「INDISCRIMINATELY」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索

「INDISCRIMINATELY」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > INDISCRIMINATELYの意味・解説 > INDISCRIMINATELYに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 54

ally kill large numbers promiscuously and indiscriminately, and to level large sections of city (eve
s me that our protagonist signed his name indiscriminately as Angellinus de Dulceto or Angellinus Du
lling them all, men, women, and children, indiscriminately, as soon as they were outside the small f
e me to ride into a camp and fire on them indiscriminately, as is the custom whenever the smoke is s
Witnesses described how Sartin fired indiscriminately at people.
rmed the temple, threw a grenade andfired indiscriminately at the worshippers.
and the black policeman fired their guns indiscriminately at any white person they saw.
a bombing) is aerial bombardment targeted indiscriminately at a large area, such as a city block or
ion when the armed gunmen started to fire indiscriminately at our office.
o the attack with excessive force, firing indiscriminately at civilians passing by on the busy highw
windle for the NLA, as they chose to fire indiscriminately back into the city.
Parks has not indiscriminately backed Mannix's proposed measures.
It used to encompass most "white" terns indiscriminately, but mtDNA sequence comparisons have rece
ember 1989, at a time when the government indiscriminately crushed all protest marches, mediation by
nterpret as saying that non-Catholics are indiscriminately damned.
scrupulous (and fattened-up) ranchers who indiscriminately drive their cattle right across the farme
It meant indiscriminately England and Wales; Great Britain; the Uni
It mean indiscriminately England and Wales; Great Britain; the Uni
which include the guilty and the innocent indiscriminately, especially when these measures are accom
Nearly all those present were indiscriminately felled overnight.
E cadres raced from the nearby forest and indiscriminately fired on them.
roughout Christian-dominated East Beirut, indiscriminately firing into crowds.
mon area, brandished his rifle, and began indiscriminately firing at students, wounding six.
offerings" and wrote that "The Roots move indiscriminately from politically conscious lyrics (not ju
ch of it, the French and others destroyed indiscriminately, halting to refresh themselves with wine,
different sexual orientations should not indiscriminately impose their thoughts on religious commun
he two versions of the song were packaged indiscriminately in the original sleeve.
s these days?") - to get drunk and cavort indiscriminately in a sexual free-for-all.
nto her, capsized and sank and buried all indiscriminately in the deep."
rform precise assassinations or slaughter indiscriminately in order to achieve the mission goals; ho
which at one point fired two machine guns indiscriminately into this neighborhood, eventually disper
ir buildings, decimating their crops, and indiscriminately killing men, women, and children.
nexpectedly pulled out a weapon and began indiscriminately killing classmates and teachers at the pa
Then the labourers were fired on indiscriminately leading to the death of nine of them.
protection money from the city residents, indiscriminately looting and burning stores and killing an
gilante group charged Choctaw Tom's camp, indiscriminately murdering and injuring women and children
he fact that many mutations are sometimes indiscriminately performed along the whole protein.
They indiscriminately seek out such sources of nutrition, wheth
t equal prey densities, the predator will indiscriminately select between prey species.
ports that African Union peacekeepers are indiscriminately shelling civilians in the Somali capital,
and cheerful writer, whose enthusiasm for indiscriminately shooting wildlife (including snakes, buff
The gunmen indiscriminately started to fire in the hospital, killing
ide for rebels, raiding homes and killing indiscriminately, the 22nd Dragoons being guilty of some o
egins to attack Swampies and the Refinery indiscriminately, The Doctor uses the tracer to eliminate
d each player is permitted to give drinks indiscriminately to any lower-ranked player.
of 1989, the newspaper no longer referred indiscriminately to all mainland Chinese as "Communist Chi
that the term Samoyed' was often applied indiscriminately to different peoples of Northern Siberia
police however fired at the demonstrators indiscriminately, which killed forty and injured more than
y as "A generous handful of stones, aimed indiscriminately, with the aim of breaking a few windows.
Bateman kills more or less indiscriminately, with no preferred type of victim and no
ed the main bus station, they opened fire indiscriminately with automatic weapons killing and woundi
d the main bus station , they opened fire indiscriminately with automatic weapons killing and woundi
ry of shelling hospitals in the Safe Zone indiscriminately with artillery and attacking them aeriall
f existence, and men, women, and children indiscriminately would have been killed by the bombing of

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