「PRINCIPLES」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > PRINCIPLESの意味・解説 > PRINCIPLESに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 1939

Its artistic approach reconciles two principles: a respect for the musical technique of the
onstitutional is a triumph of the democratic principles, a stinging negation of dictatorship and is
foreword for the book Neo-Conned!: Just War Principles a Condemnation of War in Iraq, by John Sharp
rom S-expressions, coupled with some general principles about use and extensibility.
hin the jurisdiction of this Court under the principles above mentioned is established by the analog
The seven principles above are proposed for investigation.
Principles above party.
ARS based programming is built on three principles: Abstraction, Reference and Synthesis.
ry dynamics is the study of the mathematical principles according to which life has evolved and cont
The Rochdale Principles according to the 1995 ICA revision are detai
eplaced wooden ones, the Society relaxed its principles accordingly.
its bid to defeat the radical Declaration of Principles adopted in Detroit in referendum balloting o
nding signatory of the Henry Jackson Society principles, advocating a proactive approach to the spre
Hovever the Principle 17 of The Yogyakarta Principles affirm that "States shall (g) facilitate acc
mmons, fighting for his High Church and Tory principles against Sir Robert Walpole.
the Classical style and miscellaneous modern principles aimed at widespread music education (limited
of the Human Rights Policy and the Voluntary Principles, along with the risk assessment and training
While such principles already exist in mainstream Chen style the H
The Madrid Principles also envision the demilitarization and demin
ts to standardise the use of Islamic Finance principles amongst Western Muslims.
ducing How Andrew Jackson Applied Democratic Principles; An Address ... in 1927.
pans of time was also a central theme in the Principles, and a powerful influence on the young Charl
thcare handbook: Microcarrier cell culture - principles and methods
Principles and Practice of Aviation Medicine, Williams
It was based on cartesian principles and allowed them to accurately and reproduct
4. It is anchored by a mission, statement of principles, and commitments by participants towards liv
She learned religious principles and to read and write.
tionally recognised system of organizational principles and structure used to manage wildfires and o
J. N. Reddy, Energy Principles and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics
were put the most use in presenting eugenic principles and racial theories; this included explanati
The Principles and the Practice of Art (1845)
Buckminster Fuller Geodesic domes and their principles and then designed and manufactured the first
hey hear anything is based on good Christian principles and focuses on the positive.
y its members as a living tradition, and the principles and purposes have been modified over time to
ard or friendship of one who sensed his high principles and genuine worth.
7; and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice, 4th Ed, 2005 (both Lippincott)
(house) in kerala is made according to these principles and those laid down by the Natya Shastra.
ividuals as the concrete embodiment of moral principles and ideals; and "Ethical Argumentation" (198
ron laser (and xaser) that work on different principles and which electrons are highly relativistic.
on the subject of war, and to cultivate the principles and spirit of peace."
y incorporated the Mahlabatini Declaration's principles and called for universal franchise and for e
ton began developing and sharing the central principles and techniques underlying psychosophy in 198
spent large sums of money in support of Whig principles, and was rewarded on his party's triumph by
hereditary principles and defending the idea of absolute sovereign
"The Promise of Public-Private Partnerships: Principles and Proposals for the Next President."
Emergency Nursing Care: Principles and Practice (2003; co-editor, along with Ru
This again is no surprise for Essex's high principles and sense of personal integrity, and probabl
The social inefficacy of the principles and rules of article 225 of the Federal Cons
mes in Euston and Vauxhall and agreed common principles and to not to stand against each other.
Principles and Objectives, in Conservation of Clocks an
Principles and Rules of the Gospel (London, 1718
OPE is generally guided by social-democratic principles, and has a long history of championing issue
Besides guiding the growth, principles, and philosophy of the Honors College, Stewa
He developed basic principles and created advanced tools necessary for the
Know and apply the principles and techniques involved in the employment of
tems and Brain Sciences is to understand the principles and mechanisms underlying complex behavior o
on specific provisions of the Twenty Guiding Principles and associated provisions of the Criminal La
Using federally approved cost sharing principles and cost reimbursable accounting practices,
it included - along with its declaration of principles and its membership stats - an editorial comm
sia in accordance with the members Christian principles and the Slavophile views that gained popular
economy to enhance the search for universal principles and parameters.
on had merely paid "lipservice" to important principles and had used a test that "has no foundation
Notes on the Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches (1857)
Confucian ethics, promulgating gahun (family principles) and hyangyak (village creed).
