「Lamprey」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 55

As with all lamprey adults die after spawning.
Brook lamprey ammocoetes live in soft sandy/mud for a numbe
View preserved sea lamprey and trout.
That doesn't immediately kill the lamprey and Willow quickly shoves it into the meat gr
On 28 May Lamprey and Blueback (SS-326) closed for a coordinate
When they first hatch, young lamprey are called ammocoetes.
Brook lamprey are only found in clear, cold brooks and smal
Pacific lamprey are dark blue or brown in color and grow to a
Louisiana Waterthrush and the Northern Brook Lamprey, as well as the nationally threatened Jeffers
rom the ammocoete into the juvenile stage the lamprey becomes a silver with dark gray countershadin
Adult brook lamprey cannot eat, since they have a nonfunctional i
The Caspian lamprey, Caspiomyzon wagneri, is a species of lamprey
Lamprey construct a nest (redd) in small gravel and f
ment research and recommendations and for sea lamprey control for the Great Lakes fisheries.
Lamprey departed Subic Bay 31 August and moored in Sa
Adult brook lamprey do not feed and they spawn close to the soft
man/lamprey and uses a large blade to cut the lamprey from the woman's body.
tem,and 2) it is the smallest known parasitic lamprey in the world.
Lampetra aepyptera (Least brook lamprey) is a common non-parasitic lamprey distribute
This lamprey is the most common north European species and
Mordacia lapicida, also known as the Chilean Lamprey, is a species of fish in the Petromyzontidae
The silver lamprey is an eel-like fish with an attenuate body co
ve speciation of a dwarf parasitic species of lamprey is a potential new and exciting area of resea
The silver lamprey is commonly found along the Great Lakes and i
Lamprey juveniles (ammocoetes) live in fresh water fo
The ammocoetes ( lamprey larvae) remain in fresh water until metamorph
ence of phylogeny, however, suggests that the lamprey lineage diverged much earlier from other vert
e as ammocoetes or larvae, the American brook lamprey metamorphoses into a brown cylinder, almost 8
The short-headed lamprey, Mordacia mordax, also known as the Australia
includes salmon, trout, otters, twaite, shad, lamprey, perch, sea trout, chub, dace and roach as we
Ciona intestinalis and Oikopleura dioica, the lamprey Petromyzon marinus, the fish Fugu rubripes an
tocks fell and non-native species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt and alewife spread through the
The use of pesticides against the lamprey reduced their casualties of in other fish to
It is not well understood if Pacific lamprey return to their natal streams or seek spawnin
ont/top of their bodies end in a mouth like a lamprey, ringed with many razor sharp teeth.
then crossing into Epping, where it joins the Lamprey River near the village of West Epping.
An annual canoe race down the Lamprey River occurs on the last weekend in April, an
The Lamprey River, running through the town, was named fo
It is a tributary of the Lamprey River, part of the Great Bay and Piscataqua R
Lamprey sailed from Pearl Harbor 17 February 1945 for
he uses Balanoglossus, Amphioxus, sea squirt, lamprey, skate, shark, turtle, alligator, chicken, an
As with all lamprey species, the northern brook lamprey spends th
This species is a non-parasitic lamprey that feeds on animal carcasses.
Unlike most species of lamprey, the adults do not migrate to sea nor do they
r 'SAC' for various species of fish including lamprey, the twaite shad and the European bullhead.
)), has been conserved through evolution from lamprey to human, species which diverged some 560 mil
Host Zane Lamprey travels to various countries, exploring the n
respect of its population of three species of lamprey, twaite shad, European bullhead, Atlantic sal
The Miller Lake Lamprey was presumed to be extinct until 1992 when it
The Minoga (Минога - Lamprey) was a submarine built for the Imperial Russi
The Miller lake lamprey was presumed extinct in 1958, after state fis
The known larval streams for this lamprey were treated with lampricide and a barrier wa
as she continues to try to get away from the lamprey, which manages to latch onto her shoulder and
pean importance in the river; bullhead, brook lamprey, white-clawed crayfish and the desmoulin's wh

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