「ISOTOPES」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





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coach for their new AAA team, the Albuquerque Isotopes, a position he held until he was fired after
After playing for the Isotopes again in 2007, he became a free agent.
He made one start with the Isotopes, allowing eight runs in 1 1/3 innings.
He was assigned to the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes and pitched well enough in the first half of
s can be programmed to measure many different isotopes and perform over 30 different assay tests.
n wrote 160 papers, focusing on the topics of isotopes and ATP.
he medical effects of exposure to radioactive isotopes and he pioneered their use in the treatment a
Marchand, M. Crocket, J.H. (1977) "Sr isotopes and trace element geochemistry of the impact
Laboratory focuses on the study of cosmogenic isotopes, and in particular the study of radiocarbon,
In 2009 he played with the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes and then appeared in 10 games with the Dodger
e Marlins Triple-A affiliate, the Albuquerque Isotopes, appearing in only 3 games for the Marlins.
ndicator of polar ice sheet extent, and boron isotopes are key indicators of the pH and CO2 content
nucleogenic reactions that produce heavy neon isotopes are (fast neutron capture, alpha emission) re
Some nucleogenic isotopes are stable and others are radioactive.
The environmental isotopes are a subset of the isotopes, both stable and
188Re and 186Re isotopes are radioactive and are used for treatment of
e two largest producers of iodine-125 medical isotopes are in Canada.
Isotopes are specified with a number equal to the inte
fluent emissions containing trace radioactive isotopes are gaseous.
All of the other isotopes are synthetic, and the isotope 31Si is known
These isotopes are monoisotopic, but due to the presence of
Curium isotopes are inevitably present in spent nuclear fuel
maintain the source activity (the radioactive isotopes are both burned and generated in neutron flux
These isotopes are, therefore, of use in nuclear magnetic re
l and not useful w/o context, so moved to the isotopes article.
Nucleogenic isotopes, as noted, are the result of a more complicat
tector that is used in basic research of rare isotopes at Michigan State University's National Super
rons to be used in experiments with fast rare isotopes at the NSCL.
e Marlins Triple-A affiliate, the Albuquerque Isotopes, becoming a free agent at the end of the seas
dgers in 2009 and pitched for the Albuquerque Isotopes before he was granted free agency in November
09 and played briefly for the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes before he was released by the Dodgers on May
He appeared in 15 games for the Isotopes before they also released him.
A table apportioning the heavy isotopes between s-process and r-process was published
Vosshall acknowledged that flies could smell isotopes but called the conclusion that smell was base
Beams, J. and Haynes, F., The Separation of Isotopes by Centrifuging, (Sept 1936) Phys.
rating uranium metal into the U-235 and U-238 isotopes by gaseous diffusion.
an beings and animals can distinguish between isotopes by smell, despite their identical shapes .
Separation of isotopes by diffusion in a flow of inert gases, for wh
ege, in researching the separation of uranium isotopes by gaseous diffusion.
uired to protect individuals from radioactive isotopes by providing a safe containment box in which
The relative abundances of different isotopes can then be measured, yielding isotope ratios
In a nuclear reactor non-fissile isotopes capture a neutron breeding fissile isotopes.
calculations as both the parent and daughter isotopes decay over time into other isotopes.
Using radiolabled isotopes, difenacoum (and/or its metabolites) has been
for hot fusion reactions producing seaborgium isotopes directly.
r cold fusion reactions producing roentgenium isotopes directly.
ry and particle physics (where the mixture of isotopes does not act as an average).
He appeared in 57 games with the Isotopes during the season, hitting .325 in 57 games b
t obtaining U-235, which concentrates lighter isotopes even more strongly than it does U-235.
also longer than any other known radioactive isotopes except samarium-146 (103my), potassium-40 (1.
on Precambrian microfossils and using stable isotopes for stratigraphic correlation, but has longst
ained in the rotation for the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes for the entire season, finishing with a 13-10
Luna was assigned to the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes for the 2009 season.
a cyclotron for the production of radioactive isotopes for medical imaging.
ory, was built in 1948 to extract radioactive isotopes from liquid radioactive waste.
All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 2.5 hours,
All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 24 hours a
Because nucleogenic isotopes have been produced later than the birth of th
Several radioactive isotopes have been synthesized in the laboratory, eith
Among them, the 245Cm-248Cm isotopes have decay times of thousands of years and ne
All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 33 seconds
In 47 games with the Isotopes, he was 1-2 with a 5.82 ERA and 16 saves.
He had a great year for the Isotopes, hitting .351
ecause the relative variation in mass between isotopes in this range is large enough to give rise to
ttanooga Lookouts in 2009 and the Albuquerque Isotopes in 2010.
and control circuits, residual radiation from isotopes in chip packaging materials, cosmic radiation
erials from non-concerning materials (medical isotopes in patients, naturally occurring radioactive
blished a review on the use of uranium-series isotopes in erosion studies (Uranium-series isotopes i
the factors leading to a shortage of medical isotopes in 2007 and 2009.
king possible the formation of four different isotopes in one reaction.
amento River Cats in 2002 and the Albuquerque Isotopes in 2004.
liate of the Florida Marlins, the Albuquerque Isotopes, in 2006.
n Conversion, algorithms to identify multiple isotopes in realtime and below background (it subtract
merican Central Division champion Albuquerque Isotopes in a best-of-five series to determine the Ame
A 2011 study using ratios of strontium isotopes in teeth suggested that A. africanus and Para
A 2011 study using ratios of strontium isotopes in teeth suggested that Australopithecus afri
Examples of double magic isotopes include helium-4 (4He), oxygen-16 (16O), calc
impinge upon any of several low atomic weight isotopes including isotopes of lithium, beryllium, car
He hit .305 in 111 games with the Isotopes, including 12 homers and 50 RBI.