Volume 5, entitled “The Principles and Practice of Ornamental or Complex Turnin
The participants agreed on basic principles and framework for the constitution
to a more advanced time sharing environment, principles and experience from this project loosely inf
elopment of character in accordance with the principles and ideals of Christianity.
ey-based Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play, a group which addressed the p
Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications (2003, with Joshua Farley)
He was known to stand by his principles and objected to play for the national squad
da, authoring the Palestinian Declaration of Principles and working to strengthen the Fatah movement
heory based on then-prevailing electrostatic principles) and the theory of chemical action.
-chemistry teaching assistants that reviewed principles and certified their ability to adequately fu
d ordinance and temple-related doctrines and principles, and have increasingly moved toward a more "
Principles and Problems in Physical Chemistry for Bioch
policies, contrast conservative and liberal principles, and highlight the damage caused by Obama's
scientist to describe nature with axioms (or principles) and then to deduce new results from them.
It relies on basic engineering principles and the accumulated experience of offshore o
Goad's volume consisted of principles and rules forecasting weather astrologically
The Clave matrix; Afro-Cuban Rhythm: its principles and African origins.
It was run on traditional Jain principles and here he came in contact with Jain schola
r should be conducted in accordance with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Na
ur Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998),
in the zoo and aquarium community to see the principles and practices of animal management adopted i
e developed in historic Spain, incorporating principles and elements of garden design from precedent
Principles and Management of Surgical Infections (Lippi
conservatism and a defender of 'monarchical principles' and favoured upholding the monarchy and opp
s pointing out similitudes between Darwinian principles and consumer behaviour.
garnered attention for her Text-Book of the Principles and Practice of Nursing (published by Macmil
building on the Administration's articulated principles and the framework set forth in the Energy Em
where no questions are asked as to political principles, and no money required".
, he was attracted by Periyar E. V. Ramasamy principles and joined the students political wing of Dr
he Latin one (see Etruscan alphabet), or the principles and architecture rules of their decimal nume
"The Principles and Applications of the Moving Pictures (Exc
, so that learning is soundly rooted in true principles, and shines its light along all the paths of
West of today still operates on many of the principles and cultural relationships begun so long ago
ideal community, Islamic ethical and social principles and the relationship between the individual
equally capable product based on open source principles and development that offered dramatic cost s
Robinson, Ezekiel G. (1888), Principles and Practice of Morality; or, Ethical Princi
independent charities, but work on the same principles and systems.
th an opportunity to actively support Orange Principles and the exercise of benevolent activities.
nded by Dr. Alan Keyes to advocate the basic principles and core values of the conservative movement
is "An Australian Grammar: comprehending the principles and natural rules of the language, as spoken
te Pope, it followed Wright's Usonian design principles and was completed in 1941.
ntial movements advocated “the adjustment of principles and doctrines to the human conditions they a
He had a very thorough knowledge of the principles and history of art, and was a brilliant conv
iteracy, promote understanding of democratic principles and strengthen civic participation.
However, he developed his own principles and fell out with Martin Luther over the euc
Stanley's teachings are based on Biblical principles and life application lessons.
ires "Loyalty to our country, its democratic principles and our Sovereign as Head of State".
led by Beck, and signed the 9-12 contract of principles and values.
niversal spiritual order, or from the common principles and mutual engagements of unselfish people.
roposed changes to the Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards in Canada.
It is a statement of basic ethical principles and guidelines that should assist in resolvi
enth century a valuable organ of Evangelical principles and work.
tutes a grave violation that goes beyond all principles and human values and it contravenes with the
. Szuba and J. D. Kloss, he edited Insomnia: Principles and Management, Cambridge University Press,
Leach, Andrew (2001) Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications (2nd edition), Prentice Hal
an inefficient partisan in the struggle for principles; and as a change will undoubtedly be made of
Maoism) but followed Soviet Marxist Leninist principles and enjoyed close relationship with local pe
derable philanthropist with strong Christian principles, and was considered "too conscientious for a
h he became Senior Researcher in Programming Principles and Tools for Microsoft.
spective (1712) he explained is mathematical principles; and anticipated the method afterwards elabo
production is grown according to biodynamic principles and Anselme is considered a pioneer of biody
He followed Quaker principles and always insisted on the highest quality.
he first modern tragedy written on classical principles, and along with Sperone Speroni's Canace, wa
teering committee members, and commit to the principles and values of the organization
tween operations, thus implementing dataflow principles and architecture.
athology of Blood: A Treatise on the General Principles and Special Applications of Hematology.
rations; and to disseminate knowledge of the principles and practice of pathology in relation to med
ence in Christian Education” and upholds the principles and values of the Seventh-day Adventist Chur
esign in agricultural research including The principles and practice of agricultural research, publi
m of speech and freedom of religion as basic principles, and also prohibited religious and racial di
ed a Christian life according to High Church principles and the Book of Common Prayer.
