「Flanking」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Flankingの意味・解説 > Flankingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 241

he other of Kennedy-emerging from solid walls flanking a pathway to reach toward each other.
modest example of the form with five chambers flanking a passageway 6.4 metres (21 ft) in length.
ecalling the Maritime Command), symmetrically flanking a sand coloured central stripe.
nd is characterized by prominent end chimneys flanking a steeply pitched longitudinal gable roof tha
e sites consist of 6bp inverted repeat motifs flanking a central sequence of variable length.
ctuary seats up to 350 in double rows of pews flanking a center aisle.
was originally two rooms deep, symmetrically flanking a large central hall.
Upon encountering two separate loxP sites flanking a target nucleotide sequence along a linear D
three buildings, with two 30-story structures flanking a middle 60-story tower.
was the first public library in the U.S. The flanking academic buildings that formed the rest of th
hen the Division participated in the II Corps flanking action in the Hwach'on Sector it did so witho
d retreat was ordered, apparently without any flanking action along the Natchez Road taking place.
nish" describing the steps in suppressing and flanking an enemy.
quence composed of two 13 bp inverted repeats flanking an 8 bp spacer region which confers direction
three bayed projecting central block and two flanking and projecting pedimented single bay wings.
entrance in the east defined by two pairs of flanking antennae ditches.
he south, thus making the possibility of out -flanking Arbogast a difficult one.
The Army of the Danube, and its two flanking armies, the Army of Helvetia and the Army of
Flanking arrows that point to a different direction ar
It was impossible for any diversionary flanking attack to take place due to the denseness of
ank trench directing a group of infantry in a flanking attack against the last enemy position, Lieut
ed and motorised divisions to perform a right flanking attack while the Italian XXI Corps and the It
themselves all but encircled by the Japanese flanking attack.
him from defeat through personally leading a flanking attack.
is men around the lake to defeat an attempted flanking attack.
hrown in disarray by the rapid encircling and flanking attacks of the Japanese, the 12th Brigade und
Confederate flanking attacks and other assaults occurred at variou
, while reserving two groups on horseback for flanking attacks.
set a crippling marching pace and dealt swift flanking attacks.
r sits in the minor groove and interacts with flanking base pairs immediately adjacent to the interc
ng the main front into a wide central bay and flanking bays, under a sloping roof with vernacular fl
he District of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, flanking both sides of Kanaka Creek from its confluenc
Outside the portal are towers flanking both sides, which, like the lower floor of th
t facade features a portico with twin sets of flanking brick pilasters and a central pair of fluted
Sculptor William Henry Rinehart designed the flanking bronze figures of the Backwoodsman and the In
large stone-built houses in spacious grounds, flanking Brooklands Road and Todmorden Road, and high
cemetery directly towards the church and the flanking buildings, creating a viewing axis similar to
th central caponier on the landward side, and flanking caponiers at the North and South corners.
ith impressive heritage trees and retains its flanking carriage house.
ted in 1839 by Jesse Gane and the chancel and flanking chapels in 1897 by Frederick Bligh Bond.
the central auditorium with a stage and seven flanking classrooms.
ing forces and unrealistically called for one flanking column to march across mountainous terrain in
rsonally led a cavalry charge to break up the flanking column, then he returned to the crisis of the
into a second-floor vestibule as well as two flanking concrete statues of lions.
s placing the Goliath where she could provide flanking cover for the line.
e front there was a large gate tower with two flanking defensive turrets.
provides entrance to the galleries, while the flanking doors lead to the vestries.The church was ref
Flanking each column are two sphinxes (four in total)
t had timber defences, ditches and additional flanking earthworks.
The patterned roof, central and flanking figures (May 2004)
ified and the Bulgarian column was exposed to flanking fire from the main defensive line.
one of the earliest experiments in improving flanking fire from the battlements (reduction of "dead
hemise and caponiers at ground level provided flanking fire around the tower.
The embrasures were such that flanking fire from rifles and machine-guns could be di
Their progress was slow due to flanking fire from Indians occupying the high ground t
age of broken ground, and partially under the flanking fire of an adjoining Fort.
The fort could bring down flanking fire and was producing heavy casualties among
straight on and although losing heavily from flanking fire, succeeded in reaching his objective, wh
ry from the British Legion, and an additional flanking force of 30 British Legion dragoons and some
nd severe weather, and the British and Indian flanking forces began to push westwards, taking the fr
is forced the Vichy commander to withdraw his flanking forces.
irders (4.3 m), which also form the parapets, flanking four which are 10 feet (3.0 m) deep.
nd in retroviral DNA and in retrotransposons, flanking functional genes.
The tables below summarizes the location, flanking genes and also the characteristics of the nov
ses an open central plaza with a fountain and flanking groves of sweetgum trees and boxwood shrubs.
