「GRAFTED」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 57

In 1886 he grafted a full-thickness cornea from a rabbit into th
Grafted blackthorn tree; called a Husband and Wife tr
s are encouraged to buy plants that are being grafted by experienced local malis(gardeners) in the
Grafted cells Installed: The queenless upper colony i
A very popular variety that is often grafted commercially is Cleistocactus Winteri var.
Many membrane polymers are grafted, custom-modified, or produced as copolymers t
"The whole team grafted, from the front right through to the back.
nifera vines of German clones that were first grafted in Canada.
ere broken off, and you - a wild olive - were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers i
o not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in
ure-breaking residues, so these were directly grafted into the human sequence.
ion of neural plasticity in which a third eye grafted into a developing tadpole produces a pattern
eenless upper colony to improve acceptance of grafted larva.
Mission, grafted on to a Vitis rupestris St George rootstock.
as rootstock for M. zapota, the latter being grafted on the former, and its fruit is edible.
unlike most mainland European grapes that are grafted on North American rootstock.
His style is Raphaelesque grafted on the Flemish, but his imitation of Raphael,
ase retitling, the phrase "Attack of the" was grafted on top of the original in the title screen.
or are they planting own-rooted vines because grafted ones are unavailable?
It can be successfully grafted onto Hakea salicifolia.
umber of other cross-routes and branches were grafted onto this basic grid.
It is usually grafted onto the stem and root of Hylocereus undatus.
These cuttings were grafted onto an ordinary sitka spruce, resulting in g
ly sensitive to dieback, however it is easily grafted onto Banksia integrifolia.
ing, and in post-production Hammer's face was grafted onto Pence's.
e original tree, now with wild olive branches grafted onto it, grew to give good fruit.
riety, plantings of Villard noir are normally grafted onto Vitis berlandieri rootstock.
covalently bound to polyamines that have been grafted onto a silica gel surface producing a materia
n 1978, a branch that was removed earlier was grafted onto the related, and also endangered, Kokia
r to obtain fruit, although both sexes can be grafted onto the same plant to achieve the same effec
pigs, demonstrating that when black skin was grafted onto white skin, the white skin became black.
ate tomatoes grown from a scion that had been grafted onto a Jimson weed stock.
d taken to his underwater base of operations, grafted onto the Yamato wreck.
n Weldon Smith, after the tail of 40-3091 was grafted onto 40-3097, resulting in an aircraft that w
especially if payment for good performance is grafted onto the current payment system, which does n
her bow to a German torpedo; Taylors bow was grafted onto Blakeley at Philadelphia that summer; an
The better selections can be veneer grafted, or reproduced by cuttings, although grafting
Grafted plants may bear fruit in 5 years; seed grown
Currently there exist about 23 grafted plants.
was removed and the exposed bone covered with grafted skin.
ly so that the species of Didiereaceae can be grafted successfully on some cacti.
When grafted, the tree will remain a manageable size and i
n or brass wire; they could be cut, burnt, or grafted; the bark was sometimes lacerated at places o
a mad scientist version of Webelos), where he grafted the rear end of a dog onto the rear end of a
the anti-Semitism of Edouard Drumont and soon grafted this on to his corporatist anti-capitalism.
ered seismic energy-absorbing apparatus being grafted to his body; this apparatus has been transfor
329-foot forward part grafted to 274-foot after part of SS Esso Buffalo whi
intuitive control with the four face buttons grafted to the limbs and the shoulder buttons used fo
king as much as a decade to bear fruit unless grafted to a non-standard rootstock, while the native
the rest of the plant, and which can also be grafted to grow new plants which retain this genetic
ath metal, funk, acid rock, and serialism are grafted together in this collection, often into the s
l Research Station near Miami, Florida, and a grafted tree was planted there in 1942.
There is a wide variety of hybrids and grafted trees, and the underground temperature helps
to the West Coast in 1846, carrying seeds and grafted trees, via the Oregon Trail.
need of fruit immediately and cannot wait for grafted vines to be available."
only seems logical that wines made from new, grafted vines would compare unfavorably with wines ma
ce to the destructive phylloxera if they were grafted with the American vine variety, which had for

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