「Familiarity」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Familiarityの意味・解説 > Familiarityに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 120

"Infants preferences for familiarity and novelty during the course of visual pro
the Leeward Islands to foster international familiarity and cooperation in the region.
cause of lax drug coastal patrols, hometown familiarity and a plethora of inlets, South Carolina wa
nsed nurses from other countries in gaining familiarity and proficiency with Western nursing practi
ike in 666 Satan, creating an impression of familiarity and friendship with his readers.
ed this deck to grow in popularity based on familiarity and visual appeal.
tinuation at CBS compared to Swayze's later familiarity as a pitchman for Timex, after both men had
Bad Seeds), and they greet each other with familiarity as if they had long known each other.
touted his experience as a tax attorney and familiarity as an asset in the legislature, but was out
ch almost certainly owes its victory to its familiarity as an unofficial anthem of the Orange Revol
have slight conversational English language familiarity but would not ordinarily be able to succeed
a one-size-fits-all solution set, and with familiarity, code production should logically rise.
contestation vs. consensus, foreignness vs. familiarity, decision vs. deliberation, and in her late
That feeling of familiarity extends to the songs that haven't appeared
Though the scene did not encourage familiarity, he made bold to lean inside the blinds.
The familiarity heuristic stems from the availability heuri
Thus the familiarity heuristic shows how "bias of availability i
sometimes derisive, distorted, a tissue of familiarity in radically strange garb....Whatever the c
appreciation ... its beauty increases with familiarity, it endures, while the merely catchy and tr
That lack of familiarity led the group to restate its ideas in ways
the booming introduction of Johnny Gill and familiarity of Ralph Tresvant sharing lead vocals, the
alleys and moods are strangers, despite the familiarity of the locations.
ct quotations and paraphrases revealing his familiarity of the Vulgate edition.
inster and though she missed the warmth and familiarity of her Cornish homeland, she stayed in the
ibly determined genetically, rather than by familiarity or nurture.
watching a boxing match, treats her with a familiarity reserved for loose women.
belonged to a prison's name, along with the familiarity that it brings of Native American words so
Largely due to the familiarity that Europeans gained from Columbus's voyag
Urban Tribalism: Familiarity, Theft, Uniforms, Rituals, Conflict, Social
ings with melodies that grow and bloom with familiarity, there is often no structure to be found in
His smooth on-camera persona and familiarity to older Australians continued to sell prod
g Nintendo GameCube and Xbox because of its familiarity to the team; Uriu had become experienced wi
nd Copenhagen Expedition perhaps due to his familiarity to navigation of the Copenhagen Road he gai
scripts, organology, and iconography, and a familiarity with ethnographic research on the musical t
one or more of the others, because of their familiarity with the countryside, operated along the lo
periments show particular deficiency in his familiarity with the principles of true science..."
going on to explain that, because of their familiarity with cars equipped for track racing, they b
contains autograph corrections, bespeaks a familiarity with the classics.
rotesting that "Anything less than complete familiarity with all aspects of television production w
This loss, combined with a familiarity with the Head of the Lake acquired during t
tions of this work demonstrate a continuing familiarity with the life of the city, and for this rea
rience as a gag writer and consequently his familiarity with the secrets and intrigues of the world
Based on an exact familiarity with nature and with scientific abstraction
His chronicle indicate his familiarity with the topography of Israel.
2. Lack of familiarity with one's own body
This would explain his amazing familiarity with the method of Isaac Luria.
escape of the Loyalists was helped by their familiarity with the local terrain.
outh Vietnam through Laos, they also lacked familiarity with Quang Tri Province.
sses, many with basso continuo, showing his familiarity with contemporary practice.
Ukrainka had a good familiarity with Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Greek, Lat
ganized Little League baseball and had some familiarity with boxing.
He early acquired a familiarity with history, antiquities, and the European
He gained familiarity with the law by working in the office of a
Yet a familiarity with Callas or opera in general is hardly r
He also gained a greater familiarity with classical music in this period and wor
prime minister was dazzled by Mr Patnaik's familiarity with military subjects,' wrote a political
It is conjectured that some familiarity with movable type must have been available
iggins demonstrated extensive knowledge and familiarity with the traditions of Druid orders in his
aliph Al-Walid I, allegedly due to his over familiarity with his wife.
ns under mescaline are affected by his deep familiarity with Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism.
