required to produce black phosphorus, but it can also be produced at ambient cond
action is of course the Wittig reaction (for phosphorus) but there are more.
A terminal oxygen connected to phosphorus by a double bond, i.e. a phosphoryl group
Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25% in addition to stimulating of the pla
mprovement plan was implemented to lower the phosphorus by 37 percent.
With this method, nitrogen and phosphorus can be selectively detected with a sensitivi
the factors that modulates global cycles of phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen.
ting a 1-iodobutane solution of PI3 with red phosphorus causes reduction to P2I4.
These compounds feature a tetrahedral phosphorus center including a phosphorus carbon double
phite ion (PO33−) is a polyatomic ion with a phosphorus central atom where phosphorus has an oxidati
Phosphorus chains (with organic substituents) have been
In the presence of nitrogen or phosphorus combustion products exiting the column, the
North-Western Phosphorus Company (NWPC) was established by the Group
Cl3 is a strong oxidizing agent, whereas the phosphorus compound is not.
High amounts of phosphorus compounds causes dense Reed in the shallow b
The A&W Group now controlled production of phosphorus compounds by both important manufacturing ro
igand or coordination to nitrogen, oxygen or phosphorus containing ligands, although stabilization c
Phosphorus contains a rare oxidation state of +2 in thi
for pollution in the river, most notoriously phosphorus contamination by sewage and poultry farm run
reen algae in 1993 caused by low water, high phosphorus content, and hot weather.
White phosphorus continued in production at Oldbury until 197
Detergents containing phosphorus contribute together with other sources of ph
Phosphorus, copper(I) phosphide - used in production of
rated to the Royal Air Force how their white phosphorus could be used to ignite incendiary bombs.
y (in this case the identity of Hesperus and Phosphorus) could be discoverable rather than known a p
This reaction is integral in the global phosphorus cycle.
The reduction in phosphorus demand is also important due to peak phospho
breaks have been shown to reduce the rate of phosphorus depletion from farmland.
physiological stresses, such as nitrogen and phosphorus depletion due to competition with the enviro
by injecting infected mice with radioactive phosphorus derived from the cyclotron invented by his b
The nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) is a form of gas chromatograp
00 °C, gallium phosphide dissociates and the phosphorus escapes as a gas.
ht constituents of lipids (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) offer little contrast compared to wat
When PAOs grow they not only consume phosphorus for cellar components but also accumulate la
Inorganic phosphates are mined to obtain phosphorus for use in agriculture and industry.
Sulfur and phosphorus form the largest range of peroxy acids, incl
the naturally occurring form of the element phosphorus, found in many phosphate minerals.
Thus, the phosphorus fraction of phosphorus accumulating biomass
iries have been negligent in allowing excess phosphorus from cattle waste to enter the river in larg
The chemical works produced white phosphorus from phosphate rock imported, through the do
ution of soil, water and air by nitrogen and phosphorus from fertiliser used for feed-crops and from
rogen in the runoff, and at least 65% of the phosphorus from the fertilizer application.
White phosphorus gradually changes to red phosphorus.
ting as a helicopter crewmember when a white phosphorus grenade exploded inside the aircraft.
The No. 77 Grenade was a British white phosphorus grenade used during the Second World War.
rried were usually one HE grenade, one white phosphorus grenade, a smoke grenade, one or two rifle g
alone, he hurled deadly demolition and white phosphorus grenades into the emplacement, killing 2 of
o trap the occupying troops, he hurled white phosphorus grenades and explosive charges brought up by
d that tell tale smoke associated with white phosphorus had been seen in areas of a shelling.
soil and as such methods to recycle the lost phosphorus have also been proposed.
High levels of phosphorus have been recorded in the outflow.
and far less efficient methods of recycling phosphorus have also been proposed.
High levels of phosphorus have been recorded during late winters and s
id phosphatase activity, helping to mobilise phosphorus in nutrient-deficient soils.
g, all bacteria contain a fraction (1-2%) of phosphorus in their biomass due to the its presence in
fers), this must be prevented by holding the phosphorus in with a blanket of molten boric oxide in i
ed his painting of The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus in 1771.
Phosphites contain phosphorus in its +3 oxidation state and are therefore
are the compounds containing this ion, with phosphorus in oxidation state +1, or similar covalent o
supplies soil with the elements nitrogen and phosphorus in a form which is usable by plants.