The elephants flanking her are shown as pouring water from their tru
Flanking him on each side are attendant Bodhisattvas w
d plastic Hercules is depicted with two women flanking him, who represent the opposite destinies whi
Zamir, who was flanking his position to the south, reported a massive
or to assembly of the spliceosomes on the two flanking introns.
village's primary school, with cosy cottages flanking it on either side and offering views of Winte
Flanking it are two octagonal towers with prominent sp
date stone inscribed with the date 1808, and flanking it are buttresses.
n Circa Survive's website, albeit lacking the flanking letters.
e campaign under Lee's orders with a sweeping flanking maneuver that placed his corps into the rear
ome Spanish artillery units and were trying a flanking maneuver when they were repulsed by Spanish c
rdered to maintain the offensive, organized a flanking maneuver, sending some of his men to advance
rather than swinging around, and avoided the flanking maneuver.
He interrupted his string of successful flanking maneuvers in the Atlanta campaign for the log
he Seirberq Pocket and repelling a Blood Pact flanking manoeuvre in the Montorq Forest, the Ghosts a
Notable was the flanking manoeuvre around the Mareth Line.
re Bras on 16 June either, still suspecting a flanking manoeuvre through Mons.
the other fortifications around Razabil, by a flanking manoeuvre, before the division was withdrawn
l assault, terrain and vegetation prevented a flanking manoeuvre.
ssfully led three Union Corps on the stealthy flanking march that preceded the battle.
native deciduous trees, a rounded knoll, and flanking meadows.
ess for the attackers, who then tried another flanking move with a company of infantry and scores of
n Jebel Abou Atriz, whilst on the far right a flanking move by Free French tanks was stopped by heav
occurred in the Epirus sector, with a further flanking move through the Pindus mountains.
force heavily weighted towards cavalry, in a flanking move.
Stonewall Jackson's corps executed a surprise flanking movement and smashed into the right flank of
The rebel flanking movement was eliminated, and by 2:30 the remn
Stonewall Jackson's corps executed a surprise flanking movement and smashed into the right flank of
His force made a successful flanking movement at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and op
he Alban Hills, nor was Churchill's idea of a flanking movement expressed.
by sending Shaffer east across the creek in a flanking movement with 464 men.
y fire and rallied the men, thus enabling the flanking movement, which decided the day, to be carrie
hour battle, shelled the town and initiated a flanking movement, compelling the Confederates to with
ted, giving the Republic time to launch their flanking movements.
hill and the 2/2nd Punjabi Regiment started a flanking night attack but this failed to drive the Jap
(c1730) Folly consisting of Arch with two flanking Obelisks.
This presents a threat of a major flanking of ICU positions in Tiyoglow and Burhakaba by
This presents a threat of a major flanking of ICU positions in Tiyoglow and Burhakaba by
Flanking one story, wings project from each side of Oa
composed of a two story central section with flanking one story wings.
s composed of a five bay central section with flanking one bay recessed wings.
ay Colonial Revival style brick dwelling with flanking one and one half story wings.
ures a raised, two story central section with flanking one-story wings.
res a long recessed central porch between two flanking parlors.
Led out a small flanking party and by a clash and at great risk captur
t Fort Harrison, Virginia, he led out a small flanking party, engaged a Confederate force and at gre
rotrude into the widened street and vault the flanking pedestrian sidewalk under it because they rec
painted the altarpiece and Luca Giordano the flanking pieces.
The gates are set between flanking piers which are responsible for supporting th
The porch to the south is gabled with flanking pinnacles with crocketed finials.
or the opening of the line on 1 May 1916 with flanking platforms and facilities, however, although t
tation, opened in June 1855, consisted of two flanking platforms with buildings on each.
The station had two flanking platforms and a small wooden shelter which se
The station consisted of two flanking platforms joined by a footbridge which also s
o Basingstoke railway line, and comprises two flanking platforms connected by a footbridge.
s built ready to accept passenger trains with flanking platforms and facilities, however the passeng
The station, with two flanking platforms, was set just south of the colliery
The station, which had two flanking platforms, opened with the line.
The station was double track with two flanking platforms, the main buildings being on the Ba
The station, consisting of two flanking platforms, was situated at a passing loop (wh
The station was built with two flanking platforms, the main station building being on
s the main line from Chesterfield with just 2 flanking platforms.
st Armoured Division from X Corps exploited a flanking position established by the New Zealanders du
rant's objective was to get his troops into a flanking position against the Rebel defenders.
t top are firing on a rank of soldiers from a flanking position
Annex: a small flanking position, unique in the Maginot Line, with on
rdered his remaining two vehicles to secure a flanking position.
ring Bear, numerous Sioux warriors moved into flanking positions around the soldiers.