This can be used to produce different isotopes, including unstable, radioactive ones, of a g
The detection of these isotopes is used to monitor compliance with nuclear te
The analysis of 'stable isotopes' is normally concerned with measuring isotopi
Since technetium has no stable isotopes, it must have been produced recently in any s
facility; the task of extracting radioactive isotopes later took place at a number of specialised b
40, the rest being made up of other plutonium isotopes, making it extremely difficult but not techni
Intensity against alpha energy for four isotopes, note that the line width is wide and some of
Intensity against alpha energy for four isotopes, note that the line width is narrow and the f
For isotopes occurring at extremely low levels, accelerato
By measuring the ratio of two isotopes of carbon, Keeling attributed the diurnal cha
owever others (most notably some of the named isotopes of hydrogen) continue to be used today.
arold Urey that studied the varying levels of isotopes of oxygen in marine fossils allowed for the d
There are 15 known isotopes of carbon and the shortest-lived of these is
the discovery of fission tracks from extinct isotopes of Plutonium 244 in primitive meteorites.
nutrients in the human body using radioactive isotopes of those substances.
Main article: Isotopes of plutonium
Main article: Isotopes of europium
Main article: Isotopes of rutherfordium
For hydrogen with neutrons, see isotopes of hydrogen.
Only the odd-mass isotopes of plutonium are fissile with thermal neutron
Long-lived isotopes of nobelium and isotopes of lawrencium (and o
Other isotopes of hydrogen are too unstable, exotic and not
The isotopes of manganese range in atomic weight from 46 u
nium from spent nuclear fuel contains various isotopes of plutonium.
He also proved the existence of isotopes of certain radioactive elements.
Only certain fissile isotopes of plutonium and uranium can be used in nucle
In general, isotopes of odd mass number are both more likely to ab
re known to contain americium-241 and several isotopes of plutonium.
Like all synthetic transuranic elements, isotopes of einsteinium are extremely radioactive and
rolific neutron absorbers are the radioactive isotopes of elements that happen to become stable by a
The following is a list of isotopes of elements given in the previous tables whic
y of radioactive materials, where radioactive isotopes of elements are used to study the properties
The isotopes of carbon can be separated in the form of car
bon-12 is the more abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89%
ell model, radioactive nuclei that decay into isotopes of these elements have closed neutron shells
All known isotopes of Mt are radioactive with short half-lives,
II, Spedding used of ion exchange to separate isotopes of individual elements, including hundreds of
(100Sn) and tin-132 (132Sn) are doubly magic isotopes of tin that are unstable; however they repres
e periodic table, and the fact that no stable isotopes of technetium exist explains its natural abse
This is longer than any of the other isotopes of plutonium and longer than any actinide exc
At least 32 synthetic isotopes of yttrium have been observed, and these rang
de is a diatomic molecule composed of the two isotopes of hydrogen: the majority isotope 1H protium
e "George Device" had a small amount of heavy isotopes of liquid hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) pl
forms of RTI-121 (with different radioactive isotopes of iodine used depending on the application)
lative abundances of the two most significant isotopes of the uranium mined at Oklo showed anomalous
Additionally, astatine has no stable isotopes; of which the most stable is astatine-210, wh
accurate peak discrimination in ranges where isotopes often have many overlapping peaks.
Effects of radioactive isotopes on animals.
Sometimes, for specific isotopes, other gas must be used for better results or
These are cosmogenic isotopes, produced from interaction with cosmic rays.
However, nucleogenic isotopes should not be confused with much more common
Subsequent examination of other isotopes showed similar anomalies, such as Nd and Ru a
compiled a 2-1 record in three starts for the Isotopes, striking out 12 batters in 18 innings with a
celerators is to measure scarce, (cosmogenic) isotopes such as Aluminium-26, Beryllium-10 , Iodine-1
Thus, even mass isotopes tend to accumulate, especially in a thermal r
ipurpose research reactor used to develop new isotopes, test materials and fuels, and produce neutro
Among the isotopes that do not occur naturally, the most long-li
the accelerators are used for measuring rare isotopes that are produced within earth materials, suc
passes through a material and interacts with isotopes that emit monoenergetic charged particles upo
In 2007, Sorensen played for the Albuquerque Isotopes, the Triple-A affiliate of the Florida Marlin
ater together with Konrad Bloch, using stable isotopes to tag foodstuffs and trace their metabolism
He was assigned to the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes to start the 2011 season.
He was assigned to the Triple-A Albuquerque Isotopes to start the season.
In the game, he needs the isotopes to power up the Genitor 9000.
aited 83 to 101 days to allow the radioactive isotopes to decay.
must meticulously account for all fissionable isotopes to assure that none are diverted for weapons
release, he characterized his passing Uranium isotopes to the Soviet Union as a "contribution ... to
Isotopes under consideration for SuperNEMO are seleniu
and transferred Ardoin to the AAA Albuquerque Isotopes where he was scheduled to be the backup to pr
eason, however, with the Triple-A Albuquerque Isotopes, where he hit very well, with a .323
not contain large amounts of the radioactive isotopes which are present in modern steel, plates rec
ons have claimed any detection of radioactive isotopes which would be characteristic of either.
Some unstable isotopes which occur naturally (such as 14C, 3H, and 2
eptionally low, all soil contains radioactive isotopes which are natural, the most important of thes
s old), and that it has a lower proportion of isotopes with masses more than helium when compared to
Silicon also has 18 radioactive isotopes, with only one radioisotope, 32Si, being prod
en created, and it is possible that none have isotopes with stable enough nuclei to receive signific
t long before, and seeded the solar gas cloud isotopes with isotopes from a second source.

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