Since the Enviropigs excrete less phosphorus in the manure, there is less opportunity for
ed markers are 32P (a radioactive isotope of phosphorus incorporated into the phosphodiester bond in
of copper phosphide is also used in cases of phosphorus ingestion, when gastric lavage with copper s
lso responsible for about 80 per cent of the phosphorus input.
e nutrients in the wastewater, they grow and phosphorus is incorporated into the bacterial biomass.
Elemental phosphorus is the base for furnace-grade phosphoric aci
Phosphorus is discovered by Hennig Brand.
Pentavalent phosphorus is not compatible with the octet rule, but p
by the EBPR configuration, considerably more phosphorus is removed, compared to the relatively poor
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient and therefore is a
The oldest method of recycling phosphorus is through the use of animal and human manur
White phosphorus is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon
Because of pyrophoricity, white phosphorus is used as an additive in napalm.
The phosphorus is connected to a phenyl group and two methy
sphate within their cells and the removal of phosphorus is said to be enhanced.
treated water at end of the process and the phosphorus is thus removed.
White phosphorus is the least stable, the most reactive, more
Phosphorus is commonly found in organic compounds and c
n established standards for the nitrogen and phosphorus levels for agricultural, industrial, and hou
g ban, metal content otherwise being low and phosphorus levels moderate.
phosphorus levels in the muck were 5.1 mg/L.
ferentially to soft bases such as sulfur and phosphorus ligands.
xpanse with plentiful air, its own ocean and phosphorus light.
onditions linked particularly with increased phosphorus loading.
ecause the HOMO of phosphaalkenes is not the phosphorus lone pair (as in imines the amine lone pair)
for some variation in amounts of sulfur and phosphorus, long before the polymer nature of proteins
e were also found these minerals: chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium
Whole hempseeds are also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese.
ated levels of sediment, bacteria, nitrates, phosphorus, mercury, PCBs, and pesticides, contributed
Cycling of Nitrogen, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Mercury, Calcium, and Carbon, and effects o
e hormone participates in calcium (Ca2+) and phosphorus metabolism.
yanion is tetrahedral (Tl4)8− similar to the phosphorus molecule P4.
place in the Northern Hemisphere where white phosphorus munitions are filled.
nuary 16 the UNRWA headquarters was hit with phosphorus munitions.
eveals the formula consisting of "manganese, phosphorus nitrate, lactic acid and dextrose".
en demand (BOD), temperature, pH, turbidity, phosphorus, nitrates, total suspended solids, conductiv
lack of macro elements such as phosphorus, nitrogen, trace elements, or lack of oxygen
ken in the area showed significant levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, and metals; a situation explained
nealed, so that dopant atoms, usually boron, phosphorus or arsenic, can diffuse into substitutional
xidoreductases, specifically those acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donor with other acceptors.
alumina trihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, red phosphorus, or ammonium polyphosphate.
xidoreductases, specifically those acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donor with NAD+ or NADP+ as ac
two states, with Arkansas agreeing to reduce phosphorus output from its waste water treatment plants
Reaction of that intermediate with phosphorus oxychloride leads to the chlorination of the
-Haack reaction with N-methylformanilide and phosphorus oxychloride to the formyl 4 and in a Mannich
an and Walls in 1931, replacing the metal by phosphorus oxychloride and using nitrobenzene as a reac
hlorinated with a chlorinating agent such as phosphorus oxychloride, followed by removal of the acet
On treatment with phosphorus oxychloride, it yields a chlorphthalazine, w
ch cyclizes into the desired medazepam using phosphorus oxychloride.
al with elements iron, manganese, aluminium, phosphorus, oxygen and hydrogen.
t allows interactions with Asp 84, Val 94, a phosphorus oxygen, and three water molecules.
Phosphorus pentabromide is a reactive, yellow solid of
Phosphorus pentachloride
ammonia, phosphine and phosphorus pentachloride are known.
he parent acid and other chlorinating agents phosphorus pentachloride or thionyl chloride.
Long digestion of the acid with excess of phosphorus pentachloride results in the formation of th
oxycinnoline, melting at 225 °C, which with phosphorus pentachloride gives chlorcinnolin.
oduced by the reaction of alkali iodide with phosphorus pentachloride in the solvent methyl iodide.
Phosphorus pentachloride also forms POCl3 by reaction w
Thiocarbanilide reacts with phosphorus pentachloride or hydrochloric acid, dilute s
It reacts with thionyl chloride or phosphorus pentachloride to give the maleic acid chlori
-19th century by reacting molten sodium with phosphorus pentachloride.
Phosphorus pentafluoride, PF5
lso invoked for the closely related molecule phosphorus pentafluoride.
Phosphorus pentaiodide is an unstable compound with for

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