uction focused on dispersing gun batteries to flanking positions and reinforcing protection for pers
ion of a DNA fragment into a plasmid with two flanking recombination sequences called “att L 1” and
d a pile of barrels at, but were surprised by flanking redcoats.
sequences have been found in humans in the 5' flanking region: RS3, RS1, and a (GT)25 dinucleotide r
ox family of helicases with N- and C-terminal flanking regions of ~180 and ~380 amino acids, respect
. Chambers led the 8-hour battle to carry the flanking ridge top and reduce the enemy's fields of ai
It leads into a main hallway with large flanking rooms and many original furnishings.
tament prophets who foresaw the virgin birth, flanking scenes of the Annunciation, Visitation and Na
egulated by a 1.4 kb 5' region including a 5' flanking sequence, an untranslated exon and 425bp of t
scovered the existence of precursor tRNA with flanking sequences and was the first to characterize R
primers complementary to the 20 bp nonrandom flanking sequences.
iles of the ceiling of the arcade between the flanking stairs, designed by Mould, were removed in 19
hamber, center position for overhead cam with flanking supports for rocker shafts
Statue of Pribislav (rightmost figure) flanking that of Otto I (center) on the former Siegesa
is displayed outside Airport House on struts flanking the entry path (as of November 2009).
Flanking the intersection to the west is Owen Bradley
rt Cardinall, and formerly hung in a position flanking the reredos at the east end of the church.
The building boasts massive obelisks flanking the gate and two very fine rooms up a turnpik
n is sagebrush and rangeland, with benchlands flanking the Thompson's deepening canyon from Savona d
k, composed of two pillars from concrete, are flanking the entrance gate and the campanile.
lay it features various rare optic phenomena: Flanking the anthelion on the parhelic circle are two
Rather than flanking the position, Lee attacked it directly, hopin
ant tones of gold, green, and lavender appear flanking the door and in the transom as well as at the
along the shoreline, stone walls, three piers flanking the entrance, wrought iron fencing and entran
wall of the chancel are trefoil-headed niches flanking the window, over which are crocketted gables,
olunteered to leave his unit in an attempt at flanking the enemy machine gun emplacement.
e both over the crest of the horst as well as flanking the high in the adjacent graben.
to the target RNA and basepair to the regions flanking the uridine that is to be modified.
sement or small parcels of steep mountainside flanking the road.
Another region in the potassium channel ( flanking the N-terminal of SloTx) is situated in the f
entrance hall staircase walls, and the walls flanking the middle upstairs window are gracefully cur
ingle island platform to having two platforms flanking the tracks.
d the Thompson submachine gun and is good for flanking the enemy while they are pinned down by the p
ed from the Quesnel Lake and Chilcotin areas, flanking the great plateau of central BC on its east a
Flanking the house were two wings, on the west a large
that he purchased and added a pair of lodges flanking the forecourt, probably all to designs by Rob
station was a headshunt and two sidings, one flanking the southbound platform used for loading hors
tion, and/or reporter genes in frame with and flanking the MCS to facilitate the production of recom
htning bolts argent; superimposed overall and flanking the dexter and sinister, two stylized arrows
Windows flanking the portico have wrought iron ledges.
are a pair of Megalithic orthostats, usually flanking the entrance to a chamber tomb.
Flanking the main house were dozens of supporting stru
arched partial porch and semicircular windows flanking the porch.
Flanking the south door are fragments of an Anglo-Dani
dential buildings designed by Carles Ferrater flanking the skyscraper.
The projections flanking the central recessed east pavilion are three
d Q2, composed mainly of hydrophobic residues flanking the saddle.
ple place pairs of shisa on their rooftops or flanking the gates to their houses.
Flanking the Essex shield underneath, are a Pagle (or
The station consisted of two platforms flanking the lines and these were linked by a subway.
Flanking the oval-shaped bowl are the M. H. de Young M
Flanking the Allegory are two other paintings on perpe
on one side and a smaller tower on the other, flanking the entranceway.
The 22 stars flanking the portraits indicate that Alabama was the 2
Inside the circle, flanking the shield, are grapes, olives, and oranges,
remaining 36 m (118 ft)-high golden minarets flanking the dome's ruins.
lege London, erected a large memorial to Beit flanking the entrance to its building.
The 9th Army struck from the north out flanking the Vyazma defensive line and along with the
Flanking the arches are spandrel bas-reliefs of goddes
Flanking the east and west sides of the court are the
Flanking the central section are two identical wings o
Windows flanking the main entrance on the north wall are richl
There formerly used to be an elevated minaret flanking the dome to which the French explorer Madame
Below the two front windows flanking the main entrance are balustrades and cast ir
lead a small force of cavalrymen down a pass flanking the Yankees, and allowing the main confederat
images onto the castle, and onto two screens flanking the dance floor staffed by Disneyland Enterta
a central thiophene, also at the carbon atoms flanking the sulfur.

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