「POSTERIOR」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





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該当件数 : 570

Posterior abdominal wall, after removal of the periton
Diagram of a transverse section of the posterior abdominal wall, to show the disposition of t
This binds the large intestine to the posterior abdominal wall.
shell at the border of this area, where the posterior adductor is attached.
specially along the Mexican coast; the large posterior adductor is similar to the meat of the scall
rogression in development occurs anterior to posterior along the ovariole.
Aristotle's posterior analytics is a definitive exposition of the
Aristotle's Posterior Analytics defends the ideal of science as ne
Posterior Analytics (translation and commentary on Ari
His notes on the Posterior Analytics, generally Thomist, were used by G
nt is covered by the tendons of the Tibialis posterior and Flexor digitorum longus.
They have no fovea, and the posterior and median spinnerets are reduced.
It is reddish with lighter areas in the posterior and a white underbelly.
and, like all other vertebral joints, by the posterior and anterior longitudinal ligaments, the lig
a minimum of 1.3 centimetres (0.51 in) just posterior) and contains the first four pairs of teeth,
The anterior, posterior, and septal papillary muscles of the right v
Hind wing is shaded toward the posterior and outer half by dusky brown and has a post
Together with the anterior, posterior, and intercornual sacrococcygeal ligaments,
It is divided into posterior and anterior parts.
is usually found in body folds, such as the posterior and lateral folds of the neck, the axilla, g
hich gives attachment to the Dilatator naris posterior and ends below in a pointed process, which w
While the posterior and lateral fontanelles are obliterated by a
bials; mental large, broadly triangular, its posterior angle truncated; small chin-shields passing
The posterior angle is the deepest.
nsor retinaculum (dorsal carpal ligament, or posterior annular ligament) is an anatomical term for
It attaches to the posterior area of the lateral meniscus and crosses sup
ally uniform, in some slightly paler along a posterior area from base outwards on the fore wing.
meral artery), considerably smaller than the posterior, arises nearly opposite it, from the lateral
It is also found more in posterior as opposed to anterior regions of the oral c
mporal arteries, two in number, anterior and posterior, ascend between the Temporalis and the peric
riangular fibrous band that crosses from the posterior aspect of the tympanic notch to the head or
It arises from the posterior aspect of the lateral meniscus and passes su
The posterior aspect of the rectum exposed by removing the
f medulla spinalis and hind- and mid-brains; posterior aspect, exposed in situ.
The auricular branch of posterior auricular artery ascends behind the ear, ben
The Posterior auricular ligament crosses from the eminence
oid lymph nodes (retroauricular lymph nodes, posterior auricular glands), usually two in number, ar
membrane with the stylomastoid branch of the posterior auricular, and anastomosing with the artery
f the external meatus, anastomosing with the posterior auricular.
segments beyond the first have anterior and posterior bands of hairs.
posterior basal
It is the posterior belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle.
on features are a narrow/high-arched palate, posterior bilateral crossbite, hypodontia (missing som
s that the South Georgia Diving-petrel has a posterior black line down the tarsi.
, normally with two anterior stripes and one posterior black stripe.
nt and size of the spines on the back of the posterior body segment (metasome).
presence of spines on the dorsal part of the posterior body segment (metasome).
d adaptive process that adjusts according to posterior body growth.
absence of spines on the dorsal part of the posterior body segment (metasome).
and third cervical nerves, winds around the posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus, and, a
he lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the posterior border of the ulna, and crosses the forearm
the surface behind this nearly as far as the posterior border and from the inferior cornu.
er border; below, to the lateral surface and posterior border of the neck of the mandible.
border of the ramus of the mandible with the posterior border is the angle of the mandible, which m
iac and pyloric orifices, forms the right or posterior border of the stomach.
rocess of the temporal bone to the angle and posterior border of the angle of the mandible, between
ry) is a round elastic cord, which forms the posterior border of the hyothyroid membrane and passes
Its posterior border is concave and forms the anterior bou
ressed hind limb reaches the tympanum or the posterior border of the orbit; fourth finger slightly
ening for the carotid canal and close to its posterior border, in front of the jugular fossa, is a
ttached, above, to the apex and anterior and posterior borders of the medial malleolus.
of the sphenoid; it is limited behind by the posterior borders of the small wings of the sphenoid a
Its lacks arcuate cylindrical pads on the posterior bothridial margins.