His early familiarity with country life gave him a taste for natu
llow Presley's lead with what seems a close familiarity with his choice of songs.
His books indicate familiarity with subjects ranging from political anarch
ns settled in the district because of their familiarity with Poles who lived in the surrounding Pol
gh Thomas Fell himself did not convert, his familiarity with the Friends proved influential when Fo
d by publishers by at least gained him some familiarity with them.
of the Udawalawa National Park to maintain familiarity with their habitat, but have access to both
The familiarity with the term by U.S. soldiers in Japan aft
verse routes differently depending on their familiarity with the route.
Gandhi's familiarity with Tolstoy began with his reading of The
breeding goals and techniques, and lack of familiarity with the breed standard of the type of dog
This familiarity with all the aspects of the industry would
Familiarity with Bible stories, from an age even before
Vlaminck's compositions show familiarity with the Impressionists, several of whom ha
The fame as well as his familiarity with the Black Hills prompted several Lakot
relationship of self and world through the familiarity with death.
and commended the nuns of Lacock for their familiarity with their rule and constitutions.
Probatus' familiarity with local politics made him a superior cho
same team of workers to increase the teams' familiarity with the individual vines.
Adams' growing familiarity with adult film production, a by-product of
Her familiarity with both sides of the border gave her the
able broadcast, and the professors' lack of familiarity with the requirements of television product
th some prescience: "There is no doubt that familiarity with war does not make one more courageous.
Familiarity with NFPA 921 is strongly recommended by Na
The song is a good example of Mercury's familiarity with rubato phrasing, showcasing his classi
(and successor) of a precinct captain, his familiarity with the democratic machine allowed him giv
scuss Faurisson's work, having only limited familiarity with it (and, frankly, little interest in i
to the reading audience that he has little familiarity with Japanese writing and that his works be
d was scared by the experience, despite his familiarity with the arguments which were supposed to m
e structures of local authorities and their familiarity with local conditions may make them appropr
Casady and Kaukonen demonstrated their familiarity with early jazz and ragtime as well as blue
escribes how Alexander's sophistication and familiarity with the customs of these drug lords and th
er's arrival in New York City, and used his familiarity with the region to convince Aernoutsz to at
Wright's familiarity with local history and culture was limited,
d the search is complicated by the thieves' familiarity with the territory.
its perceived complexity, authors' lack of familiarity with CSS syntax and required techniques, po
ing a product that the Chinese consumer had familiarity with through high quality imported versions
zing a self taught style of pointillism his familiarity with the flora and fauna of the bush grew f
awareness of stroke advertising, as well as familiarity with the campaign and its terminology.
Later, eager to impress upon him her familiarity with Hindu religion, or perhaps to divert h
ice of subjects and in his treatment by his familiarity with Egypt and Greece, and paid little heed
y bilingual in Japanese and Ainu, and had a familiarity with Ainu oral literature that was becoming
Notwithstanding her aviation experience and familiarity with the RAAF, he considered Bell to be "ta
The three are suspected of treating with familiarity with the ambassador of France and to desire
ecause only three of the volunteers had any familiarity with sailing, one of the mates of the Brazo
n to survey this land (giving the general a familiarity with the area that must have proven useful
His familiarity with Indian life and his ability to pass as
stown, Co. Kildare, which, coupled with his familiarity with the Eustaces of Baltinglas, may give c
s a respectful tone towards his audience, a familiarity with the true facts of real life, the outwa
Scott further states that Johnson lacks familiarity with the specifics and nuances of the field
r and agent to the Indian tribes due to his familiarity with the Huron dialects.
), pace of communication, and the degree of familiarity with a communication partner.
y in the kitchen, but also academically and familiarity with business practices.
nsive/exhaustive without requiring intimate familiarity with the subject in order for a reader/edit
ch as Love, Virtue and the Soul, reflects a familiarity with the style of courtly love which was po
e did not watch the series, but her lack of familiarity with the show did not limit her abilities w
Dickens, in the belief that the audience's familiarity with the story would result in the need for
He combined a familiarity with many legal systems, particularly Roman
ligious philosophy and politics and the new familiarity with, and openness toward, Buddhism, in wha

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