「HUMERUS」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 58

, USNM 7189, consists of a caudal vertebra, a humerus, a tibia and a metatarsal, found in 1869 by N
Right humerus and ulna of Mandschurosaurus mongoliensis.
The skull fragments, left humerus, and other fossilized remains indicate it was
er partial elements of the skull, postcrania, humerus and left ilium.
e corrected via a corrective osteotomy of the humerus and either internal or external fixation of t
s known from the holotype TMM 31025-263, left humerus and from the referred specimens TMM 31025-262
cends in the sulcus to supply the head of the humerus and the shoulder-joint.
n from the holotype PVL 4054, a complete left humerus and from the associated paratype PVL 4059, a
originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the posterior border of the ulna, and cro
subspecies, which is known from one subfossil humerus and one ulna.
a few neck and torso vertebrae, some ribs, a humerus, and assorted bones from both legs.
It is known from the holotype PVL 4022, left humerus and associated right radius, ulna, scapula an
iculation between the radius and ulna and the humerus and a foramen for the internal carotid artery
labrum; below, to the anatomical neck of the humerus, approaching nearer to the articular cartilag
epression below the lateral epicondyle of the humerus; below, to the annular ligament, some of its
Then, on his first pitch to Tim Raines, his humerus bone snapped, and Dravecky collapsed.
ight arm by a musketball, which fractured his humerus bone in multiple places.
d muscle in his pitching arm and freezing the humerus bone in an effort to eliminate all of the can
ral tendon, completely separating it from the humerus bone.
cage, hand phalanges, distal end of the right humerus, both knees and an almost complete foot.
r QVM:2000:GFV:154, the distal end of a right humerus, conserved in the collections housed by the Q
teral portion of the articular surface of the humerus consists of a smooth, rounded eminence, named
ackwards) 109° from the vertical, so that the humerus could actually be angled slightly upwards.
The third is between the tubercles of the humerus, for the passage of the long tendon of the Bi
The coracobrachialis draws the humerus forward (shoulder flexion) and towards the to
s solely known from the distal end of a right humerus found in the Middle Miocene (about 12 Ma), Bu
auria indet) - "Caudal vertebrae, fragmentary humerus, fragmentary tibia, metatarsal II."
elix make several disruptive attempts to have Humerus give them back to Typhus; they cook a very vo
Above, it is attached to the humerus immediately behind the capitulum and close to
l in the case of P. antarcticus, and a single humerus in the case of P. brodkorbi.
The humerus is most commonly affected.
The anatomical neck of the humerus is obliquely directed, forming an obtuse angl
The articular capsule of the humerus is the articular capsule of the shoulder join
The humerus is 143 centimetres (56 in) long, which despit
s 59.30 mm (2.335 in) and length of the right humerus is 57.65 mm (2.27 in).
Its humerus is still very slender, between the form seen
ceps brachii, and over the epicondyles of the humerus: it is strengthened by fibrous aponeuroses, d
ian caudals and at least 41 terminal caudals; humerus length approximately 2.5x distal width."
holotype PVL 4046, a distally imperfect right humerus, M. saltariensis is known from the holotype P
are placed above the medial epicondyle of the humerus, medial to the basilic vein.
ered so far for this animal has been a fossil humerus, named Brachypodosaurus gravis by Chakravati
small hole located above the trochlea of the humerus of larger dog species.
invalid fossil penguin taxa - to the distinct humerus of the new species Ameghino had thought he de
cimen, such as a possible Megamys tooth and a humerus of a megalonychine ground sloth, suggest that
tra, one chevron, a distal epiphysis of right humerus, one manual phalanx, three manual unguals, a
f rhythm and of a technique directed from the humerus rather than the fingers.
a, radiohumeral fusion (joining of radius and humerus, rib abnormalities, anomalies of the external
i al Aisr, which was translated into Latin as Humerus Sinister Ingeniculi, meaning the left shoulde
(Passer moabiticus) and a tarsometatarsus and humerus tentatively allied with the House Sparrow.
s obliquely from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the annular ligament.
Acosta Hospitaleche (2005) considered the humerus to be assignable to Paraptenodytes robustus;
skeletal elements from the limbs including a humerus, ulna, radius, and metacarpal; sternal plates
e, fibulae and incomplete parts of a scapula, humerus, ulna, left and right ischium, vertebrae, rib
, nor could it flex (bend) very far, with the humerus unable even to form a right angle with the fo
an for Hatzegopteryx was conservative "if its humerus was indeed somewhat longer than that of Q. no
ins include an ilium, maxilla, astragalus and humerus, which date variously from the Norian and Rha
hymoses at the elbow seen in fractures of the humerus with displacement of the higher fragment.
rphs are modifications to the fins, notably a humerus with convex head articulating with the glenoi

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