It forms the posterior boundary of the talocalcaneonavicular joint,
It is classified as a muscle of the posterior brachium.
t has been demonstrated by the course of the posterior branch of obturator nerve that the obturator
The posterior branch (ramus posterior; mastoid branch) sup
Each intercostal gives off a posterior branch which goes to the posterior vertebral
h by passing in front of the muscle, and the posterior branch by piercing it.
costocervical trunk, and is analogous to the posterior branch of an aortic intercostal artery: occa
ores, and Gracilis, and anastomoses with the posterior branch and with the medial femoral circumfle
The posterior branch communicates with the smaller occipit
, in a groove, common to it and the Tibialis posterior, but separated from the latter by a fibrous
ral artery, which is making a loop above the posterior C1 ring to enter the foramen magnum.
Slit lamp photo of posterior capsular opacification visible a few months
a complication of cataract surgery known as posterior capsular opacification.
Slit lamp photo of posterior capsular opacification visible few months af
d blood from the body then flows through the posterior cardinal veins and enters the posterior card
e dorsal carpal arch (dorsal carpal network, posterior carpal arch) is an anatomical term for the c
The posterior carpometacarpal ligament consists of a serie
nout, containing the maxilla with teeth, the posterior caudodorsal ramus of the premaxilla and part
nteriorly will become the otolith, while the posterior cell will form the ocellus.
l rays are 6-10, three of them attach to the posterior ceratohyal (epihyal).
Recent research on the posterior cerebellar vermis indicates that this partic
ar arteries arise from the P1 segment of the Posterior cerebral artery.
material consists of "an anterior dorsal or posterior cervical vertebra; a dorsal neural arch; a p
m nuchae was found to be continuous with the posterior cervical spinal dura and the lateral portion
The primary exercises for developing the posterior chain are the Olympic lifts, squat, good-mor
The posterior chain is a group of muscles, tendons and lig
e the aqueous humor, it first flows into the posterior chamber (bounded by the lens and the iris).
y of theories as to the meaning of different posterior characteristics.
r of the snake (towards the tail) are called posterior chin shields.
s in contact with the anterior chin-shields: posterior chin-shields small.
The short posterior ciliary arteries from six to twelve in numbe
The long posterior ciliary arteries, two in number, pierce the
hoanozoa have been described as possessing a posterior cilium.
Examination of neurons in the posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortices by elec
development of neuronal vacuolization in the posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex.
It at first ascends toward the posterior clinoid process, then passes forward by the
of the latter arranged two subcostal and two posterior close to the tornal angle; beyond these is a
is sensory information is transmitted by the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway of the spina
labiorum pudendi (aka the fourchette or the posterior commissure of the labia minora) is a frenulu
rior to the prepuse of the clitoris, and the posterior commissure of the labia majora, directly pos
The interval between the posterior commissure of the labia majora and the anus,
hich there are four-the anterior commissure, posterior commissure, corpus callosum, and habenular c
connecting skin between them, they form the posterior commisure of the labia majora or posterior b
Posterior compartment of the forearm
n, where it is required for the formation of posterior compartments.
d therefore be paralyzed in an injury to the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
two in front close together, and one in each posterior corner.
They have two luminescent spots at the posterior corners of the pronotum, and another ventral
along the lateral walls of the inferior and posterior cornua of the lateral ventricle.
Central part and anterior and posterior cornua of lateral ventricles exposed from ab
eral toothlike appendage at the base of each posterior corolla lobe.
leaves, and the cuneate, obtuse, and unlobed posterior corolla lobes.
cian to attribute the vision function to the posterior cortex.
Posterior costotransverse
Side may refer to side branches on the posterior crest of the upper molars which separated Pa
(Their action is antagonistic to that of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles.)
Not to be confused with the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles, which are the only m
The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles receive innervation f
Paralysis of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles may lead to asphyxiat
Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles are extremely small,
Surgery to repair the Posterior Cruciate ligament is controversial due to it
over a blocker, causing partial tears of his posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and medial collatera
team, but on 19 November 2001, Appleton tore posterior cruciate ligaments in his right knee, after
s on September 15, 2008, but suffered a torn posterior cruciate ligament as the team was preparing
ollateral ligament and both his anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments in his right knee against
The anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament are the major stabilizing
is structure serves to attach and arrest the posterior cruciate ligament, which in turn prevents th
An additional test of posterior cruciate ligament injury is the posterior sa
intervenes between the superficial and deep posterior crural muscles.
fairly straight, just widening at anterior, posterior curved.
the type species in possessing an accessory posterior cusp on the lower postcanines.