He discovered that the principles and practice of historic Christianity was re
in-depth critical reflection on fundamental principles and values.
in 1871, returned to his early conservative principles, and was a member of Alfonso XII's first cab
ircumstance in which Turkey was, and guiding principles and promised actions of the party.
ication of chemical engineering construction principles and for service to the profession."
at is urgent and a priority is to change the principles and rules of the political game.
neyards were maintained according to organic principles and have been converted to biodynamic method
In 1843, he was appointed professor of the principles and practice of medicine and became head of
al analysis, it incorporates social learning principles and considers the social and emotional conse
him to rethink and reformulate his theistic principles and conclusions, especially as to the forms
"Boss" Quay's political principles and actions stood in contrast to an unusuall
t draws on established judge-made common law principles and converts them into a more accessible sta
provide the theoretical foundation, culinary principles and technical skills based on traditions of
ith the help of cognitive-behavioral therapy principles and in 1994 founded Moderation Management as
Sustainable site design principles and low impact design techniques were used d
ertake graduate study of the roots, framing, principles, and development of the Constitution of the
usinessmen - some trying to stick to the old principles and going bankrupt, others speculating on st
Bangor's pamphlet A Preservative against the Principles and Practices of Non-Jurors, both in Church
d Anwendungen der Informationstheorie (Basic Principles and Applications of Communication Theory).
hip, working together 'to hold fast to basic principles and values and to exert influence to preserv
Hazard taught Thacher the Oxford Group principles and the idea that a conversion was needed be
Congregational Dissenters, of strict Puritan principles, and he continued in that sect until his twe
Shivaram Karanth was influenced by Gandhi's principles and took part in Indian Independence movemen
Thus he continually refers to first principles, and he develops his legal doctrines as a sy
ing algorithm is based both on behavioristic principles and on psychoanalytical theories of personal
meet soft law: the Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles and the prospects for peace: a response to K
Tony Robbins promotes the Fit for Life principles and veganism to increase energy levels in hi
native son whose devotion to constitutional principles and human dignity won him the confidence and
rticularly in the field of fine arts, in the principles and practice of art and design in their rela
hoice ideology as inconsistent with feminist principles and as a pandering to a male system devised
ially through the development to its theory, principles, and techniques.
is unusual family, their traditional Chinese principles, and own Christian beliefs and values." 2
ated that justice should be based on law and principles and not instinct and emotions.
nnovative research, combining strict ethical principles and scientific excellence.
deemed a virtual retraction of his Socialist principles, and which implied that his status as a citi
those specified for middle school in NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
-founding the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, and the special interest groups on performa
The Art of memory, a group of mnemonic principles and techniques used to organize memory impre
Principles and applications of wave-guide transmission,
ai was a strict follower of Mahatma Gandhi's principles and a moralist.
letely anticipated me as regards the general principles and method of the theory of Economics.
hide the author's lack of grasp on Christian principles and his almost utter ignorance of Scripture.
He had his own values and principles and always lived by them.
in a real sense, an art, and that it has its principles and evidence.
e platform for later scholars to explore the principles and evolution of Chinese architecture, and a
He became Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine at the Women's Medi
ne of absolute sovereignty, that "the rules, principles and precedents of international law impose n
The school is run on Christian principles and has lived up to its motto during the pas
hun Kung Fu.It builds upon many of the basic principles and techniques learned in the first Wing Chu
and physical potential, to live by Christian principles, and to contribute as valued members of thei
ent of OpenXPS and PDF resulted in different principles and design tradeoffs between the file format
erative surgery in 1870 and professor of the principles and practice of surgery in the following yea
rican Development Community (SADC) protocol ' Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Election
The scope is standardization of principles and methods relating to the annotation of te
The philosophic principles and religious deductions of dean Mansel he d
irst edition of William Osler's textbook The Principles and Practice of Medicine, designed for the u
tween actual responsibilities to self, one's principles, and others (possibly including God).
ad ceased to be seen as the voice of general principles and had become largely bureaucratic.
haut, R. 1977, "Eco-Toxicology - Objectives, Principles and Perspectives", Ecotoxicology and Environ
largely characterised by its affinity to the principles and objectives of nonviolent humanistic soci
priate fire regime is often at odds with the principles and goals of bushfire management, which aims
SBUL (Kaderisasi Sebulan), on strict ascetic principles and with some excessive punishments.
Declaration of principles and constitution of the Workers Party of the

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