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm (pink) - labeled
The 5th interstice has similar tubercle on posterior declivity.
cuff, Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Posterior Deltoids (delts), Extensors, Serratus Anteri
mus, erector spinae muscle group, trapezius, posterior deltoids, and so on.
It prevents posterior displacement of the mandible and prevents th
his corresponds to the expected value of the posterior distribution, using a Dirichlet distribution
istribution of the cutaneous branches of the posterior divisions of the spinal nerves.
istribution of the cutaneous branches of the posterior divisions of the spinal nerves.
eristics) of Delapparentia were established: posterior dorsal ribs with long, parallel and unfused
The posterior drawer test is one of the tests used by doct
re nine, very shallow indentations along the posterior edge of the test.
ht angled lizard", referring to the straight posterior edge of its type tooth) was a genus of thero
tically have a single small pale spot at the posterior edge of the mesonotum, and the femora and tr
of the tribe Otothyrini having serrae on the posterior edge of the pectoral fin spine.
The anterior edge is called the base and posterior edge is called the apex or margin.
he indentations may remain restricted to the posterior edge, or they may reach to the anterior edge
ed test, and indentations starting along the posterior edge.
e longitudinal stripes, running from eyes to posterior edge.
p of the spine, as well as serrations on the posterior edge.
rinate telson broadly trigonal with serrated posterior edges and followed by a long flat median ste
us, which were serrated on both anterior and posterior edges.
The posterior end of the foot in this species can act as a
The posterior end is curved toward the ventral side with a
halamus of the diencephalon, situated at the posterior end of the thalamus, on its upper surface.
lum to blend with the circular fibers at the posterior end of the joint capsule and attach at the i
The notch at the posterior end of the aperture is called the anal notch
d attached to the superficial mucosa and its posterior end extended to the cecal lumen where it con
long, elongated, tapering to a point at the posterior end and often slightly curved, somewhat rese
The anterior end is narrower than the posterior end in most of these worms, and the esophagu
btain a power up, a small orb appears at the posterior end of your ship.
ng, feeler-like cerci that extended from the posterior end of the body, and two claw-like appendage
ing from one another, each curves around the posterior end of the thalamus, and passes downward and
n is a ciliated pit or groove present at the posterior end of the prostomium of annelid worms, and
ts trunk, with the telson jutting out of the posterior end of the carapace, and the eyes, antennae,
a defensive behaviour in that it raises the posterior end of its body and sways from side to side
Shell showing posterior end, with spire and protoconch, and right si
or apple shape with a stalk arising from the posterior end, and has a single, long, ribbon-like, ap
dark brown with a short white median line at posterior end, tegulae shining dark brown, narrowly li
1.8 mm wide, with the greatest width at the posterior end.
look like whips with wider "handles" at the posterior end.
ntral anus situated a little in front of the posterior end.
at widest point from the anterior end to the posterior end.
e bands overlapped with the next band at the posterior end.
g, dark caudal bristles which arise from the posterior end.
sockets aon ventral surface of parasphenoid posterior end.
linder with a tapered anterior end and blunt posterior end.
look like whips with wider "handles" at the posterior end.
The larvae have ten hooks on posterior end.
cent, only faintly defined near costa and at posterior end; terminal black band and terminal lunule
broadly adnate to the septa ventrally at the posterior ends of the segments and dorsally at the ant
For nonlinear problems, EnKF can create posterior ensemble with non-physical states.
The posterior escal appendage is broad and laterally compr
nco's death was an instrumental step for the posterior establishment of democracy, by eliminating F
re the internal openings of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina; the anterior, situated a
s protuberance may take the form of a simple posterior extension of the caput, a low.set
Obtusely notched with wide dorsal posterior extension.
There is a single posterior extension.
There are also two posterior extensions which project into the post-coelo
The anterior and the posterior extremities are rostrate, with well develope
The supralabial at the posterior eye is highly arched around the back of the
us articulation (concave anterior and convex posterior faces) of more derived crocodyliforms.
anterior facial vein usually unites with the posterior facial vein to form the common facial vein,
Muscles of the gluteal and posterior femoral regions.
stent tunica vasculosa lentis and persistent posterior fetal fibrovascular sheath of the lens), pur
bers of the muscle of the opposite side; the posterior fibers cross the mandible, some being insert

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